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The amount of Belgium subreddits quite accurately shows how dividing is written into the nation.


1 subject 5 opinions, 0 consensus


And a shitty compromise 34 months later


Which is: 1) off point 2) useless 3) unsustainable 4) works in no one's favour


Sell the government buildings to buy them back for a higher price later was peak belgian politics 💪


guess who they sell to and buy from haha


I was thinking the same thing. It worked out exactly as it was planned. By someone.


same as when they shoo people from their land for some weird project to then later build houses on it themselves


Buying back? No, they rent them back..


Ah, so that's what Rule 34 means.


a mutuality went to onlyfans so it's not that far off


Well, the tendency for separatism is heavily related to the amount of Flemish nationalism.




Congrats on the most devisive comment here


Accent on the á of course!


The higher the number, the more Flemish-centered and likely more right-wing contents


I see, thank you! Is belgium2 open to left-wing people/content?


More than it used to be


And Belgium4 was born 😎


I actually think it allows more opinions than this sub. Sure, the majority is right wing, but left opinions are more accepted than right wing opinions are in this sub.


This rings true. This sub was actually really nice when it was below 50k users. It just got worse as it grew, and the mods got more power-hungry like anything. It drives out non sheeple ppl who were here before the masses arrived. And you're left with an increasingly intolerant environment. Focussed around what the mod team dictates. This is the same for any sub in reddit as it grows. It's not the biggest loss, though. I was only here to help newcommers with questions regarding moving here since i grew up in a very expat heavy environment and was uniquely positioned to help. Now, there are more people answering these threads.


The mods are respresenting the left more than the right side of the political spectrum. It´s, unlike others portray, just open for, mostly civil, discussion, unlike other subs where only one voice is tolerated, no matter right or wrong. I think I am speaking for most b2 users.


Lmao your main mod Dobbelsteentje got banned from here for going on anti-muslim and minority rants including outright epithets. Sorry dude but gonna have to hit a big ol' ***press X to doubt*** on this one.


Exactly my point. The right is underrepresented in the mod team of B2, the rest are open pvda/vooruit supporters that would make me assume they are left leaning. Edit: your response seems to be not visible for me. 1. I´m not active/ invested enough in both subs to know what you are talking about. 2. Repeating your argument doesn´t make it valid :) 3. I´m certainly not denying a far right presence in b2, yet i´m also not underlining it, since that is not the norm, if you like to believe otherwhise you are free to do so (hence proving my point)


> The right is underrepresented in the mod team of B2 Ha, I count for 3 normal right wingers


The fact that's your response to him getting banned from here for, iirc, the final straw being some rant about mountain muslim mutt babies, tells me how much of a cesspool that sub is. No thanks.


Cuz you censor block and ban them oh thats a nice freedom of speech you cannot tell the truth cuz you and left minded mods cannot handle it.


>I actually think it allows more opinions than this sub. Well, allowing fascist ideas is not a good thing. >left opinions are more accepted than right wing opinions are in this sub. Typical fascist strategy. They want to seem like the good guys: "It's the lefties that are intolerant. They don't want us in their forums, but we accept them... " Have a look at the PCM sub for example. That's exactly how they act.


Here we go again with "everyone to the right of me is a fascist" Dude, you're the prime example of an insufferable leftie, not the good kind of leftie. Thinking that everyone who doesn't agree with you is automatically a fascist. I say this as someone who has voted for centrist parties his entire life.


I wouldn’t call it open to left-wing people/content, but it’s regularly tolerated. My political opinions are rather left-wing and I can function in r/belgium2 , but I usually choose not to engage with posts or comments containing political opinions I don’t agree with.


More than this sub is to the opposite




It's called cordon sanitaire, and it's one of the greatest belgian inventions.


*brigading noises*


It is, but just be prepared to get a lot of downvotes if you do voice a left leaning opinion.


Ahahahah precies


considering how flemish centric this one already is, i'm scared


With the exception of r/belgium6 which is just strange combinations of boomer and zoomer humor


Do we count way more openly racist comments as more right wing, or is that a separate drawer of stuff?


/r/Belgium69 is for swingers!


I hope in the strong belgian tradition of talking thing out, the far right keep creating new higher number subreddits as they feel the existing subreddits are too hostile to their "honest and reasonable views"?


This sub has both Flemish, Brussels and some Walloon people. The main language that is used in this sub is English. People here tend to be more left leaning. This sub also attracts more people from outside of the country (tourists and expats). belgium2 is mostly Flemish people. The main language that is used there is Dutch. People there are more right leaning.


Thanks for this answer. I was wondering what were the "vibes" in here actually :)


Because the mods of /r/lbelgium keep banning a lot of people


That is false, there have been few bans since the blackout and they were either spam accounts of accounts farming negative karma.


should restart imo. Before the blackout this place was almost tolerable again


Buddy. This is the easiest sub in all of reddit to get banned. Anything that isn’t leftist? Ban.


someone has never been to /r/conservative lol. You can speedrun a permanent ban inside of 2 minutes by even mentioning a censored "woke" word on the list


the amount of people who were banned from that sub for saying random things like "source?"


that's because like half of flanders votes for outright fascists lmao


People really have to realize if you call them fascist for simply voting NVA (implying that's where your "half" comes from, VB+NVA=~50%) that the word loses all its meaning, right? Fascists are like one of the worst people on earth but I've been called it so many times on the internet that it feels like someone calls me a dirtbag or something lol. It's the same impact.


What do you call a party that is nationalist and discriminatory towards minorities? This isn't even a rethorical question. Where do you draw the line between that and fascism?


Technically speaking, fascism is the name for a certain political ideology. The fact that Mussolini was able to gain power before WWII means that at one point a significant and large fraction of the Italian people supported this ideology, so it’s not outside the realm of possibility for 30-50% of a nation’s (or region’s) people to be fascists. Of course, political opinions are complicated and there are many reasons to vote for a certain political party, so not all VB and N-VA voters are fascists (in the technical sense of the word). Unfortunately, online the word “fascist” seems to have become a slur, slowly losing its original meaning.


"People constantly call me a fascist" is not a flex.


If that is what you make out of my comment, you do you


Yeah, ever stopped to think about the reason why that is happening?


> fascists whenever someone uses this word in 2024, it's like a signal to not take whatever he/she says seriously. Sorry.


> whenever someone uses this word in 2024, it's like a signal to not take whatever he/she says seriously. Sorry. Found the fascist apologist.


I don't care that I eat downvotes, I love to say it just to get people to tell on themselves lmao, it's so easy


You should call people nazis too, another one of those meaningless words these days.


Generally speaking, a 2 sub is created because the people who made it disagree with the rules or enforcement of the rules of the original sub. Also, generally speaking 2 subs are more extreme in some way than the original sub. This also isn't limited to 2 by the way. A quick look confirms there's at least an r/belgium down to number 10. From a superficial look at 4 I'd say it's a great example of what I described above.


4 is an absolute cesspool


I got banned from 4 for saying people who regularly exceed speed limits should get punished harder. I could object to the ban by contacting the mods, if the mods had not also blocked me from sending them messages. Steve Wonderbrug is a strange creature. 


4 is where all the extremist right wingers are who don't want to hear opposing views


It says all it needs to say when you know that the mods of B4 have been banned numerous times for hateful comments, and regularly use the sub as platform to spread conspiracy theories and complain about users they get into arguments with in the other Belgium subs


That's not always the case. For example, r/thenetherlands was created because the mods on r/Netherlands do not allow people to speak Dutch there (those mods aren't Dutch).


Wait, explain to me how the mods of a country's main subreddit do not speak the official language of that country? xD


Probably some Reddit powermods. I don't understand it either. And by now r/thenetherlands is the clear main subreddit.


The head mod is some obnoxious american or something.


"My great grandmother once got fucked in the bum by a Dutch man, so that means I'm 99% Dutch. I like stroopwafels!"


Thanks for explaining this I didn't see the difference in the title and didn't understand why Vondel language was sometime forbidden or not.


Damn 4 is already very right leaning, 10 must be something


In B4 there is one poster who does 50% of all posts there or something


the rumour over at b2 is that Dries van langenhove is behind one of the accounts over at b4




They drink only beer, no water. They eat only fritjes met ballekes, and nothing else. Once they are 500m away from the outskirts of their village, they are unable to communicate with the outside world due to too much linguist drift in their dialect.


Stoofvlees, gy verdemse barbaar gie! Belgium 11


That’s an understatement, b4 is extremely racist and if you point out something that the mods don’t agree about you get instantly banned. The mods themselves are literally the most racist guys on there.


just wait for B88


You mean r/belgium88 that exists


The guy who started that one must be a true natsi


If you don't know how to form proper sentences while expressing homophobic povs, then 4 is the place to be.


Ehh, the HLN comment section, especially on Facebook also comes close


B4 went so all out with the extremism and outright propaganda that it made B2 kinda look ok after all. Like FVD / Tierry Baudet they made PVV / Geert Wilders look like a bunch of ok guys.




I’ve come across 4 once or twice. Scary place.


There is also Belgium26


4 is feature in the sidebar of 2


It saves us time on b2 if they just go to b4


I wonder how many times Steve Wonderburg has been permabanned by Reddit by now. He must be on his 3th account by now at least.


One rule was why can't I force everyone to speak Flemish, this is Belgium after all


More important question,  may I comment in B2 or B4 without being banned here?




It's quite the opposite. I was banned in B4 because I dared to criticize the racism and VB-fanboying at that sub.  For a subreddit that pats itself on the back for 'free speech', the heavily moderate criticism.


Yes. In 2 years time, my account is still alive and kicking. I don't comment on B4 often, even those guys are something a bit too extreme. But I am very proud to still be an active member on B1 without major incidents.


B4 mods ban you for sharing an opinion, let alone not sharing it (Sauce trust me bro)


I can give you a trick if you wish: moderators define rules on the subreddits they manage. Some define a lot of rules, some define very few rules. If you are banned for something that does not infrige the community rules or the Reddit Content Policy, you can report it to Reddit Admins (ie Reddit Employees) who may step in if this is an abuse from the mods. This is a general advice, and does not target any specific subreddit. All mods are borne to the same rules.


What I've wondered is, with the (fairly often blatant) racism on B4, isn't it in violation of reddit's TOS?


I suggest you look up some threads in /r/ModSupport or /r/modhelp and they all say the same: Mods can ban you for whatever or no reason however they choose without any possible interference from the admins. I personally don't agree with this but from reddits point of view it makes total sense since they don't have the time nor the resources to babysit every single modteam.


Moderators are bound by the [Moderator Code of Conduct](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/moderator-code-of-conduct). While Reddit will not interfere with ban decisions from the moderators of a commumity, any inappropriate message from a mod can be reported through the "report" button in the mod mail. These reports go the Reddit Admins. If a community or its moderators repeatedly do not respect the RCP, it means moderators infringe Rule 1 of the MCoC, and the subreddit can get suspended. Examples when they closed r/Belgica (which reopened) or r/2asia4u (which hasn't reopened in 7 months)


Belgica closed for being unmoderated which sometimes happens to subs that don't need constant moderator activity, there aren't enough moderator interactions compared to the sub size and some algorithm flags them for closure. Happens from time to time, also well documented on /r/modsupport. Don't think Belgica got closed for any other reason but that. Plenty of work arounds though, just approving existing posts should do the trick.


How do you report it to reddit admins exactly?


I didnt know that sub existed, but the paywall rule doesnt seem to be present there. So that alone is a big plus.


What paywall rule? Sorry, I’m new here


Rule 9 of this sub


Gotcha. Somehow I overlooked that


r/belgium is like the frituur on the sea dike. Many tourists and many young people. You can smell the Axe-deodorant. Mainstream news on Stu-Bru or Q-music is blasting in the background and you're expected to enjoy it whilst you barely can have a conversation with the person next to you. Their frites are bad but customers will come anyway because of its location and the owners know it. It *looks* clean.   r/belgium2 is like the bruine kroeg with a distant smell of cigarettes and worn out furniture from the 2000's. There are some single marginaal people spread out across the corners which are probably regulars. A loud stereotype debate about politics is going on and it ends with the person who yelled the loudest. Sometimes you'll be able to strike up an interesting conversation. You wonder wether it is safe to stay here, but you're curious.


r/belgium: "How can I make friends in Belgium?", "What's the best city to visit?", "Should I go to KU Leuven or UGent?" r/Belgium2: "rode beats gestolen 50 euro", "gisteren stijn baert een lijntje zien snuiven in de wc vant frituur", "els ampe x raoul hedebouw fanfic"




I missed the fanfic thread. Link please?


https://preview.redd.it/g0e6tzdua7xc1.png?width=840&format=png&auto=webp&s=792b891d8345801b5a344f0a314f69247fe1cdaf Only exists in my mind sadly


I would read that fanfic.


r/belgium4 is like the typical dystopian society. You can find racists memes on the walls, everything is to blame on foreigners, Bart De Pauw is a wronged god forsaken by the infedels, they complain about the downfall of our culture in poor spelling/grammar and if you disagree with something you will be send immediately to the gulag.


this is the most accurate answer.


r/Belgium: The trendy rainbow mojito club 🍹🌈🐑 r/Belgium2: The local dodgy Irish pub 🍺🫷🦁 No need to label right wing people as stupid. There are idiots on both sides.


I didn't label right wing people as stupid. Yes there are idiots on both sides.


I just wanna know why there's no b3 and we skipped straight to b4.


To make sure the bottom of society is reached without an extra stop


In case we need a sub that is more than just right leaning, but also not super racist. Then we can make B3 to bridge the gap between 2 and 4.


It is all because of the money transfers between sub reddits.


B2 is Flemish and nothing but. Very open to anything but you will see a lot of weird people there and childish posts, agenda pushing about immigrants and bad memes. There are normal people on it as well. This sub is more for tourists and you see the same questions all the time which is annoying but mods actively close those topics. Mods are a bit too strict here though. Stay away from b4 unless you like the Third Reich, Vlaams Belang and Dries Van Langenhove


B1 is for foreigners, tourists, and students. Moderation is strict. Few walloons, because they're more likely to gravitate to French language communities B2 is for actual Belgians, but they're mainly Flemish. More so than B1. Also often those who were banned on B1. So more right wingers. Plenty of people shitting on Vlaams Belang though. Moderation is lax. /r/Wallonia/ is a supposedly English/French subreddit, but no one speaks English, so there are less tourists/foreigners


> and bad memes I take offense to this. > There are normal people on it as well. And this.


Wasn’t b2 created because of corrupt mods banning certain political views in this sub ? Not 100% certain but it was something with the moderators and politics, or am I mixing up b2 with another sub ?


Nah you’re on the money.


Thanks for confirming.


I feel /belgium can be pretty uncomfortably left leaning. Where some extremist left wing views are considered acceptable. /belgium2 is more balanced. /belgium4 is the right wing equivalent of /belgium.


In belgium2 they don't have hard ban rules. Here there are a lot of them, you can be banned for anything slightly offensive. So once banned here, people move there thus concentration of far right


The banning just creates different echo chambers, which is very bad on the internet


Yes, I too remember when they banned r/european, thereby dooming r/europe to becoming the overrun with racists sub.


That's ironically also why some people vote far right, they feel banned from and unrepresented in society.


It's funny cause it is the same "feel" here. They aren't banned but they sure like to pretend to be a victim.


Chicken, egg.


Exactly. Here they ban people for nothing or mod 1 bans you and mod 2 does the same and it's bye bye reddit account.


2 bans kills the account? OMFG


A core group of 10 or so batshit commies make it so I'll never consider this a serious sub in any shape or form.


r/belgica is all you need


Nein, r/Belgica c'est alles que jij braucht !


For some reason, I thought they'd speak Spanish in that sub lol


I mean look at the comments under the Francken article today , this sub became very left-wing in a few months , notably after some banning campaigns that led to an outlflow to B2


If you go on b2, the comments about Francken aren't particularly supportive either. Quite the opposite.


Well there at least 90% of the comments don't wish his death like in the infamous thread I mentioned which proves my point, there are almost no reasoned answers or a smart debate in that thread but a string of the very original joke of aborting one after birth ( haha hilarious) so quite an echo chamber


Up until mid 2023 or so, just the mention of the existence of the B2 sub in /r/belgium would get your comment removed, and if you did it repeatedly you got banned. Comparable to a one-sided version of the Eastern Schism, but of course with much more important historical consequences.


Belgium2 is Belgium but with blackjack and hookers.




Belgium2 contains more Dutch.


A different flavor of echo-chamber


The fist few Belgium's sucked balls, the current one as well, so they are trying for the next Belgium. It's simple, really.


I would also like to add that the difference seems to be who is allowed to post. I made a post today on both subreddits and the one in here did not actually show up in the feed and is visible only to me when i open it up from my profile. The post in belgium2 got instantly uploaded and thrown into feed. My account is at least a year old, but I did join both subreddits today.


In order to limit spam, harassement and irrelevant content, there is a minimum community karma limit set to post or comment. Whether you subscribed to the community today or earlier does not really matter, what is taken into account by the bot is your community karma. Since you never posted on this community before, your community karma was 0. Therefore, it was on hold until a moderator (manually) reviews. For reference: * 17 posts were published on B1 between your post and now (20.50 CET) * 42 moderation actions were taken between when you posted and when your post was approved. We understand the delay can be long. Despite 3 campaigns to hire new moderators, nobody frequently using this subreddit wants to do the (volontary/upaid) job. So we do our best with the existing moderation team, which counts the same number of active moderators as some communites which are way smaller.


All good, I understand. Thank you for replying.


[B2 does this as well](https://www.reddit.com/r/Belgium2/comments/1cf82xy/comment/l1nb3so/?context=3) I personally hate it since it prevents a lot of new reddit users from moving on from lurking to participating but it's there to stop a lot of throwaway accounts posting bait, trash or spam.


Makes sense. Over past 12 months we B1 had: * 624 spams removed by Reddit Admins (mostly automatically detected) * 261 spams removed by B1 mods (mostly missed by Reddit automatic filter) So it means 2.42 spams per day on average. (I don't have the breakdown for each category)


Do you also get that one woman who is looking to study again and keep working and is unsure etc etc etc...? It's such a weird obnoxious kind of spam.


/Belgium is the help desk for tourists and expats. /Belgium2 has all the accounts that have been banned on /Belgium for quoting FC De Kampioenen.


The level of racism, you have Belgium, Belgium 2 and Belgium 4 It raises with the number


The higher the number the more you can say without being banned


B1 prefers Belgium in the 2020's B2 prefers Belgium in the 1950's B4 prefers Belgium in the 1940's


You need to be part of the politically correct hive mind in r/Belgium or you'll get banned. r/Belgium2 is less strict and more open to different opinions.




Everyone on Reddit speaks English. Who told you that people on B2 don’t speak English lmao.


Complaining about b2 speaking flemish is like complaining about r/wallonia speaking walloon. It's not our fault some nationalist commie is keeping r/vlaanderen dead on purpose. B2 switches to english if needed though.


> Criticizing the Vlaams Belang will likely get you downvoted If you go on belgium2 now, you'll find highly upvoted posts shitting on Vlaams Belang. Of course, you would need to be able to speak Dutch to know that.




In the past i'd tell you to jump straight to B6 for fun, but it isn't what it used to be anymore...


Right wing snowflakes can’t stand facts so whenever someone schools them they make a new subreddit and increment the number by 1.


B2 is friendlier. This place is a toxic shithole


You get banned for the slightest comment on this thread if some mods who think being a mod on reddit means anything disagrees with it. Then all those go to Belgium2 and thats why you see more people complaining about moroccans or whatever there.


The level of fascist ideology that is allowed


you don't know what that word means.


This sub will probably ban you for asking the question while on b2 you would not


Belgium2 has more politics than belgium1


I was told that french-speakers or even english-spealers were downvoted on any Belgium subs. Is this true? Is this sub a safe space? If no, where should we go? (True question.)


/r/wallonia. The truth seems to be that French speakers are more likely to gravitate to French speaking spaces and some perhaps lack confidence speaking English due to the whole subtitle thing. This means that Dutch speakers dominate the online anglosphere, including on reddit and nominally Belgian subreddits.


I don't know about Belgium2, but here Flamish speak Dutch and Wallonians speak English


Better memes on Belgium2. Also more racists


This Belgium sub is ruled by far left mods.


Back to r/Belgium88 with you


omg that exists? I joked about this damn


Apparently it does...I was only joking..wtf


It used to be. Now it is a bit more accepting to other mindsets since the blackout.


I think both subs have been better overall


I doubt it, to be honest. But, I’ll keep an open mind.


For reference since 21 February, of 11 mod actions taken: * 9 of your comments were approved * 1 of your posts was removed for Rule 3 (the title of your post did not match the title of the article reposted) * 1 of your comments was removed, by a Reddit Admin (Reddit employee) directly, which means it infriges the Reddit Content Policy.


I have no idea who the mods are but am willing to bet the above is supreme bovine excrement.




R/belgium is pro palestinian braindamage


Pro Israeli and Pro Palestinian opinions are welcome so long it's in relationship with Belgium. All Pro Israeli posts respecting this sub's rules have been published accordingly. The most important for such post is usually Rule 3 because the link between both countries is mostly made through the news.


Latent fascism. 4 is blatant.