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Adam west batman. I want to see a dark and gritty bat-tusi. 


Yes to the West! He even did some lines and sounds great. https://youtu.be/RZ211GBe6e0?si=B9B9SNov0vMR4uxV https://youtu.be/pFq7C0lmS-A?si=rms8EbtcU16qJHix


I am on board for any West-Bats. A tank version of that iconic batmobile would be unimaginable


another thing is that DKR is directly after the silver-bronze age it would be funny and awesome seeing west doing that


>A tank version of that iconic batmobile would be unimaginable Arkham Knight has one.


Christian Bale literally already had his Dark Knight Returns adaption in The Dark Knight Rises. That being said, I think a Michael Keaton "The Dark Knight Returns" movie in the style of 'Logan' would have been really cool.


BvS had more of Returns in it than Rises did, but Rises did make a good few references to it.


Tbf Batfleck was never really a Dark Knight Returns because he never really stopped in the first place. He was just a old and jaded Batman.


Yeah that’s true, but what I mean is that there was way more ripped from the pages of the comic for BvS than in Rises. Bale wasn’t really brought back out of anger, but his initial comeback and defeat was very much in tune with the comic.


I don't get the filmmakers' obsession with the Dark Knight Returns. That shouldn't be your first Batman story, and it's the one that they tried to use to start off a Batman.


I'd argue it is. Replace out the mutants for League of Shadows rejects and the mutant leader for Bane. Blake kinda fits the role of Carrie Kelley stand in more than Tim Drake's role in Knightfall. And I'm including the Blake figuring out Batman's identity. A man comes out of retirement to a city slowly descending into the hell it once was. He fights a man he believes he can win only to lose He goes to refight the character later as a way to recapture the good heart of the city. He helps give the mantle of the bat to someone else as he dies in the eyes of the mainstream media and the Everyman BvS felt like it could've worked as a technical reboot /Part 2 to Dark Knight Rises. However I do think Keaton could fit with a more grounded look of a Kingdom come and / or a Batman beyond esc sequel


I’d absolutely love to see Michael Keaton get one final solo run as Batman in a weird Logan-style TDKR-inspired movie. Make sure he still can’t turn his neck please.


Affleck is way more like TDKR than Bale. The whole fight between Superman and Batman was straight out of TDKR. Even his suit is very similar.


Rises has nothing do with the the dark knight returns


Literally so much of Batfleck is based on Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns. His suit, his grit, there's even a direct quote taken straight from the comic in BvS where Batman says the; "I believe you." That said, Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises had a few direct references to the comic too (along with Knightfall) wherein the cop says; "You are in for a show tonight, son." I believe in the comic he says "You're in for a show, kid." For that reason I think if Bale did one it would be repetitive. I would honestly love to see a Batfleck one though.


Adam West




I forgot to to put him in there, but he could work


A lot his look and characterization was inspired from DKR


>DTK ???


Dark The Knight


Dark Tnight Kreturns


Affleck is a TDKR adaptation. A not very good one


Snyder's fault


Yep. Calling people who say Batman shouldn't kill "brainwashed by material not consistent with true canon" pretty much sums up how much he understands the character


Yknow an Adam West type Batman would work for that. Batman returns and the world is in a pretty nasty spot, in comes Adam West to bring back joy. Batman is contrasted to the darker world of modern Batman. You’d have what is typically the modern Dark knight actually be brighter than the world he inhabits.


Adam West DKR would've been so damn hard.


Adam West. No one else would be able to sell how out of character Dark Knight Returns is for Batman.




I’m going to say Batfleck because his brutal fighting style, age, and Batsuit resembled Frank Miller’s version. Snyder even mentioned that his Batman was inspired by it.


Anyone who thinks I'm joking when I say Adam West Batman is a fool. TDKR was gritty, rough, and completely unlike anything that came before. The only way to communicate that in todays day and age, the contrast between the Batman they were reading and the one they're used to, is via West.


You can do a similar story, but it would certainly be more of "The Bright Knight Returns" rather than the Dark Knight. I'm not against the idea. Honestly, it would be nice to get something about the need for optimism in media. Replace the Comic Superman with George Reeves and Green Arrow with Green Hornet to firmly cement it in the 60s Canon, and you'd have one hell of an elseworlds book (or animated movie).


Oh no, if there was and Adam West Dark Knight Returns, make it dark and make it gritty. Show the world how people felt when they first read Dark Knight Returns. An optimistic, childrens hero turns into a dark, only faintly heroic sadist. Of course, such a point is moot, as the story would be impossible to do live action with Adam Wests death.




Unfortunately, the two best are no longer possible/practical, so Keaton.


Who are those 2 best?


West and Kilmer


Keaton would be cool, but it wouldnt be right without Nicholson’s Joker. I think Keaton would be perfect for whatever Gunn wants to do with Batman Beyond (even if it is playing an older version of Gunns Batman and not necessarily the same guy from ‘89 or The Flash) West would be a dope take, if done right. But since he unfortunately is no longer with us I dont think it would work. Bale and Affleck both had films that took HEAVILY from Returns, so doing something like that with either of them would feel a little stale. However in a good 20 years or so I could see the desire for a revisitation with either of them arising, so I wouldn’t say “No”. That being said if either signed on to a movie like that I would be ecstatic! Clooney could be interesting, but I think him and everyone else would much prefer if his adaptation stayed relegated as a joke. I just don’t know if I could take it seriously, not that Clooney couldn’t do it, but there is just far too much meta context around his Batman that i dont know if anyone would ever be on board for something like that. Interesting thought though! I would love a more faithful adaptation. Maybe in a few decades with Pattinson or whoever Gunn ends up choosing. If we ever got that far.




Afflecks version of the character was inspired by that very story, so it stands to reason...


Either Michael Keaton or Ben Affleck


Bale and batflexk because they're the only movie batman who could fight. Pattinson is too young


There is only one. His name is Batfleck.


Tim burton or Nolan Batman.


Honestly none of them. They just don’t give off those vibes.


Ben because he’s built and had a very similar bat symbol to the TDKR symbol.


A 60s Batman in the 90s would be interesting.


…it’s “Dark Knight” returns…who played Dark Knight & Dark Knight Rises


Michael Keaton


Clooney. After seeing his performance in Tomorrowland, I think he can pull off the older and more jaded and grissiled Batman/Bruce Wayne extremely well.


NGL, I wanted Michael Keaton to voice him in the animated movie. Peter Weller did great, don't get me wrong, but I would have loved to hear Keaton say "This is the operating table, and I'm the surgeon!"


Adam West would just be comic accurate, because TDKR is arguably using the Silver Age version of Batman whom Adam West is based off of.


Give George Clooney his moment of redemption. Dude can totally pull off Dark Knight Returns Batman




Christian Bale, he is THE DARK KNIGHT.