• By -


"Pontic Channel News: Tragic accident. A two-seater plane crashed into a cemetery. 3000 dead have been found and the search continues."


We have the same joke but for Turks from the same region.


Pontic people can't get a break from the jokes


Its gotta be the air atp


I will bomb greece if you guys keep making pontics are stupid jokes. This is a warning.🙏


Two officials of the Pontic government are discussing. One of them says: "We're gonna play darts now, except we will aim at a map and whichever country we hit, we declare war on". The other official agrees, they throw a dart and hit China. They then call the Chinese government and tell them: "We are five hundred thousand and we declare war on you, how many of you are there?" "1.3 billion" says the Chinese official. The Pontic official hangs up, the other asks him: "Why'd you hang up?" "Where the fuck are we going to find space for 1.3 billion graves?"


We have the same joke but the székelys declare war on china and meet the big chinese army face to face instead of speaking on the phone😭


Tie me up to a rocket and launch me towards Greece, I am ready




I honestky dont why we have so many jokes making fun of anuther greek ethicity, in schols theyvtell us how bad they are.


what's funny is that the guy who answered you has a Trabzonspor (football team from Trabzon) pp.


Well, that’s a relief! If the jokes are anything to go on, he’ll end up bombing Iran or something.


As always Trabzonoid proves that Trabzonspor is a terrorist organization.




we pontic people make these jokes among eachother


That's actually really funny lmfao


Flair up


Little Ivan stumbles into his parents bedroom. The mom was riding his father. Ivan runs away and the mom after a couple of mintues follows him. She sits down with little Ivan and tells him that sometimes fathers belly gets very big and mom has to jump on him to get rid of the big belly. Ivan looks at his mother and tells her: mom you are doing that for nothing, when you go to work the babysiters goes on her knees and blows his stomak up again.


Poor Ivanče.


Croat humour is peak


Damn, you guys have little Ivan jokes too.


Its universal, except serbs they got Jovan


In Russia we have Vovochka (little Vova/Vladimir)


We all just decided there will be one particular name we shall bully. Glorious


Divided by borders, united by hatred


Janezek in Slovenia.


Well, we actually use Perica..


Perica and ivica are interchangeble


Good, one more name to slander. Im writing all of these down


In polish we have „janek” or „jan”


Here we have Bulă (Bubble)


For us it's just mali mujo


I haso


I always thought this joke and as a whole the Ivancho jokes were bulgarian 😃


I love that almost all languages have JoĂŁozinho/Jaimito/Little Johnny jokes


Flair up portugese cigan


Man, I'm brazilian, I'm in no way a westoid, but our bandits are too dumb to form cartels down here, what am I?


A cigan unless you flair up.


Just go with the cartel flair, it's meant to be a general one for all of Latin America, and even if it's not a true to stereotype to your country specifically, at least you get a joke, all I got was a funny spelling, so go ahead with that flair


Portugese are honorary balkan. And you are their child so your basicly an american albanian


South America is what you get by making the Balkans bigger and poorer. Outsiders can't tell us apart, we don't like eachother, we are very far apart and can't afford to go to war.


Thats were we differ. Here if you cant afford war then its the perfect time to go to war. Made swrbia quit with hunting rifles


Least funny Croat joke


one day president and obama is talking , obama says that USA can revive death people no matter what and president says turkish people can run at lightspeed , obama says he will come to turkey to see and will bring tech to revive dead people , president is sweating , asking advisors what to do because we cant run that fast , one advisor says "we will ask them to revive AtatĂźrk" if they cant no side did their promise and nothing happens , if they do entire parliment will be runing that fast in no time"


Most proficient in English turk


One day Obama and Erdogan are in a meeting showing off their might.Obama says: "Our tech is so good that we can even ressurect the dead!" Erdogan,wanting to one up Obama tells him: "Well, our men are so powerfull that they can run at the speed of sound!" Obama,calling out Erdoğan's obvious bluff,invites him to show each other's achivements. Erdoğan plays it cool for the meeting but right after asks his advisors for help. Advisors calmly tell him: "It is simple,we will ask them to revive Ataturk,if they fail at reviving him then there is nothing to fear, and if they revive Ataturk you and your cabinet will be running at the speed of sound the second he opens his eyes"


ok that's a good one


That english requires a decryption key to understand.


Wym i understood everything


Flair the fuck up Çigan (Bulgarian second language = russian)


It is easy to understand if you are a native speaker, just very badly written


Just curious, why would they run from AtatĂźrk?


Why you think ?


Ataturk is proud glorious turk, parlament is fake greek spy trying to ruin great turkiye. He will sniff the scum out of motherland


This is a decent one and I'm going to remember it.


How many Pontics does it take to screw a lightbulb? 5, one to screw it and the other 4 to rotate the table below him


how many spanish people do you need to screw a lightbulb? Juan


How many police officers does it take to change a lightbulb? 6. One is holding the lightbulb, four are rotating the table below him, and one has got his gun pointed at the ceiling in case the electricity tries to kill the guy holding the lightbulb


Person 1: Who did you vote for? Person 2: Communist Party of Greece Marxist-Leninist (KKE ΜΛ) Person 2: You? Person 1: Marxist Leninist Communist Party of Greece (ΜΛ ΚΚΕ) Person 2: Why this? (Giati Etsi;) Person 1: This, why? (Etsi, Giati- i.e. why not) There's two parties called Communist Party of Greece Marxist-Leninist Marxist Leninist Communist Party of Greece


the judean people's front and the people's front of judea


least divided communist movements






That's a greek joke


He is even worse than a grik joke, he is -may Allah forgive me uttering this word- pontic grik joke.


Van minut


The Argentine Peso is fucking worthless enough to count as a joke at this point


The peso still exists? Didn't the An-cap version of the Chainsaw man change it for the all-mighty dollar ?


He hyped that up for a long time until he became president and found out he can't change it overnight lol. Pesos still exist, dolarization will come eventually, and pesos will probably still be used for a while


isn't that the point of the shock therapy tho? Also I've heard you're on a fiscal bonus this year.


We had the same problem and we just removed zeros from it and its valuable again.(we may need to execute more zeros soon but its Ok) Why dont you do it? Are you stupid?


A plane carrying Biden, Putin and Mitsotakis falls and crushes in Africa. Miraculously the only survivors are the three world leaders. They walk through the jungle until they find a village. They ask around and the only building with a phone is the local brothel. Not having other options they decide to call from the brothel. First goes Biden, he speaks on the phone for 10 minutes, they lock on his location with satellites and immediately the marines show up with helicopters and Humvees and pick him up. Before he leaves the brothel's Madam shows up and says that Biden must pay 10 million dollars for the international phone call. Biden pays and leaves. Next up is Putin, he speaks on the phone for 20 minutes, local Russian spies find his location and in no time the spetz naz show with helicopters to pick up Putin. Not so fast says the Madam, you owe me 20 million dollars for the international call. Putin pays and leaves. Now it is time for Mitsotakis to call. He is put on hold for two hours, then they connect him from one greek ministry to the other, again they put him on hold for another hour, it's a fucking mess. Until finally they find where he is and a dude in a banged up toyota shows up after 5 hours to pick him up. Mitsotakis however instead of relieved, is scared shitless expecting the Madam to ask for hundreds of millions of dollars for the lengthy call. The Madam shows up as expected and says, hey you owe me 5 dollars, pay up. Confused Mitsotakis asks why the price is so low compared to the others and the Madam explains: They made international calls which have extra charges, while calls from one brothel to another brothel are normal charge.


good one malaka


We have a similar one with Bush, Queen Elizabeth and Băsescu (president at the time) who all die and go to Hell. Satan tells them that they can have one last call on Earth. Bush calls first to speak with his family and friends in the US for 5 minutes and is charged 5 million dollars. Next is the Queen who calls her friends and family in the UK for 10 minutes and is charged 10 million pounds Finally Băsescu makes a call to Romania in order to speak with his family and friends for 2 hours and is charged 1 Euro **Băsescu**: "What ?! Just one lousy Euro ?!" **Satan**: "Yeah! When you call from Hell to another Hell it's a local call!"


I think the punchline is funnier when it's just "Yeah, it's a local call". That way the listener kind of has a "oooh" moment.


An old hunter was staying with his grandchildren in front of a firepit, the kids asked "Grandpa! Grandpa! Tell us a story from your youth" "Y-You see my darlings, when I was young and hunting I saw a beautiful herd of deers... yes... beutiful... beutiful herd of deers.... ZzzZZz" "GRANDPA!" "Oh? YES YES!, And I took aim at one and shoot at it, Shooooot.... at... it.... yeah....zZzzZz... "GRANDPA!" "YES! I hit it and it droped dead, I was hungry so I wanted to cook it so I grabbed it by it legs and put them on my shoulders.... on shoulders....ZzzZzz" "GRANDPA!" "UM?! What? Where I was?" "You put the legs on your shoulders" "Oh, And I start licking"


This actually made me laugh


what the fuck


Robmanians are Albanians confirmed???!!!


Sounds like my grandpa Romanian confirmed???


A turk, a kurd and a laz are in a hospital, each having a newborn there. The nurse informs them that the babies got mixed up and they will need to select the babies themselves. The turk looks at the babies and picks the dark skinned one, then the kurd says "why did you take that baby, he is clearly mine". The turk replies with "fuck off i can't risk getting the laz baby"


Laz is a race I am not familiar with and can you please tell me how I can discriminate?


They talk funny, big noses, dumb as rocks, they only eat sardines and smell like them too


So basically Jews.


Pretty much


bi türk, bi kürt bi de laz doğumhanenin kapısında bekliyormuş hemşire elinde 3 bebekle çıkmış demiş ki bi karışıklık oldu bebeklerinizi seçmeniz gerek isim etiketleri kaybolmuş türk gitmiş hemen kara olan bebeği almış kürt demiş ki "hewal o çocuk benimdir, beyazlardan birini alarsan?" türk de demiş ki "oldu amınakoyim ya laz olan denk gelirse"


One day, there were two Kurds who wanted to become Turks desperately, so they go see an officer. Officer says: “if you climb the mountain over there, you will become a Turk” So they start climbing. One of them makes it first to the top and happily says "Yay now I'm a Turk." The other one says, "Come on, hold my hand and let me climb and become a Turk too." The one who became a Turk moments ago shouts to him, "fuck off, you filthy k*rd"


LMAO this one takes the cake.


Two grandmas sit in the dark, the third one comes in and turns the light on.


There's a wordplay here you don't bother to translate it seems.


There is no word play, the point of the joke is that it is dumb and that is what makes it funny.


Serb = Croat = German, peak German comedy


lol I mean there's this classic pre world war 2 joke. -What does a Jew do when he is cold at night? -He huddles around a candle. -What does he do when he is really awfully cold? -He lights the candle. Your "joke" seems to be this joke with the actual joke part carefully taken out. Either you're truly as dull as G*rmans or you were forced to censor the offensive Jew miser part of the joke after the war but sort of forgot and kept the husk of the joke idk.


It's an anti-joke, it's meant to be terrible


i laughed for 3 days straight at this joke when i was 5


They asked for Croat not German


If a dog can bite, why a fly cant dog. Daca câinele poate sa muște, muștele de ce nu pot sa câine?


If the dog yawns (same word as for "helmet") why doesn't the helmet dog?


If the pig digs with it's snout (same word as "earthworm") why doesn't the earthworm pig ?


In the same vein, 'a beer can freeze, so why can't a peacock beer?' Αφού η μπύρα παγώνει, γιατί το παγόνι δεν μπύρα; (with παγώνει = παγόνι for pronunciation)


If the melon [pavoes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pavo_(bird\)), does the pavo melon?


Two North macedonians randomly meet at Times Square in New York. First one says: Huh, small world. The other one replies: No! Big Makedonia!!!


Where did you get this one from? I recognise it but don't remember where I read it.


I read in BULGARIA 🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬💀🇧🇬💀💀


One time three men are at the gates of heaven talking to St. Peter about why they each deserve to get into heaven: 1st man boldly steps up, "I was minding my business on a Thursday when it start raining and I was doing pull ups on my balcony on the 7th floor and my grip slipped and I fell down, but by miracle of God I was able to grab the poles on the 5th floor and reined myself in on that balcony. After calming down and giving the lord thanks for saving my life I figured I might as well finish my workout and continued doing pull ups, then some crazed maniac came with a hammer and broke my fingers and I fell off the balcony... again miraculously survived due to bushes and trees. That idiot though looked down and saw I was still conscious and he threw a refrigerator at me and hence I am here." Second man smirks and begins, "I love my wife, but for the past few weeks she was acting different and when we were making love it was different so I knew she was cheating on me. After begging drugaryio(comrade) Petkov he finally let me have Thursday off to attend to 'personal matters'. I got home early knowing I would be able to catch my wife in the act with no warning, of course as I came in I saw the audacious bastard doing pull ups on my balcony. I immediately sprung into action and grabbed my hammer and broke his fingers to see him fall to his death five floors below. I broke his fingers and the heathen fell, but doggone it he survived! I went to the kitchen, grabbed the refrigerator and threw it at him to finish the deed. I am here because my sleeve got caught on the door handle and I fell with it." The third man walks up, "I was just minding my business sitting in a refrigerator..."


Nice one comrade! :D


Vucic is the third guy




-"Excuse me do you know Anestis?" -"No, who's Anestis?" -"MY DICK THE FIREFIGHTER!"




Straightest Greek joke


Is this the Greek equivalent of deez nuts jokes?




Do you know Marcu (Mark) ? Marcu who ? The one who shoots arrows in your ass


Fucking archers, man. That's why I carry a shield.


- Say eight - I am carrying you on my dick - Do you know Kosta? - What Kosta? - The one that fucked you under the bridge


Donald Trump wanted to have the White House painted and in-order to not pay from his pocket he was going to take the money from tax payers and he called 3 different people and asked them how much they would charge to paint the entire White House. The first one was a German who wanted 10000$ to do it. Trump asked him where he would spend this money and the German replied: 4000$ goes towards the material, 4000$ towards paying myself and my workers and 2000$ taxes. Then Trump calls a Chinese man who wanted 5000$. Trump asked him where he would spend this money and the Chinese man replied: 2000$ goes towards the material and 3000$ for me. Then Trump asked an Albanian who wanted 25000$ to do it. Trump found the price to be insane but was curious as to why the Albanian wanted so much so he asked him what he would spend the money on and the Albanian replied: Well since it's tax payer money, 10000$ for me, 10000$ for you and the leftover 5000$ we give to the Chinese guy to paint it.


Holy fuck this describes the balkans so well


This is actually how Trump makes money


Who is the luckiest ce? Ambulance.


ambulance = am bulan ce = ce who finds pussy


does "am bulan" means "finds pussy" beacuse "am bulan" in romanian means "i'm lucky", and if we took this from you that means we interpreted the term of finding pussy as being lucky.


romanians are assimilated Türks confirmed ✍️


bulan is also used for gay related stuff, so i believe turks are assimilated greeks tho


Aşa da


Where's the bear? In the pantry. Grab his dick and pull him out.


a donkey rubbed his dick on a stone and said "i fucked a mountain"


not really a joke but rather a saying used when someone overexaggerates a story of theirs


Wasn't that a rabbit instead of a donkey?


aga it varies from place to place ya.


Eşşek sikini taşa sürtmüş de ben dağı siktim demiş


-Hey Ion, does your TV catch Hungarians? -If my TV would catch Hungarians I would've bought one a long time ago. A really big one, to catch them all


A Bulgarian comes home from a trip to Romania **His friend**: "How was your trip ?" **Bulgarian**: "It was horrible! I had to hide in my hotel room the whole time!" **Friend**: "Why ?" **Bulgarian**: "Because there were a bunch of people with metal objects in their hands walking around and asking each other "Have you caught the Bulgarians yet ?" "


A cop sees a child playing in a puddle of mud. He walks up to him and asks: -What are you doing? The child says: -I am making a cop out of the mud. -How do you make it? -I grab some dirt, add some water and mix it with a little poop, shape it and it becomes a cop. The cop gets offended by the child making a mud cop with poo, scolds him and shoos him away. A few days later the cop sees the same child playing in the mud again. Again the cop asks: -What are you doing? The child says: -I am making a cop out of the mud. -How do you make it? -I grab some dirt, add some water and mix it with a little poop, shape it and it becomes a cop. The cop gets very angry, beats up the child and sends him away. A few days later, he sees the same child again, playing in the mud, making things. He approaches him and asks: -You again? Are you making a mud cop again? -No, I'm making a gendarmerie soldier. -How do you make it? -I grab some dirt, add some water, mix it and give it shape and it becomes a gendarmerie. The cop, relieved that he finally made the child give up adding poop asks: -Don't you add poo this time? -No, when I add the poo it becomes a cop.


A kid comes home bruised causing his mom to worry **Mom**: "Son, what happened to you ?" **Kid**: "The cop beat me up" **Mom**: "But why ? What did you do ?" **Kid**: "I invited him to our house" The mom then goes to confront the cop **Mom**: "Sir, how can you beat my son like that ? And all because he invited you to our house ?!!" **Cop**: "Do you even know why he invited me ?" **Mom**: "No, why ?!" **Cop**: "He invited me over to fuck the dog so that it gives birth to a police dog"


That's funny


"I'm economist."


Silivri for this one my honour


This is very important , this is çokomelli (chocolate name)


Not Hungarian but just read it from Fr*nch: One day, a high ranking French army general was sent to a post at a remote army base in the middle of the desert. When the general arrived at the base, the French sergeant showed him around. The sergeant showed the general the mess hall, the latrines, the barracks, an so on. As the sergeant was giving the general the tour, they passed by a camel that was tied up behind a tent. The general asked the sergeant, "What is that camel doing there?" The sergeant replied, "Well Sir, there are no women on the base, and sometimes the men get horny." The general replied, "“Get rid of this camel immediately. I will not let my troops engage in this kind of activity. That is disgusting!" The sergeant said, "Well Sir, you might feel that way now, but after a few weeks here, you might understand." The general said, "I would never do that!" The sergeant replied, "Okay Sir, but if you change your mind, the camel is there, and you are welcome to use her anytime you want." A couple weeks later, the general was getting horny. He had not been laid for a long time. He said to himself, "Fuck it! Where is that God damned camel?" The general went and found the camel behind the tent. Putting a ladder behind the camel, the general stands on the ladder, pulls his pants down and has wild, insane sex with the camel. When he's done, he asks the sergeant, "So is that how the men do it?" "No, not really, sir....they usually just ride the camel into town where the women are."


One day Fatih Terim went to watch Manchester City training and asked Guardiola the secret of his success. Guardiola said, "I work with intelligent players" and called Aguero to him. "Who is someone from your parents who is not your brother?" he asks. Aguero says, "Me." Fatih Terim decides to give it a try and calls Belhanda in training and asks him, "Who is someone from your parents who is not your brother?" Belhanda says, "Just a second, sir, let me ask Muslera." He asks Muslera the same question. Muslera says, "It's me." Belhanda runs to answer Fatih Terim: "It's Muslera, sir. Fatih Terim replies: No, wrong. The answer is Aguero.


1-Do u know francis? 2-What francis 1-francis who puts his dick in yo mouth


Do you know Anton ? Anton who ? The one who pours concrete up your ass


I mean this is just the hungarian version of “who’s joe?” but translated


We have similiar ones, but my favorite one is the stupidest. Do you know - insert random name-? -same random name- who? The one that I fucked you.


A man went to the paying spot. He said "Ăś" and came back.




The husband and wife sit in the bed together The wife says "I can smell your feet" The husband replies "Smell them, it's not like I'm stopping you"


Two fishermen went fishing. One caught a goldfish, and the other was named Ivan.




There are 3 people in the room. 1 Turk, 1 Syrian and 1 Afghan. Afghan tells others to throw out of the window whatever they have the most . Then he throws all of the guns he has. The Syrian throws all of the oil cans he has. Then the Turk thinks and throws the other two.


There was a guy. He fixed it the second semester.


Bu ne anlama gelmekte


Adamın biri varmış ikinci dönem düzeltmiş


This is actually so bad jfc


dude it doesn't fucking translate


A man had a horse. And the horse had nothing against it


Reading these without the original lingual context is like listening to slam poetry


I have another one. This I always thought must have been a Soviet joke that was stolen by us Turks so in the same spirit of thievery I'll convert it to Balkan and it will work just fine. A bunch of balkanoids die in a train wreck and go to hell. The devil says: -You lived difficult and poor lives in the Balkans in real life so I'm giving you two options. You can either stay true to your origins and go to the Balkan hell where you'll each eat a bucket of shit every meal or you can relent and choose the Western hell where you'll only eat one scoop of shit every meal. Some say I've suffered enough of the Balkans in life, let me at least have some relief in death and choose the Western hell and some just say what the hell I've lived a Balkan I'll suffer as a Balkan and choose the Balkan hell. Even those who chose the Western hell are very upset for eating a scoop of shit every meal and they wonder, if we're so miserable from just eating a scoop, who knows how wretched those who went to the Balkan hell must be and they decide to make a visit. When they arrive in the Balkan hell they see the Balkan hell choosers are in a not so terrible mood, joking about and passing the time. So they ask: -We're so fucked up from eating just one scoop of shit a meal, how can you remain so cheerful eating a bucket each meal? The Balkaners answer: -This is the Balkan hell so one day we have the bucket but no shit arrives, the other day there's shit but the bucket is nowhere to be found. We haven't eaten a lick of shit since we came here.


One day Fadime calls Temel and says: “Temel, come to my house this evening. There won’t be anyone at home.” Excited, Temel goes straight to Fadime’s house in the evening. He rings the bell, and again, again, but there was no one to answer…


Funniest tork


only kebab amuses kebab


i laughed


i am romanian. i can not tell joke. or I will steal the show hahahahahahahah 🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭




Funniest robmanian


At least he is not Indian https://preview.redd.it/ek36vfhcm65d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=628f9276472ade92e728840a6495dc1074135578


Go steal some better jokes




The first people in Transylvania were Hungarians. They arrived here on horseback and found a river. Tired after a long trip, they took their clothes off and jumped in the river for a swim. When they came back on the shore they found their horses and clothes missing and in their stead just a note saying: "Thank you very much".


This is strange, cigans don't know how to write


The man laughed. So they planted him in the garden.


Peak Turg comedy


/uj/ the "joke" is that the words for laugh and rose are the same


I made someone buy pineapple at the bazaar.


One day a man hits the the fence then he returns


The youngest of 3 fishermen one day goes missing and his 2 friends go looking for him but never find him. A week later he comes to their usual fishing spot and tells the other 2 that he got married. His friends happy for him start asking about his wife: -Is she hot? No -Is she smart ? No -Is she nice ? I had to argue with her a the whole week to go back to fishing with you guys -Is she loyal? I found her in her mom's brothel -Then why did you marry her? At which point the fisherman pulls out a small aluminum can from his backpack and says: -Friends, just you wait 'till you see what worms she shits.


+I watched a movie -What was the name? +Seeking Revenge -What was the name of the main character? +Ä°ntik




WWII, winter, nothing to eat anywhere. Some tired and hungry soldier ask for food and place to sleep in random house. After a while old woman opened and said: "Sure, you can stay here, but i dont have anything to eat". During night soldier found pot with holodets inside and ate it all. At the morning he asked "Hey, i found holodets in my room, care to explain?" She replied:"Oh this? It was my spitting pot, i have tuberculosis."


There is a long one about Macedonians trying to build a rocket to bomb Sofia and failing


I need to hear that 😭


Zoran Zaev gathered the Macedonian people and said: • Macedonians! Are we a great nation or what? • Yes, we are! • Then why don’t we have an atomic bomb? • Let’s make one!!! They went and cut down the tallest tree in the Šar Mountains. Using an old Serbian recipe, they drew up a plan and a sketch. They hollowed out the tree’s core with axes. They scraped out the gunpowder from a ton of matchsticks to procure gunpowder. They tightly packed the rocket. They inserted a long fuse made from the braid of an unknown rebel and were about to light it when they thought: • Where should we aim it? • Where else? At Sofia!!! • Why Sofia? • Because they are filthy Tatars, occupiers, they don’t let us use our history… So they did – they wrote “To Sofia” on the rocket and lit the fuse, gathered around, watching… A loud BOOM is heard… Smoke, dust, everyone is rolling on the ground… Zaev, without an arm, without a leg, gets up, looks around, and says: • Holy smokes, can you imagine what it’s like in Sofia right now!!!


Please send it over.


The beer freezes, but the peacock doesn't beer Peacock and freezes are pronounced the same in greek


"Have you heard the story about grass? Again I'm putting my penis in your mum" it's much funnier in romanian


"Have you heard the story about the wolf ? My dick likes it in your mouth!"


A Russian, a French and an American fly on an airplane. They pass over their respective countries and decide to drop presents over their countries. Frenchman says “Nothing I can’t give you, my country” and throws a pound of silver. They pass over USA and American says “Nothing I cannot give to the best country in the world” and throws a pound of gold. Finally they fly over Russia and Russian says “For me, nothing I can do for Russia” and throws a bomb. Frenchman arrives home and everyone is crying “Silver fell from sky and killed a person”. American comes home and sees everyone crying “Someone dropped gold on John’s head and he is dead now”. Finally Russian comes home and sees everyone laughing! He asks what happened. They respond: “grandpa farted so hard a house exploded!”


If cats make kittens what do firefighters make? Blowjobs


Are non-Balkaners allowed? Here's some from Nepal --- A man was meditating when God appeared before him. God: What do you want? Man: A job, a large vehicle and many girls inside it! The man became a bus driver in a girls' school. --- A gang of robbers robbed a bank and took the cashier with them. Cashier: Why have you guys kidnapped me? Robbers: We need someone to count the cash. --- Wife after reading newspaper: Apparently a village man in Bihar (Indian state neighboring Nepal) exchanged his wife with a bicycle! Her Husband: I will swap you out only for a car, my dear. --- Beggar: Brother, one rupee please! Bystander: I don't even have a coin, man. Beggar: Then come and seat besides me, brother. Let's beg together. --- Science Teacher: Tell me the chemical formula of water. Student: H2O+Mgcl2+Caso4+Alcl3+NaoH+KOh+HNO3+HCL+CO2... Science Teacher: What? Where did all these additional chemicals come from? Student: Sir, you have to ask the Kathmandu Metropolitan Office that question.


How do you say Alice in wonderland in Bosnian? Fata in Mercator.


two Kurds were ashamed of being Kurds, they decided to become Turks. they consulted a sage with a white beard. sage told them, "if you go to the top of the mountain of God and shout, "I am a Turk," you will become a Turk." the Kurds started climbing and came to the top of the mountain. one of them stepped on the other's shoulders and went up the hill and started shouting "I am Turkish". the Kurd below said, "give me your hand so that I can go up the hill." the one above called out: " Fuck you, you fucking kurd.“he said.


My grandpa died in the concentration camp. He fell drunk from the guard tower. 😢


'puts hand on knee' look! diesel.


A briton, french, and Turk goes to a hotel. Each of them have clothes waiting to be ironed in the room and each room have a smoke show maid appointed. English man ask for ironing first, maid irons the clothes, and then he pounds the maid. Goes to the lobby, tells his story, and proudly says “For us, work comes first, then having sex”. French says “I made love first and then fucked the maid, for us, love comes first.” They both look at the Turk, he says, “I told her to do the ironing and bended her over at the same time. For us, if you do work, you get fucked.


Two guys were walking and the one in the middle fell down


What bird flies higher? The astronaut's.


A man laughed they planted him in the garden.


mujo and haso went to a football match with the agreement that every goal, they will take a shot of vodka. the match ended 0-0, mujo said to haso "lets go to a basketball match".