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I prefer it when the drama is because of personal interactions, not because the crew is awful at their respective job. Seems like Bravo just keeps manufacturing drama by casting people who are just really bad at their jobs.


I agree this is all manufactured to make the captain look to be a good leader with great decisions. Very difficult to watch. 


Is there a misunderstanding what the word spice means? In one case it could mean something hot ( I think this is what the chef assumed); while in the other, it could mean *any* type of spice like nutmeg or cardamon (which is what the guest meant). Just a guess.


My mom was supposed to be on this charter lol


All these guests are BORING!! Where's Delores? Let's get some ppl on here that give Sandy a run for her authority. This tired trope of incompetent chefs...so predictable.


>All these guests are BORING!! Where's Delores? Delores, and the two people from down under. Bloop, bloop, bitch! Sandy: That's CAPTAIN bitch! https://preview.redd.it/64z53fg71b9d1.png?width=1367&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac2651e0d2d656e99381ce4433811d5c8a73fce5


Yes!! 😆💯🤚


this was so unsatisfying to watch i read this thread instead; much better


hard agree lol


I feel like the staff is just getting worse with every season lmao. Like how do they keep finding these incompetent people??


The guest are getting more boring too so they’re making the staff worse to add drama. Guest are probably more wary of how they’re perceived on tv and don’t want the heat from bad behaviour.


Because Bravo screens and selects for them. It's the only thing they seem to be able to do. If the BD franchise was handled by a different production company like Discovery (Deadliest Catch) you'd get a far more professionally edited show, with more authentic characters, story arcs etc.


The more I think about Jono's lava cakes, the more offended I get. There is no easier, faster baked dessert you can possibly make! Overbake them? START AGAIN, and 12 minutes later you can have a new batch. And if you call the melted ice cream a coffee crème anglaise, you've solved that problem, too. My god, what a shitty chef.


So, chicken is not allowed on boats? What if that's what the people want?


I strongly disagree with Sandy’s opinion on chicken. It’s reminiscent of that previous charter guest who said that chicken is for poor people. .  While, yes, chicken is a super common protein, it’s also a super popular protein that most people enjoy.   It’s an easier protein to cook, which is why a lot of people (myself included) don’t usually order it when eating out, especially on vacation.  But to insinuate it’s for poor people and should never be served at a five star place is just silly.  The trouble is, when ever people have complained about chicken being served, the chicken itself was served bland and boring. Jono’s chicken the time when the guest complained about chicken being for “poor people” oh! And Miko’s fried chicken on Las Vegas theme night.  But I distinctly remember Kate serving “airplane chicken” on OG and there have definitely been other times. But we don’t remember them as clearly because they wasn’t an issue with guests complaining. It’s less memorable when they don’t complain. Jono made bad chicken. If the chicken had been delicious, then they wouldn’t have minded as much.   Mila licked the steak and put it in the microwave. The guests enjoyed it, anyway. Sometimes it’s just not about the chicken. 


Yes, he made bad chicken. The plate looked like a 5-year old plated it. But wow, I don't remember them insinuating it being for poor people OMG. I've got to rewatch


It was in an episode of OG and the guest was drunk and being rude.  https://www.bravotv.com/below-deck/season-6/episode-11/videos/this-below-deck-guest-says-chicken-is-what-poor-people-eat


then that's what the people want but no one is asking for chicken on a yacht. as a previous charter guest said "Only poor people eat chicken"


"I'm not ever meant to have a chef." -Cpt Sandy Season 6. There really is a theme going on.


Any chance the crossover mooring ropes being loose becomes a major problem next episode? The deck girl mentioned it to the bosun, and it was dismissed.


"As her supervisor I should get first dibs on coworkers I'm interested in" Ewewewewewewewewew... Jesus can you imagine a male crew member saying that?


Is she really considered her “supervisor”? That part gave me the ick.


Gee, talk about privilege...


That part!! Can I imagine thinking dang I’m training this girl and I told her I like him and she’s just going for him? Yea I’ll make a note of that for my personal future reference for the BOTH of them. But my job is my job. The job I’m hired and paid to do will always be done 100%, to decide not to or feel like not training simply due to jealousy and pettiness does NOT belong in the workplace let alone management. And yea if the rolls were reversed I think there’d be a lot more people commenting on how you cannot claim dibs on a person let alone a coworker. Below deck season 10, deckhand and bosun both liked the same stew in the first couple episodes. Had he decided he wasn’t going to be a fair leader because of it he wouldn’t been removed sooner. She’s setting herself up for termination tbh


These episodes are becoming so bland. We find ourselves pausing the playback, and wandering off to do other things or watch something else. Taking days to watch some of these episodes as we keep just losing interest.


If you watch it online, it's great to be able to skip 30sec chunks at a time to get past the boring and cringe parts. It shouldn't be that way however.


Sandy's manicure is really nice. I keep noticing it whenever she is typing.


Jono knows to cook eggs to order. I’m not buying it. No way did he serve eggs that sat for over an hour.


Idk - serving and storage temps have not been universal in my experience. E.g., USDA is not for the world. I do think Jono does not belong on any luxury yacht regardless of any differing opinions which just makes this another frustrating watch. Maybe they can’t get good chefs for any BD because it does seem like hard work and directly reflects on reputation. With later seasons good chefs might last the whole season; worse chefs, a few episodes less


Ellie's tweet about Joe/Bri ​ https://preview.redd.it/phwrjnglix8d1.png?width=1231&format=png&auto=webp&s=20ae2ac4843bc6309a9f36703504944d76b489ce


lmao, that is such bullshit. Just own your mistakes! people will respect you more for it.


Ok, ridiculous.


Nowwwwwwww as an abstract rule, I can agreee it’s just not likely to end well but timing and tone is everything and her remark came off the way she felt about it


Yes I'm sure that she was making a completely abstract point that she wasn't saying was applicable to her situation. lol what a gaslighter.


so did bri and joe \^&\* or just kiss and why the %\^&\*\* would she tell ellie


Pretty sure you can say fuck in this sub lol


Finally clocked who Joe Eyebrows reminds me of! UK folks 'of an age' will remember this advert well [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKb3J9mctlo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKb3J9mctlo) https://preview.redd.it/zbfuvtvlpv8d1.png?width=599&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce7893f71bea8e4e1ed5f29c5eb6e8c196fb373e


I get beach party, when you have a quiet secluded private beach, somewhere only accessible via water. But it must be incredibly weird and uncomfortable to have a beach party in a roped-off area in an otherwise very busy populated beach? Everyone else on the beach would just be sitting there watching the spectacle of cameras and rich folk dining etc. That would be so uncomfortable.


The only beach picnic I ever saw that I loved was the one they did on the sandbar in the middle of the ocean. *That* would be amazing. (Was it BDDU? BDA?) But rich-bitching behind ropes on a crowded beach? Absolutely no way!!


Yeah that was cringe AF


Yeah that was cringe AF


Yeah that was cringe AF


The part that got me was the pull-carts on the 2nd or 3rd tender delivery, they said, we could have used these before and the answer was, oh yeah, my bad


And what happens if you need to go to the toilet after all that drinking and eating..?


What about all the broken seashells? It was clear the area had been roped off before they arrived with trash removed. It was anything but smooth sand


And it wasn’t even remotely set up when they arrived. Captain Sandy TOLD him to help them set it up then deliver the guests and return to the boat to clean, etc., continuing being the bosun and working-not participating in the beach Olympics. The guests wanted to depart because the tender was there, had he been there helping set up as planned the tender would not have been ready to take the guests over until the set up was ready. The fact that NO ONE told Sandy was upsetting to watch. His tone and mockery towards the deck crew after talking to Aesha about them being “hungry and tired” was sad, just because you had a rough time doesn’t mean you throw them in the same tough situations? In the time he had his red Bull and whatever else he was doing before taking the guests he could’ve grabbed those dollys he forgot about and ran back to see how far they were from being set up. Any issues from beach set up fall directly on Iain’s shoulders, from the edit we got he completely dropped the ball.


Aesha told them they could go at a certain time too, both HoDs were in the wrong


Yeah, that was tacky as fuck.


What the hell are the spices Jono is using? We've got to know before he inevitably gets fired.


Cardamom is a weird spice to add to Mexican rice, ESPECIALLY in the quantities he used. Cardamom is very fragrant and not at all Mexican. Ginger is a strange ingredient for gazpacho too. I think he’s eyeballing everything and hoping it pans out. Stick to architecture but try not to eyeball everything there either.


Ginger in gazpacho is crazy


That is what I was thinking. Because it needs cilantro and cilantro and ginger together? NOPE. How he did so well with the Greek themed beach lunch and fucked literally everything else up, is beyond me. He should have made a Greek feast for that last supper, big platters for everyone to share. And a simple Greek dessert whose name is alluding me RN. OH EKMEK. Everyone loves Ekmek.


Tomato ginger soup is a thing, it doesn’t seem too crazy to use it in cold soup


I'm spanish, and have both made and consumed a lot of gazpacho, and have never heard of someone putting ginger in it. Furthermore, though it may sound similar, gazpacho doesnt taste like tomato soup, even if you serve that very same tomato soup cold. Now, having said all of that, and seeing it is summer and thus the perfect time for some refreshing gazpacho, ill try it out the next time i make some.


Think it's also weird that every five minutes, he's telling someone how he is 'self-taught', or using someone's grandmother's recipe. Perhaps keep all that to yourself if you are trying to impress with top-shelf cuisine. Keeps sounding like he's making excuses ahead of time. Not really what guests (or Captain) want to hear if you are paying for first class talent.


Next time I expect him to just say "oh yeah I googled the recipe!" And giggling. Would lose my shit.


The fact he’s “not worked in a restaurant” is quite obvious, even if others have pulled it off in the past. He doesn’t have enough experience, it’s obvious. Especially his desserts.


Calling that Bri is going to be the first one to cry to Sandy and therefore, Sandy is going to believe everything she says and not see Ellie's side


>Calling that Bri is going to be the first one to cry to Sandy and therefore, Sandy is going to believe everything she says and not see Ellie's side Ellie is already on the shit list for asking the chef to help with late night snacks. Which afterward, Sandy agreed was something he should have done in advance... But, Sandy would never miss a chance to bash interior.


I couldn't deal with watching her on WWHL talk about how you neverrrrrr wake up a chef. Then when asked why she woke up a chef, "oh, well that was different."


What about last episode, I remember Sandy saying that every time the guests were in the water there has to be a tender out there too. Is that something she's always required? Edit to add: this happened right after the paddleboard drifting incident.


No. That was a new rule Sandy pulled out of her ass.


Right? 🙄


What happened to the second breakfast? Was that cut out? I wanted to see if he made eggs to order. 


It seemed like they may have disembarked early in the day - maybe they didn’t eat breakfast or just had some fruit/snacks out for people to grab


Yeah that was a WEIRD choice for them to edit out, considering that’s going to be a huge factor in his inevitable firing. Sandy gave him a very specific note to make the eggs to order.  I’m guessing the breakfast went well, which wouldn’t figure into the narrative they are giving us that all his meals with Gigi’s charter was awful. So they cut that part out to keep us on Sandy’s side when she lets him go.  Just my theory, though.  And I’m only guessing he gets the ax. I am spoiler-free. 


It seems like they have different companies hired to produce and edit the different versions of the show. This season has been the most bland, the usual close-up food porn is lacking


>And I’m only guessing he gets the ax. I'm certain he gets the axe, those deserts were absolutely awful. If I ordered a chocolate lava cake in a mediocre chain restaurant and was served a solid hockey puck with liquid ice cream (water cream?) then I'd be sending it back. If that was served to me on a super yacht I'd paid 100k+ to be on then I think I'd be a lot less polite than Gigi and her guests. I feel he's had some softball guests so far. Imagine him trying to deal with the sort of "I want a 10 course tasting menu and a 3 tier cake" that some of the other chefs have had. No way he's lasting the season.


I’m back! Had to find what Modest Mouse song mentioned water cream. It was none of them but I was thinking of Lampshades on Fire


I thought Sandy told him to make them eggs to order for breakfast the following morning. And when they departed he was in the kitchen with some pans. And after the guests departed the stews broke for lunch. So breakfast happened on the boat that morning, right?


I’m guessing it did, I don’t see why it wouldn’t. I’m just saying that they probably edited out of the episode. 


Seriously! I wanted to know if he did a good job this time around.


Lmao who dines out in Greece and orders a Cesar salad?


The Romans




Someone who doesn't like Greek food 😂


People who like Caesar salads and happen to be in Greece?


I mean anyone can order what they want but Cesar salad is something you can eat anywhere in the world. Crew acts like divas but have the palate of a truck driver.


Fucking basic as all hell. But then again, this show is turning out the same way.


Apparently Bri, unless that was some sneaky editing lol


If the tip was $25k, how is that $2k each? Did chef get half a tip because he is so terrible? 


I don’t specifically remember if it happened this time, but sometimes they quote the total tip in one currency and the split in another—e.g. ‘the tip was 25k euros which is 2000 dollars each’


There are crew members (like engineering) who share in the tip at a different rate.


Its normal to quote the local currency and then break it into $ USD and then each members share. She either missed a step or it was edited out. Capt Lee always said people earn their equal share or earn a ticket home.


I had no idea it is done at different rates, never noticed a disparity before. Thanks! 


The math never adds up, but I've never heard anything about some crew getting a different cut than others.


There was always small rounding up/down but there’s 9 crew including Sandy plus I think 3 hidden crew which means everyone would get more than 2000


Was anyone else SHOCKED????? I like Bri, but I found it very cringe that she is fighting for a guy so hard. He's not acting super interested in her----I can't imagine a guy I like asking if I would hook up with my cast mate that way. Ick! https://preview.redd.it/gnxyhbb5xt8d1.jpeg?width=4320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e20fd52c7bd503ec9234f60daaea79f5bec718fb


I feel like he has been showing interest, and I actually loved this, lol.


Maybe he has, and I certainly don't fault a girl for going after what she wants, but I cringed because he seemed more shocked than turned on?? And then the intense stare down after she said that..... just feels like she is trying to win against Elena by being the most bold. Why not just tell Elena she wanted to go for Joe?




When he asked her what she thought about Nathan's dick, he was really trying to find out how she felt about his. just my opinion lol


I guess I could see that!


Trust me, that shocked look on his face is his balls dropping. That is an incredibly hot thing to hear from a woman (as a guy). He asked if she’d suck Nathan’s dick (he’s trying to push her away cos he’s getting plan with Ellie) and she fires back with “I’d take yours” Wheeew lad, that’s an instant boner line.


Oh no, I think he’s turned on - it was the two to six second delay it took his brain to realize what she said and that she (Bri) will be way less work than Ellie to hook up with so he’s down.


Yeah, sometimes you can see the slow time in a man's brain, when he's processing matters sexual. Especially when caught off-guard by an assertive no-nonsense woman. The hunter becomes the hunted ....'Oh, say wha?'


idk in my opinion it was cringy but i also feel like elena is being more cringy and thirsty for joe than bri is. like all her sexual comments “i want to go to a berlin sex thing” and then in the galley how she said she’s good in bed that’s like the third time she’s told him that, but i don’t know if he’s interested in both of them or just elena or just bri


He’s not interested in either. He’s just a horny dude looking to get laid. 


true that’s why he said he’s gonna go for both of them and see who will want him first 😹


Good point! They are both being very forward, which there is absolutely nothing wrong with that! I just hate to see two women battle over a guy. It clearly turns ugly next week


me too, i am excited for next week tho and i feel like elena saying im your supervisor 😹 it’s not like she’s chief stew and they had the convo and both said they don’t care, so i don’t get why elena is mad about the girl code thing


I know right. They literally both said I don’t care.


Yes, pulling rank was pretty tacky! I think supervisor is a stretch for sure, and it's not a good look for Elena


i agree, i don’t remember her much from the season she was on before, but this season i think i don’t like her that much even tho she is a good stew


Having just watched this episode, This chef has to go, no really he has to go.


How can anybody claim to be a professional chef when their baking skills are way below the standards of your local grocery store or an Applebee's? He can't make lava cakes!?! Domino's delivers pretty good ones, and I don't see a Michelin star in their future.


Domino's are frozen and reheated to order in the oven


I'm pretty sure he'd burn those too.


if you need a standby chef you need to fire the current one like PLS begging sandy to get rid of him IMMEDIATELY


Yeah jono sucks new chef pls


Hearing Ellie call herself Bri’s supervisor was so annoying to me. Ellie’s pretty cool, but all that girl talks about is herself and how amazing she is.


she's referred to herself as a Lamborghini twice. I shrugged off the first time, but then she said it again.


IM SO GLAD YOU MENTIONED THAT. I always come to Reddit after I watch and that was my first thought lol! 😂😂❤️


She’s an only child.


Makes sense then 😅








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The chef has no idea what he's doing & is only cast to fail. To be a chef on a yacht in the Med & not know how to make a gazpacho (or even what gazpacho is) is a joke. Hard to watch.


Yes! Changing of the chef seems to be a recurring theme on the show.


The Captain Sandy production certified redemption arc in full play again. Every season of Med is incompetent X set up to fail is bailed out by amazing Y. It’s a tired trope at this point, they even did it on BD OG last season too.


Frazor hehe


I feel like it was symbolic that, the highlight of this episode was the charter guests enthusiastically smashing plates. Because if I'd sat through one of Jono's dinners, I'd feel like doing that, as well. Even as I was watching the episode, I was thinking, "He's not that bad. He's not at a Mila-level of culinary disaster." Then the dessert came, and it was just ... embarrassing. I was embarrassed watching it on TV, let alone serving it or eating it. I don't think he's a very good chef, and I don't think he has the personality to overcome the fact that he's not a very good chef. We are far, far away from a Ben or Rachel level of super yacht dining. I miss Ben. I miss Rachel. The tip being $25K was, I think, more a reflection on the primary's generosity than anything else. Because that was not deserved. And according to the preview for next week, he ends up 0 from 3? Something's bothered me about Jono from the first episode. I kind of don't want him to stick around, to be honest. As for everyone else, I feel like, on this boat, there's Aesha -- who knows what she's doing, who is very good at her job, who is always on the ball -- and then there's everybody else, who collectively no clue what the hell they're doing. The beach set-up was a bit of a disaster, but I liked that Aesha saw how stressed the deck crew were, and went into bat for them with Iain later. It reminded me of Kate from s6 where Chandler was so inept that Lee put Kate in charge of the deck crew with orders to use them how she needed them and then send them to bed when required ... which she immediately did. I found Iain quite bland, the first few episodes. But it turns out, he's as incompetent as the rest of them. So Jono and/or Iain as the first to be fired? So Ellie and Bri end up fighting over a boy (eugh. I mean. yeah, Joe is absurdly attractive, but c'mon), while Gael is still worrying about how to make a long-distance relationship work while constantly flirting with Nathan? I feel like the production team are cranking up the relationship drama to cover for everything that's lacking, this season.


Jono will be first to go. Sandy does not have eyes on Iain at this point.


Unlike everyone else who is watching this show I actually will be sad to see Jono go. He seems like a good Judy, doesn’t blow up or have an ego like the either chefs and is very open to criticism. Yes he had the incident with the late night ask but he recovered and apologized. But I definitely agree he is just not to par for the quality the guests want


>He seems like a good Judy, doesn’t blow up or have an ego like the either chefs and is very open to criticism Good ... except for referring to the female cast members as 'bitches'... ​ https://preview.redd.it/f4qm328mwv8d1.png?width=1158&format=png&auto=webp&s=703fdc075d8d87d521c8ac9bc5eadb739a4f4a39


Even though I know it was unprofessional, my heart warmed to him a bit when he said it was some grandma's recipe. Just the honesty and humility was appreciated


Seemed more like an attempt to deflect blame than “humility.”


He didn't take the criticism seriously, in the preview for next he called this last group "picky" which seemed to put the blame on the guests and not his food. His openness was purely a front for Sandy, it seems.


in the days off between filming when they film their confessionals etc, it'd probably be a good idea for him to do an online course on how to plate food...


He is whiny brat, he wants play up oh poor me im not trained, but i cant do no wrong im an artist.


I think you’re ascribing a lot to him that hasn’t happened. He never “whined” about XYZ- in fact in the first charter when he barely had any provisions he didn’t complain. He only said he thinks the freezer isn’t working. Which is not whining.


I would disagree - if the freezer truly wasn’t working, you’d think he would immediately bring it to Sandy’s attention since that could compromise a good amount of their provisions. To me it sounded like a weak excuse he thought of at the last second for why he served melted ice cream.


>To me it sounded like a weak excuse he thought of at the last second for why he served melted ice cream. Exactly. On the other hand, two charters in, and the engineers still can't caulk a hatch?!? I'm not holding out any hope for refrigeration repair.


Jono seems quite even keeled, never too extreme in any emotional direction. The whiny brat was that chef on the first season of Down Under.


>Jono seems quite even keeled, never too extreme in any emotional direction. Seemed a little extreme to me... ​ https://preview.redd.it/7fpxk4b5xv8d1.png?width=1158&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6e20bd1b9b5555ae8eedf49499d638a7ee0b4bd


Shame he can't do what he is being paid to do - cook.


I think I just wanna call the chef Jonathan from now on. The only way I’m calling him Jono now is if it’s to say, oh no. I will say it again, he’s ego is without merit. I think he looks in the mirror more than he looks into improving his cooking skills. I think he worries more about his appearance than he does about his plating. I think he thinks he’s already famous.


Ok but how do you really feel about him?


Like his food, salty. 


Top notch


In the season preview during the scene of Sandy’s proposal Jono is in the background. So he obviously isn’t leaving, at least for now.


Maybe she just hired him as the architect of the proposal "This is my deconstructed engagement, Sandy is about to propose to you. Sandy?"


... damn it.


spoiler alert


Not really it was shown in episode 1.


Another wasted hour. Yikes this show seemed designed to simply be well weird. From the lack of provisions on the first day to now a freezer not working. Really? Next up Legionairres disease or a Covid outbreak.


Given the lack of time for proper maintenance, Legionnaires disease is a real possibility!


Producers are deliberately fucking with everything at this point. Nothing feels organic anymore.




Thank you! Joni’s excuses are as weak as his cooking


The broken freezer seems like a cop-out. If it were truly something, I’m sure we would have seen it 700 times and not just a mention of it when Jono was being coached.


Ian Ian Ian....remember when your captain said to go set up the beach with your deckhands? You were delegated the beach setup and you messed that up. I'm unsure about his leadership style, it seems he has a competent deck crew but just isn't a great leader. Jono......is a food handlers certificate not part of your required paperwork? What other food isn't being frozen properly and is now unsafe? He appears to keep the galley cleaner than Leon but at this point I'm getting surprised no one has gotten sick. Also we get you're self taught, stop using it as a crutch. There have been other chefs (Matt comes to mind) who were not formally trained and NEVAH used that as an excuse (matt had his issues but not with the cooking itself). Bring back Chef Dave!


It’s clean because it’s barely being utilized.


Ben also had no formal training, while we're on the subject


No, you're confusing culinary schooling with training. Ben worked in top notch restaurants. That is formal training, and is a lot different from "self-taught."


>Ben also had no formal training, while we're on the subject I don't really remember Ben's training, but everything about his food was 'superyacht quality', so it never mattered. Also, he had worked in Michelin-Star restaurants.


Ben was super passionate about cooking though. That's the difference.


I don’t think I knew that. Interesting!


I forgot that! 


>Ian Ian Ian....remember when your captain said to go set up the beach with your deckhands? You were delegated the beach setup and you messed that up. I'm unsure about his leadership style, it seems he has a competent deck crew but just isn't a great leader. What a shit beach. I would have thought ... you're on a yacht ... you have the ability to go to secluded beaches, that not everyone else on the planet can get to... If that was the beach you were going to offer the guests ... the guests could have saved a lot of money by not chartering a yacht, just using a rental car... \[Edit, as I remembered this part later\] On down under, they took the guests to a sandbar that was only available at low tide. The only way to get there was boat, or helicopter. That was very private, and very unique. Sandy likes to go to shit beaches ... like the beach 2 seasons ago, that she picked, where the guests complained about all the stray dogs, and the dog shit around. Literally, a shit beach.


Do you mean Mat (not Matt) from Season 6? Chef Matt was on Below Deck season 5 with Capt Lee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/belowdeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I just took a deep dive through Jono’s instagram. There are no food pics until fairly recently (after filming). All his older pics and captions read like he was trying to become an influencer/only fans. He did seem to be travelling a lot though so maybe he was on yachts?


A chef who has no passion for cooking. He's tv gold!


He's been working on yachts for 7 years.


That doesn’t mean he has ✨passion ✨


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Something like that!


How many of those 7 years were spent actually cooking for guests vs how many as a "crew chef" and assistant for the person with actual cooking ability expected of a yacht chef


It’s been a rocky start this season! So unorganized and lacking necessary communication. You’d think everyone (besides Sandy) is green, even Aesha! Not knocking on Aesha (love her), she just seems like the quarterback who has no one to get the ball to this season. 😕


Bros not a great chef but for Sandy to say chicken doesn't belong on a super yacht is weird. Do people with money not eat chicken? It's such a diverse meat


If you go to a fine dining (white tablecloth) type of restaurant, there is usually only one chicken dish on the menu and it is most often the least expensive one as well. I think chefs know you have to offer it for people who may be less adventurous or on a budget, but the waiters are not going to push a chicken dish. It will always be the lobster or the lamb or Wagyu beef that they feature. Of course rich people eat chicken, but it isn't considered "special." I think if Jono had served multiple courses, he could have done one chicken dish (maybe a homemade pasta filled with chicken for example) but he shouldn't have made it the centerpiece of the meal.


Haha you don't remember the guest one season who said "chicken is for poor people"? Lots of wealthy people feel that way apparently




Idk, you can do a lot more with chicken. Not saying duck or goose isn't good but they're not as versatile. If Michelin star chefs can use it, I don't see why yachts can't




Yeah its the idea of "these people are paying 100-200k for a charter and you're choosing to serve them the cheapest, most lackluster kind of meat."


I’ve worked on yachts- Sandy is correct. When people are paying hundreds of thousands per week to charter the food needs to reflect that. While chicken can be delicious, it is an inexpensive protein. On yachts more expensive proteins are typically served. Chicken is used for crew meals and if it is served to guests it’s normally only used for lunch as an accompaniment to salads etc. Not as a main dish at dinner. Dinner is normally expensive cuts of steaks, lobster or other shellfish, lamb, expensive fish etc. If a guest does not like any other proteins except chicken then of course that would be what they would receive for dinner but that’s really rare.


​ https://preview.redd.it/6fdqp913ur8d1.png?width=418&format=png&auto=webp&s=41e4e6fa8ed521960a7756f6e9e6b8b7213e9026


Apparently, chicken is considered "poor people food." Who knew?




Did I see them dancing barefoot among all those shards of shattered plates...?


Those plates were made with plaster, not porcelain.


Theyre fake plates. Youre not actually allowed to throw/break real plates in Greece, nor is that the active tradition you commonly see. Those are plates meant to be broken, and they do in such a way that won't cut you.


I thought it was a little bit interesting that they didn’t show a single second of footage of anyone cleaning up the smashed plates, & I immediately wondered if they just swept them overboard into the sea.


It was an awkwardly staged scene.


How disappointing. Thanks.


But flesh wounds are not five star


I miss Kate. Sigh.