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Nats sub is in shambles đŸ˜„


It is the last place I would ever go for Nats discussion, so I'm not surprised


I was just curious on how they interpreted the Profar drama and holy shit I was amazed at how far unthreaded they spun their heads lol. They were all good games.


Damn that post-game thread is wild *Apparently* we’re public enemy #1 and more hated than even the Phillies


as someone who just got caught up on the whole profar drama five minutes ago, all i can say is, lol


Rockies legend


Can you catch me up?


Basically, Profar hit a game winner, celebrated in a way the Nats didn't like, their catcher started an argument with him on Profar's first at bat the next game, Profar got hit by the next pitch, the Padre's manager got ejected for complaining that the Nats pitcher didn't get tossed, the Nats lose, the Nats manager basically admitted to doing it on purpose, then the Nats proceeded to get swept today


I believe Profar also hit a grand slam a little later in the game he got hit


Machado also got a homerun the next pitch after Profar got hit


Oh yeah missed that that wasn’t included. That was fucking awesome ngl


Thanks for the explanation!


Mostly correct but Davey did not say it was on purpose, a lot of news outlets grossly misquoted him, he was saying that Ruiz talking to Profar was a good way to handle what seemed like Profar taunting the Nats dugout, nothing about the HBP. Gore said the HBP was not intentional at all, and if you watched it, it hit his foot, which is not generally a target for a beaning. Edit: Here are the actual interviews: https://youtu.be/7MBP4JnETXI


Not sure why you’re being downvoted lol. Martinez didn’t say anything about the HBP


That was my mistake, had just scanned the comments on the HBP video and didn't look into it much further before commenting. You don't really deserve to get downvoted for correcting that


So bizarre this comment is downvoted while all the replies saying you're actually right being upvoted.


42 total runs scored. 20 runs came in the 7th inning and later


We brought Coors Field with us


The brown daddies came a lot late at night.


Didn’t get blown out in any of these games and were inches from winning G1. We’re absolutely not ready to compete (and that was true before this series) but hopefully this helps some in the fanbase pump their brakes about wanting to buy at the deadline. Padres record might not jump off the page but super exciting series as they always are with them, and I’m glad we were competitive with ‘em instead of rolling over. Not the best week for our starters (except Corbin tbh), not the best week for their bullpen.


Today was a blowout lol. Almost beat their b team game 1 though.


Someone didn’t watch the 9th inning. Which is fair, I didn’t either and I tend to believe that the game ended after the 8th today


I watched it. Blowout.


Ok it was a blowout. I’ll handshake on that one


Lmao on what planet is 8-5 a blowout? Interesting take for sure


I mean that’s like in football scoring a TD down 28 pts when the other team has subbed out all their 1st line players trying to salt the game away. I mean sure it wasn’t exactly a blowout in final score, but scoring 5 against the padres worst reliever isn’t exactly making it a competitive game after being dominated for 8 innings


How often does a team's closer get warmed up in a blowout? I think a better analogy would be a team being down 28-0 before scoring 3 touchdowns and getting the ball for one final potential drive. The Nats had the tying run at the plate that final inning IIRC.


Being down just 3 is a save situation a lot of the time. I’d personally consider that turning it into a competitive game (especially since the padres had to bring in an actual good reliever and the Nationals still plated a run against him). At any rate, definitely not a blowout which is the point of my original comment.


It was 8-0 before it was 8-5 you were playing against our 15 ERA MiLB pitcher


Ok so they clawed back from a huge deficit? Padres then had to bring in a 2.65 ERA pitcher who the Nats still hung up one more run against. Definitely not a blowout in any sense of the word


It was and wasn’t. Bringing in cosgrove in the 9th was one step from a position player pitching. 


Feel free to flair up if you're gonna talk shit, Padres fan.


Dads fans, how about we name this rivalry Soto Cup?


I'm down. These series with yall have had some real humdingers in the last few years.


- back-to-back-to-back-to-back Nats HRs in Petco - reliever grand slam - a shooting outside Nats Park that sent the stadium into mass hysteria - Padres scoring 24 runs, setting a franchise record - whatever the hell this series was And I'm only scratching the surface, idk what it is but our teams match up for some bizarre games


>Padres scoring 24 runs That day Jake Cronenworth hit for the only Padres cycle that did not occur at Coors Field.


Y’all have the only other city connect that I love.


Fair enough, but on games that involve a grand slam I'mma default to Camarena Classic


Nah. Just because your team cried like babies and got swept doesn’t make us rivals. We wish abrams well but nats are just another non division team to us. 


Fuck you and see you in July


Hey Davey. Tolerate deez


"It was a good way to send a message. Great. You hit the ball. You won the game. But we're gonna tolerate that." - Dave "Davey" Martinez 6/26/2024 Shout out to the Nats for somehow managing to make me hate them almost as much as the Dodgers. Honestly impressive.


Nah don’t fall for it. Their team crumbled and their fan base crumbled even harder. They got shown up (like we did with the Rockies, Angels, and too many times to count last year) but just want to whine and insult. It’s crazy really their takes on the series. Instead of being ticked at their team they’re mad at us? Whatever, let ‘em stew. We move on (with 3 fat W’s.)


I mean, the majority of the comments in here are Padres fans taking shots at Nats fans. We're not the only ones whining and insulting. Which, fair. Most people prefer a sore winner over a sore loser. Enjoy your series sweep and see you in July!


Cope seethe mald and gnash.


I don't think Washington had this in mind when they opened their mouth. Tuck your tail


I don’t take it too personally they’re a young team just got their first talk shit get hit happen to him.


Well you shouldn't, weren't you just watching from the couch?


Ya that’s kind of how watching baseball works


Should I feel ashamed for watching on the toilet?


No because arte moreno is a shithead


Probably unlikely we sweep if this was a 4 gamer, so we definitely lucked out there Damn entertaining series though. Hope we won't be paying for it at Nationals Park!


[Sweep!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Padres/s/ZEMGMR0Txf) đŸ§čđŸ§čđŸ§č


Should be a fun flight home for the nats


Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.


This was our World Series, according to some people.


Had a rough road trip last against the red hot Mets & Phillies then had to come home with no days rest to face the Brewers burn through their bullpen. This week, the Padres found out that Tati needs to go on the IL. Darvish didn't come back to the rotation. Had to face the Nationals who was ahead but then the Padres fought back to win in a walk off where the Nationals got pissy at how Profar celebrated. On his own turf. Let's not forget Winker confronting a Padres fan ( don't come into Petco thinking Padres fans were going to be okay with you yelling at one of our own) The Nationals did this to themselves by acting like dicks.... Then continued to be dicks by Ruiz tapping on Profar to tell at 10 year baseball vet how to act. The Padres worked hard to keep shit going. The world was spinning but they were focused on winning because this town wants a World Series Win. This team wants it. Peter paid for it. It's our time. #FortheFaithful


The amount of Padres fans being sore winners on here and on twitter is so bizarre. Padres are my other NL team and I hate to see this from this fanbase. Entertaining series overall. Would have liked to take a game but oh well. See you in July dads


No one cares but I get a kick out of this - The ground rule double that changed an entire series (and honestly potentially two entire seasons) In game 1, with runners on 1st and 2nd, Joey Meneses hit a 2 out ground rule double that forced Jesse Winker to be stopped at 3rd. On the pitch, Nats runners were both on the move. When the ball was hit, Winker was just about at 2nd and would’ve easily scored. Of course that’s not how the rules work though. Nats were unable to score that 2nd run. From there, Nats were later able to get 1 run in the 5th and 1 in the 7th to tie it. In a game of inches, perhaps if that missed run scored, they would’ve never gone to extras and Nats won game 1 by a score of 4-3 But alas, it was tied, Nats score 3 top 10, but Hunter Harvey, off an odd series in Colorado, couldn’t get 3 outs. With bases loaded 2 outs, 0-2 count, a high and tight pitch to Profar had him fall to the ground. Objectively, the pitch was inside at exactly the batter’s box line, and of course high. Profar crowds the plate. It wasn’t the most egregious pitch ever. Later, Profar hits a walk off and throws his helmet down, facing the Nats dugout on the 3B line and continues to jump towards them. The celebration commenced around the 3B line. I’d wager Profar took exception to the high and tight pitch. Perhaps something was chirped by the Nats dugout prior? I couldn’t pinpoint when or why Jesse Winker went into the stands to confront a heckling fan. The fan called the high and tight pitch bush league, couldn’t make out what Jesse said. He shouldn’t have been there, but he’s an emotional player (I’ve watched him slam his helmet down many times), and players in the past have confronted fans. Nothing too crazy, but shouldn’t have done it Next day, Profar in the box, Keibert puts his hands on Profar, says whatever he said to him, benches clear, teams warned Gore hits Profar on the foot next pitch, not ejected. Padres manager instead ejected. Winker hits a homer in the game. CJ gets picked off walking back to 1st. Umpire interference for the 2nd day in a row on a Nats steal attempt. Weird stuff Profar grand slam, Nats do fight back and get the tying run in the box by the 9th, no dice Davey had post game comments I’ve not heard them so I won’t comment on any of it cuz idk if good or bad or what Game 3, Nats run into a buzz saw Dylan Cease. Nats 1 hit into the 9th, shutout. 8-0 but they fight back to make it 8-5. Didn’t fully roll over This was the Padres World Series, most cathartic series of the year for them. Fans have said that themselves in this sub. It’s interesting, they’re supposed to be a playoff team, the Nats not there yet. And still, quite the bad blood involved. In my opinion, that’s why the Nats took exception to Profar celebrating in front of their dugout. Right or wrong I’m not commenting on any of that, just wanna say.. a ground rule double might’ve completely changed course for 2 teams’ season. Padres suddenly red hot momentum into October? Nats fall flat and confirm themselves as sellers and quit kidding themselves as contenders. And for my last little poke as a Nats fan, I’m happy the Padres got their World Series win finally. We’ll still hold onto our 3 “trophies” in Abrams, Gore, and Wood If you read all this you’re crazy. But I’m crazier cuz I typed all this. See y’all in July for some must see tv!


I mean you could have just skipped all the salt and just said “Ring” like half your sub. Take your L and move on. Sound just like Dodger fans now. Take a series loss and throw the old, “when’s the parade?” “This is the Padres World Series! Lol”


I mean.. I didn't downvote you. But the jab that "this is their world series" every time the Padres do something good, is lame. The fan base is passionate. That's a good thing. To pretend it isn't is totally asinine. I don't think this was Padres fans' world series. I get that from an outsider perspective it might be hard to understand. Last years Padres team was a disjointed mess where it felt like the whole team was pulling ropes in different directions. What this series was a galvanizing moment for a fan base that has seen a team that for the better part of 1.5 years fail to come together and regularly show real fight and camaraderie Enjoy your prospects and young players. I'm glad your franchise now has a future since it was struggling so tremendously to create one for itself. I still love Abrams and Gore. But I'll take solice in this franchises ability to trade everything in the farm. And be almost completely reloaded 2 years later.


Shoulda put quotation marks around the World Series and cathartic remarks. I said those because those were two separate comments by padres fans in two different posts this afternoon, jest or not. Honest question where did I pretend the padres fanbase wasn’t passionate and implying that was a bad thing? Be as passionate as you gotta be, fine with me Yep I addressed that exact galvanizing feeling. The ground rule double that could very well be the “cementing moment” for two teams, where at the end of the season you look back and go yep that’s when. Pads on fire now, carried into October? Nats fall flat, confirming themselves sellers for another year


It wasn't specific to you. Mostly a retort to the idea that because the fan base is passionate, every time they get excited, someone gotta come piss in their Cheerios with some "world series" comment. I think the fan base now uses it in jest because it's the general snooty casual bullshittery from opposing fans when they lose to the Padres. It's a preemptive sarcastic comment when Padres fans do it IMO.


Our World Series is the Rockies. Get over yourself.


https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/s/4XdFZG2A6c Was just repeating things I saw. All good here man.


Clearly a sarcastic comment. Do you understand sarcasm?


There hadn’t been a lotta sarcasm in the room for this series so I missed it, on me


Almost as believable as Gores acting job after hitting Profar intentionally


Steve Phillips on MLB Network Radio said Gore should get an Academy Award for that acting job.


That’s some well-disguised bitterness right there, folks.


Check my other comments in the gdt’s as you wish. I was one of the few positive outlooks for our side nearly the whole time I know I’m inviting more hate with a reply, but I wish I could look you in the eye to show you I’m legit just fine with what happened, not bitter at all. Wish it was different sure, not bitter. I lived through 2005-2011 and late 2021-now I’ll be alright. Series like this is what makes a window of contention that much more exciting


You’re talking to Padres fans. What do you know of suffering? lol get real. “I’m happy the Padres got their World Series win finally” easy to fall back onto past greatness when your team shits the bed three games in a row. 1.2.3. Time to say bye and see you in July!


Yes that is part of the implication as to why the padres/fans are so touchy. I’m fully aware of the suffering and glad to not longer be a part of it. Watched my dad cry pure tears after 2019 because he finally saw his local team win. They left dc when he was like 10 and didn’t have a local team again til he was like 40 something. My grandpa lived his entire life and never saw a dc baseball team win a playoff game. We know suffering too Y’all will win the WS one day I’m fully prepared to not win the series in July, as stated, we are not a playoff team this year, you are


All this and you still feel the need to say how such a small accomplishment is the Padres’ “World Series”. You’ve forgotten the face of your father, Gunslinger.


Just repeating what I saw from a padres fan.


That’s quite a long write up for a series that’s apparently the Padres World Series and not yours


Passionate about baseball since I was 5. Love to discuss it all! I think a lot of things got blown outta proportion this series and the pads hate the Nats a lot more than the Nats hate the pads so I gave my take cuz this is the post series thread, no better place to do so


Ooh you're brave showing your face here. Don't you know we're the bad guys and the only thing we're allowed to say is "we suck"?


Tried to be as objective as possible. Jacob young got a further inside pitch today than Profar did on Monday, but that will ruffle some feathers


sweeping the 2024 nationals is the padres’ world series


According to reddit we have so many world series's a season, it's wild


We have a passionate fanbase that fills the stadium on a random series in mid-June as a .500 team. They call everything our world series because they don't understand this is just what a dedicated fanbase looks like when their team wins a nice series. Must be a sad existence.


y'all have been brigading our sub and mass downvoting nationals fans, I'm not sure that's typical "dedicated fanbase winning a nice series" behavior


Every fanbase has assholes, our sub has been brigaded by yours this series too. Genuinely sorry about those guys--brigading sucks, screw all of them.


# blessed


we fucked up the whole ring manufacturing industry, they can't keep up with the amount of rings we've won this year alone.