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Dude, the whole "threaten the person with a reasonable concern" is an incredibly Baltimore thing it's so exhausting.


The best I can say is fill out a 311 report for every single noise complaint  and create a paper trail. It may be helpful eventually. 


I agree with this. Also, the squeaky wheel gets the oil. Maybe if you complain enough, something will be done


Thank you!


I have the neighbors yelling problem and it makes me so stressed. One of the dudes gets his kids every weekend and they all scream non-stop to the point where I can hear them cursing out the kids or threatening abuse. I called the cops once when I first moved in and the cop told me they never get calls to my part of town… like trying to shame me for bothering them.


I fully understand my neighbors to the left of me hit their kids and scream at them all the time, I’ve called CPS multiple times but they don’t do anything


Don’t just call CPS. Call the police. They have to do something. Not sure exactly what. But make sure to call when they are home/it’s happening.


I’ve called the cops twice they don’t do anything


We have the same problem at the intersection of Barclay and 27th. Drug dealers and users partying all day and night, weekdays, weekends. Music cranked so loud I cant get away from it anywhere in my house. Broken bottles, drug paraphernalia, fights, fireworks, I've been threatened. I sent in crime stoppers reports, call the cops multiple times every time they party, probably 4x/wk. Contacted my local councilwoman. And started taking pictures so if nothing works, I can at least name and shame people at the next community meeting. Hopefully they'll start handing out citations. I'm so over being afraid to leave the house and not being able to enjoy the peace within it. Fuck inconsiderate neighbors. Hit em where it hurts. The wallet. Do not engage. These scumbags aren't worth your life or freedom.


Tell me about it, another reason I can’t wait to be able to move. My daughter can’t even play in our small front yard because people are always throwing trash in it and twice we have been for a walk around the block and there have been needles on the ground. I hate it here so much, it could be such a lovely place if people just cared about their home


I pick up garbage every day, so the kids and dogs can run around without worrying about getting injured. People see me waddling down the street with my reacher grabber. And miraculously, other people have started to help. Not the whole street or anything, but their little part of the sidewalk. It's a start. Definitely get a grabber and save your back for chasing your daughter. 😎


I lived at 2711 barclay back in 2013 and it was bad then. My ex got assaulted by children(they threw a big cup of soda on her) outside my house.


Some kids threw a football at my face, but they missed and hit the brick porch behind me. They're out here dealing drugs and stealing cars. Parents don't care about them, let them run around with grown adults and drink liquor. Doomed before they were even born.


Some of em make it despite it all


I would move asap because the city ain’t doing shit.


Don’t I know it


If it’s the whole block, you’re unfortunately probably out of luck.


It’s just the houses on my side of the road. The people across the street and the people behind are all quiet and normal. Unfortunately it’s just the 4 houses surrounding mine 😭


I have nothing else to say besides that this sounds really rough and I’m sorry you’re dealing with it. I have a baby too, and I can’t imagine the stress of a new born that is being kept up all night from idiot neighbors Hang in there


Thanks so much! It’s been terrible but I’m hoping we can move to a nicer place in the next year or two.


My biggest pet peeve is people who have dogs that bark allll day long because they don't walk them. I really wish there was a better solution than shelters giving animals to whoever wants them and actually vetting whether a family or person can actually give an animal a good quality of life.


Oh don’t even get me started there are two dogs that live in one of my neighbors houses and they never walk them they just put them out back in their tiny “yard” so the poor things bark at anything that moves from 5am - 11pm every day


What neighborhood ima come talk to em


Haha I appreciate it


Do you remember 9 months of fireworks at the start of Covid. That was fun


Please where I live people set off fireworks on a random Tuesday at 10pm 🙄


This would make me crazy. OP I’m so sorry. Good advice here. I hope you can move to a boring neighborhood soon❤️


Thanks! Hoping to move to the sticks in the next two years lol


Hahaha awwww…we are in canton/Highlandtown and it’s super quiet if you love the city life!


One thing you could try is getting sound dampening panels(like podcasters/YouTubers use) or sound dampening curtains. It'll muffle most of the noise. Another idea would be to get a white noise machine. It's calming, and dampens outside noises.


Omg that’s a thing? I was telling my husband I wish that was a thing bc I didn’t think it was! Thank you so much I will look into that


I sympathize SO much. I live in what is a generally very quiet neighborhood and we have this ONE house of people that are just a nightmare. It's a clown car house of people, idek how many actually live there, but it's like at lease 6 totally unsupervised children and 2 older people who I assume are the grandparents. The kids roam the neighborhood looking for trouble. They threaten people's dogs, throw rocks at buildings, vandalize cars, and scream, literally just SCREAM, at all hours. The grandparents play karaoke on their porch as late as 1am, and you can hear it for blocks. Everyone in the neighborhood has called 311, 911, CPS, you name it. Once I actually got a call back from a city inspector responding to my 311 noise complaint - 4 days later. He said, well, when I came out, I didn't see or hear anything. I was like, no shit, Sherlock, that was 4 days ago, at night. You came at 10am FOUR DAYS LATER. What exactly did you expect? Yeah, it's infuriating. There are so many complaints on this house by everyone in the neighborhood and nothing ever gets done about it. I'm really sorry to hear you're in a similar situation. I unfortunately have no advice, just a lot of empathy.


Literal just had a project x type party down the street from my house shut down…came home and got ready to turn down my streeet and said what the hell is going on around here it was chicks half naked running around people passed out in the street… got so bad an ambulance couldn’t get through because of how badly parked some cars were


Update it’s 11:18pm and they are still blaring music, I called the non emergency line and was told there have already been 3 complaints about this house and to that I say ok so why isn’t further action being taken? Like obviously I don’t think someone should be arrested for being a d*ck but why aren’t fines being given? Its so infuriating that people are literally disturbing peoples lives and having no consequences Update - 11:31 and its finally quiet 🙏🏻 Thanks to everyone who let me vent through this process I needed it. I’m sure I’ll be back on here again to complain knowing my neighbors lol, have a good rest of your night everyone!


You should follow up with your city council rep also both when the noises don’t get taken care of and when they do. It will get back to the captain and the precinct and the positive reinforcement is just as important as when they are fucking your night/day up.


Good idea, thank you!


If you’re told they’ve already had 3 complaints that night about the place, call the emergency line then. Usually they at least do a drive-by to check the situation in my experience. And I agree with the other commenter to contract your council person.


My best guess is they don’t have the resources or officers to spare so they hope it’ll die down naturally but yeah it’s terrible people can’t be considerate of others around them


Normally I’d agree but they are sending officers out and the officers just aren’t doing anything which is even worse bc if you’re coming all the way out here make it worth it lol


Yeah there should definitely be be the ability for them to ticket/cite these houses/fine, I’d get with your precinct captain or go talk to them to ask what choices they have and why fines don’t happen as it’s a QOL issue.


Jeez, I hate the city dude ppl don’t know how to act. I was a partier in my hay day but I never acted like that and neither did my friends. There were a few times in my late teens early 20’s where neighbors would come to my friends houses and ask us to turn it down and guess what we did? We turned it down 🙄 no one around here has any respect


I think you can take action against their landlords (assuming they rent). Landlords are profiting off your difficulties.


To add to this, find out if they’re renting legally. I can’t remember the site but Baltimore has one where you can see if they’re properly registered with the city for a rental unit. If they’re not you can file a complaint. I had similar issues with a particular household on my block. After the landlord got a few citations for both the tenants’ issues and his own he evicted them.


I would have no idea if they rent or own unless I asked and I doubt they would answer


[SDAT Real Property search](https://sdat.dat.maryland.gov/RealProperty/Pages/default.aspx) Look up the addresses and you can see who owns them. If it's a business, they're renting, and if the owner's mailing address is different, they're probably renting. 


I will have to do this for the 3 that are particularly problematic


My mother was particularly vindictive, and would also call the homeowner every time there was a noise issue. Cars, stereos, fighting. Particularly effective at 2am.


Haha I like her style


It was quite effective! They were out in about two months! Then they found out it was being used for meth manufacturing and had to do a bunch of remediation. Walked through it and they had to tear out everything—it was studs and cement.


Omg what a plot twist lol


What’s the landlord going to do? What kind of action are you suggesting?


Landlord could be forced to evict. My recollection is there are laws/ordinances saying a landlord has responsibilities for tenant behavior.


I understand a conversation with the tenant but Baltimore city laws are very pro tenant and anti landlord. Retaliatory actions like not paying rent and destruction of property are the standard. Most of these landlords are individuals not large corporations and they are typically using majority of rent to pay off a mortgage. Landlord would have a better outcome not renewing lease when time arrives than getting involved in an issue between neighbors.


I get that some landlords are just people too. And some have good intentions. But the fact of this situation is that the landlord is profiting off of the situation. Maybe not a lot of profit. Maybe just profit in the form of building up equity in the property. But regardless, the landlord is profiting by renting out to people who impose on OP. Landlord is externalizing costs.


The landlord IS profiting but ultimately it’s business and they do not owe anything to the neighbor who feels imposed upon. The landlord is putting their security before the neighbor’s comfort. The neighbor has the power to complain to their landlord, if they own they may sell, or they can keep going toe to toe with the loud neighbor then complaining about it on Reddit. Ultimately, everyone is and should do whatever is best for them. You may not like it and that’s too bad 🤷‍♀️


I think that kind of sociopathic disposition is why laws were made tying landlord responsibility to tenant behavior. Businesses might not want to owe anything to the communities they reside in, but they should, and the laws say they do.


Your entitlement is obvious but you’re going to have to learn to tolerate noise and a lack of peace and quiet since you chose to live where you live. What may bother you may not disturb someone else. Stop trying to force the world around you to conform and take responsibility for yourself and your choices.


Your entitlement is obvious too. What is the point of noise ordinance if it is never to be enforced? Good day sir.


You misgendered me and if the OP continues to call 311 and no action is being taken maybe that answers your question.


I’m having this issue with a house directly next to me. Loud music, yelling out on their porch at 3am. I’ve spoken with them multiple times and each time they apologize but continue their inconsiderate behavior. Of course there is a certain level of noise to be expected when living in a city but there is a reasonable level that should take into account how close your neighbors are.


I fully agree


Do you have a white noise machine for the baby? My little guy slept through a sidewalk being ripped up with jackhammers and cement saws right outside his window the other day.


I love that for you lol, we do have a white noise machine and it usually works but when the music is that loud there’s no covering it. She can’t even sleep if the noise maker is up too high lol


Do you have the capacity to move? If so, it might be worth thinking about. City living might not be for you and your baby!


I wish, sadly for now this is the only place we can afford. Working on getting to a financial place where we can live out in the sticks lol


Even just moving out to Lauraville or Hamilton would guarantee quieter living, and you’d still be in the city.


I have no clue about affordability, but would like to mention that there ARE quieter neighborhoods in other parts of the city that are still within the city


Yeah- move. I live in Baltimore County.


(TLDR at the bottom of post) I know (most?) Redditors probably won’t understand this post but because of the dangerous rhetoric being used in this thread I’m sharing it anyway in hopes it helps someone— This post and the attending commentary highlight the many reasons gentrification is so harmful (and likely why OP is being threatened.) You moved into a neighborhood with an existing culture and norms that don’t work for you. Okay, the answer is that you move. The answer is not using or attempting to use police or CPS to enact state sanctioned violence on your neighbors because you’re uncomfortable in their community. There was a study done in 2019 or so by an anti-poverty group, Community Service Society, called “New Neighbors and the Over-Policing of Communities of Color” that elucidates the ways that gentrifiers harm communities of color. It might be a helpful read. Take a deep breath and think about what you are saying and endorsing in this post. Think about the way you are thinking and speaking about other human beings. The reality: You live in a community that isn’t well matched for you and your family’s needs, desires, and wants. It is, or seems to be, causing you emotional and psychological stress and discomfort. The solution: Figure out what YOU need to do to move to a community that works for YOU. There are 200 communities in Baltimore. Maybe there’s one that could work better for you. If you’re not using the yard you have anyway, maybe renting an apartment with a shared green space would be a better fit. Maybe you could try to move to one of the surrounding counties. There are many solutions that don’t involve morally bankrupting yourself. You don’t need to dehumanize your neighbors. You don’t need to risk their lives by heightening police presence. You don’t need to try to get their children removed from their homes. You don’t need to threaten their wellbeing by increasing their financial burden through fines. None of these things will change or improve the community. What you are attempting is violent, neighborhood terrorism and using privilege to try to punish people (often poor people of color) who don’t ascribe to or acquiesce to your social norms. Just move. TLDR; Move to a place that works for you without causing harm to the people around you. This is the normal, healthy, least harmful way to co-exist with other humans. Don’t enact violence on your neighbors because you’re angry, sad, and frustrated that you live in their community.


Sorry but if people are screaming, hitting, and threatening their children I’m going to call CPS that’s not a cultural norm that’s abuse. Also as I’ve stated in the comments it’s not the area I live in it’s specifically the street I’m on the people across the street and the people on the street behind my home have also called the cops and complained. You’re making this something it isn’t. This is 6 ignorant people that have no respect for their neighbors. I’m not trying to gentrify a community 😂 I’ve always been poor and lived in poor areas, shit I’ve lived in my car more than once. There’s a difference between being classist and just not liking people who are ignorant assholes. Sorry if you are disturbing the peace and I go to you and politely ask you to keep it down and you respond by threatening violence I am calling the cops. If you don’t want to get in trouble with the cops don’t threaten your neighbors or beat your kids. This comment is so beyond ridiculous Edit to add - I’d love to move out of the shithole that is the inner city unfortunately it’s the cheapest place to live so the “move to a place that’s better suited for your family” is a classist and unrealistic idea


BPD. Get in the van


🤔 I’m confused, are you saying I have BPD lol


🤦‍♀️ Baltimore police department


😂😂😂 clearly I am not quick with the acronyms, oooof I feel like a fool lmao


Why do you live in the city? I’m assuming you’re in a row home and walls are paper thin. Why not move?


You’re correct and obviously I’d love to move but financially that isn’t an option. I’m sure there are some people who prefer to live here but I would assume most ppl who live in Baltimore do bc they can’t afford to live other places. Also I never mentioned I rented so if I owned my home moving wouldn’t be an easy option regardless lol


I live in the city because I like the walkability, not because it’s cheap. It’s not. I’ll likely be in the county this time next year — and it will be cheaper but I won’t be walking anywhere. I’m sorry you’re having such a bad time!


You could always sell if you’re this out of place in the city. Why stay somewhere that is so obviously uncomfortable? And if you do rent there are affordable options in the county where your neighbors aren’t disrupting your peace.


Ok tell me where I can rent a 2 bedroom 1.5 bathroom 3 level house with a finished basement for $1,200 a month that’s not in the city because that’s what I have now.


Hire a realtor to help you🤦‍♀️


Where do you live? You keep declining to provide that info. Also to be honest if noise until 11:30 at night on a weekend is a problem for you (you said they got quiet at 11:30) than you really shouldn’t live in a city. My multi-million dollar apartment complex (each apartment was worth 1-2mil) in Paris routinely had young 20s students partying until 3 or 4 in the morning, and it was LOUD, like elephants stampeding above or below, and outside there were ambulances and scooters at all times. You think the walls in Baltimore row homes are thin? 😂 Invest in a white noise machine (or big air filter) and ear plugs when it’s bad.


They’re probably not saying where they live specifically due to concern about retribution, considering their interactions with the neighbors before. And just because you experienced that in Paris doesn’t mean it’s a practice to be repeated everywhere. 11:30pm for such noise on a weekday is pretty late and it feels like you’re blaming them for living where they do.


What are you talking about? It’s a weekend?? And saying your neighborhood isn’t going to give away what block this person lives on. The reason I’m suspicious is because this screams of anti-Baltimore astroturfing. 11:30 at night on a weekend ISNT that late, and OPs inability to share their neighborhood is pretty suspicious.


If you even did a cursory glance of their post history, then you’d see how crazy of an accusation you just made. The majority of the other comments here even are people having had similar experiences. It’s cool that you live in a neighborhood that’s quiet, but that’s not everybody else’s experience and it’s absolutely wild that your reaction to people having different experiences is “must be anti-Baltimore astroturfing.”


Nobody said Baltimore neighborhoods are quiet. I’m saying if you want quiet don’t live in a city. Noise isn’t unique to Baltimore. 🙄


Literally you said it in a comment elsewhere for this very post: https://www.reddit.com/r/baltimore/s/bI2RHKoqAX


That wasn’t what you were responding to. My original comment was about how cities are noisy, and 11:30 isn’t that late on a weekend. Stop changing the topic.


$5 solution- get a lb of bacon and put it on some aluminum foil. When theyre not there get it on their stove and set the burner to high. Grease fires are a bi**h and practically no way to prove ar**n


The point is to make you whine about it on Reddit




It’s everywhere, not just the city. Neighbors can SUCK.




I live in row homes so I also share walls with my neighbors, it’s truly lovely 🙄




Yeah, rowhomes share a single party wall of brick or concrete block. Noise is somewhat mitigated if the original plaster is still up, but if that's been removed to expose the brick, it can be pretty bad. Somehow people in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, when they were built, managed to have large families and coexist.


Pretty sure there's only one layer of bricks in the wall of my row home on one side, might be two layers on the other. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ When my neighbors on the suspected 1-brick side talk it's almost like we're in the same room. My other neighbor is up in years and is super quiet anyway. Luckily they're both good neighbors and I don't have OP's problem.


Mine is like this. It literally sounds like my neighbors are in my house even when doing normal tasks like talking on the phone. I’m stuck between 2 incredibly loud houses 😭 it’s the worst


Ugh. So sorry, OP!


Can attest to butchers hill and otterbein being extremely quiet. Not sure where OP lives.


If OP is only paying 1200 a month they are in the worst of the worst areas that’s for sure.