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Old Dave would’ve told Nicky to pack his shit and leave, Miss Peaches done made that boy soft


Nick and kb got sent to manhattan Kansas and TCU’s campus when they don’t have a rooting interest in either and put out great content. But smokes cries getting a chance to see his team play to win their first Stanley cup. I hate that he’ll have a job for life because big cat deep down loves that he’s a frat fuck boy. And there’s “just something about him”


And TCU wasn’t even in session when they went lol, it was the most boring trip they could’ve done and they powered through


>manhattan It was Lawrence


Aggieville > Mass St.


Mass during the day, Aggie at night


Haymarket in the day, O Street at night. (GBR)


Oo that's what's up


You act as if geography loving KB didn’t love enjoy visiting a D level town.


Ah yes the same old frat kid line


Tough to get good reactions out of drunk college kids that just won a national championship, thank god Nick and KB were there


Truly not something everyone can do well. I bet Nicky smokes would suck at it


Well obviously, he’s no nick or KB


This guy is a clown. Any real fan would jump at that opportunity


I’ve said from day one that Nicky is a fake fan


I genuinely can’t imagine being unmarried with no kids and working for barstool and getting sent to literally any finals game for any major sport with people who are probably your friends and saying no. what planet are we on?


I could guarantee he either had 1. A date or 2. Drugs he was planning on doing this weekend


Please don't limit him - it was probably both!


I think there’s a chance he’s dumb enough to believe he’s actually a jinx that impacts the team.


He's just not a real hockey fan. If the Heat were playing, I'm sure he'd be happier. Still a clown otherwise tho.


After Jake’s departure, there’s no Miami fans left


Miami fans don't exist. Like california sports fans


When I visited LA it was like culture shock to me. I was in a pretty typical bar on a Saturday afternoon in November and the few TVs had re-runs of everybody loves Raymond on. It was genuinely hard to find somewhere with CFB on lol


Always shocked how much positive support this clown gets - ‘likable douche’ gets thrown out a lot. Don’t see it at all, guy sucks.


People don't like Jayson Tatum and I think the biggest reason is because the Celtics losing to the heat put this clown in their life


One of the the funniest things about this sub is if a video of him impersonating big cat was posted and you said this same thing word for word it would be the most downvoted comment lol.


I don’t think it’s delusion like Dave is saying. I think Smokes is just so coddled by BC that he thinks he can turn down a work assignment cause he has to fuck an unfortunate girl in Chicago.


That’s exactly why he didn’t want to go. I was thinking the same thing he has plans lined up with a girl this weekend no doubt


Also he “blogs” 250 words a week that are mainly just him copying and pasting tweets


He’s pissed he won’t be able to do Miami blow in Edmonton.


Oil Rig blow though.


Wow. I was thinking a portion of the costs would be on Smokes’ dime and was about play devils advocate. Complaining about a trip to the SCF to see your team play… Dude completely lost whatever empathy he had from Stoolies with this one. Surprised Dave didn’t fire him on the spot


Smokes is just a fake fan then. I paid a stupid amount to watch my team in the SCF and this asshole won’t get flown there and see the game for free? And why? So he can two pump some woo girl that is impressed because he appears on the internet sometimes?


Woo girl, shout out HIMYM


When he started tweeting about the Panthers at the beginning of the playoffs he straight up told me on Twitter “I’m not that big of a fan honestly.”


This is one of the least self aware things I’ve ever seen. No one wants to see a video of this loser’s team winning the Stanley cup finals. We want to see him lose.


Should be fired on the spot Dave is so fucking soft


I'm a devils fan and I would jump at the opportunity to go to Game 6 of a Stanley Cup Finals, in Canada, for free, even without my team there. Insane opportunity to pass up. That building is gonna be electric


This is the correct take, place is going to be awesome.


Kid blows


Using the superstition angle as to why you don't want to go on a free work trip to the Stanley Cup in literally any city to see any team is insane behavior


He's going to get caught with coke going through customs.


Edmonton is a big coke city. He will be fine if he makes it past the border


I would jump on that opportunity and i don’t like either team


Even the non fat people are getting super lazy now. So much dead weight at this company


Remember when all you losers were talking this guy up when his contract got renewed? Here's your boy. He fuckin stinks.


I can tell you right now if Dave offered me free tickets to watch the Broncos or Nebraska football in their respective title games I would do it. Even if both teams got fucking murdered you know why content and I wanna make money.


What if your boss asked you to fly a couple hours north to a city for an emergency project he needs you on Would you say no, sorry, I don’t feel like it?


He’s definitely got a dui or something and doesn’t want to say it in camera


Job for life if smokes pulls the oilers flasher


I think RA already smashed


I fear forcing a jinx will not work out the way Dave is hoping


Lol like a minute or so in you can see miss peaches taking a piss on the turf


Eagle eye


Dude just bummed he can only go to the chicago bars 4 times this week.


1) I love watching Dave cook. Need him in there stirring things up bc most his employees aren’t entertaining on their own merit. 2)If ur Nicky smokes, why the FUCK wouldn’t you immediately stand up, gather your shit and say “I’ll be on the next flight out” and bee line to the airport before he changes his mind 3) he should have tried to make a bet with Dave


I like how in another video Smokes claimed to Dave that he's a "vibes guy" who "keeps the vibes up" then bitches about getting sent to party with the chiclets crew.


Yeah but who is the brunette with boobs and glasses?


Honestly I think he’s got a drug problem and doesn’t want to go without, or be forced to travel with drugs internationally. Having a drug problem makes spontaneous travel and vacation something you have to put real thought and planning into.


Idk what his problem is but I know he got one


I started to think he was a fake fan when he went out the same night the Dolphins lost in the playoffs, but this confirms it. This kid is brutal Dave pre COVID would’ve fired him


Mad Dog in the background doing nothing as usual lmaoo 🙄


When you’re hut you don’t have to


I would have sat in the parking lot listening to a radio for a Rangers-Oilers Stanley Cup had we been fortunate enough. This guy is out of his mind that he didn’t accept that offer immediately. I know nothing about Smokes’ Panther loyalty but this screams “I am not a serious fan”.


We *really* think he’s a panthers super fan?


Time to trim the fat at both offices! I get “they never fire anyone” but they have way too many people that do nothing or don’t bring in money.


He’s pretending to be upset obviously