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I'm more frustrated now than when we lost in semis to France That's how bad I considered today was. Complete lack of awareness and will to win was depressing for 90 minutes


Depressing indeed. I've enjoyed watching every matches Belgium plays since years even when we lost until this one. It felt like back in the Wilmots days.


Als je niet wil dat er een camera op plakt dan doe je het in de kleedkamer. Tedesco zijn verstand staat uit vandaag


Honestly, I’d much rather them losing going all in, compared to this travesty of a game. That corner in the second half was the low-point, three four backwards passes and the ball was with the Belgian goalie in 10 seconds or less.


Nu stoer doen en alles komt wel goed maarja we weten hoe dit EK zal eindigen.


Depends on what their mission was. If their main objective was no injuries, no cards and just control the game, then they did a fine job. It is a tournament and you need to be aware that more games are coming. The setting and objective versus France isn’t comparable so I still have hope


I also have mixed feelings.. For me, this match reeks with a huge "we zien wel" stench, no push forward, no clear plan, no one moving, Lukaka was with Dem Island Boyz whole game, Doku needs to be benched and brought in at min 70 or so (so he can get past a tiredsome defender much easier). If this was Tedesco his plan, it was a shit one but it worked. Hopefully they will have a much needed good talk and back to playing like match 2 + more of everything in that game. Also CDK & De Cuyper.


>Depends on what their mission was. If their main objective was no injuries, no cards and just control the game 100% this, that's why they probably didnt expect the fans' reaction.


Just looking at the brackets is enough to get seriously frustrated. Just look at the teams on either side, wasted another unique chance at a favourable bracket.


Offtopic but how funny it is to see all the eyes watching into the camera as it goes backward


this should be a meme haha


Delusional France is going to trash us


That's what we wanted them to think aha