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Use a golf ball to roll your feet at the end of the day. Focus on the arches if that's where it's the tightest


It’s likely that your arches are weak and feeling this new activation. To strengthen, I like doing toe yoga. You have a soft bend in your knees and while grounding your big toes, lift your other toes. Then switch. Try not to collapse your arch while doing it. It’s hard at first. There are tons of options online too, you can look up short foot or any towel scrunching exercise. Rolling out your feet with a ball feels great!


The other people here are giving you some great advice, but for sure, the muscles in your feet are getting stronger and this will be a problem for only a little while longer.


I like to roll out my feet at the beginning or end of the day. There’s also a stretch for the fascia under your foot you can preform by propping your big toe against a wall vertically. BE GENTLE. Start off with like 10-15 seconds. I would also begin to incorporate feet strengthening exercises as well


I’m piggy-backing on this. I’m also working on switching to zero drop/barefoot shoes. I have flatter feet and was always told I needed to use orthotics and/or stability minded shoes. Would the height of one’s arch have any impact on how well they can adjust?


Regardless of whether or not you have Plantar Fasciitis, this is a great reference for beginner foot stretches and strengthening. You might check out Dr. Houlihan's other videos as well, excellent reference for barefoot shoes & foot health - [Plantar Fasciitis Rehab ](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRvtefJ1/)