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I’m so sorry about your cat 💕


Thank you ❤️‍🩹


High thyroid levels can mask kidney disease in cats, but there’s often enough going on to make a veterinarian investigate kidney function in those cases. Do you think the practice failed to provide adequate care? If so, you can file a [complaint](https://mda.maryland.gov/vetboard/Pages/filing_complaint.aspx). Timonium Animal Hospital is excellent. Dr. Hatzigiannakis at Perry Hall is amazing too.


I know they explicitly tested, or said they were going to test, his kidney function at least once. I don't know what the results were. Thank you for the link; we may very well file a complaint


You can request a copy of your records from the vet, which should include all lab work. I’m so sorry you have to go through this.


It might be inconvenient depending where you're located, but Eastern Animal Hospital has done a great job with our cats, with the exception of one vet who's no longer there. Their techs are great too. I'll never forget how we literally ran in one night with our old man who was crashing out, and despite not being current clients and having no appointment, they immediately rushed him back and tried so hard to save him. The entire staff treated us with such compassion that we decided to switch all our cats to them after that.


Who was the vet who left? Just curious. We also loved EAH.


I wish I could remember. She was younger and had a terrible bedside manner. I wish it had been anyone but her when we had to put our old lady cat to sleep rather suddenly in 2022 due to kidney failure 😭


I’m sorry. We lost two cats around the same time frame so I totally get it.


Another vote for Eastern. They're not cheap, but they're big and well-equipped. They were very compassionate when my late dad's cat crashed suddenly—they ran a ton of tests and, sadly, we had to put him down due to a massive stroke, but they were kind, thorough, and gave us all the time we needed to say goodbye in a private room soecifically set aside and made comfy for that purpose. I now take my more recently-acquired kitties to them, one of whom is a spicy girl, and they are quite good.


Haha we also have a spicy lady and they're very good with her (or at least gracious about having to deal with her 😂). She's so spicy that even gabapentin doesn't do squat to calm her down. She invariably pees and/or poops in her carrier, and the staff has even wiped her down and replaced the towel we use in it so she can go home clean. Until she pees on the way home...


Honestly surprised to hear this. I live right by them and many people I know have gone there for years. I was never able to be accepted when we were looking because they were not taking new patients, so we go to Belvedere. I'm aware Belvedere isn't the most affordable vet but I find them to be very trustworthy and gentle with my animals. Only other vet I've been to was Erdman and I absolutely do not suggest going there.


I am surprised to hear this as well. My two cats who are 14 years old have gone there since they were 4 week old rescues. In fact, my one cat had a severe UTI with crystals and it cost only $250 at Aardmore as opposed to $2,000 at the Pet ER in Towson (yes I know ER is very expensive) but Aardmore has always been up front with costs and procedure. Dr. Panou has always been transparent with taking our calls, giving us info, and saving us time/money on whether or not we need to come in. For instance, our dog ripped his toe nail off and he suggested we come in for an antibiotic and to make sure it wasn’t down to the bone. That visit cost $100. He asked us to come back in 1 week to check bandage and another antibiotic shot. That follow up was only $35. I feel that was EXTREMELY fair.




Dr. McIntyre at Village Vet is great with cats!


I was so happy with her when I brought my two new rescue cats for their wellness exam. Recently, one of my cats had some stomach issues, and Dr. McIntyre called me more than once just to check in.


Another vote for Village Vet, especially Dr. McIntyre, and all their vet techs are great as well.


That's a good point, it is odd that they separate you like that. We have a third cat that we took to Light Street Animal Hospital back when we lived closer to there, and they didn't do that...


that's quite irregular-- the separating for an exam.


It depends.  Some owners freak out their animals and it's better if they are not together for the exam. 


We have a 3yr old pit/boxer mix and an elderly cat who's very picky about things, and both of them were at ease at Evergreen in Roland park, we love Dr Barker and have only had excellent experiences with them


I'm so, so sorry. I've heard something similar about Aardmore. We take our cats to Belvedere Veterinary Center and they're OK. Our first visit to establish care went poorly. The vet went on a rant throughout the visit about how wet food is all that cats should eat. Also talked about how human doctors and vets need to learn from Eastern medicine, which, sure I guess, but it was odd. At the end of the visit she asked what we do for work and what we feed them. We said we work full time in X and Y and regularly feed them Z dry food with an automatic feeder because we're at work, but give them wet food a few times a week. They're very good at their water intake too. We got the most dismissive "oh, I guess that's fine then" in response, lmao. We decided we'd go elsewhere for their next annuals, and we got on the 8+ month waiting list for Evergreen. We had an illness visit at Belvedere recently for one of our cats and that appointment went much better than the first. This was a different vet who was great. She explained the options and associated costs for each one and answered all my questions. Very clear aftercare instructions, what to keep an eye out for, etc. Only slightly related, but Falls Road Animal Hospital is a 24-hour emergency vet with mixed reviews as well. One of my friend's cats was terribly mistreated there and later passed. (We got the recommendation for Evergreen from her for their fear informed practice, end of life care/practices, and general immense empathy and care from the staff.) We took one of our cats to Falls Road Animal Hospital and had what I can only describe as a positive-neutral experience. Reasonably priced, they did what they needed to do, but good god did they do a poor job closing her up after surgery. They stapled her instead of doing dissolvable stitches and her recovery period was noticeably worse than the first time she had the exact same surgery. Interestingly enough, when you go to Evergreen's website it has a pop-up with business hours/holiday closures and the nearest emergency vets. Falls Road Animal Hospital is absent, and I'm guessing there's a good reason for that.


Yeah Falls Rd didn't show up when I searched for emergency vets on Google Maps. We ended up going to Vet Emergency Group in Pikesville. They were very nice.


That's great to hear! I'll be sure to save that location in the (please god, small) chance that we need one again.


Falls isn't 24/7 anymore. I drove up there with our cat and they directed me to a place further N, off the Beltway. (ETA: someone was closing up and told me where to go. There's a sign on their door too.)


Thank you, that's good to know! We ended up there last fall after checking a bunch of vet websites (incl Evergreen) to see first if any were open late and could do scans. The cat ended up needing surgery anyway so all the better that we ended up at the emergency vet.


Actually, Falls Road seems to be back to 24 hr. I’ve had to take some pets in late, and at least the times I’ve gone they have been open and capable. They diagnosed my cat’s condition when other places missed it


Oh, good to know. This was maybe a year ago? I got there around 9 and they were closing up.


Hmm, maybe they didn’t have a vet that night? Apparently there’s a nation wide vet shortage


This is good to know about Belvedere, thanks for sharing. I have a reactive dog and was planning to switch to Belvedere since they're fear-free certified if/when I can afford it but may proceed with caution


We see Dr. Mulder at Belvedere and he is great! Highly recommend him in particular. We also saw Dr Eden a couple of times with our cat before he died, including when we brought him in to put him to sleep 😭, and Dr Eden has been good too. ETA Our cat had both thyroid and renal disease for years, Belvedere diagnosed and treated both. He lived to be almost 20! Dr Mulder is pretty good with taking more measured approaches and not just recommending tons of expensive treatments.


Absolutely Dr Mulder is the BEST. He was the only vet we would see when we took our animals there. They were also very kind when my 14 year old cat had to be euthanized and I kind of lost my absolute shit. They let me sit in an exam room with him for probably 2 hours after he passed. We did, however, stop going there because they began insisting on lots of tests and things that seemed unnecessary for our very healthy dogs, and it felt like a cash grab. We moved to Evergreen and are very happy there.


Another huge yes vote for Belvedere vets!


Our cats have seen Drs. Moulder, Eden, and most recently Kauder at Belvedere. They've all been excellent. Dr. Kauder is especially knowledgeable about cats. There's a fourth vet I haven't seen. Maybe that experience was with her. Belvedere has been great for us.


Dr. Kauder saw our cat at his recent illness visit and was so awesome with him! And yes, the fourth vet Dr. Molinelli was the one who saw our cats for that first visit. We were just going to stay, but our friend recommended Evergreen not long after, and her great experience helped us decide to switch.


I hope that first visit was just an off day for that vet, but it was odd enough that we decided to look elsewhere. We were just there to establish care so we'd be current patients somewhere. In their defense this last visit was with a different vet and a great experience. I believe you can call or email and ask for an estimate of what a new patient visit costs, with the caveat that it might increase in the future. ETA: I think for us it was like $70-$100 per cat, but I can't remember. They do have controlled entry, I imagine partly for security but maybe also for the comfort of pups like yours? They don't have a normal lobby and they call you to come in when they're ready for you.


I just moved here and took my cat to Belvedere. Dr. Kauder was really good with my cat and great at explaining everything. They are a little pricy and I’m ok with that since the care my cat received was so good.


Everhart is fantastic. I went to everhart cross keys but they have a few different locations. They are a fear free vet and do a great job keeping your cat as calm/happy as possible during the visit.


I'm so sorry about your kitty. I take my cats to Evergreen on Cold Spring, and I have always had really good experiences with them. They are Fear Free certified, which I would basically describe as trauma-informed care, but for animals. They generally take you right back to a room so that you aren't in a group waiting room with lots of other animals, and they have separate rooms for cats and dogs, so the cat rooms never smell like dogs and vice versa. They let you take your cat out of the carrier right away (if your cat wants that) so they can explore and get acclimated before the vet tech and doctor come in. Each person who interacts with your pet takes time to give them treats and build a rapport before they handle them. I had an aging cat who began to go downhill and they were really caring and thorough in their recommendations, and explained everything really well to me. For my cat's last appointment, they allowed me to basically come in for medicine instead of making me bring him back (and paying for another visit), which would have stressed him out a lot at that point. Unfortunately he had to be put down later that night after hours- I also went to Veterinary Emergency Group in Pikeville and they were wonderful, even though the situation was awful. I had called Falls Road Animal Hospital first and the guy on the phone sounded like he had just woken up (granted, it was 4am) and then he told me that 15 minutes was too late for me to bring in my actively dying cat because there was a shift change happening soon, so they couldn't help me. He sounded thoroughly unconcerned. I'm glad I didn't take my cat there, even for them to put him to sleep, and I wouldn't trust my living cats with that place.


I second the Evergreen recommendation. They are fantastic


Sorry you had that experience with Falls Rd at such a bad time. I got similar indifference when trying to get an emergency consult for my bird – they advertise emergency and avian services, but would not see her on an emergency basis. (I'd be way less bothered if they didn't advertise services they don't offer.) No one in the area would – I ended up calling out of work to haul her two hours in rush hour traffic down to NoVA. Thankfully, she ended up okay, and the vet I found down there was great, but really wish there hadn't been so much stress along the way.


Would Harford Emergency Vet see the bird? Years ago one vet there had experience


I don't think I ran across them when I was searching. Looking on Google maps now, it's coming up as "permanently closed."


I see them on Google maps here: https://maps.app.goo.gl/hKFdfzmdT1U2WVFa6?g_st=ic


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Harford Emergency Vet is the one that shows up as permanently closed.


I'm very sorry for your loss.


Thank you.


Thyroid disease masks kidney disease on bloodwork so I typically dont retest renal values until thyroid lvls are under control as renal values will likely not show it if thyroid is still high. Im not sure how much BW was done post initial diagnosis, but its possible it was missed but may not be negligence. 


We took him to the vet often post-diagnosis, as he had vomiting problems that didn't respond to treatment. I was under the impression that they did blood work at most of those appts, but I don't know what the results were


Im so sorry for the loss of your cat. That’s so kind of you to take him in. I was devastated when my cat passed away. She was diagnosed with kidney disease first and then hyperthyroidism. I learned a lot about the 2 conditions which are common in senior cars. As someone else mentioned, when cats have hyperthyroidism, it can make their kidney function look better on tests than it is. And treatment for hyperthyroidism can worsen latent kidney disease. It’s a difficult balance. It’s also generally difficult to detect kidney disease in cats until it’s quite advanced, and it can progress quickly. It’s so unfortunate that the care Aardmore provided didn’t detect or manage these conditions better. Evergreen was wonderful with my cat, very caring and thorough with frequent follow up and labs. I highly recommend them as well as this [website](https://www.felinecrf.org) made by a cat person for all kinds of practical info on cat health. It can help you know what to ask a vet. Edit: I don’t know about other vets, but Evergreen uses an online portal for visit summaries and lab results, so you can review results yourself.


I had a terrible experience there. My dog came in for a tumor biopsy. Her liver enzymes were high. Doc said it was an infection. Sent us home with pills. Came back, tumor was removed. Doc said he knew it was benign and didn’t need to send it to the lab, and could save me money by not doing so. At the time I appreciated it. Fast forward three weeks later. I was on vacation. Dog was at a kennel. She had trouble walking so they brought her to Ardmore. Doc diagnosed her with a knee sprain. She was dead two days later. She had cancer that metastasized to her spine. He had two chances to catch her cancer. He failed both times. I was not with my dog when she died. It was awful.


Oh my god, I am so sorry that happened to you. 💔


I’m so sorry about your cat. I really love aardmore. There’s so many pets here and aardmore is more affordable then most places so I know they are packed. I won’t speak to their care but I’ve worked as a dogwalker here since 2005. I’ve heard a horror story about every single vet in the city after 20 years. Sometimes bad stuff goes missed. It’s a sad fact.


I drive all the way to west friendship animal hospital bc they do a BOMB job w my cat. My sincere condolences on the loss of your pet.


Seconding this


So sorry about your kitty. My sweet familiar died in February and I was heartbroken. I also had bad experiences with her at Aardmore years ago. Now we go to Parkville Animal Hospital for regular care and we’re happy with it. I also took my girl to Eastern Animal Hospital before she passed because it was nighttime and they are 24 hours, and I really loved them for that situation. I then had to go to the Pet ER in Towson to put her down and they were so kind and efficient.


I really appreciated the care my cat received at Vinson Animal Hospital on York Rd. Only place I've been to that charged me less than their quote on a procedure. They're also very nice and willing to work with you.


I'm so, so sorry for your loss. I acutely feel your pain, as I just lost my cat a month ago. I take my animals to Paradise Animal Hospital. All throughout my last cats' illness, they were kind, straightforward, and spared nothing when it came to tests and diagnosis. I'm unsure if they're convenient for you or not, but they're located in Catonsville. They even sent a heartfelt card signed by all their staff once they learned my boy had to be put to sleep. Best of luck to you. It's a difficult thing to go through, and you're a great pet parent for wanting the best for them.


I'm sorry about your cat. If you have a car, we use Timonium Animal Hospital. It is maybe a 20-25 drive right off 83 so not too bad, even for our one car who gets carsick. Nice vets, pretty reasonable pricing wise. I've never been separated from them during an exam except for blood work. We've had yearly visits there and the older rescue cat needed a dental and extractions. They gave a cost estimate for the latter which was accurate.


Hillendale animals hospital on loch raven Blvd.


I take my cat to liberty animal clinic. It’s a bit of a hike from Baltimore but the staff are so nice and the vet who I’ve seen was amazing with my cat who is shy around new people. My sister and her husband also take their pitty over there and have always had a great experience.


I know it’s out of the way, but any time anyone asks for vet recs I have to bring up Frederick Rd. Vet in Catonsville. Dr. Beyer is so wonderful! As well as all the techs and administrators I’ve worked with. Everyone is so kind and caring and the prices are average, but they’re always upfront about costs.


Hillendale Animal Hospital is excellent. Both our Senior Cat and small dog (Shih Tzu) are cared for by wonderful staff.


That's too bad. Aardmore has been good for us.


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️. Dr. Anthony at Evergreen is fantastic, she’s been such a great help with my old lady & her plethora of health issues. I know they’re a bit difficult to establish care with bc they’re popular so they stop taking new patients a lot, but I highly recommend if them.


I went to Aardmore years ago and it's definitely gone downhill. We take our dogs to Evergreen on Cold Spring Lane. They are not the cheapest vet around, but they are kind, gentle, and thorough. We've been going there since they opened and we love them.


I took a dog there once. I was shocked that I wasn’t allowed to accompany my dog during the exam. I never went back. I am very happy with each vet at Belvedere.


I've had very good experiences with swan harbor down south of fed Hill and they're cheaper than my only frame of reference which was Banfield at petsmart