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I on register once had my barista on bar come over and tell me I accidentally rung up someone for 25 pumps of sweetener instead of 2 or 5 and I had to tell her that I didn’t make an error in front of the customer. Awkward, I can’t imagine how terrible that drink must have tasted though. We’d also do a playfully nicknamed Shrek’s Delight for a customer who wanted a dirty matcha.


I hate making dirty matchas, one place I worked had a really nice pistachio matcha that when paired with espresso tasted like a used ashtray


Oooh pistachio matcha sounds divine


It’s so nice, it’s made with a house made pistachio milk


Nooooo oh no! We had this one drink that we tried (I think it was matcha + espresso and something else, chai??? It was the trifecta. Whatever it was we compared to sewage of some sort.


hahaha i made a dirty matcha with chai syrup once. what a color. me and my coworkers have been calling dirty matchas “swamp juice” ever since


Literal description! That’s how we came up with the Shrek’s Delight, we called it swampy too!!! Someone accidentally let the name slip to the customer and he thought it was funny so we kept the gag going just for him.


Same!! We called it shrek drink


Dirty matchas really aren't that bad. Not to my taste, but I don't think it's really that crazy outlandish.


I can get behind them tbh! It’s the color that’s a bit funky but I do get the idea behind an herbal green tea sort of coffee bev, I’d prefer it hot but my old regular always had it iced.


A sports themed coffee shop near me, that didn’t stay in business long, had a dirty matcha with protein powder on the menu and called it a “military latte” cause it’s camo lmao 🤢


You had me at sports themed coffee 🤢


Whenever someone orders it I call it out as "swamp water"


We chant “Shrek drink shrek drink” whenever someone orders a dirty matcha. I made one with chocolate and peppermint the other day.


Oooo minty swamp!


God, the amount of times Dunkin has put espresso in my matcha latte because they think all lattes are espresso based 😭


You got Shreked.


Thanks, that's the way I'm gonna think of it now lmao


Shreks delight is a swamp water at my shop.


there was a group of ladies who used to come into my shop after they worked out and they would all order a dirty matcha with half water and half almond milk, extra hot. we called it the dirty Jodi after the women go got the rest to all order with her. so gross


Wait what is a dirty matcha? Matcha + espresso?


Yes exactly!


Great name for the drink. I had a customer ask if i could make them a matcha but use apple juice instead of water or milk... i told them we didnt have apple juice available to make a drink like that, but that we sold those little martenellis apple juices and would make it if they bought that and would only charge them a little extra beyond that for the matcha powder and steaming. They agreed and i made the drink. Ill make whatever drink you want even if i think itll taste bad as long as you are paying and its what you want. I asked them and they said they have had it before. So i made the drink and poured a little into a demitasse to try myself. Honestly not bad. The matcha toned the sweetness of the applejuice and rounded it with a little bitterness and vegetal flavor. Not quite grassy, more like snap peas.


not really a crazy combo but at a shop i used to work at a lady wld come in everyday and get a 20 oz extra hot heavy cream latte it just makes me sick to think about


I can't even imagine how horrible the heavy cream sounded being steamed extra hot


I've had a customer that would order a large 20oz iced heavy cream latte every day with 8 pumps of syrup :)


I’m assuming this customer was either obscenely obese OR skinnier than a rained on scarecrow


LMAO perfect description because it’s always one or the other with these types of drinks, never an in between


Omg, had the same customer. Every day he ordered a 20oz vanilla breve latte. Every day!! And he was a pretty average-sized human. Then he just stopped coming in. We figured he either had a heart attack or wisened up to what he was actually consuming..


wait why lol that’s a standard keto drink despite the insane amounts of calories.


because steaming heavy cream sounds like the screams of the damned


Nothing is as bad as egg nog, screams like you are steaming water which doesn't make sense. Small story time: I'm a coffee tech that started in 21'. That first winter we were not able to get the mastrena temp probes due to supply chain issues. The egg nog absolutely destroys those so SB made the decision it wasn't worth having a bunch of stores manual steam (I know, who could imagine that lol). So they decided to take it off the menu. It still hasn't came back. It is one of the few times that I have thought "maybe there is a benevolent god after all) Sorry for the TED talk. ***For all the baristas and that didn't have to cut their teeth at a corporate store before moving on to greener pastures "mastrena" is the name of the SB machines


I aerate the milk for a few extra seconds and it's not so bad. Still super loud but definitely more tolerable than what it sounds like when my coworkers only aerate for 1 or 2 seconds


We have a lady who likes to get a grande cappuccino made w/ heavy cream.


What makes it a capp instead of a latte at 20 oz?


Wait why would size impact if it’s a latte or cap? I’m just a customer lol I always thought caps were made differently, plus they have different amounts of foam? What am I missing haha


You’re right. Size does not impact the drink. It is how we make the drink. Caps are made by steaming the milk longer, thus producing more foam.


I thought it was a size/ratio plus foam thing. *Shrug*


a grande is 16, and the size has nothing to do with capp vs. latte, it’s the amount of foam


I can’t imagine drinking straight heavy cream I have a regular that gets a heavy cream latte and it hurts me


Heavy cream lattes are actually really good. Nice amount of calories too if you need a quick pick me up for breakfast and are too lazy to make anything else.


That's a keto thing, we have customers order similar drinks at my store too. It's nasty and it sounds awful when we're steaming the cream


How many shots are in a 20oz?!


I think the horror is more at the obscene amount of heavy cream, not so much caffeine level.


Only two at Starbucks (same as their grande, so the SB price difference is a huge scam) or three shots at most other places I know. Rarely do I see 4 in a 20oz.


I once had a customer order a single ristretto to take away, then requested 4 heaped teaspoons of sugar. He then said it was too cold; too thick; and too sweet, to which I just said "yes."


“Yes sir, you just made a ristretto syrup. Is that not what you were expecting?”


I’ve never answered one of these but I have a few that are forever burned into my memory. -owner of the cafe wanted 13g decaf 13g single origin in the same grouphead for his shot multiple times a day. -2 nurses came through the drive through and ordered a 8 shot iced latte and a 9 shot iced americano 4-5 times a week. (Honestly scared of their capabilities to handle caffeine, I only ever made it to 10 shots over a shift once and I’ll never do it again) -1/8th of a shot of coffee, extra caramel, extra froth, extra hot 80degrees always asked the same way, everyday( nicest lady to be fair, loved to see her. like just ask for a caramel milk it’s okay) Bonus points, at 5am working a cafe connected to a petrol station, a guy came in and asked for a cup. Completely normal dude, dress shirt and well spoken( albeit talking about the most unfathomable nonsense but that’s an even longer story). He pulls out a salsa jar and unscrews it, leaking petrol all over the bar, fills this 4oz cup and before I can even comprehend what’s happening, he knocks it back and says he’s a decepticon and he’s one of the good guys before he leaves and I never see him again. Went out the back and stared at the wall for 10 minutes, not sure if that counts as a strange order but I still think about it a lot and that’s what matters.


Wait so he drank 4oz of petrol??? Did I read that right? Or did he drink the salsa?? Why was petrol leaking onto your bar? This is so bizarre!


It was petrol, it smelt awful as it spilled everywhere when he was unscrewing the lid and pouring it into a little 4oz ☠️ and he filled an empty salsa jar at the pump is my guess. Unfortunately yes, he did drink it, I hope he’s okay, strangest thing I’ve ever seen.


I was very curious and asked Google what happens if you drink gasoline ☠️☠️☠️ https://preview.redd.it/8g49l1b6u2hc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eddaf189bb9d8a39ce74970cff5d2961690855ce Dude may have been alcoholic and/or suicidal. Seriously ill, both mentally and physically. Fucking damn.


I remember seeing someone on TV who'd done this before and they had to make him an entire new esophagus. It was on the OUTSIDE of his body and he'd have to massage it so food would go down into his stomach. 💀 it wasn't slimy or anything it had skin over it. Freakiest thing.


Wait no I think I saw that. I could have sworn though that what happened was he was working at a bar, and he was cleaning the drain so he poured a cup of drain cleaner ready for the drain and got thirsty whilst doing it. Grabbed his drink (lemonade) and downed it but turns out it was the drain cleaner. Burnt his oesophagus and stomach, and they had to essentially connect his intestines straight to this throat. You could see it on his front and he had skin over it and it showed when he was swallowing good, but because the peristaltic muscles don’t work the same for the intestines he had to push his food down himself using his hand pushing against the tube. Either this is the same guy or an awful event that happened to two people!


This is what I’m trying to figure. I feel sorry for his liver.


I want to know this too! I’m so confused 🫤


My mom was a night shift NICU nurse who pulled 12 hour shifts. She’d brew espresso as normal coffee and pound 2 full cups of it to wake her up/keep her going


That can't be good for you damn


ngl.. i don't know if this is the case but i've ordered a 6-shot iced americano before (black) for work. i'd give it in the fridge in our office and make seperate drinks from it lol


Okay this makes sense, and makes me feel a lot better about it but I still have so many questions, could the lady with the iced latte do the same or would it go bad, and they still came through at least 3 times a week together :/ Nurses are a different breed


i gotta be honest.. i'm sure it's alright overnight, but personally, i wouldn't drink something in a cup that contains fresh dairy for any longer than that. it'd be one thing if it already came pasturized in a bottle.. but being poured from a bottle into a cup, exposed to air, then carried from one place to another, then into a fridge.. i'll pass. i do know some people that actually keep iced coffees with dairy for days on end and actually add to it lol. i would not be shocked if they literally downed it all in one sitting lmao


I want to know about the unfathomable nonsense...


Okay, I'm really not sure how this is going to come across but I promise you this is a 1:1 recap of my experience that morning. 5am, still partially waking up I'm taking orders out front no different to any other day. This early 30's man, dress shirt, trousers and holding some knockoff-plastic briefcase walks to the till and asks if I can help him, he asks for a cup. No worries, as I go to grab him one he asks me something that honestly may be one of the best conversation pieces I've heard to this day. Do you want to see a picture from the future? he asks. At this point I'm invested, that's the most interesting thing to happen at that place for a while and I had nothing but time to kill, sure I said. He pulled out his phone and after scrolling for a while he shows me a picture of a man on a boat holding a fish, who's that I ask? Pope Francis his answer. Then pictures of his girlfriend, he backed out to his gallery and started scrolling again, there were literally hundreds of pictures of the girl (ghost?) from The Grudge film, he showed me a few, nice I said... After this I just let him keep talking, I was honestly captivated by this guys story telling, like he really believed what he was saying to the point where who was I to say he was wrong. He mentioned something about Auto-bots being the villain's and Decepticon's are actually the ones trying to save the world, then he pulled out the salsa jar and the wall staring ensued. I'll mention the reason I knew that it wasn't a bit is that afterwards when cleaning the spillage off the bar, the smell was unmistakable and I saw him wipe his chin of the drops that spilled out of his mouth after drinking it. I say that I never saw him again but a week later one of my co-workers said someone of the same description came in talking about how cats are connected to the internet and Pope Francis will be the worlds ruler one day. That was the last I heard of him, he really was one of the good ones.




We had a guy who got an 11 shot “americano” w/ no water. Not sure why he didn’t just order it as a quad espresso in a venti cup.


Forgive my ignorance, as shots might be measured differently where you are, but if it was a double shot basket, wouldn't a quad shot be 8 shots? Double shot baskets are the standard where I am.


almond milk in lemonade. it splits immediately, but she kept ordering it 😂


I think this is the worst one here




In bartending its called a cement mixer, baileys irish cream and lime juice. Its a "prank" shot. People are weirdos.


My worst drinks happened while working at Starbucks. A double shot of espresso with six heaping scoops of matcha and two pumps of sugar-free cinnamon dolce syrup. It was his daily drink. I tried it once, and felt fear that this man walks among us. 12oz hot coffee with 27 Splendas. BONE DRY 20oz coconut milk cappuccino that took about four or five steaming pitchers of milk to make. Iced 16oz latte with 18 pumps of syrup. Iced drink with the ice on the bottom…


I’d feel SO self conscious ordering 27 Splendas in any size drink I’d just keep a box of them in the car


some people feel no shame and we should fear them


Makes me wonder how they came to the decision of 27 Splendas. 26? No… 28? Too much! 27? Yes😆👍


The best part was that she always wanted to count the empty Splenda packets before we threw them away, to make sure that there were indeed 27 😆


I can't speak for THAT number of spenda but I'd get my coffee with 6 cream and 6 sugar. 5 wasn't enough, 7 was too sweet. The cream also altered how sweet it was. Less cream not sweet enough, more cream, too sweet.


Bone dry cappuccino can get in the bin! People should have to pay five times as much for that monstrosity!


The bone dry thing??? I don't get it. This was someone's daily order at my shop too. It held up the line!!!


Always gonna be the people ordering large lattes made with heavy cream. We did the math and the calories for one with syrup is over 1900 calories. And the sound of the heavy cream steaming...


Jail. *straight to jail.*


I would do nothing but fart if I drank that much heavy cream dear lord


I can't remember her name, but there's this youtuber who clearly has ED and she tries to gain weight by adding 1500 cal in heavy cream to her coffee every morning.


Liz Gilbert. She posts the most deranged stuff claiming to be a health guru. Hope she gets professional help other than naturopaths


Yeah, I started following her years ago because I'm also tall and her content was so relatable regarding struggles to finding clothes. Now it's all "come with me to pick up my daily order of 50 tons of butter from Amish people".


you mean Liz Siebert 😅? the one who goes to the Amish farm for her 500 pounds of weekly dairy?


Im on a special doctor ordered keto diet for seizures and was told to have heavy cream and no milk (because of the lactose). Is there anything I could order with cream (besides in drip coffee) that’s not obnoxious? Serious question.


I hear you, seriously! I think it is just the size (16 oz) that is alarming to me. A small latte, cafe au lait, or Americano with steamed heavy cream instead of milk are all things I've made for customers on keto diets that don't end up being 2k calories. But hey- you shouldn't feel obnoxious for ordering something you like, or that works for your dietary restrictions. It's mostly just the thought that people on keto diets for the sole intent of being healthier/losing weight are ordering these huge cups of heavy cream. But again - if you like it I will make it for you. At the end of the day it has no effect on me (except maybe being embarrassed while I steam the cream and it screeches at me. But I can get over that. LOL) Order what you like! Don't mind me!


Thanks for these ideas! I’ve seriously been avoiding cafes lately because I wasn’t sure what to get. I really appreciate it.


Totally! I forgot - me and my coworkers actually do cappuccinos/cortados with heavy whip pretty often and they're delicious. Also a shot with actual whipped cream is always a delicacy lol


Americano with a splash of heavy cream :)


Italian soda, caramel, and oat milk. Very reactive combination


I’ve had an Italian soda with caramel syrup, not sauce, and pineapple and cocoanut and cream. It was actually pretty good!


I had a customer order a frozen spiced chai with sugar free peppermint syrup and spinach. The smell was ….not great 😂


SPINACH ??????????????????


😂 it’s an add on to a protein shake normally haha


I'll start with my fav. Deaf lady who ordered a matcha latte with specific pumps every day nearly, and always had a card with her order on it. By the end of week 1 of anyone new working there, we'd see her and just type it in and smile and use the basic ASL we'd learned. Absolutely most abhorrent drink, trenta iced tea with "lots of heavy cream" and a total of ~15 pumps of syrups, including white mocha. I made a small one once, my life flashed before my eyes. Finally, a coworker once was SO, so convinced that 21 shots of espresso would kill you. I said no, it's unhealthy but won't kill you. They were literally convinced you would just die from it. Keep in mind I'm 25 and this was my first job so Google was a thing lol. Long story short, I drank 22 shots of espresso in 4 hours to convince them otherwise. Their response? "Huh, maybe it was 23 or something idk." I did not feel good that day.


Love your commitment to science in that last one. Glad you didn’t die!


i just had to look up what a trenta was…. i fear the US has gone too far 💀


My coffee shop, does Red Bull energy drinks for those who don’t like coffee. anyway, guy comes in wants Red Bull with vanilla flavor and peppermint flavor blended with some heavy cream…. I told him that was not wise. He ended up not liking as I thought he would. Hate to remake him something totally different but he was adamant about it in the beginning.


Iced green tea lemonade with a double shot poured on top


Really taking that Panera charged lemonade idea and rolling with it


That sounds gross 🤢


tumeric latte, espresso shot, caramel syrup


I’d try it


I used to make a drink with our turmeric latte blend with half a shot of espresso, honey, and oat milk. It tasted a little like Golden Grahams cereal. It was pretty popular.


dirty matcha😭 its not common but it’s such a desecration to matcha that i try to talk people out of getting it


Like at that point just pour espresso into your lawn and lick it lmao


I had someone get cold brew with Matcha :( I clarified because I was worried they said Mocha and I heard wrong. No...it was what they wanted.


That ginger snap one sounds really good to me lol


yeah i just had a banging ginger and rose milk steamer at a favorite coffee shop. i know arabic coffee also can include spices and rose, and also clove/cinnamon/nutmeg and rose are both common in indian sweets and drinks. guess i know what im trying tomorrow morning


A cool ranch latte, 12 oz, double shot espresso mixed with tapatio and ranch and made breve for full milky creamy ranch flavor, topped off with a little onion powder and a garnish of bacon


This makes me want to vomit wtf


Did they bring in their own ranch or was it on the menu? I'm not sure which is worse


no fuckin way


why do you speak such filth!? surely this must be lies 🤮


I think this maybe won ??


A 24oz shaken espresso with 16 pumps of milk chocolate sauce and 8 pumps of caramel sauce. Almost half the cup was sauce


so glad u asked :) -32 oz iced latte 1/2 caf with 3 extra shots (2 full caf, 1 half caf), half n half, heavy whip, 12 stevia, caramel and vanilla sf syrup and caramel drizzle. she gets this every other day…. -some guy wanted a hot extra dirty chai (2 shots) with matcha powder (like 2 scoops), coconut milk, 6 pumps of cane syrup, and chocolate drizzle …. no words -a week ago someone asked me to blend in a cake ball with her iced latte. i think she was trying to make some sort of frap/cake shake combination but it looked disgusting. i haven’t stopped thinking abt it


The cake pop thing reminds me of the ice spice Dunkin special they had in autumn where a pumpkin donut was blended into an iced drink (it sounded like it was really bad)


It was actually pumpkin munchkins, 2 for a small, 3 for a medium, etc and it was in fact very gross.


I had a customer ask me to blend a cake pop with her drink. I told her no and she got upset over it 😂💀


These comments are reaffirming my belief that some people need to be told “no”


This weekend we had a woman who asked for Vietnamese coffee and when we told her we didn’t have it she asked for a quad shot of espresso over ice with equal amounts of white chocolate syrup. :|


This is super common. There’s not a lot of air between the white mocha sauce that most cafes use and sweetened condensed milk. It’s pretty good IMO.


One of my regulars gets a decaf pour over with 2 Splenda packets, 2 sweet and low packets, 2 equal packets, 2 truvia packets, and 2 squirts of agave… if it’s fall she gets it pumpkin spice style. Probably not the craziest combo on here but I’ve tried it before and it’s absolutely foul


Ugh sounds so disgusting 🤢


I once had someone order an iced matcha with a shot of espresso and a scoop of hot chocolate powder lol. I remember she took one sip of what I made her and said “sorry but this isn’t good, usually when I get this at my other place it’s good” literally cannot imagine how they were making it at the “other place” to make it taste like anything but straight ass


Sorry, my cafe was the other place. We used a super sweetened matcha mix.


I don't have a lot of super gross ones but there are some that left me shook: This woman came through and asked for coffee with 15 Splenda and extra heavy cream Iced dirty matcha We have someone who gets a large (24oz) iced caramel latte with extra caramel, with whip on top with caramel on the sides and all over the whip and extra ice in the cup. It's sickeningly sweet. She essentially wants to liquidy caramel because the cup is half full. So there's maybe 3 oz of milk? And three shots of espresso. I've had someone ask for a blended cherry limeade blended with 3 extra shots of energy (a shot of energy is about 28mg of caffeine) and there were XL so there were already 5 pumps in there. In total it was 8 totalling at 224mg of caffeine. Its only half the total you could have in a day without a heart attack, butt the syrup makes the drink super bitter so I have no idea how that tasted good.


This was while I was working as a starbucks barista before I moved to smaller cafes. So I got used to people ordering the usual overly sweetened coffee or tea latte but there was this one woman in particular who would show up at least every two or three days in the morning. She would always order TWO trenta dragonfruit lemonades with TWO PUMPS OF CHAI IN THEM. Once there was a mom and her daughter that came in for pink drinks but instead of coconut milk THEY ASKED FOR HEAVY CREAM AND THE ACIDITY OF THE REFRESHER BASE MADE THE CREAM CURDLE AND THEY STILL WANTED THEM


Some I won't forget. -12oz coffee with 15 sugars. Actually turned the coffee into brown sludge. -Dirty matcha -Not sure if this counts as a beverage but a cup of whipped cream with sugar sprinkled on top. -extra strong, extra hot, extra chocolate (on top) soy cappuccino. -Hot chocolate made with water instead of milk. -latte with half hot water half milk -cappuccino with no froth -large weak 3/4 full latte (so a regular in a bigger cup) -dirty mango and banana smoothie I've been a barista for 15 years.. nothing surprises me anymore.


half water latte is my order. why is it weird if americano and latte are both normal? its that or empty your counter milk pitcher like a cheapskate and end up with a lukewarm drink


It’s basically the long complicated version of a cafe au lait


To be fair its the least bizarre from my list. I just don't see the reason behind mixing it. If you like milk order a latte, if you don't order it black. As for it being lukewarm, if a barista gives you coffee that isn't hot, they're doing it wrong. If you take so long to drink your coffee it becomes lukewarm, you're doing it wrong.


Oof, there are quite I few that I can think of, but the worst ones for me so far are... 24oz super light iced single shot heavy cream latte. He always orders two at a time. We use an entire carton of heavy cream on just those two drinks. Blended redbull with 2 scopes of protein powder. Im actually surprised how often it gets ordered. One guy likes it with heavy cream as well. Chocolate italian soda, made with extra chocolate sauce.


I was waiting for the Red Bull comment! Ever tried Red Bull with a shot of espresso? Disgusting.


putting my 27 pump liquid cane sugar, extra ice black tea former starbucks order in the running here 😂


Sounds like someone had you DIY a sweet tea lmao


exactly that


Someone today ordered a pumpkin&mint latte from me. I was sooooo curious what made them choose that.


Shit ton of White chocolate powder in first, ice, milk and shots on top. No mixing, she wanted to drink up the powder 😵‍💫




I had a woman order a latte in a cup with 4 shots of caramel syrup. the cup was nearly full before the milk was added and it wouldn't combine with the syrup. I can't imagine how it tastes but I'd guess awful


One time, in the middle of a huge rush I had a barista bring me a cup and ask me how we’d go about making a cup of drip, with a full cortado dropped into it. Topped with steamed half and half with brown sugar and vanilla.


20 Oz single shot breve. Sub heavy whip for half/half. Three splendas. Have you ever steamed heavy whip? 


Had a semi-regular who ordered a cap with 1/4 whole milk, 1/4 half and half, 1/4 oat, and 1/4 almond.


just why


Dirty caramel apple cider. I tried one because I was curious. Not good!


Oh no 😭


Okay…so this guy (who has been a regular for years) ordered a left field drink one day. He asked me to put the espresso powder into the cup and then add hot water. So espresso dust and hot water. He claimed it’s “the poor man’s French press” mind you he is a doctor and lives in the wealthiest neighborhoods of the city. He insisted that it is very good and a very common drink. He ordered it two days in a row and then never again. We haven’t spoken about it since.


I barely count as a barista but I’ll share anyhow. We have an infamous customer: venti latte, 7 shots of espresso, 1 pump of vanilla, breve, extra hot, no foam, light cold foam, and double cupped. It used to be that she complained about the microgrounds the 7 shots would produce, so we would filter them through like they were a pour over and her drink would take several minutes to make. Somehow, we got the official ok from higher-ups that the filtering was so time consuming, we were allowed to tell her no and not do it anymore. Worst drink is maybe hot matcha with peppermint and almond milk, or the 7 peppermint 8 white mocha hot venti. Or the grande chocolate cream cold brew in a venti cup, with extra cold foam, light ice, extra mocha and caramel drizzle, line the cup with mocha and caramel drizzle, then there’s extra syrup in there too like 5 vanilla and 3 mocha pumps. The amount of actual cold brew in his drink is a pretty pathetic amount.


Made a blended drink with matcha and dark chocolate powder and like 4 shots. Had the consistency and color of baby poop


literally any drink that subs heavy cream. I know it’s keto friendly or whatevs but drinking 16oz of heavy cream is a god damn crime


It's the cheat code for "shit your entire ass"


Oh, a cafe I worked at had a drink called a “Bulletproof”, really popular with the Keto crowd, it was half brewed coffee and half heavy cream, with butter, all steamed together. Omg, how that drink screamed 🤣


At Peet's I once had someone order an iced chai latte made with eggnog. Our iced chai was made with fucking syrup. It was the consistency and color of Gerber's baby food.


4 shots of espresso... In a iced Mountain Dew. 


I’m choosing to believe you made this up 🤞


I tried to explain that it was going to spike his energy, followed by a crash. But he wanted a "caffeine bomb." 


a hot mocha latte in a 20 oz cup, with 12 pumps of mocha and 9 shots of espresso, there was barely any milk in the cup lol


probably not the worst but some guy didn't want to pay slightly more for cold brew so instead got hot coffee in an iced cup poured over ice


Not me, but my coworker accidentally gave out her own drink to a customer, so I’d say that. This was after she remade the drink in the same cup she drank the first drink out of


Man I thought this was the bartender subreddit—Diet Pepsi and amaretto. 2 of them with every dinner, every time he came in.


Iced cappuccino


i don't recall ever getting anything TOO crazy (probably bc i was last a barista before the invention of apps/ordering ahead, etc) but there was this one lady i will NEVER forget who would order a venti iced coffee with 10 pumps of almond syrup and 15 sweet and low plus a caramel drizzle.


99% of the crazy orders we get are delivery orders. We actually had to change a lot of our delivery menu options because people kept ordering things like cold foam on hot lattes. Idk if it’s just because they don’t feel like anyone’s there to judge them for ordering insanity in a cup or if everyone who orders delivery coffee has to prove that they’ve failed a drug test before it will let them order anything


not gross but at my first cafe job there was a very shakey and all over the place kind of woman who would order a 20oz cold brew with 6 shots added in …. hope her heart is okay


I did a brief stint as a barista for a couple months, one lady wanted a latte made not with milk, but CREAMER. Is that normal???? I feel like it's a great recipe for spending the day on the toilet tbh Edit to spell Barista correctly lol


a hot americano but instead of water he wanted steamed apple juice and topped w cold cream. was a regular.


When I worked at Starbucks there was a lady who came in EVERY day to order a trenta cold brew with 12 pumps of sf vanilla, 12 equals, and extra heavy cream. Her definition of “extra” heavy cream equaled about a half cup. She said it was keto 🤷🏻‍♀️ Someone ordered that we blend butter into their Frappuccino. We had a few folks that wanted butter added to their hot coffees but that was just plain weird. When I worked at a speciality coffee shop, there weren’t even enough options to really warrant weird drinks so it was mostly just that this one lady would order a small coffee (8oz) with “three fingers” of coffee and the rest filled with skim milk. What she meant by “fingers” was if you held up 3 fingers then put them sideways next to the cup that’s how far up she wanted it filled. It took her forever to explain what “three fingers” meant every single time to all the baristas. And it was a stupid order.


He would get 4 or 5 20oz “skinny” caramel macchiatos (sbux style) It was NF, milk 9 pumps sf vanilla, 12 stevia and light caramel drizzle and he’d come everyday. Interesting guy, difficult character. One time yelled at me bc he thought i was new when i got a haircut.


lol this sub came up for me as suggested, likely due to my love of coffee - and though this is not a coffee drink that I made for someone, it is cursed nonetheless so I shall share. I had a regular at Sonic that would always get a Route 44 (the absolute biggest drink you can get) Coke, no ice, with 12 pumps of chocolate syrup. I tried it once out of curiosity and I think I got diabetes for like 30 seconds.




2 quad decaf espressos with two stevia in each 12 oz cappuccino with “no milk, just foam” 16 oz pourover the customer watched me make holding a stopwatch 16 oz iced latte with heavy cream and four pumps caramel “Espresso drink that is more coffee than milk” with no more than 2 shots (the 4 oz cortado I made was too small)


The stopwatch thing kills me; like why the hell do they not just buy their own chemex or something and also do they not understand every cafe is going to have a slightly different recipe?


Dirty matcha. Always the dirty matcha!!!


24 oz iced vanilla latte with 24 pumps of vanilla. 24. “Two-four? Twenty four pumps of vanilla?” She was annoyed that i had to clarify a couple times. It was just incredible. And according to coworkers she did it semi regularly!


Iced matcha with almond milk, vanilla, and a double espresso🤮🤮🤮


That actually tastes better than it sounds! A bit like hazelnut for some reason.


12oz steamed oat milk with 10 pumps of vanilla.


Had one customer who always asked for his I ed americano to be made with sparkling water


Espresso tonic


pretty good actually


Iced green tea mixed with peach juice and cinnamon dolce syrup.


Bullet coffee. Get absolutely fucked with that rank monstrosity.


a matcha made with heavy whipping cream, mocha, lavender and caramel.


cinnamon orange tea w a double shot of espresso


Americano with 5 decaf shots and 2 regular shots Almond syrup Italian soda with 2 shots of espresso


dirty matcha, 10 shots of espresso and about 4oz of milk, mocha with matcha in it those are the worst i remember


We have some weird powdered latte mixes. Somebody wanted us to mix matcha with turmeric and espresso. It looked and smelt like vomit. I doubt they finished it.


16 oz heavy cream “latte”


Blended coffee with 20 oz of creme de menthe. We tried a bit of it, just so minty. Also green tea with caramel and chocolate...working at dutch bros was interesting.


i think i work at the same coffee chain you do… and this one costumer gets a mint coffee with 8 table spoons of sugar and probably 4 inches of heavy cream on that - it fascinates me


an iced latte with matcha, espresso, and chai. or a 12 oz iced matcha latte with 7 pumps of vanilla and 5 pumps of toasted marshmallow


usually anything that's majority syrup/ add-on than coffee/tea etc


I have several instances. 1) legit order for a large nonfat, 18 pump sugar free hazelnut latte 2) used to work at dutch bros. Carmel freeze with extra 1/2 cup of caramel sauce, line the cup in caramel, whip cream with caramel on top 3) my mistake, had a regular that let me make them surprise blended coffee flavored drinkson the daily. I started to run low on ideas... I do not recommend peanut butter and jelly. Don't do that. Was pretty bad.


Extra large 8×8 steeped tea, and then complained when it was cold. EVERY Tuesday and Thursday night.