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I use it every Sunday. In fact I have another tab open right now with a bunch of items I am watching. I have gotten some good deals there. That said, it's pretty obvious there's bots. Nobody is going to convince me Chikit1616 isn't a bot. Just look at any computer electronic items (RAM, motherboards, hard drives, etc). Week after week after week. Nothing but this bot bidding on everything, driving the prices up. Last week there was 4 of the same item that I wanted but ended up with nothing in the end because Chikit1616 kept automatically outbidding me, driving the price up. So I just let it go instead of falling into the trap. The bot won every single auction.


Yes!!! That’s the userID I always see on electronics!!!


Yep, it's pretty obvious when it comes to that user. There's other names that I am pretty sure are too (like brucewalker), but Chikit1616 is the one that sticks out the most to me.


i can only assume there is quite a bit of people running their own buy and sell utilizing the auction. You dont think theres people out there with cash just buying and selling and bidding and simply not caring at all b/c if they win it they will sit on it? I would be amazed that at this time if there is bots that nothing has been done about it. I go pick up items and sometimes people are picking up like 50 items at once.


Isn't this illegal if they're using bots to manipulate users to over pay for items?


Usually auctions have a base price, which is not the case here. So I believe that the said user ID will bid for the product until the price reaches to a reasonable mark.


Really makes sense why certain items are there week after week, and why I get automatically outbid in the last minute every single time


Chikit1616 here. Hope everyone’s having a nice evening. I really enjoy electronic items.




Is it actually you? Lmao


Naaaa, just one if the bot's bots.


I see that ID on almost all the items. Be it a potty seat or a mattress or a RAM. Lol.


KOTN has had its time. People pay way more for stuff that you can order directly online. Plus a lot of it really is just repackaged crap from Amazon. I find they could do a better job at describing if theirs issues with the product. I absolutely hate going there. I hate how long the wait time is. I hate the parking situation. Its addictive, emotional, and easy gambling. People burning lots of money they dont have.


Agreed! I walked in to get a small item but there was a massive line up. Was told the wait would be over an hr. I forfeited the item and paid the restock fee.


Well said!


When they first opened, you could get pretty good deals on everything. I stopped using it now because waaaay too many people use it now that prices raised quite high on everything lol (I know the increase is good for their business)


I started a KOTN subreddit to post about ridiculous prices that were paid for things that are normally much cheaper lol. r/kingofthenorthauction


Rofl where were you a couple of months ago when they were bidding $24 for a bag of rock salt reg price seven bucks at Canadian Tire?


Nice! Joined!


You should post about the bots they mentioned in this comment


Myself and others have got some good deals. But yeah you will see people paying as much or more than brand new prices some times. I've bought shoes there in the past. I'll try them on in store and if they don't fit I'll return it right there. But I've got really good deals on shoes, sports equipment and stuff like that.


They’ve recently changed the policy on clothes / shoes. Can’t return them anymore if they don’t fit.


Well then I have bought my last pair of shoes there.


I’ve used them before and gotten some decent deals. I found since they changed locations people are paying way more for stuff than it’s worth. It’s an absolute shit show trying to get in and out of the new location. I’ve had a heap of issues with stuff purchased from there that was “new” but not working as it should.


The owner is absolutely garbage. Wouldn't support that place worth anything


Can confirm he is an interesting character! Some sketchy stuff at this place, them arguing back with people on google reviews is hilarious and unprofessional too


Used to be great. Prices now are not worth it. Some people can’t even be bothered to see what the item goes for on Amazon and people way over pat when you factor in tax and auction fee. I’ve seen some items go for more than on sale at Amazon. I wonder if they bud up some items too?


Its so funny at times people pay it literally nearly the same price as new. As long as you do your homework on products and know the right price you are good


Ive used it in the past to get some pretty good deals, best would be a $750 monitor for $300 because it wouldn’t display at 165hz, but it was tested with the wrong cable, using the right one posted to the correct refresh. Now I find it not overly worth it unless I’m getting something worth it like that, it’s so busy in the afternoon you’ll be there awhile lined up and waiting and fighting for parking spots. Haven’t been back since they adjusted their open hours though. But before that you would see them lined out onto the street regularly.


I got my ps5 for $450 cheaper than retail. This place is good by me lol


I used to get a lot of stuff off of there for really decent prices. I find now the prices go way over than what they sell for brand new most of the time when bidding, and the last few times I’ve bought stuff it’s been broken or doesn’t work. It’s hit or miss I’d say.


I love it personally you just have to be aware of what the market value is for that item and be strict on bidding. You can get great deals if you set a budget and make sure you don’t overbid


There’s an online auction in orillia called A Liquidation it’s better in my opinion and it’s a small business. They have a Facebook page


Interesting, thank you!


My fiancé works there. Nothing sketchy about the place. Sometimes the stuff is worth it, sometimes it isn’t… it’s buyer beware like any auction site. Personally I’ve found some real deals over the years.


There are so many items there now. I only go for obscure items. So I still get decent prices. But any popular items have the same people bidding on them 4 or 5 times in a row for no reason. Days before bidding starts. In any case I'm still brimming over the Xbox Series X for $200. Gone are those times. Edit: grammar.


I tried it once to get myself a set of golf clubs as I needed new ones. Too quickly did they get to over $100 which isn't a big deal as retail value was over $500, however because I was a new user, I couldn't bid more than $100 on anything until I had won a prior auction. I get on one hand they want to guarantee I won't just bid something up and not claim it but on the other hand, I wasn't interested in anything else. Sucked it up and bought clubs at Golf Town that actually ended up being on sale anyways. Haven't looked at KOTN since.


Ohhhh. Interesting thread. Yup. I’m one of the ones that’s picking up a cart full of stuff. Every week! stuff I didn’t know I “ needed”(trust me I prob don’t) and no, I don’t resell on the side. But if you’re around when I clean out my garage …. Hey maybe For sure it will sell for less than I paid. The pluses : it’s close to where I live, and the people are always friendly. Returns reasonable. There’s lots of stuff. The new building is shiny and nice. The downside: I have a few that make me crazy. Apologies IA for the rant. 1. way too many people willing to pay retail price. People: Amazon price is not always the lowest. Right click on the title and search beyond Amazon for the love of god. Why people are willing to pay retail for something often flawed and largely unreturnable escapes me. I’ve been tricked a few times I’m sure and I kick myself. But that’s on a $10 or$20 item. Personally If I’m paying retail I’d rather return it to the store if I don’t like it. In a perfect world you should be aiming for 30% of retail. Up to 50% if in demand. Much of this stuff goes for 80% + And frankly that won’t even be a good price if something is on sale that week at Canadian tire. 2. It’s way too long. Too much stuff. ( yes I know. it was a plus with a slight variation) IMO. there is no way you should have a an 11 hour auction every week. That’s nuts. Who wants to sift thru 17,000+ items every week. And read the fine print noting “issues”. Seriously. 3. A 11 hour auction …..That doesn’t have proxy betting. !! Wtf. You have to be online to actually bid up and win something you want. (Most auctions have proxy betting where I can put in my max bid and the system will bid lowest of that to win it, holding the rest in reserve until I’m overbid.- then auto- bids again for me in increments. ) This is the only auction I know of that DOES NOT have proxy bidding. So as such its structure demands you sit by to bid up manually at close. Alternatively you can enter a bully bid that is way high at the outset but that’s a dumb strategy unless you really HAVE to have the thing and you absolutely can’t make yourself avail at 226pm to bid on it. You’re overpaying on purpose. With this one you just have to hope there’s nobody dumber than you. That’s it for the therapy session. Whew. There are others where quality of product is more reliable ( overruns vs returns -never opened). and slightly up market. Wayfair, Pottery barn, EQ3 And another one that might get closeouts from decent retailers -the company store, odd Restoration hardware on occasion. But also has the return / broken stuff. Each has its own quirks. Right now I’m wishing I had a different name on Reddit.


I used to work there, there are no bots, yes the employees are bidding against you because the manager doesn’t let employees purchase items directly off the skids. BEWARE of stuff you’re buying off of there though, the shit I’ve had to list is absolutely disgusting. And don’t advise you work there as there are no benefits, can get infections from the shit you’re touching, and the manager only gives an f about money not his employees! Hope this helps:)


No bots but people do buy to resell. As far as people paying more than something is worth, I think at that point it becomes an ego win more than anything.


I used to work there. Honestly you can get some really good deals on the things if you don't mind minor damage or lack of packaging. Like others have said, some people will pay more than what it's worth brand new. It's gambling almost, my only explanation for it. As for the bots, they ate from regular users trying to resell things.


Most things go for way too much, as you say. But otherwise I've found them great. Bought several things so far, with no real issues. Only once an electronic I bought didn't work as expected, and they accepted the return with no issues, which is pretty great considering most auctions are strictly 'as is'.


Yeah i think its the bots takes the price to their desired selling price and than later the real people rage over it


My golden mantra for Kotna. Check the cheapest available option in the market and apply 50% discount to that. Thats my max bid price.


Very similar to what I do!!


Honestly as long as you aren’t stupid and can take two seconds to look at what you’re bidding on and it’s price, it’s a place I’ve gotten seriously good deals and hidden gems


Literally most of my ‘nice’ things have come from KOTN. I would never have paid full retail price to buy these at a store or Amazon etc… Started with a Japanese Damascus knife 4 years ago for half price and haven’t looked back. I’ve won so many items for 30-40 percent of the going retail price. Just have to know when to stop. There’s a difference in something you ‘want’ vs something you need. I’ll bid higher for the latter.