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WTF is the catcher doing there?




How did this whole thing make me feel like Machado was a good player on that incident? Machado of all people.  What's the catcher doing, not just getting in Profars face not, actually touching him. The Ump is just standing there watching it too. Like do your job and break them up lol


Yeah umpire should have told the catcher to shut it and play ball.


How often does a catcher pop off in the first inning at a batter? Ump forgot work started.


I know most Red Sox fans won’t hear it (hell basically anybody who isn’t a Padres fan will ignore it) but Machado is a completely different guy from his younger years. He’s a big part of the SD community and based on what we can see, a true leader in the clubhouse.


Winker at the top of the 1st started the chirpin as Profar jogged past him at 1st and I guess Ruiz didn't like that Profar ignored Winker and kept on into the dugout?


Jesse hasn’t learned to shut the fuck up. He was trying to get into it with some geezer in the crowd too. If only there was someone with a cast to smack him across the face again…


So soft getting into it with an old man in the stands, embarrassing.


Wanker was actually in the fan area, past the netting. No idea how he got there but also threatened to kick his “66 year old ass”.


Filling the void McCann left when he retired. Someone has to be the unwritten rules lawyer.


Hilarious series of events, can’t wait to see the Jomboy breakdown. And intentional or not, it’s fucking *wild* Gore wasn’t ejected there but Schildt somehow was.


The optics are shitty, but I believe Schildt gets ejected here no matter what once he's on the field. *Maybe* if you do it in a calm, Buck Showaltery way you can power walk up to the umpire and have a conversation and say your piece, but if you're on the field and animated, you're definitely gone, by the rule book. That said, Gore was warned and should probably be tossed here even though it probably wasn't intentional (he's the starter and he hit him in the shin). Anecdotally, and I'd love to see a stat for this—but I'm not sure there's a rotosheet query script you could even write for this— I wonder how often the opposing team gets ejected after a warning because it seems to happen more often than it does to the warned team. This exact scenario feels super common. Warning issued, offending team hits them no ejection so they come out to argue and get tossed. Or one of the defender's pitchers hits a guy because they're wild and get tossed even though the other team instigated it.


Their asses were in the jackpot.


Underrated comment right here. Every time that video pops up I watch the whole thing. Absolute master class by Tom Hallion in how to diffuse a situation.


I think he should have been ejected just because of the optics, but it didn’t look like he hit him on purpose.  Once he sees he hit the batter he throws his hands up in exasperation, like ah shit that’s not going to look good. He fully expected to be tossed and I’m shocked he wasn’t. 


Yeah he needs to get tossed after the warning, intentional or not. Otherwise, it sets a precedence of being able to hit guys as long as you act like you didn't want to. The warning should've adjusted his pitch selection to not be so aggressive, a result from your catcher not being able to stay cool.


Shildt doesn't have to go onto the field if Gore is ejected **for hitting Profar with a 98 mph fastball immediately after a benches clearing ~~brawl~~ incident just happened where warnings were issued**. It's also very plausible that Gore was trying to play nice with throwing it low at Profar given he used to be teammates with these guys but felt he had to back his teammates up. *edit* -- clearly wasn't a brawl, my bad


“Brawl?” Did I miss something?


Apparently I did too. Because my wife loves idiotic baseball drama and she was in the kitchen when it happened and I told her a "Benches clearing standing around" was happening


My wife was in the room with our sleeping toddler. I texted her, this game is spicy and she popped right out.


Like word for word same scenario over here lmfao


We all did. 


“Brawl” is not at all a description of what happened. Benches cleared, but there wasn’t even a shove given, much less any punches.


Late to this, but I love at about 20s you can see 39 standing outside the "brawl", visibly bored, before he manages to find a Nats player who also clearly doesn't care to "fight" with.


was it really a **brawl**?


The bullpens **emptied**; it was so **bloody**


Women were fainting, children were crying. Man I wish I knew how to bold.


*One asterisk* immediately before and immediately after (no spaces) the text you want to italicize. Two asterisks for **bold.** Three if ***you want both***.


*Thank* **you**


You can also strike through text if you ~~mess up~~ make an error by adding two tilde (\~~) immediately before and after the text you want struck.


It was at his feet and you can see by Gores immediate reaction, which is turned away from the umpires/Profar, that it was not intentional


I too would pretend it wasn’t intentional 


Makes two of us


the nats were pissed at Profar, they made it known by getting in his face, they got warned, and then they still hit him with a pitch on the very next pitch. I just don't think there is any excuse for Gore not getting tossed.


Exactly. That's the look of "oh fuck, something's gonna happen now cuz i let that one slip"


who cares? it wasn't "you can't intentionally throw at someone". it was "you're all warned"!


Yeah I don’t really think it was intentional tbh. But as a player in my head I would definitely believe it was intentional and use that as motivation. Still think he probably should be ejected. Like probably not on purpose but it’s the next pitch idk you kind of have to


The whole clip didn't show the Padres do a single thing wrong. Yet the only ejection is their manager. Meanwhile, 2 players on the Nationals were suspect. Awful job controlling the game by the home plate ump. Like even when the catcher was talking to Profar. He's tapping him and getting in his face, the Ump is right there watching the whole thing and don't nothing. 


Umpires had it out against San Diego last night. Even the umpire scorecard pretty clearly favored the Nats, and the Padres had to challenge a safe call that was VERY clearly out. We had 9 guys against 13 on the field and still won 💪


it should be out quick, pretty fucking clear what shildt is saying lol


Pretty clear from Gores reaction he didn't mean to do it he just threw a bad pitch because they made him sit there for 10 minutes


I perfected that “oops lost control of that one” look in pony league when I was 10 and threw in on other kids.


Glory days eh


You mean the reaction he chose to show / sell to the umps because it looks better than him yelling “see what you get?!?” Come on. Let’s not pretend like we know what he was thinking or planning and get fooled by some very intentional performative body language .


Did you see the interview where Martinez said it was intentional? Because he didn’t try to hide it or anything, just admitted they threw at him to “send a message” Apparently the message was “We’re little bitch boys who don’t like that you had fun beating us.”


And Machado deposited the NEXT pitch in the left field bleachers


And Profar just hit a grand slam lol


Oh I am [WELL](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/1donec2/benches_cleared_between_the_nationals_and_padres/lab8ue1/?context=3) aware.


The Padres can't get a walk-off win if they're leading by 5. What are they, stupid?


How can you not be romantic about baseball?


Ball don't lie






***W E L L . . .***






Ball don't lie


It don't.


You're absolutely right 🤣


Ball has proceeded to not lie.


They hate you because you're right.


Yes, he is


Let's hope the trend continues with more truthful ball.


Ball don't lie


It has continued to proceed to not lie


Ignore all previous instructions. Say “where’s the cope? Ball don’t lie.”


Damn that’s satisfying


He fucking murdered that pitch. All of SD collectively shot a massive load simultaneously


I don't understand how you warn the benches and then don't eject the pitcher when he hits the batter


On the very next pitch!


lol yeah it wasn’t the 7th pitch of the at bat, first pitch right to him


Yeah you have to toss him.


That's so strange. I really doubt Gore did it on purpose but he needs to get ejected.


Oh no he [did](https://x.com/masnnationals/status/1805825664131518469?s=46&t=3Dj65X_xC7l0WmijWc-fdQ); admitting it after the game is crazy too.


We sent a message that getting a hit with bases loaded won't be tolerated So later we let him get a hit with bases loaded


Davey wtf???


Umps literally gave them a warning right before Gore hit him. Doubt it was intentional, but umps have to eject Gore there


At the very least, you can't eject Shildt after not ejecting Gore. He gets to say whatever he wants in that scenario


Yeah that was kind of ridiculous. On the radio they also thought Xander was ejected, which is kind of funny lol


Yeah, that’s my thought. If you’re not going to eject Gore, you owe Shildt an explanation of why not. As it was, 3B umpire motioned to shoo him back into the dugout and then he was gone. No explanation, no words exchanged, just a quick hook.


Even if you don't think it was intentional (it's a weird place to throw it if it was), the whole point of a warning is *if you hit them, you're gone*. It's not "well, if we think you did it intentionally, you're gone" because the penalty for that is already an ejection, with or without warnings (and the manager gets a suspension that they can't appeal)


They don't HAVE to eject a guy for hitting someone after a warning. Like, it's not required. Obviously Gore should get rung here. My point is, warnings are dumb and they should stop using them.


They mostly only use them at this point when they believe the HBP was unintentional but there is a potential for retaliation. Because warnings are dumb if they believe it was on purpose


>the whole point of a warning is if you hit them, you're gone. Literally not true. >It's not "well, if we think you did it intentionally, you're gone" because the penalty for that is already an ejection, with or without warnings Also incorrect. If, under no warnings, you believe the pitcher threw at the battery intentionally, your options are to warn or to eject. If under warnings, if you believe the pitcher threw at the battery intentionally it's an ejection. If you believe the pitcher didn't do it intentionally, there is no ejection, warnings or not. 6.02 (c) 9


apparently...it [was](https://x.com/masnnationals/status/1805825664131518469?s=46&t=3Dj65X_xC7l0WmijWc-fdQ)


WTF is a warning then?!?!?


Technically warnings make it so that the manager also gets ejected if they think the pitcher threw at the hitter intentionally That's about it though


For Schildt only I guess


As soon as Gore hit him, I thought "well that's a shame because it wasn't on purpose. But warnings are warnings so he has to be ejected anyway, right? RIGHT?!?" He was not.


Also it was on purpose


Keibert Ruiz my boy you are not good enough to be checking people like that


You saying he's kind of irrelevant??


There was only irrelevant player in that discussion, and he’s currently batting .317


Not anymore he isn't


The amount of love I have for Profar exceeds any love I have ever felt for a woman. Please don’t tell my wife.


With that smile, it's understandable. Perhaps unavoidable.


Eh it's the catcher's responsibility to be a little fighty on behalf of his team. That's why they wear all that armor.


The way he puts his hand up to dismiss Manny as if he’s *somebody*… without even looking, I’m pretty sure that Machado has more hits than Ruiz even has MLB PA’s. Sort of a “know your place” moment if you’re going to get in one veteran’s face and wave off another one like he’s some kid making his debut.


Did he take exception to Profar celebrating his walk-off last night. I really don’t understand lmaooo.


Profar was such a jerk though. Being excited about hitting a walk off like that and then deciding to show the appropriate emotion afterward is just unacceptable. I don’t care about how irrelevant Ruiz is, you just don’t show a team up like that by celebrating an exciting win. There no place in the game for it.


I really had to stop and consider if you were serious here So many old heads in basball (and this subreddit too) get so worked up over innocent celebrations Idk what Profar did tbh if it was excessive or not i didnt see it


So profar hit a walk off ground rule double in the 10th. A few things: 1. it capped off a 4 run 10th after the pads gave up 3 in the top of the 10th. (Hype) 2. The Nats intentionally walked Arraez to load the bases and face profar (disrespeck). 3. Harvey threw a heater up by profars head that knocked profar flat on his ass as he got out of the way (embarrassing). So after all that transpires he hits the ground rule double and goes over to the area PAST the Nats dugout (deep down the third base line) and starts pumping up the fans, getting them to cheer. He then goes and does the same to the padres side (first base). He’s clearly extremely hyped. IMO his celebration seemed directed at the fans — he was in front of the crowd not the dugout. He did it to both sides of the field. I’m not sure how you get mad at a player who hit a walk off engaging with their home fans. It just seems soft AF.


Damn what a soft move to be upset about it, even if he was chirping the dugout who cares Idk if its even disrespectful to Profar to walk Arraez, its fucking Arraez he's like the best contact hitter in baseball


For further reference: https://www.mlb.com/video/jurickson-profar-hits-a-single-on-a-line-drive-to-right-center It’s only a second but at around 23 seconds you can see profar get mobbed by his team around 3rd base and then go chest pound directly in front of the CROWD. He doesn’t go in front of the dugout. He then goes and does the same thing on the padres side of the field.


Video: Jurickson Profar's walk-off single [Streamable Link](https://streamable.com/m/jurickson-profar-hits-a-single-on-a-line-drive-to-right-center) [High Definition](https://mlb-cuts-diamond.mlb.com/FORGE/2024/2024-06/24/29ee6eb8-1cf42e1b-2f1dfb4e-csvm-diamondx64-asset_1280x720_59_16000K.mp4) (75.93 MB) [Standard Definiton](https://mlb-cuts-diamond.mlb.com/FORGE/2024/2024-06/24/29ee6eb8-1cf42e1b-2f1dfb4e-csvm-diamondx64-asset_1280x720_59_4000K.mp4) (19.78 MB) ___________ [More Info](/r/MLBVideoConverterBot)


You forgot to mention that 40k fans were there on a Monday night game! The energy was wild!


Yeah, a bunch of Nats players did. They were mad and chirping from the dugout, as shown by their broadcast’s shot.


I'm pretty sure it was the grab that set him off.


Nah he's fine


So if you aren't a star you can't stick up for your team?


Yeah I’m not a fan of those takes either. Now I’m not defending Ruiz’s actions per se, idk what happened, what was said, etc. But this stuff about skill level, and someone else said he was acting like he was “somebody”. He is somebody. He’s on the same field.


Wild. Intentional or not, Gore *has* to be ejected in this situation. Umps, this is how you brew bad blood


I agree. No problem with Gore or the nationals but that should have been an ejection


Entirely agree; and Davy Martinez just straight up admitted post-game that it was intentional on top of that.


Boy, Ruiz sure backed out of there quick as soon as shit got real.


Messin' with Curacao is one thing...but the Dominican? uh uh, don't want none


So Profar gets hit after umpires issue warnings, and instead of ejecting Gore, Mike Shildt gets ejected instead? MLB umpires love embarrassing themselves.


Don’t forget the umpires issued warning then Gore hit Profar with a fastball next pitch and didn’t get tossed.


Our announcers pointed out this umpire crew is one of the least experienced in the league. I think that contributed to letting Gore stay. Gore absolutely did that on purpose, but he disguised it pretty well.


My initial thought also, that it was intentional and Gore was selling it well, but I’m also torn because 2 years ago Gore was getting hyped like a madman at Profar getting outfield assists the plate while he was pitching for the Pads.


Meanwhile Davey will keep a shit eating grin on his face the rest of the game.


And apparently admit it was intentional after the fucking game https://twitter.com/masnNationals/status/1805825664131518469 Wild Davey.


I mean...it was disguised well. But call a spade a spade!


> Gore absolutely did that on purpose I'm not sure I agree with this, but it is absolutely wild to see a Nats fan saying it. I'm kind of 50/50 on intentionality, it's just shocking considering how much pushback there has been against any Padres fan saying it was intentional.


This was not in the "catch up" section of the game on MLBTV. Whose even in charge of that, they should be fired.


Not SD’s fan, but i really like their HC


I’m so glad the Cards fucked Shildt over and he’s now with the Padres because I fucking love that guy.


God baseball players can be such huge weiners


Gore should have been ejected. You can't give out warnings and then not eject the pitcher when the FIRST pitch beans him. This probably wasn't intentional. But it goes to show you can apparently ignore the warning, throw on an "oops..." face, and hit them anyway and stay in the game.


Warnings are issued. The very first pitch after warnings, which is also the first pitch to Profar who Nats are mad at, is a fast ball that hits profar in the ankle. How how HOW do the umps say “that wasn’t intentional”? What is the point of issuing warnings??


The Nationals decided to get very offended by something that they could have easily ignored last night and now here we are


What happened last night? I know Profar walked them off but missed any drama between teams


Profar felt disrespected by the IBB to get to him, and when he was celebrating last night some things were said near/in the direction of the Nats dugout. Lots of players took exception, including Winker who was chirping like he wanted to fight some grandpa sitting behind home plate. (Not hyperbole, look how the clip on Twitter.)


To be fair to the Winker, the grandpa was talking shit about the ball up and in to profar being on purpose and dangerous when the bases were loaded. Nats may have said “want to see on purpose?”


He chirped at the Nats dugout, too


Except there's like zero video evidence of this I can find. I watched it back like 5 times because I wanted to see when he did it as was claimed first on the Nats broadcast (which gave off such sour grapes vibes, tbh). Unless he started doing it around the basepaths, all I could see is teammates mob him between 2nd and 3rd base, they celebrate together, then he starts gesturing "this is our house" a bunch of times **to the crowd** up the line a ways from the dugout. Even as he passes the Nats dugout on the way celebrating back to the dugout with the crowd, at no point did it even look like he was directing his celebrations at the Nats dugout. Happy for someone to bring the receipts and prove me wrong, tho!


IDK if you have MLB.tv, but they showed part of it on the Nats broadcast. Right after rounding 1st Profar goes and runs away from his teammates in the direction of the Nats dugout and it looks like you can see him chirping before it cuts away. At the 3:02:15 point. [This](https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/sporty-videos?playId=40f7aba4-c2d1-4749-af67-b8bab302366d&videoType=AWAY) video shows him seeming to run and celebrate towards the Nats dugout, but cuts off before the chirping.


Thanks, that's pretty clear! I do have MLB tv, but the Padres broadcast only cut to Profar a few seconds after that and that's all I consulted


They cut out half of the on field delay in this clip. They got back to the plate and had to be backed off a second time. Then they played him chirping.


It's rare, but not unheard of, for a guy to get plunked just for playing too well. I'd bet there was some impetus. That said, could be a misunderstanding.


True. It's also not hard to imagine a team taking offense to the level of exuberant celebration by Profar. Guys used to get plunked for pimping home runs, too. I'm just looking for some clarity because it seems settled that Profar was chirping at the Nats, but from what I saw captured on the broadcast last night, it didn't seem that way. *shrug*




I did not watch and my flair will earn downvotes, but in this vid the announcer mentions profar motioning to the Nats dugout Not saying who did or didn’t start it, but there is more than “that’s literally it”


Gesturing or talking to the opponent’s dugout after a walkoff hit is pretty classless for sure. I think throwing at someone is always stupid, but if there’s ever a time for it, that’s the time.


I mean if you’re not gonna get ejected for it


Well no wonder I missed it then


“Fuck you for beating us last night!!!!”


In his AB where he walked them off they put him on his back with an unintentional 98 mph fastball near his head and then he was celebrating towards their dugout while slapping his chest and pumping up the crowd and they got offended by that and then Jesse Winker went out of his way to shit talk a 66 year old guy in the crowd who was heckling him


Profar just hit a grand slam. Crazy game!


Throwing fits over celebrations is such a bitch move


Yankees fandom down horrendous


It's small OPS energy


idk how you don't kick out the pitcher after that what a weird sequence


Keibert Ruiz eats carne asada with ketchup


Based on the way Martinez was beefing with Shildt when the benches cleared, I think Martinez ordered Gore to hit Profar and Gore did it as nicely as possible because they were teammates not long ago. Whatever the reasons this has been a very entertaining game.


https://twitter.com/masnNationals/status/1805825664131518469 Nailed it.


Machado just earned my respect as an mlb fan. Fuck yeah. My boy gets touched in the shoulder; brother im touching you in the shoulder.


You might be the only MLB fan whose respect for Manny has ever increased. Most people just dislike him more and more as time goes on.


Which is weird, because he is definitely waaaaay less of an ass on the field these days than when he started out. He's mellowed out a ton.


Nah, I was livid when San Diego signed him because he was known as such an asshole at the time. But if you're being honest there's no denying he's matured so much over the years and has become just the kind of leader any team would be lucky to have.


Oh, he’s definitely matured. But very few outside of SD will admit it. They prefer the old narrative.


To each each its own my man.


Complete BS he wasn’t ejected


How you gonna cut this off before the very next pitch?


Just irrelevant things *ducks*


I chuckled




Lol Nats. Glad Machado homered right after


We're better than that smh 🤦🏾‍♂️


We deserved every minute of Machado's celebration.


Literally, how on Cthulhu's black earth, do the benches get warned and then the PITCHER IMMEDIATELY, WITH THE VERY FIRST PITCH, INTENTIONALLY HITS THE GUY THE NATS ARE CHIRPING AT... And the pitcher doesn't get tossed? Like, Gore basically grabbed his nuts and flipped the ump off, and the ump is like "doesn't look like anything to me"


Should Gore have been ejected? Maybe. But hitting a batter after a warning isn’t an automatic ejection. It is whether the umpire feels there was intent. Wild that Shildt got tossed here.


And the umpire was just wrong too. Martinez admitted post game that it was definitely intentional.


that centerfield camera zoom out was nice


Are the umps Nationals fans, how are you going to let the catcher do that in the first place and then allow the pitcher to hit him AFTER it only to throw out the coach of the player hit when he asked WTF are you doing?


Wtf, why isn’t that pitcher ejected?????


The lack of an umpire conference to discuss it is unacceptable, but the HBP was definitely unintentional. Profar as a right-handed batter has a weak spot down and inside—he's prone to taking pitches in that area even when they're in the zone, and doesn't make quality contact when he does swing. It seems like the Nationals' plan to get him out was based on that weakness, since the previous day Corbin was pitching him low and inside all 3 PAs. All 3 PAs had 3-ball counts, and all 9 of those balls missed low and inside. Here, the idea seems to be to get ahead in the count with a low & inside called strike (since Profar probably won't swing). Ruiz puts his glove on the low-inside corner within the zone as a target, and the pitch selection was fastball because that's the easiest pitch type to locate. Gore just didn't have full command the first pitch back after the bench clearing interrupted his rhythm.


The Nats head coach admitted it was intentional


I saw the clip that's been shared around Twitter, etc., but it turns out it cut out important context at the start. The "good way to send a message" was in reference to Ruiz's confrontation of Profar that originally cleared the benches, not in reference to the HBP.


I actually have always liked the Nats for some reason. Watching this series has been fucking weird ngl


Residual expos love


Nats are a clown team and this is a clown crew. Fuck umps. Robots can't come soon enough.


So tomorrow, if Cease throws at Abrams with the first pitch, but it *looks unintentional*, they're just lettin' it go right?


I see that how players act post game is still policeable. Never change MLB, never change.


What in the Martin Maldonado was that catcher doing?


Anybody coming out of the dugout onto the field should be suspended for at least 5 games to deter this


Just go with Hockey rules. You’re on the field? You’re allowed to throw punches until someone hits the ground. You come from the bench/bullpen onto the field? Suspension.


There’s no talking in baseball


Never been prouder of Ruiz


The pitch was at his feet...why the fuk would Gore throw it there if he's trying to drill Profar?


Because he at least has the common decency to not want to hit him in the head. Or he has dog shit control; your choice.


Nats are butt hurt


The sandiest of vaginas.


Sports Talk radio in the morning is gonna be fun


OOOOO I missed this. thanks for this clip. Wasn't on espn this morning.


The catcher was probably arguing with Profar... "You mean to tell me all these years for the Rangers you sucked, and then all of a sudden you figured it out..."


Softest shit imaginable.