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I can't help but feel like there's a really easy way to never get charged with distracted driving ever.


Thats a shitty situation. But it's honestly good that they're finally cracking down on distracted drivers. I got rear ended by one 2 weeks ago when I was stopped at a red light waiting for it to turn green


I’ve had it happen twice in two years. It’s insane


I honestly hope they'll do it more. i've been hit 3 times by distracted drivers while walking the streets with my dog. One of the guys even waved his phone at me like it was an excuse as to why he blew the stop sign and sent me to the ground (having to be stopped by another motorist). My last walk yesterday down Anne street and i maybe saw 4 cars that didn't have phones in hand the whole time. there are 2 schools there, good lord Phone down people, please. You don't want to kill someone and have to live with those consequences. 3 day suspension is a good chance to see it from a walkers point of view


Next time speak to your phone assistant. There should be no reason to pick up your phone.


You broke the law directly in front of a cop. How did you think it would go down? It’s a good law.


>It’s a good law. If I can sit at a light and type away at my infotainment system but OP can't hold their phone to put an address into google maps, maybe the law doesn't really make sense. OP is going to get royally screwed by this, the lasting effects of this ticket will be felt for years and will likely cost them thousands, and the lesson they learned is they can be bombing down a busy highway and tap a stationary screen, but they can't hold a screen to do the same thing while parked at a light.


You can’t use your car stereo if it’s touchscreen.






I don't know what you're looking for here. Won't get sympathy for breaking the law. Well you could go to court and try to explain to them that you believe you're entitled to touch your phone because you were forgetful and we're sitting in traffic... But argumentative you could have waited until you moved after the lights and had an opportunity to move on over to stop. I don't think they're going to allow," I forgot to put my GPS on" as a reasonable excuse. I almost had a head on collision a few weeks back because some girl was distracted on her cell phone and completely moved over into my Lane on a back road. If I didn't hold my horn down to get her attention, I don't think I would be here today to make this comment. Distracted driving is a huge problem regardless of how small you think you contribute to it.


In all honesty they need to start cracking down on distracted drivers again. The number of people who play on their phones while driving is ridiculous. I understand in some situations it’s as simple as forgetting to input an address on your GPS however had you simply pulled back into a parking lot or onto a side street and parked in an area out of the way of other motorists you would have saved 650$ 4 points and not lost your license for 3 days. I for one am would like to see fines increase for distracted drivers and further charges laid in instances where children are in the vehicle, eg..child endangerment. In instances where collisions are a direct result of distracted drivers they should also face insurance fraud charges.


Don't even need to pull back in or pull over, this is what voice assistant is for. Android even goes into driving mode when it detects your moving in an automobile. Not sure about apple.


650 💀💀💀


The $650 is nothing compared to how its going to affect his insurance rate for the next few years. Those points are the wallet killer


Points are whether you get to keep your license or not. Insurance companies care about major and minor infractions. This is a major infraction which will hurt


Right. It's crazy. Especially in this economy. Pretty sure you can run someone over for less


Go to court and explain the situation. I cant speak on what the crown would do, but I feel like they would understand the reality of the situation.


No. Minimal chance of pleading down a cell phone charge. This is the one with zero leeway.


Yeah this, I went to court a few years ago because I was doing 20 over on some back roads outside of Waterloo (still blows my mind the road went from 80 to 50) and it was like $200 and 2 demerit points. I walked into the court and they said if I just sign saying I did it they’ll change it to $80 and 0 demerit points and nothing changed with my insurance


I don’t think this works with cell phone tickets. My partner got one a few years ago, and the cop said that with speeding they can write down “less” speeding, and make the fine better for you. With cell phones there is no “less use”, you are either on it or not.


Ah that makes sense, but hey worth a shot even if it just means less demerit points for insurance. Although it is a huge waste of time going to court if not possible, you always have the chance of the cop not showing up and then you get off Scott free but idk how often that actually happens


They changed that quite a while ago, cop no longer needs to show up in court.


it’s to protect and serve And your interaction was the serve part


But car manufacturers are putting in small iPads in the dash .. you’re at a red light, stopped, inputtting ur gps in a phone vs the dash gps…I fail to see the difference.


You had bad luck they got you, about half the drivers I see are looking down at their phones while they are driving, nevermind in stopped traffic.


That sucks but it's a lesson learned... laws are there for a reason. And I am sure there is more to the story then you are letting on for getting this many points off.


Holy s\*\*\* 3 day suspension and 4 points. I could see that punishment maybe if you caused an accident, sheesh.. You made a mistake picking up your phone, you got caught, that's how the cookie crumbles. You do have the option of fighting the ticket and that almost always gets it reduced. You don't need to hire a lawyer you can do it all yourself.


Tint your windows. Dark. A lot cheaper than 650 LOL


We can still see your screens light up through the tint in a box.


Im all for muting phones while driving, but Laws have to be reasonable. This is not reasonable. Heavy handed. Like jail time for misgendering. If it was entirely while stopped then why? "Just cuz" is a terrible reason.