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So if I hit a jaywalker I won't be charged either right?


It’s free real estate 😈


You shouldn't be, depending on the circumstances. This idea that pedestrians ALWAYS have the right of way is a myth.


Especially of the other party has a badge.


> depending on the circumstances. The circumstance of whether or not you're a cop.


You can’t purposely hit them if you have the opportunity to avoid - even if they shouldn’t be there. If they’re running out in front of you and you can’t avoid - especially if they’re running out from in front of a bus and you didn’t have a chance to see them approaching the road at all - then no you would not be charged.


I imagine the cop waddling out of their SUV and dropping a ticket on the ladies injured body then continuing on to their donut-run speeding down Essa.


We need a higher standard for police than “be a fat racist who got C’s in highschool” ACAB.


Do you know the requirements to get hired as police officer. To be competitive you need a degree and lots of community service and physically fit. Bigger services water down their requirements but in Canada it is much harder than the us


I think it takes longer to become a certified plumber.


It takes 5 years to become a plumber and about 5 years to become a first class Constable. So very close in comparison.


Sure hope so, since the police might have to make decisions that can affect someone's life. But I have heard it doesn't take five years, who knows I can be wronf


I don’t see university degree as a requirement. You only need a high school diploma it says and a 12 week training program I think after hired on. A bunch of ‘morale code’ tattoo piercing stuff etc. Education wise I see no university and no college? Am I missing something.


You are missing the laps they have run are Georgian College


>Am I missing something. I'm pretty "ACAB" but I don't see the point in just blindly dismissing things you don't know about. It's pretty well documented and discussed that without being a nepotism hire, getting into the police force *here* is actually very competitive. "Competitive" doesn't mean the technical job requirements are big, it means the applicants in general have to bring that to the table. Generally you have to be mid-late twenties or older, a university degree, years of community work or volunteering, and if you don't have those things you are *competing* with people who do. Barrie isn't a no name town in the middle of no where, they are not short of qualified applicants.


I said to be competitive, technically you only need gr 12 but very few get hired with that level of education.


My friend is a cop, he only got in because his dad was a cop but he says amongst all his coworkers he is the only one without a university degree.


Yeah that sounds right to me as well. I’m not sure how anyone can even know if most of them have 4 year degrees, especially considering how many there are in Ontario.


Not going to be a cop with just a high school education. There are thousands applying, you will need a degree and extensive community work.


But this is the Barrie way


Just because she was charged doesn't mean she was at fault and/or will be found guilty, although, I'm betting she will be. I also wonder how fast the police carcwas travelling; was the driver distracted; we'll never know.


I'm surprised they just didn't shoot her


Luckily no acorns were around the vicinity


They probably did, that part was just removed from the report


I hope the pedestrian sues the fuck out of Barrie Police


For being 18 and too moronic to look both ways or wait for the bus to clear. If that cop was on the way to something serious I’d sue her.


For what? She ran out in front of his car.


We just gonna trust the police?


You can’t sue someone after getting hit jaywalking. I’d you could, people who are dirt poor with nothing to lose should just in front of cars and get free cases. It’s like hammering the brakes to get a free insurance claim (fraud) but way more dangerous lol


As someone that lived in Calgary for a while, a city that actively charges people with jaywalking, and moving back here. Ontarians are f'n dumb when it comes to jaywalking. On many occasions, I've seen Ontarians cross a road 20ft from the intersection, then walk towards the intersection. Ignorance for the law can 100% be used here. Stupid does as stupid sees. On a related note turning lanes are for turning OFF the road not turning ON to it. Stop doing this. Even if you are smart enough to watch out and pull this maneuver off, other idiots are watching you. Twice last week i was turning onto Veterans off Essa. Turning traffic backed up to the entrance to shoppers. As I'm trying to pull into the turning lane, some morons with a starbucks cup thinks they are more important and almost drove into me.


Jaywalking is only a crime when you impede traffic afaik. Looks like she impeded traffic. It says she got off the bus so there should be video right? I hate cops but genuinely if your dumbass gets off a bus and immediately runs into traffic I think a ticket is kinda warranted.


The ONLY reason she was charged is because she was hit by a cop. If this had happened to anyone else, it would be the driver who was facing charges. Just another day in the life of Barrie's corrupt and incompetent police force.


> Barrie's corrupt and incompetent police force. Expand to all police. They are all corrupt. They blatantly do this everywhere.


True. But the BPS seem to be worse than most of the others. Especially when you consider that they are one of the most expensive police forces (per tax dollar) in Canada.


Eh, if the driver has a dashcam or can argue for the Barrie transits video footage I doubt they'd be charged with anything. Though also doubt that the pedestrian would be charged in this scenario.


Bruh there was the same situation a few years ago (except not a cop) and the person was charged. Literally nothing to do with bad cops, it sad how blind people are just assuming everything is because of corruption


I drive that area often. Every single time I see people bolting between the 2 sets of lights to get to and from the bus station. Ive slammed on my breaks to avoid hitting 2 people running across. There's 2 sets of lights right there and a tiny bit further down is a 3rd set of lights. There's no need for this. Learn to cross at a cross walk!


Typical of police. Blame the victim when the cop fucks up. If this had happened to anyone else it would be the driver facing charges. Plus, the public would be whining about how people drive to fast and don't pay attention. Instead they have to charge the victim of his shitty driving to deflect blame from him.


Sorry but I have to disagree. As much as I cant stand Barrie police if you walk out in front of any vehicle and you are not at a crosswalk you (the pedestrian) are the one at fault. Pedestrians have a role in their own safety as well and that means crossing at the proper locations. By all accounts they walked across the front of the bus and directly into traffic without looking, police or not this one is the pedestrians own fault.


It doesn't change the fact that the police ALWAYS charge the driver if they hit a pedestrian, always. Except in this case, because god forbid a cop be held to the same standards as the rest of us.


Would you be saying the same if it was a civilian that his this person and was charged?


If it was a civilian driver who hit this pedestrian instead of a cop, that driver would be charged.


100% incorrect


If the driver was speeding fault would typically be granted to them. If they weren’t speeding then fault would be the pedestrian who walked directly into traffic without giving the cars time to respond. So long as cars have the time to respond when someone walks into the road pedestrians always have the right of way, on a crosswalk or not.


Pedestrians still have right of way, so regardless of whether they're jaywalking or not, the cop should be held liable. It's kinda silly, but it also protects people from hit and run accidents


So if someone randomly pops out from behind a bus and steps directly into your path you think you should be charged?


It's unfair, but it's simply what I was taught in drivers-ed a long time ago. If it was any other vehicle on the road that hit them, then charges would be laid on the driver. A jaywalking ticket may be issued to the pedestrian, but the driver can and will get held accountable for hitting the pedestrian.


Factually incorrect


Don’t bother


If you truly believe that perhaps you should step in front of a bus last second and let us know how it went


I mean if you want to hit a jaywalker and call it bonus points, have at it, but you are more than likely going to be sued for damages/injuries than the pedestrian will be for jaywalking, this person happened to just get hit by a cop. Again, I'm not defending jaywalking, I'm just simply explaining how that particular law is interpreted 9 times out of 10. There's no need to be a hostile, insufferable know-it-all about it just because you're on Reddit lol, so just chill


No hostility here friend, just asking you to put your money where your mouth is if you're so confident in your views. It would appear that isn't the case however.


Why would I need to when there's decades of case law that does it for me? Otherwise you just wanted to be a dick about it for upvotes. Congrats I guess? Either way, it appears your reading comprehension is lacking, and you don't seem to lack any confidence about it. Imagine that...


Again no hostility here friend, not sure why you feel otherwise. I back up my values and beliefs by standing behind them through actions rather than words. Unfortunate that you can’t display confidence in your beliefs but then again we are all a work in progress!


What in the John Wayne are you on about anymore? "My values" Virtue signalling now, are we?


Rules for thee and not for me….


Insurance adjuster here. A lot of people using this to jump all over the BPS, but the fact she was hit by a police cruiser is a red herring. Liability in a motor vehicle collision with a pedestrian is not so black and white. If it can be established the pedestrian was jaywalking that is one element. There is also a concept of “last opportunity to avoid” when one is injured. Essentially, you maybe shouldn’t be there legally - like jaywalking or someone gridlocking an intersection for example - that doesn’t give me a license to continue at speed and slam into you when I see you and could avoid injuring you. In this case, it seems likely that the pedestrian was likely obscured by the bus and fled across the road. If true, she would deserve that ticket no matter the vehicle that struck her. That said, I hope she makes a full recovery.


Let's wait for the trial.


she was drunk tho. that's why she got charged


And what standard is the cop being held to? Jaywalkers are a prt of life as a driver, the fact that they didnt use the crosswalk doesnt excuse hitting them, and police officers should be held to the highest of standards.


If i hit a pedestrian guaranteed I’d be charged.