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Calendar Man, but PLEASE don't make him into a copy of Hannibal Lecter that is jailed for the umpteenth time


Calendar Man could be utilised in countless better ways and it kills me that everyone wants to do the Long Halloween thing over and over again.


I think it'd be kind of funny if there was a heroic (or at least more goofy) Calendar Man who was stressed out because every day is a holiday. He gets some half-satirical motivational speech at the end and continue on with his weird calendar schemes. There are probably better ways to take advantage of a calendar gimmick, though.


I love the idea of a heroic Calendar Man. That would make for such a fun Elseworlds kinda story! The problem with Calendar Man is that he’s very much a one-trick pony. The Long Halloween could have had him as the main villain, toying with Batman for a full year as an origin kind of thing, but they dealt with it in a way that made sense for the story. Having him always in a cell since then, however, is annoying. (Even if I did like the little glimpse of him outside Wayne Manor at the end of Arkham Knight)


I have an idea in the back of my mind for an Earth 3 story in which the False Face Society tries to stay alive in Metropolis. The members that I chose for this project are Black Mask (Now Etrus Sionis/Culsan), Great White Shark (Barren Black/Basking Shark), Mr. Zsasz (Vincent Zsasz/Mr. Zsasz), Metalhead (Niall 75/Krautrock), Circe (Niall 24/Circe Sionis/Circe), and Baby Doll (Baby Doll/Mary Dahl). I also want to have an Ultraman who acts like Superman, but with authoritarian beliefs. "Whoa there champ, you almost did a no-no known as having an opinion!" The idea is pretty comically delusional and provides a sense of lightheartedness in such a dour place.


Man, fuck the gif search. But imagine the gif from the Simpsons of Homer saying “your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter” 😂😂 Amazing ideas for real! You should honestly just write it as a fan fic and throw it out there!


I've finished a summary and a rough draft for a Suicide Squad story, but there are still things that I need to improve on. I've also made satirical "Suicide Squad: Kill a Robber Fly" and "The Joker who Bats" stories, but I haven't released them yet.


I’d be super interested to check all of them out!


The problem is he's just the riddler with a limited scope


I did have the idea that's sadly derivative of Paul Dano's Riddler, but my inspiration came from, well, The Riddler Secrets in the Dark. Some sort of serial killer who views calenders as some sort of religious lifeforms and interprets prophecies from them. 


The new Batman Adventures used Calendar man concept to make Calendar Girl. Which I think was a creative way to used his concept less silly but without the serial killer treatment


I liked him in hush (I think that's the one), I got mega gay vibes from him which was funny


I don’t recall calendar man showing up in the original hush story. Do you have an issue number?


Nevermind, it's calender man from the long Halloween


Long Halloween I think they mean. Same writer


That’s what I was thinking but thought he might have shown up in the movie too.


The clock king


He doesn't need it, the dude was already a menace.




Times up... BATMAN!!!


The eraser A villain who erases any and all evidence from a crime scene is the perfect villain for the worlds greatest detective, my idea is that he’d be hired by criminals to clean up after a robbery or something so once the GCPD get there, there’s not a trace left to follow. And you could even have it so his civilian identity is a lawyer Who will then vouch for whoever hired him, easily winning the case with no evidence. Batman trying to work around a villain that directly plays against his detective skills could be super cool and unique, and he can work in a realistic, setting where there is no superpowers, and he’s just incredibly gifted when it comes to clean up or keep his Erasure powers to make him a physical threat as well.


A realistic eraser in matt reaves batman movies would go so hard


I really hope they slowly abandon the realistic thing. We’ve seen how it makes things boring; think movie Bane and Racist Ghoul (I haven’t seen the movies in a while so take my opinion with a handful of salt.).


What ethnic groups do you think Racist Ghoul hates?


Generally the living


Sometimes that’s understandable


Smooth skins


Ah, my favourite batman villain: Racial Ghoul


I really love this idea ! I wonder how batman would win this case, do you have any idea ?


That’s kind of the problem, I haven’t worked out an idea I particularly like but The one I like the best as of now is that Eraser still hasn’t ego, he’s getting one over the dark Knight more than any villain ever has in his eyes and that means while he’ll cover other criminals tracks, he might end up being sloppy with his own. so Batman rather than going after the Eraser will go after his civilian identity once he starts acting suspicious. I’m not entirely okay with that idea, but it’s the best I can think of.


Bruce would interact with the lawyer. Gets bad vibes. Notices his office is ABSOLUTELY spotless. Looks into the lawyer, and the lawyers identity has been.... Erased.


Could also make it a sting operation. Way I figure it is, there has to be some way to contact the Eraser in order to hire his services, right? So he has to figure that out and set up a fake crime, so he can hire the Eraser and set him up for an ambush. Or, even better... he has to enlist outside help from someone who already knows how to get in touch with him... someone who is already known to him, and thus is trusted in the criminal underworld. He has to enlist the help of a criminal. And so he'll cut a deal. Who would he turn to? Could be Riddler--the only one with the intellect to potentially solve the case. You can bet he'd be the smuggest prick about it too. "Well well well... the Dark Knight needs *my* help? It's about time the superior intellect received some acknowledgement~" Could be Two-Face. Bruce could bank on the half of him that still believes in justice winning out over his... other half. Plus, if the Eraser is indeed a lawyer, that could be an interesting angle to explore, pitting the ex-DA against the corrupt defense attorney. Orrrrr... to make things extra interesting... it could be Jason, not too long after his debut as the Red Hood, when he's still posing as a drug lord. Imagine the *tension.* Regardless, the ruse leads the Eraser to an ambush, and to a fantastic fight scene. Maybe this isn't how he's ultimately stopped, but that encounter could give Bruce some sort of insight and lead him closer to the break in the case he needs...


He finds a pattern in the locations they've hit and gets there during the crime. This forces them to leave and leave evidence. Or someone catches them on a phone in an otherwise innocuous FB live type video.


If it was done as his redesign I think it would be awesome. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EAiRHE4cmLw


I saw a redesign that made a gas mask look like the eraser end of a pencil but I can’t for the life of me remember where I saw it or find it again


That sounds interesting to see.


Yeah it was fantastic. It was one of those old ones that only had a tube in the middle. And he wore a yellow suit with pin black strips, a black dress shirt, and I think a pink or yellow tie.


If the Eraser's popularity in more hardcore comics spaces was to be translated 1:1 into general popularity, he'd probably have 4 movies by now. I also like how he figured out Batman's identity so quickly, even if it was just by (un?)luck. I like to think of him slinking into some hero/villain's house and saying "That's the thing about erasers. They always leave a smudge."


That’s a good one too!


Killer Moth


Funny seeing you here




Cool opinion amyways 🍞




![gif](giphy|nq7EtpAZklFss) Me when bread






The Mad Hatter. He can be dangerous, but is rarely treated as such or had a real chance to shine on his own like Scarecrow or Penguin have.


Gotham turned him into a real threat.


Best adaptation of the character, the only time I really felt threatened or scared of him


Came here to say this. The only Villain that truly unsettles Batman. If the treated him more like Zaz and less like a fucking joke he could be awesome.


Mad Hatter is like Poison Ivy. Characters who could rival with Superman but are dumbed down to street level.


Killer Moth


I remenbers when he was like the anti Batman till he got a c list treatment 


I like to think that Killer Moth is such a threat that Batman destroyed his reputation with a smear campaign, taking advantage of his loss against Batgirl. It keeps Walker as a serious villain while also deconstructing his failure to be an anti-Batman and a top-tier villain in general.


Personally, I'd make him the kind of person who think "Hey, I could be Batman", thinking obviously he knew all it took was the cool gear and gadgets before realizing what it really entailed. And after his first failure and tenure in prison, he comes out a different person, and far more dangerous...and focused. But he has to keep the weird ass suit. That's a dealbreaker if the costume has to change.


Like Adam west Batman ,he looks a goofy as hell ,but that goofy man is beating up kevin SO Bad hell probably walk funny 


Condiment King


The best answer


I always imagined Condiment King as being a viewpoint character, where his comedy skits highlighted the public's perception of other characters.


Condiment King but he injects condiments into the bloodstream of his victims to kill them.




Condiment king. Make him a domestic terrorist


Let this man cook...


Pun intended?


Yes, very much.


Polka dot man, already kinda did in suicide squad but I believe he gets to have it in a mainline movie.


But then people would catch on that they’re following the spot idea


killer moth he used to be a big deal in early comics


Technically, The Spot received the 'Mr. Freeze Treatment.' Dude was just a generic cold-themed villain until BTAS re-envisioned him


Killer moth


Kite man


Hell yeah


Hell yeah


Hell yeah


Cluemaster , Batman eternal Made him one huge favor ,and Made him a mastermind at the heights of the riddler


You could do a double redemption with Spoiler too




The Eraser


ballon man doing ballon man like they did him in gotham should do justice to the character


My issue with this is kind of the same as my issue with questions like "who should be the villain in The Batman 2?", in that it's kind of looking at things the wrong way around. Lord and Miller almost certainly didn't write ATSV with "redeeming the Spot" in mind. They had a story first, in which it made sense to use the Spot as a villain. Looked at that way, pretty much any Batman villain could potentially get "the Spot treatment" if the right story came along that they fit.


The spot fits the theme of the movie that allowing a problem to go unaddressed allows it to fester. So it does have to be a joke character at the start. It has to be a villain spiderman would not take seriously, that then grows in power and destructive capability. The problem is that batman is simply a much more serious person than an adolescent spiderman, so it has to be a more pathetic villain that escalates beyond batmans capability. Batmans rouges gallery is comprised of fewer sane individuals and more repeat violent criminals. There are few hed let off lightly enough for them to grow. I think that is a much narrower cast of characters. Maybe a new rendition of Anarky with a little bit of Syndrome from the incredibles and social media. A stupid kid who begins a movement


Pyg, Doll maker, Zsazz, Calendar man, The Ventriloquist


I think they pretty much just don’t use a lot of these villains. Their concepts are already fine but they are never used outside of one context and never appear except in Gotham wide comic events. Like Dollmaker is a terrifying concept that they just don’t ever do anything with.


Ogre & Ape Some favourites of mine. One-off duo from the 90s. Frail intelligent mastermind chimpanzee and his massive mutated human brother. Genetic experiment survivors hunting down their creators. Really like their dynamic


Or maybe a reimagined Astrid Arkham, I really like the idea of this child saint living in Arkham, protecting the dregs of the asylum. It’s a concept with a lot of fun potential. Especially with the amount of history in Arkham. Wasn’t huge on how she was executed but I think it’s a really classic style concept.


Not necessarily an unpopular villain but I feel like Man-Bat needs some appreciation. There is so much potential for him. He is a dark reflection of Bruce Wayne's personality. I also think some fight scenes would be great in mid air.


Everyone is saying more memey characters than The Spot. Like, yeah he’s funny because of the Dalmatian-polka dots, but his powers are legit, and his backstory is serious. I don’t think Kite Man or Calendar Man comparisons are just. I think characters like Mad Hatter, Ventriloquist, or Scarecrow are more in the vein of The Spot.


I was summoned


Clayface. I want a very detective-focused story where his life and persona starts falling apart due to clayface pulling off a great set of events and interactions with Bruce Wayne disguised as trusted people to both batman and Bruce. However clayface isn't after Batman. He's after Bruce for some reason. So batman has to navigate interactions with anyone involved very carefully. A proper spy fliek


The ten-eyed man


Fellow Ten-Eyed Man enthusiast!


Thank you. Instead of some hokey surgery, I think it’d be interesting if it was updated as a piece of technology which acted as a visor linked to laser dotted cameras attached to each finger.


I prefer the surgery idea myself, but with the added ability for Reardon to cut off his fingertips, regenerate with his skin-only healing factor, and place the severed tips around as mobile cameras. I think part of the appeal of the character is that he makes up for his lame superpower with more general feats such as martial arts and tricks.


I always thought of Bookworm as a Luddite Ted Kosinski terrorist type would be cool


King Kraken-Cool design, do something with him. White Rabbit-Cool *concept*, please could someone make her more than a Playboy Bunny? Clock King-Task Force X from Justice League Unlimited is all the proof I need to know that Clock King could be a *really* good villain. Cluemaster-But don't make him edgy serial killer Cluemaster like Gotham did. My ideal take on Cluemaster would basically be 1990s animated Carmen Sandiego mixed with a game show host. Maxie Zeus-Hey, the Greek gods are *real* in the DC Universe, do something with that. Pix (Ariadne Pinxit, for ease of Googling)-Her power lets her bring her tattoos to life, you can do something cool with that. Mister Baseball Spellbinder King Tut-Just make him a Yu-Gi-Oh character. Shame-He's a cowboy villain from the 60s series. I wanna see Batman fight a cowboy! Professor Milo The Royal Flush Gang OG Firefly-The one whose gimmick was using light, before Firefly became an arsonist with a jetpack. Lord Death Man The Jazzman Crazy Quilt


Prometheus That or killer moth cuz he does sound terrifying when done right


Mad hatter and clock king


MANBAT. that dude is so horrifying. I would love to watch an animated horror movie with manbat.


Killer moth, I think the best idea would be to have the story take place in a world where the joker and or Batman is no longer in action. And Killer moth finds Bruce’s old gear, steals and modifies it to his liking, heck maybe even have him gain access to Bruce’s contingency plans.


Kite Man, hell yeah.


I like to imagine the Ten-Eyed Man as a sort-of variant to J. Jonah Jameson. The idea is that after he fought in the Vietnam War for naught, the traumatized Reardon dedicated himself to never spend time in vain again. So, when he mistook Batman for a crook, he became a conspiracy theorist, because he's no longer capable of easily admitting that he was wrong. I used the second Clayface, Matt Hagen, once for a Suicide Squad fanfiction. In that, Hagen retains his origin story as a diver. Because his transformation made him unable to continue swimming, he broke into a store to steal VR tech and use that to emulate diving instead. This version of Hagen is an arrogant jerk who keeps assuring everyone (including himself) that he somehow has a "God given right" to being a diver, as he has the ability to shapeshift into anything else. James Gordon Jr. isn't really a D-lister, but I think he could be a lot more unique as a psychopathic hero, instead of a villain. I like to have him run some Suicide Squad missions in place of Amanda Waller, under the well-intentioned belief that such a dangerous task should be left to people like him, who are incapable of feeling guilt. I like to use the Cavalier (Mortimer Drake) and Captain Stingaree more as reformed crooks whose love for each other bring out the best in themselves. The Cavalier gives Stingaree a feeling of self-worth, the initial lack of which caused him to become delusional, while Stingaree helps the Cavalier to tread the path of righteousness. Doctor Double X is the character that I use most as an antagonist, of these rogues. My interpretation of him is as a questionable psychologist whose superpower is the ability to split people into their Jungian shadows and personas. With a dedication to using this ability on everyone he can find, in order to make them better and stronger people, his appearances are few, yet inevitably of high consequence. Dagger isn't much, but I like to imagine him as sounding and acting like Derek Baum. I think Signalman could be a cool character, but I'm not entirely sure what to do with him. His gimmick is already cool, but a bigger spotlight requires a more complex personality.


Yes chef


Condiment King. All the spices and condiments in the world can terrorize the city if used right.


Apologies, I don't know what ''the spot treatment'' is (havent seen that movie) But if you're talking about lesser known villians getting the spotlight, mr. bloom. More pertinent now then ever. Talia....10x cooler then Ra's. The monarch of menace...seriously. say that name and try not to smile at the joyful idiocy of comics.


The Penny Plunderer is the most generic and outdated character given his obsession with copper coins nobody uses anymore.  Yet reading his description and his background... there's a genuine tragic character here that ABSolutely has potential to be an Animated Series esque psychological character study


From the old TV series, Book Worm!


Sid the Squid.


White Rabbit


Kite Man


gorilla grodd, I know he isn't always a just batman villain but my memories of him in batman TBATB are grand and his telekinesis could genuinely be a way to make him way more powerful than he's made out to be. also if not grodd, then clock king, condiment king or egg head would also be lovely..


The Mad Hatter would be pretty cool to see.




mad hatter


Bat hombre


Mr Camera.


Onomatopoeia. It’s something I’ve always wanted to see put to screen and yet will never see in a millions years.


Proffesor pig


Killer Moth


Condiment King, maybe instead of mustard and ketchup guns, he releases Mustard Gas or smth


Condiment King


The opportunity to turn Firefly from a fire fighter to a disillusioned and nihilistic arsonist is right there for the taking. Bonus points if you give him a jet-black fire axe as an additional weapon.


Killer moth


I’m with a lot of folks in the comments. Calendar Man has always been one of my favorite underrated villains. The Clock King is another one. Both had a big impact on me when watching BTAMS way back in the 90’s. Always used to think why they haven’t been utilized in other media other than the show n comics.


Mr Camera. For context, he is a camera masked villian who uses photogenic devices in his crimes. He also nearly unmasked the dynamic duo. Here's my idea for him: a criminal who uses a camera sounds a lot like a stalker. Ergo, why not make him one. That is, a professional stalker of superheroes. An evil version of Lois Lane that will do everything they can to uncover a hero's secret identify and sell that info to the highest bidder. Aside from that, I can't think of a villian costume for him.


killer cock


prolly Mad Hatter


I’m sorry, but ClayFace really needs a theatrical debut besides the Lego Batman movie.


Killer Moth. I’ve always wanted to see him get given the proper Anti-Batman treatment. His whole thing is that he’s Batman but for the criminal underworld. So, it would be interesting to see him slowly build power and resources and eventually rival Batman to the point where he is considered a dangerous threat. Whoever is reading this, have a good day!


Lord Death Man


Onomatopia or how the hell it is written down,.I've heard he is in the new Caped crusader series, but still. Also maybe Firefly or Killer Moth


Killer Moth? Even if the 2003 Teen titans show already made him a menace. I would like to see him more fighting Batman.


It says a lot when you can honestly say that’s the most threatening he’s ever been.


the calculator


Killer Moth of course




Scarecrow and the halucinations caused by his gas.


Killer Moth and the Ventriloquist




Condiment King should flood Gotham with condiments.


Condiment king 😐


I relish this glow up.


I see what you did there. Looks like I need to ketchup😶


Killer Moth


The two I wanna see are Mad Hatter and Hugo Strange. Calendar Man and Kite Man would also be fun!


Maybe twoface


tHe JoKeR ooOoOoOo I’m just kidding it should be the Designer aka Drip Incarnate


Killer Moth


If you mean darkening an otherwise campy villain then it would be the ventriloquist IMO. Make him a deranged patient of Arkham, former mob boss gone crazy (scarecrow? Irrelevant) who has created the ventriloquist dummy as an outlet for his personality after losing his mind. Otherwise, giving heart to an otherwise campy character - not my idea but I can't remember where on Reddit I saw it: take Mr Freeze and turn him into a copy of the icepick killer (or some variant, killing with ice/liquid nitrogen) whose wife is in a degenerative state on life support at the hospital, and he's sure that the people who can save his wife/the people who put her there need to be held accountable for making her well again. Basically just taking the more outlandish parts of his backstory (oh no I'm like made of ice now, and my wife is cryofrozen) and making them accessible for a realistic narrative.


calendar man


I’m legit excited to see more Ratcatcher in the new game. My boi has been criminally underused in all media.


Calendar Man and/or Condiment King


Mustard Man.


killer moth


Maybe the Napoleon guy who Batman fought in one of the first issues lol. Give him a more believeable mental psychosis and keep the army and airships. There you go.


Condiment King. I would love to see someone make this man serious


Condiment King or Polka Dot Man


Condiment king for sure


Killer Moth.




Killer Moth - I love the idea of someone becoming the anti-Batman/Bruce Wayne. While Batman is a symbol of hope to Gotham and Bruce Wayne is a philanthropist, Killer Moth is a terror to Gotham’s citizens, robbing and killing innocents to enrich himself and upgrade his arsenal. To add more body-horror, you could have a story where Killer Moth steals the Man-Bat formula in an attempt to become even more like Batman and he mutates into his Charaxes form. Man-Bat - Make him a scientist that works for Wayne Enterprises, perhaps on friendly terms with Bruce Wayne who funds his research. When his bat-serum to cure his deafness causes him to murder his wife, Man-Bat flees and forces Batman to fight an adversary that he truly feels sorrow for. Prometheus - Another anti-Batman who also shares a tragic backstory similar to Bruce Wayne. His parents were criminals who got gunned down by law enforcement and then seeks to take revenge on anyone who enforces the law. He uses technology to give himself Batman’s skills and the story could involve Prometheus taking down members of the Bat-family and learning their skills, leading to a confrontation with Batman. Sin Tzu - A master strategist and martial artist that is obsessed with taking down strong opponents. Make him someone who trained with Bruce Wayne and was obsessed with defeating him and tearing his city down. He sends waves of thugs and Batman’s rogues after him before engaging in single combat with an exhausted but determined Batman.


Planet Master. He has the gimmick of having a power suit that can replicate the properties of each of our solar system’s planets. Just update the power set to be more accurate, get rid of Pluto, and you’ve got a really cool supervillain.