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Ben Rice is looming šŸ‘€


The Mets actually have a rule that if a player is batting under .034 they have to wear the Mr Met costume for a game. For more information google "Mr Met Rule 34"


Someone did a ā€œstudyā€ on this sub a while back and found Ms. Met has the most rule 34 content of all the mlb mascots, exponentially more.


Does this only count the main mascots? Like Bernie Brewer is probably low. But we have 5 sentient sausages. Ms Met knows what Iā€™m talking about.


whoa mama!


Rizzo is definitely washed. It's a shame he fell off so quick. I feel like he's going to be out of the league within a year.


Tatis literally ended his career


I think this low isn't who he is. Yes he's in decline but his average exit velocity dropping 4mph since last year (which is a huge drop which I don't think will stay that low) and he's still showing a good contact% and launch angle. I think his hard hit% will climb back up a little bit as he starts hitting the ball better.


Yeah, I don't think he'll remain quite this bad but the underlying numbers still aren't good. His walk rate of 5.6% is especially concerning since he's at 10.6% for his career. There's just not going to be much of a market for him next year as a 35 year old 1st baseman, even if he can make it back to a 100 WRC+. I'm a huge fan of Rizzo so I'm definitely rooting for him.


Ya agreed. The walk rate thing is definitely worrying. He seems really loved in the clubhouse so I'm loath to trade him.


Have the Pete Alonso to Yankees rumors begun yet?


Doubtful it would happen. The Yankees tend not to like right handed first basemen and they tend not to like first basemen with poor lateral movement. Look at how quickly they moved off of Voit. Plus Hal keeps saying he wants to cut playroll, not add to it.


Alonso would be a rental, if any trade did happen it would also likely include the Mets covering salary in exchange for a higher quality prospect in return


we should simply call up ben rice instead


Ben Rice isn't as good + calling him up to play 1B would pretty much end their development of him as a C and I'm not sure they're ready for that




I feel like I can confidently say Rice isn't as good as Pete Alonso


Voit was on the Yankees for 4 years, so it wasnā€™t exactly quick. They didnā€™t get rid of him because of his ā€œpoor lateral movementā€. Defense was never part of his game. He was hitting poorly. Voit making close to league minimum, made it easy for the Yankees to move on, when they traded for Rizzo.


They moved on from Voit because he was never healthy tbh


I don't think they'll get Alonso but imo that's mainly because of payroll and the fact that they won't want to give up on Rizzo entirely, so a platoon/depth addition at 1B is more likely. Idk what you're talking about with right-handed first basemen, lateral movement, and "quickly" moving off of Voit (after acquiring him and making him a starting player for 3.5 years lol)


Alonso would be a pure rental but the first few points are correct. They'll try to add a LHH I'd imagine. They also could just add a 3B and have Rizzo/DJ platoon and hope it gets better


My lukewarm take is that if Rizzo continues to struggle this badly, the Yankees go after Josh Bell at the trade deadline. It would be a very slight upgrade offensively, and a downgrade defensively, but heā€™s probably the cheapest average 1B available. Iā€™m not really sure what big swings Cashman could take - most of the best 1B in the league are in the AL East or on competitive teams. Rizzo may end up keeping his role by default.


The thing the Yankees have in their favor is they still have a decent amount of prospect depth and a pure rental doesn't usually cost the higher end guys


It's not a rough month it's a rough **week**


good, the yankees need a weakness SOMEWHERE.


Over half their lineup is a weakness. Their top 3 is just absurdly good when Soto is in. If heā€™s out, more than half their lineup has an OBP under .300. At least Stanton hits home runs, though he is still rated as a below-average contributor. Rizzo, Gleyber, Lemahieu, and Wells are all pitiful. Soto and Judge are elite. Volpe is excellent. Verdugo is slightly above-average. The rest of the team offensively is below average or worse. This was a .500 team without Soto last year. Elite pitching and an excellent top 3 in their lineup is all a team may need, but they certainly have their weaknesses, and the Dodgers blow them away in terms of overall offensive talent.


Yeah the Yankees biggest weakness is depth. If one of Soto/judge were to miss extended time, we likely fall to a .500 pace. I also still believe our entire pitching staff is due to regression


Regression from best in baseball to top 5-10 or so. The Yankees rotation will still be good even after a regression, but its unlikely that they all keep overperforming their metrics all year long. The Yankees league the league in both LOB% and xwOBA-wOBA


I imagine getting the best pitcher in the game back will offset this.


Do you have a large discrepancy between ERA and FIP? You have decent defense though, so I wouldn't expect too much regression.


More looking at just the perspective of year to year. Outside of Cole almost every other member of the rotation was a bit of a ? going into this year. So it just blows my mind that Cortes/stroman/schmidt/gil have all been as good as they have


Itā€™s funny because I read that and thought you could copy and paste almost all of it for the dodgers Iirc their 6-9 hitters are hitting like .140 collectively on the season or something like that


Wells has been kind of unlucky, Rizzo/DJ have been bad and Trevino's framing makes up for the fact that he has very little power and swings at everything. Gleyber has been better lately I think the pressure of his contract is affecting his play especially in the field


Dang, you got two more years of DJ left? I thought he was a decent bat until recently.


Gleyber is not pitiful. Look up his stats in the past month


Stanton has a wRC+ of 116... that's certainly not a below-average contributor


Heā€™s got a sub .300 OBP and basically running on fumes and had a recent stretch where he went 4-40. Heā€™s unreliable essentially.


The numbers for the entire season would actually support the fact that he has been reliable in providing value 16% above that of an average player. In other words, above average. If only there were a statistic aside from OBP which could be commonly stated in a triple slash of some sort, which would indicate certain types of hits are weighted as more valuable than others that might recognize his power output that works to offset his less than stellar ability to get on base. Alas, one such statistic doesn't exist.


I'm not denying he's above-average, I'm just saying Stanton isn't someone you can really rely on.


And I'm saying you can rely on him to be approximately 16% better than an average player. Which is a good guy to rely on. How do you determine reliability if it isn't production?


Heā€™ll crush the occasional homer but as your witnessing yourself a guy who guesses every pitch, strikes out a lot and canā€™t get on base is not reliable against good pitching. Heā€™s been a replacement level player for years now, could care less about what his wRC+ is atm. He is not reliable and will eventually get hurt as always.


If you're just going to totally discard wRC+ which *literally* shows you how a player hits compared to league average, I'm not sure you're capable of understanding what a replacement level player actually is. 2023 is the only year in his entire career that he's been a below average hitter. This year and 2022 are statistically the worst of his entire career and that's still almost 20% better than league average. You just don't know what youre talking about


You have to take WAR in account. You donā€™t seem to understand how to calculate value. Hes accumulated 1 fWAR since 2022 making over 20M AAV. Heā€™s a pure DH. A WRC of 116 is not impressive in that scenerio. And frankly just looking at wRC+ doesnā€™t provide any context. His production is almost entirely based on HRs and heā€™s producing them in low leverage situations.


Shut up, we need the rest of the league to see us as god-tier


Wells has not produced as a batter. However, his xwOBA is tied with Verdugo for #4 on the Yankees after Judge, Soto, Stanton. Heā€™s notably ahead of Volpe, whose batting has been much-ballyhooed this year, and ahead of the MLB average. The stats think Wells is making good contact with the ball but is just colossally unlucky. And of course, all the catching stats Iā€™ve seen love him on defense, but thatā€™s another matter.


I mean, the bottom half of their lineup isn't very good. Rizzo has been bad, Gleyber has been bad, LeMahieu has been bad, Wells has been bad, Grisham has been bad. It's actually surprising they're doing as well as they are. It's just a testament to how good Judge and Soto are.


Anyone have a corner infield bat they are looking to flip at the deadline?


Kris Bryant obvi


Javy can play 3rd, Iā€™m sure he could figure out 1st also


wouldn't mind seeing him working magic on back picks at 1st


Same, pull the trigger Yanks!


Can I interest you in Bobby Dalbec?


Iā€™ve got a former MVP here with a back of the baseball card that will make you drool. Donā€™t miss this once in a lifetime opportunity!


Might I suggest a well traveled Ryan McKenna?


We have a Martin Maldonado if you were looking for a hitter with similar numbers


Nick Senzel has put up a nearly .800 OPS this season and had two doubles and a homer last nightā€¦just sayin


I need my boy Ryan McMahon


It hurts even more because heā€™s so likable and this is obviously killing him, you can see it in his face every time he gets out.


So the Yankees are gonna trade for Josh Bell at the deadline right, need to know if I should start prospect shopping


weā€™re the yankees not the dodgers








Cubs legend Gleyber Torres?


Can tell he's pressing and trying to hard. I think he knows this is his last shot and its getting to him, he seems very tense, angry and unfocused. He's trying to do to much at the plate and has lost his discipline.


He look unwell. Huge bags under his eyes every game.


Wonder if something happened in his personal life. He was doing ok until about a month ago, then the wheels fell off quickly.


Idk. If so he could have gone on the bereavement list. Iā€™d wager itā€™s more like he can sense how reduced he is by the concussion, itā€™s the last year of his contract, and if he doesnā€™t turn it around this could be the last few months of his career. Gotta be stressful.


I don't know if it's the concussion. His fielding has still been elite, and he was doing ok at the plate, even making that one great adjustment to hit a breaking ball for a key RBI in mid May. He just seems to not trust himself at the plate anymore and he's also trying to do to much, that's a bad combo. Hopefully he gets it together and takes an ego hit and changes to a more singles hitter and stops trying to porch every play.


Thats usually what 1/29 means


That's fine we have CT3 that hits about 1 for 25 in the month. He's the official bunter now.


My brother had a .019 batting average his sophomore year of high school


Heā€™s a Yankees player, We donā€™t care ! I mean good for him, keep it up




>Canā€™t believe Cubs fans see him as one of their best ever. even for your usual schtick this sucks because it completely kills the facade that you know ball




Chris Taylor at home