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You should also hear him talk about labour. Or stick up for doctors and the NHS. Or be a genuinely cool guy. That David Tennant is one hoopy frood.


He always knows where his towel is.


A *what*?? lol


You need to read more Douglas Adams. A Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy is one of the best comic novels of the 20th century.


One of the best novels period. Regardless of genre. It was far far deeper than many give it credit for.


Ah yeah. I only saw the movie once. It's been like 10 years though, I should watch it again


The book is astoundingly better and the sequels are better still.


No no, the movie is trash. The books are gold.


There's also a radio series and the original TV series.


IIRC, the radio series came before the book. Adams wrote it for the BBC and then adapted his radio scripts into the book.


Yep. The first two books anyway. My dad has them on vinyl.


The BBC radio series was first. It and the TV series are great.


I never knew about this! I'll start there. I *did* enjoy the movie. VERY soon after seeing it the one time, my towel quite literally saved my life.


The movie is absolutely fantastic. The books blow the movie out of the water


I like the movie, if only for the [opening song.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zfuU6uLwF8)


That was lovely


Read the books. Haven’t read them since high school but they are both hilarious and so well crafted.


its so cool the Doctor is awesome


He *would* stand up for doctors. Lol. Love that guy fr


You're correct about Tennant, but I have to point out that 'hoopy' is a noun, not an adjective. People think it's an adjective because Douglas Adams didn't put a comma in the sentence 'You sass that hoopy Ford Prefect?', but the definition clearly marks it as a noun. Sorry fir the pedantry but it really irritates me that I seem to be the only person to have noticed this.


Frood is the noun.


They're both nouns. The original HHGTTG defines 'hoopy' as 'really together guy'.


[Someone else cited its use as an adjective here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DontPanic/comments/2bvw7f/to_all_you_hoopy_froods_out_there/cj9ku9i/)


Well, Belgium to that.


It's just occurred to me that the script that poster linked to is from an episode of The Tertiary Phase, which is an adaptation of *Life, the Universe, and Everything* made after Adams' death. I don't think there's a single example of Adams using it as a verb.


Good point!


So everyone else is wrong, including Douglas Adams?


Someone else has pointed out that Adams uses 'hoopy' as an adjective in one of the radio episodes, but the definition given in the first book is clearly a noun. Edit: I've just realised that's from The Tertiary Phase which was an adaptation of Life, The Universe and Everything produced after Adams' death.


I keep a running list of trans ally celebrities, so when I see a famous person using their platform for transphobia (e.g. JK Rowling) I can look at this list and smile. - David Tennant - [Dawn Staley](https://www.cbssports.com/womens-college-basketball/news/south-carolina-coach-dawn-staley-says-transgender-athletes-should-be-able-to-play/) (Head Coach for the University of South Carolina Women’s Basketball Team) - [Daniel Radcliffe](https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-news/daniel-radcliffe-j-k-rowling-anti-trans-rhetoric-response-1235013076/) (Harry Potter and successful actor) - [Charles Barkley](https://youtube.com/shorts/BqiYuh5zkj8?si=FPd3_uEaCgeQUHp3) ([bonus round](https://youtube.com/shorts/6fPXkXF4Hsc?si=9_8p_SHB28bSoohb)) (Hall of Fame basketball player and broadcaster) - [Beastie Boys (Michael Diamond, Adam Yauch, and Adam Horovitz)](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2024/04/beastie-boys-paid-for-trans-womans-gender-affirming-surgery/) (My dad’s favorite rap group and have a very special place in my heart)


Colin Mochrie of Whose Line is it Anyway fame has a trans daughter he very publicly supports Also add Marlon Wayans to the list


Did you watch Last One Laughing Canada edition? Mochrie and Tom Green are the old school guys on it.


I wasn't expecting to see Marlon in the list! wasn't he complaining about "cancel culture" or something a few years ago?


Not sure but he's super supportive of his non-binary child and just came off a "scandal" where some mouth breathers got mad that he made a pride post on his Instagram.


LGBTQ issues is one of a handful of areas where even Black Democrats tend to skew to the right of white Dems. By and large it's a church-rooted thing.


https://www.instagram.com/marlonwayans?igsh=M3F5eXVwMDlod25j He was calling out anti-lgbt people earlier this month and posting pride photos.


Emma Watson is also quite a vocal supporter of trans rights along with Daniel Radcliffe.


Jamie Lee Curtis has a trans daughter and is very vocal about how much she supports her.


Pedro Pascal is very close with his trans sister and is vocal about supporting LGBT rights


Amazing. I’ve loved her since freaky Friday. That also reminds me that Dwayne Wade is very vocal and supportive of his daughter. I need to add to my list


Zionists being idolised on r/behindthebastards ?




Your biggest hero. https://old.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/172zzwn/jamie_lee_curtis_shares_a_photo_of_terrified/


Yeah saying I love an actress’ work makes her my biggest hero lmao. Grow up. I’m also supposed to spend my day checking the instagrams of celebrities before I dare say anything nice about them because they could have shitty views about a completely unrelated topic?2


Are we really calling people zionist because they misidentify a single picture? Do you have more than that? I don't care about Jamie Lee Curtis but I do care about words losing their meaning because people are careless with them.


Don Cheadle wore a T-Shirt with the caption “Protect Trans Kids” when he hosted SNL.


Hes the patron saont of r/gamingcirclejerk for this reason.


Yeah but that sub is also a cesspool.


:This is reddit. None of us are without sin.


Iirc his character in House of Lies (which he was an executive producer of though idk how involved in actual development and writing that made him) had a non-binary kid. I never got that far into the show but it seemed like his character was pretty supportive of that, albeit a bit lost as to how to best be. Plus representation like that can mean the world for some people.


Patton Oswalt


John Darnielle of the Mountain Goats


Mountain Goats fans rise up!


Chuck keeps saying he's not a role model, but his actions keep speaking otherwise.


I’m a fan of the beastie boys, nothing obsessive or anything but I very much like their music. I didn’t know about this story before, thanks for sharing. I knew they were nice but this made me smile and feel a little more fondly of them. It’s amazing that you have one side who just look incredibly nasty and bitter whenever they publicly talk above the subject, and the other side look and feel simply like decent, empathetic human beings and this is still a debate we have to have?


Gabrielle Union (actress) and Dwyane Read (former NBA player) have a teenage trans daughter they're very vocally supportive of!


You can add NBA Hall of Famer Dwayne Wade to your list as well! His daughter came out as trans in 2020, and his family’s foundation just unveiled Translatable, [an online community to support trans youth and their families.](https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/40205465/dwyane-wade-inspired-daughter-unveils-new-transgender-youth-support-community) Unsurprisingly, they GTFO of Florida and moved to Cali, where she won’t be victimized by horrible legislation. But much respect to the Wade family for creating a resource that others, without the means to relocate, can use.


Big Nev and the one time in history twitter has been a force for good


Dawn Staley is one of the few reasons to keep my head up as a south Carolinian.


Yeah I’m from CT, my whole family including me went to UConn. I want us to continue to dominate women’s basketball, but dawn staley seems like such a nice person that runs a similar ship to Geno (accountability, diligence, and a strong work ethic) that I will cheer for her when we get bumped from tournaments


Yep. Putting himself in the firing line like that is fucking commendable. Unfortunately, other people with social / media capital like Tennant isn't doing enough, but those who do, it does raise the spirits, despite all the BS happening here in the UK with respects to trans rights. What's incredible is the gammon-y backlash to him. Expecting him to be "civil" Bitch, please. If someone was coming for your kid, you wouldn't take a respectful approach, either. Not like what he said was disrespectful anyway. He simply said thank fuck hateful MP pricks will soon be out of power. Oh, the pearl clutching! A special fuck you to Bad Enoch, too. Motherfucker wants to fuck over the rights of minorities, and accelerate our descent into fascism, knowing full well she -as a black woman - won't be affected by it because like her tory cunt cohorts she'll fuck off somewhere else if it ever gets bad enough towards minorities and everyone else here.


Yeah, if your position is "I want you and everyone like you to stop existing, and to do that I'll lie about you, remove your rights and hopefully drive you to suicide if you don't repress everything you are", then you should probably expect a little pushback that not particularly polite from those people and their friends.


The "civil discourse" is maddening. Like, MPs are tut tutted if they explicitly say another MP is lying. They gotta say "misleading" or some other soft-spoken approach. And all the media here is complicit in it. The only time the media decides to be "brave" and hold the government to account is when it's already a forgone conclusion the fuckwits will soon be out of power.


as a lifelong "angry brown person" i can tell you that the white masters have long boasted about how much more "civil" they are than us... civil equates to "hypocritical" in britain. I'll stay an angry brown woman, thanks...


They punch you in the face and then act like you're the unreasonable one for getting pissed off about it.


that's the story of my life hun...


The Scots aren’t particularly known for keeping it “civil” when they’re riled up about shit that matters to them, so I honestly don’t know what people were expecting. Always pleased to see Tennant being awesome!


> ~~knowing~~ thinking full well she -as a black woman - won't be affected by it Fascism always eventually devours its own, and she'll be first in line.


Tories tend to fuck off elsewhere once they've used their positions to get in good with the corps and mega rich friends. Sunak for example will be fucking off to California the moment he's kicked out. Even if he wins his seat by the slimmest of margins, he'll still pack it in and be fucking off to California by the end of the year.


More likely he'll be fucking off to a state with a lower tax rate. Tricky finding a conservative/low-tax part of the country that's all that welcoming to folks of his ancestral heritage. Perhaps a wealthier whiter suburb of Atlanta? There's always the Carolinas!


Bad Enoch is a horrible example of what far too many of my siblings of color do: they act as white as they can in order to be accepted. Braverman's talk of "pakistani men" preying on "white girls" is the clearest statement how racism still plagues every aspect of british life. most of us don't have cushy jobs in the "house". We are still out in the "fields"...


The Doctor is always right.


The Tenth Doctor might be deserving of his own episode. For all the good he does, he does have a downright psychotic dark side. Especially when it comes to doling out punishments.


The family of blood is a good example of that. Wild season


The fury of a Time Lord.


He never raised his voice. That was the worst thing… the fury of the Time Lord… and then we discovered why. Why this Doctor, who had fought with gods and demons, why he had run away from us and hidden. He was being kind.


I want to see a sequel episode to that. "hey how's it going? still trapped in a mirror? damn that sucks byeee. hey long time no see, how's life as an immortal frozen scarecrow? not great? oh damn well byeeeee"


He's forgiving, but no second chances.


Nothing beats Colin Baker's 6th Doctor watching the acid bath.


Well it's a a competition , the first doctor was gonna smash the brains out of injured person too keep them quiet. The 7th doctor is mass manipulator playing with gods, with innocent people get in the way


David Tenant is a fantastic actor and he seems like a genuinely really nice and decent person. His speech at the LGBTQ+ awards was pretty much perfect. He has a trans child so it’s something he’s very passionate and vocal about. Kemi Badenoch is basically on the far right of our right wing party and she’s absolutely poisonous, if she loses her seat next week that’s something to cheer about.


Actually I believe his child is non binary and uses they/them pronouns


You’re correct, I’ve edited my post now, thanks.


Kemi is utterly vile and is about as far from being a decent human as you can get. Perfect for the Tory party. DT for the absoloute win. I thought his speech was brilliant and heartfelt. Love to see it.


I don't think Kemi is worse than Suella Braverman.


Those two and Priti Patel are all up (or down) there when it comes to how low can the Conservative Party go. Throw in Brexit Hardman Steve Baker (that’s a name he gave himself), 30p Lee (he said benefit claimants could and should live on 30p a day) would be have been if he hadn’t defeated to reform, Johnson, even though he’s gone he’s still a prominent member of the party, and the dishonourable member for the 18th century, Jakob Rees Mogg, and then the likes of Peter Bone and Christopher Chope. Then there’s always the likes of John Redwood and Mark Jenkinson and a few others who keep a slightly lower profile. I can’t wait for those who are standing to be turfed out next week. I’m crossing my fingers for an extinction level event if I’m honest, but I don’t think it will be as bad as a lot of the polls are suggesting. I think they will get 100-120 seats, not lower than a hundred. If support for them drops much lower, and it continues to drop furthest in the seats they are defending, then 50 seats or less is certainly a possibility.


I'm guessing you listen to James O'Brien as well. Peter Bone's creepiness kinda took me by surprise. I guess it shouldn't have. I felt kinda bad that he had the name. Plus the way John Bercow said it "PEEETAH BOOOWWWWNNNN!" I still have trouble believing Jacob Rees-Mogg exists.


Haha as often as I can do yeah. The best description of Mogg I’ve heard is that he is like a haunted Victorian pencil 😂😂


Someone said that he just really needs to say publicly, regarding Rishi Sunak, “don’t you think he looks tired?”


My favorite Tennant ally moment was when he was asked in an interview if he was concerned about any backlash or anyone going after him over a t-shirt he wore that said, **Leave Trans kids alone, you absolute[an article about it from this time last year](https://teaandbanter.com/posts/david-tennant-wore-a-shirt-supporting-trans-kids-to-press-launch-of-good-omens-season-2) freaks** His response: "I'll be fine. TERFs can't climb stairs and I still have my sonic screwdriver." I don't laugh much these days, but that got a belly laugh out of me.


I have no idea if that's a reference to anything, but its hilarious 🤣


Daleks couldn’t climb stairs. Edited to fix verb tense. I recall this issue being solved after the restart of the show.


Before that indeed, in Remembrance of the Daleks.


Doh, I should really have made that connection..


If I remember correctly, they fixed that while he was The Doctor, right?




That was a parody account, if I recall.


I don't think so. Tennant has been VERY open about his support of Trans folks and protecting Trans kids, and the aforementioned shirt he wore to the premiere of Good Omens 2. Even if it turned out to be a satire page's post, Tennant is the type of person that would hesr the quote, laugh his ass off and then say it verbatim so it could be attributed to him anyway. The dude is just good people


https://x.com/TinyWriterLaura/status/1678791119432212481 Here's one of the accounts pointing it out. https://insidethemagic.net/2023/07/david-tennant-leave-trans-kids-alone-you-absolute-freaks-mw1/ And an article citing it as parody.


He's totally good people and I love what he's actually said, and I do think he'd enjoy it, but that quote isn't his. Gaiman describes him as "hardly owning a smartphone" and he thinks MySpace is still popular, so I don't imagine he knows what TERF means, but even if he does, it's still a joke quote. You'll never find the interview where he says that, and everyone who quotes a source refers to the "Politics for you" Twitter account, which has been cited multiple times as being a fake (but funny) quote.


Get him and Christopher Eccleston together. They both kick serious ass and I love tjem


I don't know more about Eccleston other than I thought there was some feelings about the end of his Who run.


He’s very anti monarchy


He is completely vindicated to be honest. T. Davies and the BBC ignored his warning that a director was a bully and caused a stunt person to be injured.


Oh I'm not saying he wasn't vindicated, I just didn't know anything else about him beyond that terrible GI Joe movie he did.


He's in the latest True Detective season!! He's so hateable!


I didn't realise that was Eccleston! I see it now it's pointed out, but he does not look, sound, or move like himself at all in that role


Agreed, my boyfriend was floored. I only recognized him bc of the eyes. He has crazy eyes.


The leftovers is an incredible show, little slow to start in the first season but it’s still very good television, then the final two seasons are essentially perfection. They also absolutely nailed the ending and didn’t leave it open for a possible extension or rush it or leave unanswered questions or anything. Ecclestone is absolutely incredible in it. To me it’s one of the best programs ever on television.


He's great in everything I've seen him in.


He was in Gone in 60 Seconds.


he was one of the crazy rapists in 28 days later!


My two fave Doctors


I like James Acaster calling out comedians like Ricky Gervais who target trans people: https://youtu.be/UHqma3rx-xI?si=DP7RQMjraYcuXi7-


It would be pretty odd of the doctor had a problem with changing gender.


Tennant is awesome. The best Doctor. A good actor in general. Vocally progressive, and supportive of the movement.


This has come up in my news suggestions, and my YT suggestions... it seems the British media is completely aboard the anti-trans train by now, every article is critical.


Amd of course JK Rowling had to go off.


As is the Irish media, to no surprise.


Majority of the actors who play The Doctor around and alive have either supported LGBTQ+ people, called TERFs out or just wished a good bootlicking too torys. Theres a thing about The Doctor that brings in certain actors


For a minute I thought he was talking about critics who were transgender and I was about to be like: hold up..


Same! The wording is vague!


had the guy confused with George Tenet when I clicked in here and was really fucking confused


Haha, speaking of bastards, that's a name I haven't heard in... 15 years.


i'm going to borrow from NWA to describe the people Tennant calls out: "whitebread chickenshit motherfuckers"...


Oh I thought this was saying Tennant was responding to critics who were transgender, I understand now


He also stopped all those Daleks. Those guys are real bastards!


So I parsed this incorrectly as critics who were transgender instead of those critical of transgenderism. Made me confused why he'd be praised.


You might say he wants to *EXTERMINATE* trans-hate!




Celebrities are characters celebrities perform. The man who sells the product of David Tennant is not known to any of us. You wouldn't say there was something untrustworthy about a Monet painting. Do not presume to know the artist, only the art. Call me old, but this mistaken assumption of characters being real has caused the "influencer" and all their abuses of trust by foolish followers. Be a fan, not a cult member. Saying all that, I amend: the character of David Tennant Rules!


I fully trust someone who openly and unambiguous supports their non-binary child.


I can kinda see what they mean though, the guy is just painfully wholesome and nice. It's very rare that someone is actually that good and not just carefully managing how they're seen. Especially actors who we mostly know as their characters Granted, I doubt anything will make me think he's not a legend