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Life long bartender, here to tell you that happens but it never ever works (for whatever “works” implies to you) because the other regular patrons WILL fuck that lie up, about 75% of the time on purpose and 25% accidentally. Regulars who aren’t getting laid do not want to see other regulars getting laid.


Can confirm, I’m a massive hater after 3 beer




At one place, we had a regular that we called "50 First Dates" -- he always brought girls to our bar for a first date. But we never saw the same girl twice so we figured that while he had the game to score a first date, he didn't have the substance to secure a second.


Also had a dude like that. Called him Dahmer because either he only scores first dates or he is a serial killer.


I'm in this post and I don't like it


Lmao this happened to me before. Met a guy at a bar, ended up knowing the manager. When I went to the bathroom, my friend pulled me aside and told me that this guy brings in so many girls and he’s a total asshole. Needless to say, that date ended. Pretty weirdly, too. He ended up getting 86d that night.


stooooooooooorrrrrry time!


Lol sorry, was working. He kept gloating about all the women he fucked, especially the married ones. Also kept insisting I had to come to his apartment, which I consistently told him no. At some point, I did the “exasperated sigh” by taking off my glasses and pinching the bridge of my nose in annoyance and he took that opportunity to steal my glasses. This guy literally ran out with my glasses in hand. At this point I took the loss and ordered another drink while telling my friend and the bartender what happened. Next thing I know, he’s taking a selfie in his bathroom mirror with them on. He wrote that if I wanted my glasses back, I had to come meet him in his apartment. Told him that’s fine, still not going. Maybe like 30mins later, he comes back and hands them back, the manager 86d him. He said he was looking for a reason and that was a perfect reason to.


What is 86d?


Means they are no longer welcomed in the bar/restaurant. They’re barred. It’s a common term for things that a bar or restaurant doesn’t have at the moment. Oh we are out of fettuccine, we 86 it. We are out of Jameson, it is 86’d until the order of new bottles come in. Same goes for guests that don’t behave, except they’re never welcomed again.


Cheers. I'm curious how 86 became the equivalent to no longer welcome


During prohibition, 86 was the address on the secret exit of a Brooklyn speakeasy. At least that’s the story I heard.


Chumleys in the west village in Manhattan, but yeah. Sorry I know this thread is 6months old lol


Come on now. Don't leave us hanging


This may be a bar but the tea is welcome 🍵


A couple hundred yards from my old place was a nice restaurant with an outdoor bar on a deck overlooking the ocean, perfect spot for a first date. While I’d never say I hadn’t taken anyone there I did see the bartender smirk a few times


Before I worked there, my old bar had an infamous guest who scheduled multiple first dates IN ONE NIGHT. The women figured it out at a bar across the street where he “recommended” and all started complaining about their dates, realizing they were all talking about the same guy.


We had a serial dater going so long that the women found one another and started a whole support group. We had to 86 him!


I had a guy come in a few weeks ago on a first date. They sat right in front of me, so I got to overhear that they made plans for a second date at the end. Cool, kinda sweet, and whatever, right? They left with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Two hours later, the same guy comes in with a *second date*. They didn't sit at the bar this time, but he did come to the bar to order their drinks, presumably because, after he ordered, he leaned in really close and whispered, "Please don't say anything." This date went even better, I guess, because they left together, and he tipped 50%. Honestly, the sheer fucking gall blew me away. Weird af, but also weirdly impressive?


Gives pre-gaming a new meaning.


Used to have a guy who brought different Tinder dates to my bar every weekend. Nothing wrong with that, but the weird thing was he always wore the same Burzum t-shirt for all these different dates. Like, what kind of message was he trying to send to these girls? I know the message *I* got from the shirt, and it’s not one I’d expect anyone would want to advertise.


Alright, remain calm, everybody tuck yer pants into yer socks.


What was worse to me was when certain regulars would come in with someone that wasn't their spouse and be all over them, putting the staff and other regulars in a shitty position since we all knew them both. And no, it was never people in open marriages/poly situations. At my last job it happened at least 4 times that I was present for. If you're gonna cheat, maybe don't take the other person to the bar you and your spouse frequent together.


worked in a semi nice establishment in a downtown area that was notorious for cheat dates. I may have developed an ocular muscle condition from too many eye rolls.


Lmao there's a guy who comes in now and then always with a different girl and tells them the same spiel almost verbatim. I'm pretty sure I could recite his life story from memory by now.


Plot twist- him as his wife are regulars