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This is our world series, boys (and girls)!


We're the luckiest fans in baseball, according to every other fanbase, the Padres play the World Series every week against them.


We have so many God damn world series wins these last few seasons I almost feel bad for everyone else


Fr small markets should stick together, no idea why they’re being douche canoes cause they lost a few.


It grates me how many Nats fans have given us shit for trading for Soto when they're the dumpster fire that had to sell the greatest player in their franchise at age 24 because their cheap ass owner could never retain him. Congratulations, you traded your inner circle Hall of Famer for an alright starter and an alright shortstop; I don't know why that's so bragworthy.


And our Soto sale has shown to be pretty mutually beneficial in hindsight. Of course Soto is one of the best in the game, but he was never going to resign with us when his contract ended. So we got under the luxury tax, got the pitchers we desperately needed, and Profar suddenly became an All Star level replacement overnight. Everybody won.


Didn’t expect Nats fans to be this salty, kind of dumbfounded by it. They’re just acting like dodgers fans bragging about World Series lmao.


It's always the dumbest coping mechanism. >"Yeah, we won!" >"Oh really, but remember that time you didn't or that time *WE* won, haha, got you!" I think (hope) it's mostly young folk that don't know how to respond to frustration with sports. As a life long Padre (and former Charger) fan, I guess I'm pretty used to it by now. Just go "GG, better luck next time" and focus on the positives. And if you're having too much of a bad time, stop watching the games for a week or two. It's healthy to do so.


Just watched a National’s podcast. They brought up every Doyer cliché in the book. They forget SD legend Strasburg carried them.


Well we've been being treated like villains for the last few games and been made fun of for some brutal losses so yeah it hasn't exactly been a pleasant week.


[you wouldn’t be viewed as the villains. if you didn’t say this is our World Series. Oh and your manager is saying shit like this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Padres/s/k6g6EKtyG3) seriously man no need for “This is their World Series” we just won the game just say gg not that tough lmao. Profar was celebrating with the fans not taunting your dugout.


I think 99% of the padres fanbase don't go on reddit to see their reddit fans call it our "world series"


Fair, Reddit tends to bring out the worst in people.


Davey holds his own players to the same standard. Celebrate but don't do it in a way that rubs the other teams faces in it. Edit: I followed the link and almost commented on that thread not knowing it was r/Padres. Almost got myself banned from two subs.


Profar himself literally said it had nothing to do with y’all. He wasn’t taunting 😭 we’ve played like shit at home he just wanted to celebrate and it was an electric walk off. Doesn’t mean he should be hit with a 98 mph fastball because of it.


Wild pitches happen. When was the last time you saw an intentional beaning down around the ankles?


Just saying right after being warned then a hit by pitch. What are warnings for?


Gore had no control yesterday he was probably aiming for his back lmao and your manager saying stuff like that certainly doesn’t help his case


Or there was a delay with the benches clearing and he was colder than he normally would have been.


If it wasn’t intentional why is your manager acting like it was lmao


You’ve been treated like villains because y’all have played the victims while instigating all of this. None of this stuff would have ever happened had your players just gone to clubhouse after getting walked off


I could say the same about Profar being a diva and taking such exception to being pitched inside to the point where he's running over to the other dugout to celebrate. "Oh, but I was celebrating with my fans" Sure buddy, easy to say this 24 hours after the fact. But I'm not gonna sit here and argue because I know r/baseball has picked a side and will not change their mind.


Dude when everyone except you guys in the baseball world thinks you guys are in the wrong, just maybe you are in the wrong


[you right now](https://i.imgur.com/WSJ5me5.png)


im tired boss


Don’t worry You guys sweep us back to 500 next month


Boo this man (because he speak the truth)


I will accept whatever peanuts get thrown my way


Peanuts? In this economy?


Get you a beer lady who loves your kid & you'll have free peanuts for life.


This series has really gone as poorly as possible on every level 


What an irrelevant post.


We gotta get a conga line going in front of the away dugout after this one


This has been the most entertaining series I've watched all year by a wide margin. I guess we have a new rival?