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Thank you so much for the kind words


We don't know each other but i really appreciate your kind words. Thank you.


Thank you. I (23m) have been feeling pretty down for the past few months and idk, this post grabbed my attention. The only feeling worse than when you start to bald is the feeling of being alone through it with no one to talk to. I shaved my head for the first time at 22 years old and I have yet to meet someone my age irl who is also bald. Just know that your words have made me feel less alone through this, so I thank you very much, you have done more good than you even know…


I’m 31 and have always found bald men attractive, but it really doesn’t matter as long as you feel good and you like it! There are so many differences with our appearances and I know it sounds cheesy but to me it’s genuinely what makes us beautiful, I don’t want to live in a world where we all have hair all the time!


Yes, exactly this! It’s the same with every person: the way you carry yourself makes a world of difference. I’ve dated men with hair, with receding hair and without hair. I’ve honestly never even given “hair” a second thought. I know this sounds cliché, but any woman can we won over with a charming personality and some confidence.


I’m sorry you’ve been feeling down about this. Really, from a woman’s perspective there’s nothing to feel down about. We do not give it a second thought looking at a man with or without hair. I know that won’t take your feelings regarding your hair away, but do know that “outsiders” are not aware of anything going on top of your head. Rock your bald dome, let the women touch it (we love it 😂).


Let’s see a pic!


Your DMs are about to resemble an open carton of eggs hahah. But thank you very much, this was an awesome thing to put time into and I think it’s something more men new to being bald should know—there’s a subset of the population who definitely loves this so don’t sweat it


I didn’t know this would be the reaction, fr. 😂 But seriously, I think the amount of men scared of balding comes from the same type of societal pressure that we women go through. Men however “aren’t allowed to talk about it, bc that’s for pussies” (generalizing here). I wish more people spoke out about baldness. Wanna know about a famous bald-headed king that’s made millions of women happy for many years? Ever heard of Johnny Sins?


He’s that really good doctor/plumber/fireman right?


He’s a man of many trades indeed


I had an easy out—I was in the Army in my 20s and just started shaving it because it was much easier for a few reasons (“tactically superior” to having hair we determined lol). So eventually in my 30s when I really started losing it it was nothing at all because I’d always kept it down to a buzz at most anyway. To your point theres not nearly the societal stigma so many guys think there is around it—lots and lots of famous bald dudes everywhere from sports to business. Picard/Stewart is my personal inspiration


Thanks for your kind words 🙏🏻


There are two things in this world a woman must fight the irresistible urge to touch: 1. Another woman's pregnant belly 2. A man's freshly shaved head.


😂 Facts!


38m, bald. It happened super early for me, so I got over it early. My wife loves it, and so did my exes. The key is keeping it tidy and shaving regularly. No one digs the crazy scientist look or someone who looks like they can't let go.


Getting over it is key. I do try to understand from a perspective that will never understand fully, and I learned from this sub that it can be incredibly hard for men, but dang please get over it! A clean-shaven, confident bald dome? Don’t get me started.


Yea dude my GF loves my hair chest and my bald head. She's constantly touching both. Lol. Just gotta find the right one.


I shave my head every day


I swear I felt invisible to women until I started shaving my head due to thinning. Now I catch eyes at least once or twice a day they either quickly look away, hiding/tucking in their lips or fixing their hair/clothing it’s super flattering and confidence boosting 😌


You are correct! Bald men are really attractive. I’ve not seen one example of a man looking better with hair on here. As for ‘hair systems’ - Guys, please don’t!


>I’ve not seen one example of a man looking better with hair on here. I've never posted a pic, but I used to look *waaay* better when I had a full head of long curly hair. At one time it came almost down to my waist, and it was the only physical feature I have ever had complete strangers in the street compliment me on. But what didn't look good was when it started falling out. So now I shave my head, and while it doesn't look anywhere near as good as when I still had a full head of hair, it does look much better completely bald than partially bald.


I thought about getting a system but my wife made fun of me so I’m sticking with the buzz looked 😂


Most bald men are attractive ! Some of us need systems 😅


Pretty much every before/after pic I see on this sub looks 100% better. Makes me feel a lot better about the day I start really losing hair and join the bald brotherhood worshipping your saints, Larry David and The Rock.


I Never let anyone bother me with their opinions on my hair or lack thereof. I did it because I liked it and was cheaper than paying for a haircut every week. Some of you men know. Thank you for your post.


Not bald, but I do have some thinning. This is a huge point for insecurity for me and so many others. Thanks so much for your kind words ❤️


Nothing to be insecure about. It’s a natural part of most men’s life. No need to hide it!


I made the decision to start shaving my head when I was 20 and never looked back. I was losing it and figured what the hell. Best decision I ever made


Share the gospel, I love it!




27F, recently dated a man who was insecure about his receding hairline, I honestly didn’t care at all and would have found him even sexier bald. He would rarely go out without a hat but he was genuinely beautiful with or without the hat or hair. If you hear women make degrading comments about baldness and hairlines, it’s a low hanging fruit response to hurtful experiences that women have had with men in their past


Forgive me if I speak out of turn but can I ask, did it end due to lack of confidence on his part ?


no, completely unrelated reasons- he disrespected and dismissed me in conflict resolution, strung me along about next steps in our relationship, couldn’t take initiative in his life or our relationship. I really loved him though and we had a lot of beautiful times together


As another woman I second this !!


Take it from a guy with a receding hairline: Do it. Do it for yourself. I'm lucky enough to have a wife that loves it and there are plenty of women that love bald headed men.


I approve this message. I'm not attracted to bald men in the sense of it's my preference, but it wouldn't stop me from pursuing a bald man because hot is hot. And every single time someone posts a "should I do it?" I am SHOCKED at how much their attractiveness increases after the shave. Also, the badassery factor tends to go up as well.


Also a cis woman (I shave my head, but I swear I thought this for a long time prior so I’m not just biased) who thinks bald men are sexy af.


Yeah my wife was intrigued by my smooth bald head and was very forward in letting me know that if I had hair she likely wouldn't have dated me (she saw my cringe pre-bald photos).


27M and I shaved my head last night. Went into the office today with my new look. I personally don’t think I look ‘good’ and definitely not better. But everyone was extremely kind, I was just very open and told everyone I was deeply insecure about my hair and decided to go for it. Although plenty of people told me it looks ‘nice’ or ‘cool’ I just couldn’t buy it. Not yet, anyway. This post helped change my perception a bit and made me feel that perhaps there was a degree of honesty in their words, even if they didn’t mean it looked good in a conventional way perhaps they liked my vulnerability, so thank you. Really.


Fuck yeah we are


🤣 😂 👌


All shiny heads salut you


Confidence is key Gentlemen


Hear, Hear!!


I love a bald man


Thank you, I and I’m sure a lot of others needed this. I’m 20 years old and my hair has been slowly thinning for a couple of years and I have the same hairline as Pennywise, which has made me very insecure and jealous of others with thick flowing hair. Seeing posts like this helps more than you know, so once again thank you.


Jealousy (although guilty of it myself as well) won’t solve anything. Any time I feel envious of something someone else has that I have no influence over I repeat exactly that to myself. Some things we cannot influence and just are the way they are. There’s no reason to waste time feeling bad about something that just *is*. Embrace what you do and do not have, and try to make the best of it. Don’t hold onto whatever you have left for too long and try going bald if you’re holding onto the receding hairline. If you hate it you won’t die, and the hair you have left will grow back. Imo bald ALWAYS looks better than the Pennywise-do. And share on this sub if you’re willing to!


You got this fellow Jordan. Shave thag shit and stand atop the mountain UNPERTURBED


Stare it in the face and say come get me motherfuckeds. That’s the energy the ladies crave


It’s true. Men care more about baldness than women do. Yes, there are shallow women but in my 41 years of life, I’ve never known a woman who cares. Hold those beautiful bald heads high!


Im 31 with a shaved head. Am balding but it’s not super far along. I think the fact that i used to shave my head just for the sake of it made “having to” shave it a lot easier. I love shaving my head. Balding is just what most men do. 85% of us get older and some of our hair falls out. Its like getting wrinkles at 40+ or growing facial hair in your teen years or later. Its just what happens. Its a shame ppl are self conscious over it.


I appreciate you admitting this. Yes, it takes a certain amount of strength and confidence to rock the bald look. It is done as an inevitability or ultimatum for the men here, as it relates to hair loss. The fact the members of the opposite sex, as you’ve described it, find it attractive is icing on the cake. Thank you.


Another female here, I’m here lurking in the background admiring the bald headed men pics. That’s it…. Just into to hot bald heads… keep posting those pictures boys! Ty


That’s how I got here, and then I was like “wait this is actually a wholesome sub”


Right? It’s an excellent sub, very refreshing. I don’t understand what it feels like to lose hair but I do understand why it’s hot, in so many ways.


I actually have a theory on why a lot of men fear losing their hair. Keep in mind I’m a bald guy too. Mens fashion is less what you’re wearing and more how fit you are. Men’s clothing doesn’t allow a lot of room for expression. Meanwhile men’s hair they can change and try new hairstyles and such. A lot of businesses / industries prefer men to be clean shaven so a lot of facial hair styles are out the window. Even if a man keeps the same hairstyle for 20 years, it was low-key one of their few forms of expression. How did I arrive at this theory? Well im 30, went bald several years ago, and was in the US Army so no facial hair for me besides a pedo stash basically. I got really into mens clothing and fashion for a while but was constantly met with side eyes and judgement because everyone thought I was gay. Nothing wrong with being gay, but constantly being asked / accused of something you’re not will wear on anyone regardless of the subject. It never made me mad it was just irritating and predictable. Now, when I got OUT of the army all of a sudden I could grow interesting and creative facial hair. I noticed I had less interest creatively in clothes because I could express myself through my facial hair.


Been balding since I was 20. Prior to that I looked like your “typical” 90’s surfer kid. Shoulder length blonde curly hair. When it started going I was actually working as a fireman and kept it super short anyway so I was ok with it. Now I’m 40 and changed to a career that doesn’t have a “hair dress code” so to say. Unfortunately I have the hairline of Larry from the 3 stooges. My partner loves a man with a full head of hair and we have argued many times about me shaving my head. Her response is usually that I’m 6’2, 200 lbs with Irish skin tone and an oily complexion. She said I would look like “an anorexic Mr. Clean who glistened in the sun.” Needless to say I’m wearing hats everywhere. Thank you for your kind words. I know people like you are out there, but when all you hear is the opposite you loose site of it sometimes.


Thank you for this! I made a post here last night showing a before & after that I just deleted because a lot of this sub (ironically) was telling me to keep my hair. Still no regrets, I think it helped me level up in masculinity and gave me that “x factor” peers around my age (25M) don’t seem to have.


Made my day. Thank you!


So kind!!!!


As a fellow bald male I thank you for all the sweet words!


Thanks :)


I really needed this today.


Thank you, if you’re ever in DC there are some bald veterans that want to take you dancing.


My heart. 🥹


I give this a vigorous second!


I've had a receding hairline for years now. I think ever since I turned the age of 30. I'm turning 38 this year. During covid, I tried growing my hair as long as I could; as I always wanted long hair. Alas, it wasn't a good fit. I ended shaving my head completely. Been bald for well over 2 years now. I tried holding onto what I had for so long, but it just wasn't meant to be. I now wear a hat whenever I go in public; even though people have told me countless times that "I have the head for being bald". Perhaps one day, I can go free flowing 😅


Great post. In support of your argument, I had attention from girls when I was younger (I had great hair in my teens). In my 20’s (balding) the attention dropped off. Luckily I found an amazing girl who liked me for me, and my looks, despite my balding head, and I have since shaved. I do have SmP (head tattoo, but it’s subtle), and I honestly get as many compliments now as I did when I was younger when I had a full head of hair. Bald beats balding all day, and as u say, exudes confidence.


Yes, yes we are. :)


That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me


Nice try mom


You're a good, kind woman.


Thank you for the love!


Unfortunately many women don’t feel the same


I'm not one of these guys and for some reason this post showed up in my feed but i want to say, as a man, Thank You to this wonderful female who would take the time to say such a nice thing to these men. As you may know, most men get their compliments at their funeral. You are a gracious soul to take the time to say this.


Kind words. Idk how it's such a hard choice for so many. If I could have my hair back, I wouldn't. I don't miss paying for haircuts or waking up and dealing with bed head. Maybe I'm a crazy person, but I can't relate to folks here that are so attached to their hair. Just let it go bros. It's not that serious.


That’s what I’ve been saying. I’m on this sub to look at the hot bald men.


Well thank you! We’ll take it 😊 


36 starting the hair loss thing. I honestly feel awful about it. I'm very fair skinned and I went shaved for a while in the army. I'd get asked multiple times a day if I had cancer. I never want to lose my hair as it's a very rare blonde that most men don't/ can't naturally grow.


Are you strawberry blonde? I personally am so I struggle with colorless (golden) facial hair and look like I have no face if I don’t dye it. 💀 Have you ever looked into a subtle “hair shadow” scalp tattoo?


yeah but I am also ugly...


You need to specify bald white or brown or black? Fat or Muscular or skinny?


Thank you, kind squirrel. 🐿️


I went full bald last year and I never looked back…. Women find me more masculine and attractive since I did. Being full bald looks much much better than trying to save thinning hair and big fat bald spot in the middle of your head surrounded by thin hair.


👩🏻 here too, I am always changing “bald! Bald! Bald!” When someone posts “is it time?” YES!! it’s very attractive, always looks good and shows confidence! Bald+beard is even better!


I’m 28F and I regularly come to this sub to see the amazing before and afters lol. A lot of you dudes are HOT bald. (And not bald but you also look super hot bald, you get my point). I really wish they wouldn’t worry about it so much. As a woman I’ve dated lots of bald guys and I have never thought one negative thing about it. Men go bald, it’s just what happens 🤷‍♀️ I love that you guys embrace it!


I knew this bc I played Fable growing up & these were pretty much the stats for the haircut


Thanks. I still feel like shit and i'm gonna keep wearing my hat


I have a good shaped head. I look attractive with medium length hair and with shorter buzz style hair. I shaved my head once. I liked it and received compliments except for one thing. My head was so white. Like shockingly white. If I could shave my head and get the tanned look on my head in a short time, I’d go back to it.


Funny, I shave my head as a choice. Been doing it for 20 years because I got tired of paying for hair cuts or looking like a wreck. Every guy I know that's balding says I am too, until I let it grow a week and then you can see if have no baldness. I'm 56 so yeah my hairline has receded a bit but not on top or male pattern baldness. I love the feeling of a fresh shaved head. My wife loves it and that's all that matters to me. But then again I have a sexy head. No weirdness going on. But yeah thanks for the kind words and to all you guys, just shave it already and own that shit


Wow, thank-you.


I don't know what % of women feel the same as Op but it's definitely a large enough % to give any bald guy a chance. The worst you can do is play games with comb-overs or plugs or pieces... That shit screams weakness, which is indeed a turnoff to 99% of women. We are mortal, and we get to keep nothing in this life. For most men, we lose our hair long before death, but imo this is good practice for "letting go" of things. Just be brave and shave it off.


RIP your inbox lol




My husband says the minute he starts thinning, the hair is going. I fully support this. When we first met he had a buzz cut and it was super cute on him. A bald head looks leagues better than a comb over or culdesac lol


Let’s go boys we got this


Agreed from this lady!!! I'm yalls biggest fan 🥰


Thankyou for your post. It makes guys like me feel a little better about being accepted. 🙂


I always get weird looks when I say I’m attracted to bald men!


It's been a while since we've had one of these repetitive topics. Pretty much a broken record at this point. [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/14y99bz/i_have_no_clue_why_this_sub_has_started_showing/) [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/14yspiq/im_not_bald_but_i_love_u_guys/) [3](https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/14rp4gy/this_sub_always_puts_a_smile_on_my_face/) [4](https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/153w0kl/i_just_love_seeing_the_wholesomeness_of_this/) [5](https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/146gizr/good_to_know_im_not_the_only_woman_whos_on_this/) [6](https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/14c17hq/im_a_woman_and_just_wanted_to_say/) [7](https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/13eyche/as_a_woman_i_just_wanted_to_give_you_guys_some/) [8](https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/1467m62/i_am_a_female_not_balding_and_i_just_want_to_say/) [9](https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/15430h2/you_guys_are_looking_great/) [10](https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/15521mq/im_not_bald_but_i_wanted_to_give_a_post_for_you/jsshdiw/?context=3) [11](https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/1559fxr/raise_your_hand_if_youre_a_woman_that_was/jsvhfs3/?context=3) [12](https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/155x6oq/bald_inspiration/) [13](https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/16568pl/are_women_welcome_to_post_here/) [14](https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/1747tz1/just_curious_how_many_purely_supportive_ladiesmen/) [15](https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/17m5qwf/i_didnt_know_i_had_a_thing_for_bald_men_until/) [16](https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/17pdsdb/i_just_wanted_to_say_that_is_awesome_to_see_a/) [17](https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/17uoseg/maybe_off_topic_but/) [18](https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/17v2u5v/absolutely_love_how_supportive_and_encouraging/) [19](https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/1873x5j/dear_balding_men/) [20](https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/194mpvq/dont_remember_how_i_got_here_as_im_not_bald/) [21](https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/196cxky/love_the_bald/) [22](https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/197qnb8/you_guys_are_dope/) [23](https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/196wynl/this_sub_is_heartwarming/) [24](https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/19bsttv/im_a_nonbalding_female_and_this_sub_keeps_getting/) [25](https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/19edry2/you_all_look_great/) [26](https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/1aiqhm6/bald_is_badass/) [27](https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/1ait0q6/to_all_men_posting_here/) [28](https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/1b0cqg2/to_everyone_who_is_balding_you_effin_rock_boy/) [29](https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/1c3uzmu/men_shaving_their_head_is_so_badass/) [30](https://www.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/1c616kt/you_all_look_great/)


This makes me feel better


lel nice try


I think I look like a short far less imposing Kratos. I kinda like my bald head and beard look.


Oh man. I need to find me a woman who likes me baldness.


You’re an angel


Been shaving bald since 16. Then 20 yrs later i decided to let it grow. Apparently i saved myself because it doesn’t grow in full anymore. Oh well. Ack to bald i went. Much easier


As far as I’m concerned this subreddit is essentially NSFW. I love to see bald boys showing confidence and raising each other up!


You're going to get some pictures soon.


Isn’t it sad to see the way men hate on themselves for deciding to take the leap? I agree w you, and your post is not attention grabby at all. 🥺🥺


I went bald and started shaving my head. I was sure my dating life was over before it really began, but, nope... to my great surprise, my dating life got much better. I'm not suggesting the baldness was a plus, necessarily, it was my attitude and putting myself out there that made the change, but the baldness didn't meaningfully impede me. Sure, not every woman will be into it, but that's fine, plenty will.


Agreed. Bald guys are hot.


Bald by choice


You’re a real angel, thanks for the kind words.


It’s because it happens to a lot of us before 30. That bothered me for a while. I bowed out a couple days before I turned 28. I’m 37 now. The bald maintenance is a lot more than ppl realize. Especially for us black guys gotta be careful on what products we use.


Good thing I literally got a buzz yesterday lol


I agree with OP. I'm a fan of totally shaved/bald heads especially. My husband always keeps his somewhere between smooth and maybe 1/8 of an inch but I really prefer it absolutely smooth. Looks great on a lot of dudes and even some women. It's usually more flattering than trying to hide a bald spot, and it's often downright sexy.


Whether or not a percentage women prefer bald men, I am personally objectively sexier bald. That's all I NEED to know, but your input is definitely appreciated.


OMG! I was going to make the same post. Great minds think alike. Yes, we do love it! You all look amazing.


Thanks op.


Thanks…can we date?😉


This is nice! Thanks!


Why do I don’t hear enough that bald women can be attractive? Someone told me to get a wig. A lovely wig. If I were a man, I would be more comfortable with being bald. I have hypothyroidism. It causes hair loss. I have trouble telling if I am truly going bald. I feel like I am hiding something.


How you doing???


Another woman who swoons over bald men!!


As someone who finally just accepted defeat and shaved it all off, this is encouraging. Thank you


I can take it or leave it ,hair just offers additional protection from the sun and cold .




I cannot imagine seeing one of the actors who are bald with hair. Would seem yuck. I don’t mind either though.


https://preview.redd.it/h33zsls9vj3d1.jpeg?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f57582749af8a96989663e077147b1028b07c00c There's Bruce Willis with hair


I don't know you but I love you


>think this post is attention-grabby, No. I think its full on propaganda, pure manupulative lies, damage control, maintaining optics👀👈 😆😆😆😆


I needed this. Thank you tons.




What a lovely post. Thank you!


I (26F) completely agree with my sister there 😀 These guys don't know that some of the people approving their transformation are women! You guys look great anyhow! 👍


It's great to hear but definitely not what I've seen in the last 20 years.


The gays love it too!


That’s cute, but I know many women that call bald men “baldies” and don’t want them. It’s swings and roundabouts.


I’m a dude with healthy hair but this was so wholesome to me for some reason lol


The women that most men want, do not like bald men unfortunately.


I (37F) totally 2nd OPs opinion on bald men. I have and always will prefer bald men. And trust me it always looks better after than before. Just take the leap and trust the process. There is a lot of ladies out there who much prefer a bald man over any type of man. 🥰🥰🥰 This being said. Just own it gents.


Sorry but not everyone suits being bald, head shape, face shape and skin tone has a lot to do with it. If you're very pale with a round face it doesn't look right imo.


People ask me if I would ever grow my hair back if there was a “cure”. Answer is always no. I love being bald.


That's what i always tell fellow guys, it's the desperation of a maintaining a few hairs that is off putting, embrasing the baldness and not caring what others think is the way to go.


Gay bald man here! Gay men think bald men look extra masculine and sexy. Also we talk with the ladies all the time and women always say they love a bearded, hairy bald man


This is appreciated! I’ve always felt the same about my own bald head but have heard very opposing things like I look like a skinhead, or a crackhead, badly, elderly. I don’t think any of it is true but it continues. Thanks for a supportive view!


I am female and have a penchant for bald men. Bald looks good in trendy, smart, workwear, love it.


Lie to me bb


It’s got nothing to do with identity it’s the bullying and aacoiation that somethings wrong with you But Thankyou for your words. I wouldn’t have believed you but my mother has dated all bald men since my father so I think it must have some validity to it And as a straight man Jason statham is smoking so I’m proud to exist in the same team as him and possibly have the same pattern as him one day


If being bald is so great, why don’t YOU go bald? Check mate!


I don't even know why I'm seeing this as a 27 year old man with healthy shoulder length hair and no signs of balding yet. I am afraid of going bald one day because I am pretty certain that my girl won't like the look of it. We've been together for nearly eight years now so you'd think I have nothing to worry about. I even asked her at one point if she'd rather have a beardless man with hair or a hairless guy with a beard, and she picked the guy with the beard lol. I just think that once it happens to me, she'll look at it differently or something.


Yes, I am


It's not the hair. it's the person which the follicles are attached to. Shave it, own it, and don't talk about it. If you're single and worried about your ability to pick up women or find a partner, I'll tell you. Even the women who are ultimately against a bald man will succumb to a charismatic baldy.


Soooooo many women are attracted to bald men. My last boyfriend was bald as hell and he was one of the most attractive men I have ever dated. If you’re worried about taking it all off, please don’t! Nothing like a sexy, confident, baldy 😍


Married to a guy who’s bald, when we first got together he wasn’t but he eventually saw the hairline receding and he started bic-ing it.. and damn 🔥


Can confirm. I know some really hot bald guys.


Cheers. Us baldies are cool.


I went bald. The drop in attention from the opposite sex was astounding. In fact, shortly after making the decision to just shave it all off my gf of 6yrs at the time left. So yeah there's a bit of a sore spot in going bald even if that wasn't the direct cause of her leaving


We know we are stunning but thanks for noticing.  


https://preview.redd.it/iln4w46fgn3d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=376e3fcac703f93eeb416e712f35a3417e4740ad Never been scared


When I decided to embrace my baldness and move to a wet shave, my confidence went up quite a bit and shortly after I met my wife.


I would just like someone to play with my hair before I don’t have any. Never experienced that so it’s the only reason I’m holding out 🤷‍♂️


I’m 52, started going bald at 22 and shaved it…shaving my head was the best choice ever…nuff said😁


I second this!


Thank you for stating your true feelings about such a sensitive topic, it's really nice to hear a woman say this, and from her heart!!


Honestly i never once heard a woman say that she dislikes bald men. I have only ever heard that from other men. I never got compliments when i had hair (even when it was full) but have gotten several since going bald.


I’m down to embrace it once I’m in my mid-30s and up, but until then, no thank you 😂


Also a woman and I agree so hard! Just look at Stanley Tucci and Christopher Meloni - rawr!


Well said. And thank you.


There are girls out there just like you. But not many. Just like there are guys out there who are attracted to heavy girls.


I’ll be 100% honest, as a woman, having nice hair is one of the most attractive things to me physically in a guy. So take every opinion with a grain of salt. Anyone that tries to speak for every woman or makes blanket statements is just not being truthful. Yes some women do not care but some women absolutely do.


Thanks! 🙏🏼


Are you referring to the glare you see when we step out in the sun? Stunned.


That’s a kind sentiment however it’s a numbers game the majority of women don’t find bald men attractive and that is okay.


Never felt insecure about it..went bald at 26 been rocking a beard since lol


They always look sexier and younger when they finally do it.


Thank you. It's nice to know there are some women out there who like the look


I have a thick head of hair but I hate letting it grow. Once I shaved it 24 years ago I can't let it go for more than 5 or 6 days before it starts driving me up a wall


Well, that depends of the men. If your height is on average that okish...if not the case, like me (5'2), going bald will look like you are a cancer patient (with all the respect for all those people)...depends about other factors not just hair. Anyways ty for your enlightment! Have a great day!


When the hair on the head is leaving, which is part of being a man, the beard is the natural next step. I love to touch my skull and to fondle my beard and I love to be a guy who looks rugged and manly


I don’t struggle with hair loss, I thrive.