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She is currently a fugitive, believed to be seeking safe harbor on **** ***** Island


Is that in the Great Lakes?


Why do you think Robert wants to nuke them?


It all makes sense now!


What do you think makes them great? Probably not hunting children sorry I'll go


It was just "Okay-ish rapids" before she got to it. You could say she - (•\_•) ( •\_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■\_■) - made some waves


Can you explain this? I've just recently gotten into the show - which I already love - and have heard similar edits over several episodes. Is this just an ongoing joke about Jeff E. and/or pederasts in general?


Robert had a running joke about a certain food delivery service owning a child hunting island. He had to stop because some people didn't get it was a joke.


Those people are unbelievably stupid and should not be catered to.


Probably not, but think about it for Robert. Bro has seen up-close the horrors of terminally-online radicalization. He knows the dumb shit that'll turn you into a school shooter. When he realized he contributed to that, I can't imagine how he felt.


Pretty wild Google has gone from revolutionarily quality search engine to lazy AI misinformation machine.


it's amazing, the other day i was searching for a website by typing in the name of the website, and it was like the 7th result


I went to type in Kroger.com on my browser and hit return too soon so I got the google search instead…top link was for Instacart. Remember when Google’s motto was “don’t be evil”? I miss those days.


Thirty different questions I didn’t ask all with the same incorrect quora answer


Google has been nearly unusable for years now. It was enshittified to ad hell and doesn’t even give useful links anymore. The entire first page is all ads, half of which are scams.


The scam riddled Google sponsored ad links before the normal search results irritate me. I make a point of ignoring them all, and everyone else should too.


Don't quote me on this but Ublock Origin seems pretty good at fighting this nonsense. What I can say for sure is Ublock Origin is pretty good at fighting OTHER types of scam/advertising nonsense. So many other types.


This is probably partially just my web browser but often I will type in a full url to a site and instead of just taking me to the site it will load a google search where that site is not even the first result.


Gotta keep up with state-of-the-art technology


I have to remember to use the Ecosia engine more often.


Grand rapids? Ain't no way I'm messing with the Amway Mafia.


It's legally not a pyramid scheme!


Careful, those boys over at Blackwater, or Academi or whatever Erik calls it now, they don’t like people talking bad about Betsy’s family and their grift.


Luckily that is in Ada. Which is where the rich people in GR move too.


Amway Grand Plaza, the Van Andel Arena, Helen DeVos Children's Hospital, all in Grand Rapids proper. As a local, please Robert, Jamie: stop this; they're gonna be onto us as enemies.


Blackwater (or whatever the hell they call themselves now) is already on the way.


If she’s here I’ll happily hide her until we can get her back to Robert


The Jamie Loftus Underground Railroad Experience is a great idea. Plus it will give us practice for when Robert inevitably goes on the run.


Robert doesn't run. He happily waits for the FDA bust through his door!


he'll be sitting at his desk with a gun in his hand, wearing a bulletproof vest


Singing my my my my how the time does fly when you know you're gonna die by the.end.of the night.


First ever bastard to be brought on as both subject and guest


Wait, which sub am I in? I was so confused when I saw Robert’s picture and thought I was looking at r/grandrapids


Yeah, i was concerned seeing my home get called out on


Same lol


What about her crimes against humanity perpetrated through meat byproduct tubes?


Poor Robert. He needs to kill that barber.


One of my friends has the same haircut and is also into D&D. He's a lovely, gentle dude, so I see no reason for Robert to feel any shame in sharing the same style as one of the kindest people I know.


Not with the Great lakes protecting her!


If we nuke them, she has nowhere to hide!


Nuking the Great Lakes - 2024 Roberts campaign slogan, probably


And....fans of God Awful Movies, let us also not forget that Cara Santa Maria..did 911.


And Marsh did COVID


Jesus. Fuck. I misread did as died for a second there and could feel the panic rise.


If giving shelter to the fugitive Jamie Loftus is wrong, then I don't want to be right.


The real crime is Robert’s hair in that photo.


I really want Robert to get a better haircut.


I heard Grand Rapids did a choreographed video of the classic rock song American Pie just to try to convince people to visit because of her. https://youtu.be/ZPjjZCO67WI?si=3W8Rx57Wt5jVHza5


This almost makes me miss home. Now I have this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysmLA5TqbIY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysmLA5TqbIY)


Does anyone ever truly miss Cleveland?


I live in Columbus Ohio, and I will say that I miss Cleveland. Though not as much in January.


Fair. Im from Indiana and I have fam in Columbus amd Canton. I definitely dont miss the Midwest in general though. Oregon 4 life.


Eh. It's cheap and I know where shit is. Plus my crippling depression and alcoholism render me incapable of making significant decisions.


I follow the GR sub. Directly below this post is a post that GR cops covered up like 150 murders up by calling them suicides. Seems oddly timed


I just got off that post in the GR sub and ran into this post lol what are the odds. Only makes me more convinced that some sort of cosmic connection between Jamie, the GRPD, and these "suicides"


Wait, I didn’t see that one. Link to the news story?


When Robert first voiced concerns that his bits were being taken seriously, I never would have guessed Google AI would be the one doing so...


In 1972, a crack commando was sent to prison by a military court for a crime she didn't commit. This woman promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, she survives as a soldier of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find her....maybe you can hire Jamie Loftus.


So stoked to hear my hometown shouted out on BtB


In 1972, a crack commando was sent to prison by a military court for a crime she didn't commit. This woman promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, she survives as a soldier of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find her....maybe you can hire Jamie Loftus.


Jamie Loftus is a menace.


Grand Rapids was built by a pyramid scheme, we're not bringing anything or anyone to justice


Isn't she also a distant relative to Kissinger? Does this (/s) need to be here?


CIA plant confirmed


I can only assume they had it coming


Hey I live in grand rapids! But Jamie is my favorite guest so I will not be helping bring her to justice.


Grand Rapids, Michigan? Sounds like she’s just trying to get justice against the Great Lakes.


aback cooperative illegal include scarce plate middle shelter books ten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Jamie Loftus did nothing wrong 😤


I swear its so weird how this little unremarkable town ends up being a nexus point for so much bastardry. Might have something to do with us being the first to put fluoride in the water.


Take a look at the “Worst of All Possible Worlds” podcast. Strong hilarious GR influence


Yo I live in GR and JUST got to that part of the episode. Stopped me dead in my tracks!


Lmao why would you use generative AI for a search term like that! Does Google just put “write me a story about…” before every search term now?


I checked Google just now. I wouldn't even know how to use their AI service if I wanted to. I see no buttons to indicate it exists. I googled Jamie Loftus and I saw nothing about her many crimes against man and God. Edit: Google's AI nonsense (one of them) is called Bard and you have to go out of your way to use it. Asking Bard about Jamie Loftus just brings up a normal summary.


Plot twist of the final episode


This reminds me of Stellar Skateboard


I did wonder how many people would search this after Robert suggested the search results thing 🤣


Oh no it actually happened