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Ah, THAT half moon bay.


OP could’ve just copied the SF Gate headline.


>OP could’ve just copied the SF Gate headline. You're allowed to copy clickbait headlines onto Reddit, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea. That one intentionally omitted a key fact, for reasons other than brevity, so it made sense to put it back in. It just needed to be reworded a bit, like: "Half Moon Bay OKs affordable housing after Newsom threatens to sue" or "Pressured by Governor, city of Half Moon Bay approves housing for older farm workers."


It sounds like a poorly-translated Japanese sentence






For anybody interested, here is the [web site for 555 Kelly.](https://www.555kelly.org)


Looks fine to me. Looks like the type of density that would fit nicely along most older "main street" areas of any city. Why wouldn't we want this type of development? We should be building more things like this.


You can go and listen to the like 6 multi-hour city meetings they had about this site in the last 2-3 years to hear all the NIMBY reasons to fill your entire NIMBY bingo card. not enough water, not enough parking, too expensive, too much traffic, neighborhood character, etc, etc


If these NIMBYs are so keen on deciding how the property should be used maybe they should have to buy it for themselves instead of using the government to prevent the owners from meeting housing demands.


sure, I agree with you but that's not how it works around here. e.g. see city of millbrae suing san mateo county to prevent purchase of a private property in millbrae


I think most of the complaints people had were silly. Like it’s 5 stories and the current tallest building in town was 4.5 stories. So what?? They are like “OMG it’s massive!” The other thing the locals went nuts over is it only has like 20 parking spots iirc for 40 units. But it’s very close proximity to downtown so you can walk for most trips to stores, bars, restaurants, and even some jobs. And it’s for seniors so in theory they shouldn’t drive as much. But like most other places it’s a chicken and egg standoff: the locals say there has to be more parking because the area is car dependent, but the only way to reduce car dependency is reduce parking and provide alternatives. Not sure of the buses there but I’m sure they could be much better. There’s no trains of any type and hardly any bike lanes. The city badly needs to fix a lot of that.


At this point because the road infrastructure isn’t built to manage that many extra vehicles. It’s already backed up and sometimes a parking lot for locals. One lane roads with stop lights ain’t going to cut it, but if they added a lane each way it would be fine.


They're trying to get more housing supply where the demand is for workers. Forcing workers to commute in from San Mateo or Redwood City or Pacifica is only making traffic worse. You want traffic to get better? Let more people live near where they work instead of forcing them to commute from another area.


No logic here, first workers can’t afford to live in HMB, second can’t afford housing even if it is “affordable” in HMB and say they could, they’d still be driving in and out regardless, people don’t just sit at home and wait for the end.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. This is all true. Half Moon Bay’s Main Street is a pricey tourist destination at this point with limited parking and only one lane traffic each way.  They should build this for sure but there are issues with the plan, as well. 


no way you actually just one more laned us completely serious


Wow. It’s only 40 apartments and they have slow played it for years


I am new to bay area politics, what's the general consensus on Newsom?


He gets singled out for a lot of blame for high electricity bills. I can't say he's great on that, but it's clear to me it's an issue decades in the making with tons of deferred maintainence and cut corners by previous generations. But people prefer having someone in the present to blame even if the problems were created in the past. He's good on housing, and since my rent remains *far* higher than my PG&E bill, that's the issue I care more about. He's not going to be President and I hope his therapist helps him finally come to terms with that.


I think just in general in this day and age of politics being a politician from California is a non starter for too much of the population in a national race


> He's not going to be President and I hope his therapist helps him finally come to terms with that. Who would be a better candidate for dems right now? I think a Newsom/Whitmer ticket in 2028 is a winning ticket. Both relatively young and energetic politicians would be a welcome change I think from the last 3 election cycles.


Republicans hate Newsom. There’s no way he’d win in the current political environment.


Republicans hate every democratic candidate. That's not unique to Newsom


You could say the same but reverse it with "Democrats hate Trump". Everyone thought Trump would be a non-starter in 2016, but he wasn't. I think newsom on the debate stage would be charismatic and good-looking enough to woo a lot of voters, similar to JFK. I'd love Whitmer as a front-runner, but I think her as VP with newsom would help give a different side to his "California elite" vibe. And we've got 4 more years for Newsom's housing policy to really take shape. I think if housing construction goes up in CA and rents go down, that would be an insane talking point for Newsom on the national stage, to be like "I was the one who made California affordable" or whatever. But that depends on how things go, of course.


Democrats cannot pick someone from California. It wouldn’t work. They need to pick someone from a purple or even red state.


Again, you could have said the same for Trump. You don’t need to win Republicans, you just need to win the 5% of voters who decide election. People are swayed by looks and presence, as is evidenced by Trump winning. Look how DeSantis has vanished from public view once he started *talking* and his voice sounded funny or was revealed he was using high heels or something. And why you’d run Whitmer with him. I guarantee that Whitmer is enough to sway college educated white middle class voters in rust belt states. You’re not gonna swing rural high school education blue collar males no matter who you run, so it’s not worth even thinking about them.


Lol hes literally PG&Es bagman. He also allowed them to survive after San Bruno and pass the massive fines onto their customers. PG&E would be a "was" in the history books if it wasn't for Newsom.


The San Bruno explosion happened 8 years before Newsom was elected. The court settlement occurred 5 years before he was elected. The $1.6B fine levied against PG&E was decided by the PUC 3 years before Newsom was elected.


Democrats are required to be time travelers, didn't you know? This feels a lot like that Jordan Klepper segment with the guy who wondered why Obama wasn't in the oval office on 911: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AyN34sFko9w


> Democrats are required to be time travelers Like how a decent fraction of Americans blame Obama for Bush's bank bailouts


They amassed a huge debt as a result of San Bruno and the many wildfires they caused, which forced them into bankruptcy protection. Thankfully their buddy Gavin was there to smooth things out in time for the Camp Fire and the millions that they were able to pass onto ratepayers because of that whole debacle. PG&E only exists because of the government. They're a state sponsored criminal enterprise. “This is the end of business as usual for PG&E,” Mr. Newsom said in a statement. “Through California’s unprecedented intervention in the bankruptcy, we secured a totally transformed board and leadership structure for the company, real accountability tools to ensure safety and reliability and billions more in contributions from shareholders to ensure safety upgrades are achieved." - Gavin Newsom (before PG&E burned half the state down)


A very dumb quote by Newsom. And maybe the state should have forced PG&E to be broken up then. But be real, please. Even if PG&E died and its assets were auctioned off to other power companies in May 2020, those same power lines would have caused the exact same fires in July 2020, because those other companies would not have had time and budget to do that maintenance by then. And also many fires on 2020 were caused by other causes, and they did not burn down half the state. There is much blame on PG&E, but also on Californian voters for allowing maintenance to be deferred for decades, all the while accumulating wildfire fuel through decades of sprawl construction and zero-tolerance fire policies.


California voters allow deferred maintenance?


When did I vote to allow deferred maintenance?


We voted for governors who appointed PUC members who allowed the deferred maintenance. We voted for members of the California legislature who could have but never addressed it, such as in the California Fire Code they could have set safety requirements for transmission lines in Fire Hazard Severity Zones. We voted for members of local government, county and below, who allowed housing to be built in hazardous places with inadequate protection.


Enabling government is an incredibly dangerous proposition.


I do you think I have a vote in every county in the state? I have literally no control over what the housing policies in Paradise are.


You had the opportunity to vote for governor, and two members of the state legislature. Provide your address so I can be more specific to your personal situation?


Dissolving PGE is the easy part. The aftermath trying to find a replacement without catastrophic service failures would be the career breaker.


There are other energy providers aside from PG&E.


Yeah I should look into that. But I’ve been through several fires in Sonoma and Napa. I’ve been through some pretty intense middle of the night evacuations. And when the embers get cold I see the massive response from PGE as literally thousands of workers and hundreds of PGE trucks swarm in to start the rebuild. I know pge gets a lot of heat because they aren’t keeping the trees branches off the wires. But they would need a massive number of people working on that every day and they’d still never succeed.


Right? And the fact that the person you responded to was upvoted so much? It’s frightening to see how effective Newsome’s propaganda team has been at neutralizing his culpability. He’s the sole reason we have the feckless CPUC that continues to raise rates year after year by double digit %


These people have been raised to believe that democracy is about people for the people and they're not starting to realize that those governing them couldn't give a damn about them. Look at the outrage against their hero Weiner and the junk fee ban.


Gavin newsom and the people who have been backing his climb to power have several deep connections to PG&E, including large investments in the company. Newsome has gone out of his way to save PG&E from bankruptcy and allow them to use the taxpayers and their rate payers to keep them solvent. Newsom is a figurehead for the power brokers in California politics and is more than happy to play the role and hand out favors and solve political problems for the people who are keeping him there. The recent rate hikes that were all experiencing are just the most public manifestation of this problem. Jerry Brown and Schwarzenegger were there because they thought that they had a duty to get the state back on track, whether you liked or hated one or both of them, they were thinking about their legacy in the future of California. Newsom is here to be president and that means keeping your backers confident that you will protect the status quo.


This sub is noooot a good place to take political temperatures


> what's the general consensus on Newsom? simply he's better than the 3 alternatives he was up against in 2 governor elections and one recall. And was the most well-known of his primaries in 2018. as far as r/bayarea thats probably as much as is fair to be generally consensus on. He has some fans and he has many haters.


You’re not gonna get a great idea of the general consensus on newsom in This sub. This sub has a sort of hate circlejerk for him, and he keeps getting elected, so he must be more popular than his popularity in this sub


> This sub has a sort of hate circlejerk for him, This sub is also a well known target for right wingers pushing a narrative: https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/ln1sif/turning_point_usa_and_young_americas_foundation/h21ph7s


It is a good thing that he is actually taking action on getting more housing built. I can admit he's done some things that are actually good, but he's in bed with the CPUC (the ones setting your PG&E rates, the highest in the nation) and has generally only addressed issues that make him look like a viable presidential candidate.


Slimy politician with some iffy policies, some good, but importantly is pro housing so good enough for me


And pro transit!


Generally ok, mixed bag


Was SB-9 due to him? It's a measure against NIMBYs however it falls short.


SB-9 is one of many passed in the past several years to deal with NIMBYism at the local level. The most significant was SB-423 (a Scott Weiner bill) which required local government plans for 2023-31 be approved by the state with assigned building goals and act on the plans for face the "builders remedy." Our Bay Area [City of Alameda was the first approved](https://www.alameda2040.org/housing). With extensive feedback from the community, it is a highly readable model.


Eh, I didn’t have a problem with him until he shut everything down and said we had to wear masks no mixing household’s. Then he goes and eats at an expensive restaurant no mask and over 6 people from different households. Yet small businesses weren’t aloud to have their dinning rooms completely open, they had to be outside. But I guess the expensive Michelin restaurant doesn’t count? I don’t like the hypocrisy.


He's a legacy politician from Pelosi's (her nephew) camp. He's just a face for the same old, same old.


His aunt divorced Pelosi’s brother in 1977 when Gavin was 10 years old. That’s a bit of a stretch to say he is her nephew.


Second cousin, twice removed.


Generally fine. As others have said, good on housing. His lack of care with the CPUC and PG&E is not great but I also recognize that the issue is far more complex than this subreddit would make it out to be and has involved decades of malfeasance by California. At least he's not allowing more deferred maintenance but it's coming at a cost and it's questionable if that burden is being distributed fairly between PG&E and consumers (It's not imo).


The Wildfire thing is kinda a big issue…


PGE is responsible for a very small fraction of wildfires in this state. Or are you referring to forestry management in general?


Slimy and corrupt. Can't stand him.


terrible. constantly blames others and creates carve outs for his (or his benefactors) interests. plus he cheated on his wife so i’m not a huge fan of that, but it’s beside the point


Not just cheated on his wife, but he cheated with his best friend/campaign manager’s wife.


Pretty sure him and his ex-wife were seperated then but yes the other part is shitty.


Terrible, no clue how this douche bag is popular in CA.


Fine on most things, but he's really shitty on ranked choice voting, which angers the fuck out of me. He also was dating a 19 year old in 2004 (he was 39)


He offered a "10-Year Plan to **End** Homelessness".  We're in year 21 now.


That was [regarding the city of San Francisco when he was mayor.](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2018/oct/08/john-cox/fact-checking-gavin-newsoms-record-solving-homeles/) Although he made little progress towards that goal just for the city while mayor, by creating shelters he at least reduced the number of homeless on the streets by 31%.


Newsom wasted $24B on homelessness with no thought to track whether or not it worked. And homelessness has skyrocketed under his watch. https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/california-homelessness-spending-audit-24b-five-years-didnt-consistently-track-outcomes/


You didn't copy the link correctly. [This works](https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/california-homelessness-spending-audit-24b-five-years-didnt-consistently-track-outcomes/). >under his watch The funds were distributed to local governments to implement. They don't report to him. Tracking: * should have been included in the requirements and funding of the bills * the best organization to have done this is the State Auditor, who is independent of the governor. However, he did nothing until the audit covered in the article - pointing fingers at others when he is culpable. Ironic.


Yeah a bunch of excuses and rationalizations as to why Newsom isn't guilty. But he is, he's the govenor and if he doesn't give a shit about $24b, then what will he do as president? The corruption around the DNC and Newsom has no limit. The idea that tracking should have been included in the requirements is elementary policy making. This isn't an oversight, it was deliberately not added. We've known for decades that money needs to be tracked and you can't lose track of 24B and then say "hey it wasn't part of this bill!" when you know it should have been tracked in the first place.


>he made little progress It was **literally worse** when he left that when he said this


Mainly we hope he’ll replace Biden as the democrat candidate, not because we want him as president but we want him out of California, could be a win win.


The Dilbert Principle.


Generally poor to so-so at best.


He’s a puppet placed by the machine. He does what he’s told and never makes a single decision based on what the people want.


Another career politician we don’t identify with.


Newsom is a proto-typical mouthpiece that does nothing except further the corruption. He is being groomed to be president and given how the DNC let Biden embarrass himself last night, Newsom will be the DNC nominee for this November. I just hope that the rest of the country realizes that Newsom will destroy the country the same way he destroyed California ever since he was the mayor of SF.


He is a scumbag, mandated the worst lockdowns in the nation. Proceeds to violate them with his friends at high fancy French laundry restaurant because in that town it was OK. Asshole I wanted it to be OK in my town. He and asshats like doctor Cody in Santa Clara kept mask mandates in place longer than they needed to, in order to make a political point. They killed the lives of many service workers because they weren’t essential enough. Other states saw the new data and changed course, not us because we as a state had Trump derangement syndrome. We had risk the opposite of the administration. He loves taxes, because he and other California politicians have a spending problem. His high speed rail is a stupid project. He proved when Xi came to town he could clean up a city in days. But it’s Ok let it return to below third world. He was bragging to a cashier once about how California is tough on retail crime. Dude is mentally il and lives in his own micro bubble.


It depends how on who you ask. Independents and right leaning know he is a pay for play, super corrupt, incompetent. He speaks for lobbies and corporations and is in their pockets. For hardcore left, illegals, below poverty, tenants, criminals he is awesome because he coddles them. He is populist at the end of day. He is loyal to his rich lobbying masters keeping them happy and he throws bones at enough voters to keep them loyal to him: The consequences of both are well evident in California. We are not bankrupt only because tech brings hell lot of money, and that’s spent recklessly by politicians. We are a welfare state, with below average education standard, falling infrastructure, below average unemployment benefits, no major infrastructure projects in decades, crimes, homelessness, home to largest population of illegals, and asylum seekers. We boast of being 5th largest economy though.


Good. Newsom’s stance on housing makes me happy. I can't imagine dedicating so much effort to preventing people from being housed. What a selfish, embarrassing legacy.


Five story building delayed due to skyline and “character.” Poor people blocking my view of the beach. Not in my coastal backyard.


The funny thing is there are no views from the chosen location to block, this would *create* views for some people, it’s a great location for this project


. . . the fact that poor people have nothing to do in HMB. . . I get it though. If we can't build affordable housing in a location people want it, we'll just build a five story out a few miles from the bay area and tell the poors to get mad at locals.


In 2022, the City of Half Moon Bay issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) seeking qualified candidates to develop Affordable Housing on a City-owned parcel located at 555 Kelly Avenue in Half Moon Bay. This is planned for the local farming and migrant community. Nobody is shipping folks anywhere. Two organizations, Mercy Housing California and ALAS, (Ayudando Latinos a Soñar) bid to build, manage it and provide additional community services. In addition to the above, it will include a Farmworker Resource Center for the broader local community such as San Mateo County and Stanford Medical Center health services.


Folks try to use care rhetoric because Democratic Party voters like care rhetoric. “Preserve our communities”. “You’re just trying to throw people out of the Bay”. It’s obviously a lie. Entertaining the lie is pointless. Change will be in policy. Not here.


The list of parameters around it is a bit odd, but ultimately a good thing




Good! Hell I don’t live in the Bay Area but for years I commuted and worked down there. I am glad the NIMBYs got a spanking!


Dang, I want some affordable housing in HMB.


Bandaid on shotgun wound. So that you can claim you are doing something, while not actually doing anything.


half moon bay, really? 92 is jam packed already jeez.....


Gavin Newsom is trash.


Newsom has zero moral credibility. The guy lived in a "donated" mansion.


Are you.. talking about... The governors mansion? The literal home for CA governors (for the most part) since 1903? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Governor%27s_Mansion_State_Historic_Park?wprov=sfla1


No. His el dorado hills residence.


Awh! You tried.


Downvotes don't change facts.


You're still trying! Go you!

