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Bon appetit… 😀


Bone Apple Tea


Bone app the teeth


Bong appeteh


Blong Appelette


Hannah is the real OG Shout out to the girl with the nanana something in the morning song


June June Hannah


Never not funny


got me with this one lol


🎶Good morning, good morning, good morning🎶


That fam was so nice. Hannah could’ve (and often did) done worse! She was always a wild card. I could never predict if she would react with the clenched, stick-up-her-ass outrage like she did this time, or be all sloppy and helpless.


I honestly can't stand Hannah. She shits me to tears.


Is shits me to tears an expression or an unfortunate autocorrect?


An expression, Aussie slang - usually means “annoys the fuck out of me, causes great displeasure, is frustrating” etc


Gonna have to add that one to my vernacular 🤣🤣 thank you🙏


I’m not sure if Canada is ready for “shits me to tears.”


I don't really know, but I've read it a couple times and it's funny af!


Shes an acquired taste. Very vegimite in this sub, you either love or hate I do sometimes wonder if the haters have seen her first season, she rocked


I watched all of her seasons. Liked her a lot at the beginning seasons but then soured on her as she seemed to get more burned out and her work ethic diminished.


Hannah saw the opportunity to turn her then time stew job into becoming someone in the entertainment industry\social media She started phoning it in because she recognized the show for what is is; entertainment Reaped rewards for her, she is somewhat of a household name in Oz


Is she known as below deck Hannah or does she get a last name?


Hannah Ferrier


She stayed about 2 seasons longer than her heart was in the work, presumably because the international fame was too intoxicating. Everything after the Conrad meltdown is just sad to watch.


I disagree (at least in her earlier seasons) but I am upvoting for shits me to tears.


I agree about the earlier seasons. Also upvoted for shits ne to tears. I still don't know what it means. Lol


Nobody knows what it means but it’s provocative.


Aussie slang for frustrates/irritates/annoys you. “The traffic on this road shits me to tears”


Same. I think she’s a really terrible chief and just seems unpleasant. Obviously the show is the show, but she just strikes me as someone who looks down on kindness outside of toxic co-dependency.


She should NOT be in customer service


Agreed. She drives me nuts. Glad she’s gone.


Yes, I never liked her. Don’t understand those who do because she’s very unlikable.


In a world of reality TV, I found her relatable. ... But that doesn't mean your statement isn't true. Charisma isn't exactly my my most amazing personality trait.


Mine either lol! She was a workhorse for sure and she gets points for that but personality wise…ugh lol.


Workhorse is a very kind word to describe her 😋


On my first watch way be when it originally aired, i liked hannah. But on a recemt rewatch, i changed my mind. She wasnt a very good chief, was lazy, and pretty mean to her stews. This said, she made for some good tv


hilarious to me when people use "unlikable" as if it's some objective measurement like height or eye color. It's literally a matter of preference and who edited the episode lmao


Yes that is hilarious… laughing so hard rn


Take it easy, Barbara. Nobody is attacking you.


Below Deck Med hasn’t been the same after Hanna left the show.


Agreed. It’s a very watered down version of its former self. This franchise is built on personalities like Hannah and Kate. They are dynamic personalities that move the needle. Sandy has all the charisma of a wet fart.


So let me get this straight: Wet farts have less charisma than regular farts? Mind blown.🤯


Plus it’s nice to have one consistent crew member other than the captain. Any one of the department heads perhaps. It has a different vibe since they do show the crew more.


Omg I'm literally watching this episode 😂


It’s one of my favorites. Of the crew, Anastasia and Colin killed it, the guests were interesting, great scenery…


That whole season was one of the best, viewer-wise. Only bad part was the Sandy bullying. 🫤


Agreed it was such a great season besides Sandy


Same here!


That was hilarious. I’ve always had mixed feelings about Hannah. Yes she’s unlikable, yes she’s a mean girl and a bit of a bully, yes she’s lazy and a crappy chief stew, but she was funny and made great TV. I also loved, “now you’re going to bring aunt jemima into this?!”


I never thought that she was a bully (compared to Kate!) and never saw much laziness apart from editing hijinks. The guests constantly praised her hard work…


I disliked Kate when the one stew was being sexually harassed and instead of being more sympathetic she just says ‘thats yacht life”. I know being SA in the yacht industry is common… but come on. You’re being filmed and aired. The least you could do was stick up for your employee better


She seemed to pick a stew to go after on each season. Her first season she treated Amy very badly, she went after Jen, how she and Josiah treated Caroline was horrific— and I generally liked watching Kate, she was great entertainment TV. But she seemed to me to be far more a bully than Hannah was. And Hannah also tolerated a lot of stuff that I don’t think Kate would’ve, including Brooke going after her at midnight and calling her names – Hannah just shrugged it off as Brooke being tired. But somehow the label has stuck to Hannah and not Kate. Can’t figure out why.


Great points. I think the show runners clearly decided to paint Hannah a certain way and she got the edit she did as a result. Then they sided with Sandy out of fear and attempted to character assassinate Hannah. Certainly an interesting disparity in treatment.


Agreed. Kate was great tv but mean as fuck. Hannah was a piker compared to Kate!


Kate’s mean streak and bully (lord of the flies) was epic


Hannah will always be my favourite Chief Stew.


Same. I think she was used to a certain kind of guest, maybe more European vs American, and she felt all the tablescapes and white gloves etc. were extremely tacky and frankly I agreed. They looked like Mickey Mouses on a cheap Disney cruise in those white gloves at dinner service and Bugsy's tables were horrendously tacky.


She was right about the white gloves…those are for formal waiters in tuxedoes. But Bugs’ tables were an enormous improvement over Hannah’s puddles of polyester fabric strewn with blobs of colored glass. That said, the Bugs and Tumi-style table decor is not the mass of clutter I’d want on MY yacht dinner table (sniff sniff). I would want different flowers, linens and china to match the vibe of every meal. They should team up to do wedding and event decor.


Absolutely agree!


I used to love Hannah but now I am a Kate fan!


I love Kate too. Her sass is unmatched! But because they're from different franchises they can both be favourites. I'd love to know if they've ever met. It's hard to tell if they'd get along or not.


I would love to know if they get along! Show is built on their backs in my opinion


I think it’s safe to say that they would clash lol. On WWHL they often skirted around who would be chief stew if they were on a boat together 🚩 Things were ‘ok’ between them for awhile, but then rumor got out one was talking about the other and it moved to mistrusting/dislike from what I remember. That was awhile ago though so perhaps now that they are both moms and moved on past the show it’s a better vibe.


Two very different people & approaches to the position & I liked them both! There will never be another to match either one of them - with the exception of Aesha, every CS since has been a bore 🥱 🥂To Kate & Hannah🥂




She was my favorite 🤣🤣🤣


“Bon appetite, enjoy!”


I love Hannah. She was so good with the one-liners and generally stirring the pot to keep the drama going. I don't think she was that mean, just unwilling to have production mess her around too much. Even her final season. I think she saw the writing on the wall with her terrible second being replaced with Bugs and kinda threw in the towel. The med team were not subtle.




Season/Episode please OP!


I believe it’s Below Deck Med season 4, episodes 5-6. 😃


I just thought dad wanted to fix them up for a date. His son is shy. Yeah it was weird, son is grown. But I didn’t think it was sex, per se


1. It's not appropriate to ask service staff out on dates while they're serving you. 2. If he can't even ask her out himself why the fuck would she want to go on a date with him anyway?


Agreed. It was a cringeworthy performance and Hannah was understandably put off. She’s working!


It was banter. Lighten up


The entire Reddit community needs to lighten up, tbh




1. I never said anyone would want to date the son 2. I never said it’s appropriate! Lmao. Even when Kyle, Fraser and Hannah did it. It was not appropriate. It was the title of the post I was pointing out was not accurate. I understand lawyers enjoy a debate. I am married to one, lol, but I wasn’t addressing those points at all.


It’s a direct quote from the scene.


I don’t think so.


Yes it is


I tried to find the clip because now I am very curious. Can you assist? My search isn’t working. I find everything else. I will definitely admit if I am wrong. It’s happened a time or two in my life. 😉


I don’t have the clip because I don’t know how to make it, but I just got screenshots from YouTube TV. Shows only the closed captioning…but that’s the quote. https://preview.redd.it/zawoyids2l9d1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0023413e5747387ef651f3ef935456d95d48b97


https://preview.redd.it/rj7x2agu2l9d1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb0f89bba8fcbcc0f0b2343cb36016127514988c S4E5, starting at about 46 minutes in.


Understood, but all that matters is what the Dad said. That is all that counts, honestly. Not Hannah’s interpretation. She can interpret his intentions any way she wants, and she can be funny, and a bit vulgar at times, which often made me laugh. I think she was exaggerating. I watched the episode and my take on what the Dad said was that he wanted Hannah to go out with his son. All that matters in this discussion is what the dad said.


when you say 'lawyers love a debate', do you mean 'love to bully & irritate everyone within suing distance'?


LMAO I have met some of those!


How to tell us you’re not British or Australian without telling us.


Below deck med is so boring without Hannah


Did she do it?


She might have, she had a baby recently. LOL


Never liked her for some reason, but Kate. The best to ever do it!


what when


which season and episode


Episode where that Ashley rapper girl (with the braids on the left) is filming a music video on the yacht. (Both song & video ended up a flop) https://www.bravotv.com/below-deck-mediterranean/season-4/episode-5/videos/ashley-brintons-good-mawnin-the-official-music


Wow! This is so terrible.


*Good Mawnin Good Mawnin Good Mawnin* One of those generations of kids who grew up never learning the word NO or the letter grade F= FAIL


Imagine anyone thinking this absolute shit is noteworthy.


Song sucks for sure but not sure about the rest of your post. Work in customer service or anything type of job dealing with people and watch how ignorant and upset old ass folks get when told no about the most basic shit. Go look up Karen compilation vids for further evidence. Maybe we should just recognize people in general are ignorant twits and not just later generations.


Well I was about to say that I appreciate your input until you brought the term “Karens” into it. How is making fun of white women as a group any better than my making fun of parents afraid to say no to their kids? I’ve worked in customer service many times & the job is called that for a reason. You are there to serve the customer. That means making them happy enough to want to return to your place of business. There are ways to say no without being rude to your customer & you’d be surprised what a difference that makes. Perhaps you should take a free online seminar instead of wasting time watching “karen compilation vids.” Super cringe on your part here, sorry 🤦🏾‍♀️


hannah is the best


Check out the old man’s eyes in the picture! Eww- gross 🤢 Edit: not sure what this is being downvoted for?


People need to get a life. Below deck is stages, edited and unreal.


Ah well yea...it's a TV show....LOL