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You've heard the man, no more weed in Görli. Now you're only allowed to smoke things you have to put on aluminium foil or can inject.


The map is not really correct. It’s based on a draft of the law which said you’re not allowed to smoke weed 100 m around playgrounds, daycares, schools… yet the law is different now. The 100 m changed to “in sight”. In sight is not defined and can’t be shown that easily on a map. So please chill. Also just to remember it’s about public spaces where you can smoke weed. You can smoke weed at home without issue (although it’s discussed if smoking in the balcony in sight of a daycare/school/playground could be an issue…).


“CDU opens first daycare in the Berlin TV Tower”


The line of sight is limited to a maximum of 100 meters according to this law.


“Im Sinne von Satz 1 ist eine Sichtweite bei einem Abstand von mehr als 100 Metern von dem Eingangsbereich der in Satz 1 Nummer 1 bis 4 und 6 genannten Einrichtungen nicht mehr gegeben” So it’s even more complicated. It’s in sight and in sight means 100m from the entrance. You can’t show that on a map either.


You can absolutely calculate that map with arcgis pro! At least for the city parts where 3D models are available. So most of Berlin


Probably don't even need expensive commercial software for that. The dataset i'd use would be osmbuildings. I wonder though, if they all have their entrances marked correctly... You ever check that out?


Sehr interessantes Gedankenspiel! Die Punktmarkierungen sind mEn meist mittig zu der Gebäudefläche berechnet und der Eingang wird nicht berücksichtigt. Vll ist das für eine solche Betrachtung aber gar nicht notwendig, bspw bei einem hüfthohe umzäunten Spielplatz sind theoretisch alle Positionen innerhalb der Fläche für die Sichtachse relevant. Also sollte eher die Fläche selbst oder die umfassende Außenlinie relevant sein. Müsste man mal überlegen, wie man sowas berechnet!


Ich hab da auch nochmal ein wenig drüber nachgedacht und fürchte, das Problem für möglichst viele Gebäude zu lösen wird nicht einfach sein - d.h. menschliche intervention wird notwendig sein. Das wäre auch machbar, aber nur mit gehörigem Aufwand, via crowdsourcing. Es gibt auch Projekte die man dafür nutzen könnte (z.B. [StreetComplete](https://streetcomplete.app/)).. Aber was das alles potentiell sonst noch so bringen könnte!


It should be 100m without the range of smell. i cant stand the shity smell of this garbage and it should only be allowed in smoking boxes/shops. last summer it was already almost impossible to go for a walk in charlottenburg withou having to walk through clouds of this shit. i hate this so much. i instantly get headache and start to gag from this shit. worst law in years


Maybe you need therapy?


xD no Sorry. Its just my opinion that is not fitting yours or of everyone elses. Deal with it. =D


But if it's just your opinion then nobody else is obliged to do anything to deal with it, no?


It the same thing like with musik. You liek musik of xyz kind, fine, listen to it. But do it in a way that doesnt disturb your neighbours etc. You like smoking? Fine. Do it, but without disturbing any one else. So i listen to musik without disturbing you. You smoke what ever shit you want with out disturbing me. And thats why i think it should only be allowed in places where the smell is handled. =D hope you understand what i mean.


I mean I totally get you, yeah - when I smoke I don't like to bother people with the smell, even at home I get paranoid about it going into a neighbour's open window, but in this case there isn't much I can do about it 😅 What I would love is if someone developed weed that had less or no smell!


I remember sitting in an outdoor sushi restaurant one time and this arsehole of a person sits itself right next to us to light up a cigar just after our sushi arrived... we took our food inside to evade that MoFo's obnoxiousness. Some people!


Its not an opinion, its an obsession of yours :*


I mean at the end of the day you are the one who still has to deal with the smell lmao


And the thousands of cigarette smokers who‘ve been legally raising the cancer risk of everyone around them for decades aren’t an Issue for you?


Its the same thing. But now there are two ways of smoking to disturb others with. both should only be alowed when not disturbing others


Well you’re not wrong about that I just think there’s no reason to freak out about this law since it’s been happening everywhere already


Dont forget guys - this is just the worst case scenario. As far as I know, as long as there is no direct line of sight you should be good to go.


Direct line of sight of what?


schools, places for sport, playgrounds ,child daycare


Please avoid smoking cannabis here, Its annoying the crackheads.


are there any gatherings or events on the 1st of April in Berlin that has to do with bubatz getting legal?


There's a smoke in at the Brandenburg Gate starting March 31st 11.30pm


The first in line will be last to be jailed.


You probably meant March, 31st? Doing that next month wouldn't make much sense.


Absolutely, wasn't quite awake when I wrote that comment. I corrected it, thanks


yw :)


April 20th. 420 smokein at Brandenburger Tor.


Also wanna know. Otherwise: let's start something :D


Don't say "bubatz" its just ridiculous. only old people who want to appear "cool" use this word


It seems more like almost everyone uses this word, what are you talking about


Really? Was the first time I heard it, granted, I haven't smoked weed in years and don't have any contact to anyone who does currently. The word sounds weird to me, how did it even come to be? I'm not saying don't use, just sounds odd to me.




Im german. I know the topic better than you




places where you may legally smoke weed starting april 1st I think


The red is allowed?


Nope 😂 Not sure whether it's supposed to be sarcasm if I'm honest, but it's the other way around. Red means no.


What qualifies as a red area? Why are some areas allowed and some not?


Red ones are in close proximity of schools/Kindergarten and stuff like that. But the funny part ist it's the Görlitzer Park. A drug Hotspot. Like real drugs.. Heroine and stuff.. The zones are totally worthless bullshit.


They are absolutely not worthless bullshit. They play an import role: They are really crucial to make sure the cops can still harass and fine random people for smoking weed.


Being within 100m of schools, playgrounds ,child daycare / Kita or public sports grounds.


And walking zones between 07:00-20:00


I wonder how many cops there'll be i nthe white areas on Monday morning?


why would there be cops in the white areas?




No.. They are going to obvious smoking spots (like Görli) that are still technically illegal to smoke at to harass and fine people. There will be a lot of shit ending up in front of the court because the cops are going see how far they can go.. As always happens with new laws..


What is this map?


I truly admire the effort it takes to create these maps yet at the same time, it is so stereotypical German 😄 do you guys actually believe the 100 metre rule is gonna be policed that meticulously?


They don't have capacity for that, but there is a special kind of German who will call the police on you if they spot you


read: a surprisingly large number of average germans


Contrary to your opinion, it doesn't take much effort to create these kind of maps. It's just a rather simple (and naive as well as not law conforming) visualization of Openstreetmap data. If you account for the effort of aggregating that data, i'll have to wildly agree with you though. Building OSM to what it is these days was megatons of effort. Big kudos to the \~2 million contributors! (I'm one of them ;) Regarding your question: Well, some cops probably have fun doing that (they probably also vote CDU or worse), but not all of them. Some might just tell you nicely (at first) to stub it out and point you to the nearest kindergarten/school/whatever you ~~ignored~~missed.


You underestimate the German instinct to follow orders. Most will stand on a red light at a pedestrian crossing. At night, on the countryside, with no person in a 5 kilometer radius. Just because that is "Straßenverkehrsordnung" and without "Ordnung" we are lost. And yes, even the potheads.


Just don’t smoke. Eat cookies instead!


Fun Fact: Edibles are still prohibited


Maybe edibles are prohibited to sell. But I can’t imagine that it is prohibited to make cookies at home.


At home (which event includes your balcony) you can consume in any way. The law is about consuming in public.


Yeah, I think it is prohibited to smoke weed in public. But no one gets offended when I eat cookies or one cookie in public.


No. The law is also about growing at home, something which was illegal and now will not be. So now it's perfectly legal to grow your own weed and bake/eat your own brownies, before step 1 was not legal.


Yes it is, but it won‘t bother anyone. It‘s mainly about statistics and child protection, they made some bad experiences with that in canada


They are???


How is a red area determined? Why are some areas ok and some not?


The public use of cannabis is prohibited - in schools and within sight of schools - in and within sight of children's playgrounds, - in and within sight of children's and youth facilities - in and within sight of public sports facilities - in pedestrian zones between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m., and - Within the pacified property of cultivation associations and within their line of sight.


It was based on the old 200m parameter around schools, Kitas and playgrounds. It has been redacted to 100m line of sight of those venues, thus a lot less strict than the original state


Where do you find these maps?


It's a German website called bubatzkarte.de




This makes my blood boil


So some school kids can vape with their elfbars on the schoolyard or playgrounds but I cannot walk past a school with my pax3 which is not even colorful and pretty concealed…


I wonder if this outcome was deliberate. Stupidity and malice are equally likely here.




Then why treat it differently from cigarettes? I'm totally fine with not smoking in front of a school, but 100 metres away is a bit impracticable.


Is this a map where the bombs landed or where I can smoke some weed?




Why tf do yall need to smoke in parks? Around kids or people? Be responsible adults and consume your now legal home grown drugs responsibly in your owned or rented domicile.dont have a home or domicile? I'd work on that first, but I get smoking is also nice. No hate. But majority wise, can't we all agree as adults given a privilege we can handle smoking and growing not infront of children or getting high in plain view in parks? It's not a hard ask imo.


Bubatzkarze zeigt bei mir in der Gegend nur dort an, wo die Schulen und Kindergärten sind 😬