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There was a separate line in Berkeley for VIP. You got in before GA. We were able to get barricade.


Fuck yea!!! Ty


I was at the Berkeley show myself and a bit of advice depending on how big your VIP group is you do get inside first, but if you buy merch first like I did the general admission was let in and I had to kind of make my way through the barricade because it was already packed. So you have to decide if you want to get merch first and maybe lose out on the barricade spot or get your barricade spot, but then deal with the long merch line afterwards.


After the VIP session you leave for a bit. Then get back in the VIP line (separate from the main line) and get in first.




Anaheim was acoustic set. Leave. Get early/separate entrance for ga. Could have chosen rail if we wanted


Hell yea thanks!


I did the San Diego one. No early access. You show up, they play 3 songs then you leave and get drunk at the bar next to the venue.


So you get a worse spot in line than random GA people? No separate line?


Idk if you will get barricade but you should get fairly close if you show up early enough


Not sure how universal this was but in Seattle we lined up early, got in for 3 acoustic songs and signed posters, got kicked out for an hour or so, got let into the venue lounge/bar and waited in there for another hour, and when GA doors were about to open we poured in and got first pick on where to stand (I got to stand at the barricade in front of Jack <3)