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My boy is scared of everything that moves if he’s not expecting it. He sleeps somewhere else in the house and then jumps up with us in the morning. I think they’re just little scaredy cats. We have to reassure him all the time. 


My berner is afraid of her own shadow... literally. Let your pup sleep where she's comfortable and she may come around


It is summer, that could be a factor. Many dogs don’t want to sleep in their owner’s bed the whole night. I wouldn’t look at it as your dog making negative associations. My client jokes that she has to bribe her dog with treats to get him to lay in her bed. Many dogs will have some in bed time, followed by relocating. One dog I know spends time in each child’s bedroom at night, followed by the parent’s room.


My pupper growing up would do this at night. When the last person went to bed, he would check everyone’s rooms. First my parents, then my brother, then mine. He wasn’t allowed on other beds but I let him in mine. Eventually he’d get up and go elsewhere. Usually the tile floor just next to the bottom of the stairs. It seemed like he just wanted to know where his people were and if we were safe.


Very common. A lot of Berners (and other dogs in general) prefer to be in their crate at night. Perhaps it makes them feel more secure. Let her do what she feels comfortable with and give it time.


Have you read about the puppy fear phases? Our Jaymo was scared of everything for a while, about the same age as yours. Ours is still a big baby but not the same way as when he was going through that phase… except for he’s terrified of his silver water bottle and I have no idea why.


I had heard about it, but haven’t done any research. I should do that so I know how to handle it.


If you triggered fear of the bedroom by throwing a pillow during her fear period, you basically traumatized her. Be prepared for a loooong period of re-teaching her that the bedroom will be a safe space.


She just wants a peaceful sleep. That's her need.


Can you move her crate to your room and leave the door open? My dude is 6 and I keep his crate up because it’s his “spot” that’s always only his and he sleeps in it all the time day and night.


Some pups like my Milo are quite sensitive. If they experience something that frightens them it retains in their memory and makes them cautious. It’s a form of self preservation and it sounds like your lovely pup has that behavior. I don’t believe we can train it away but you will need to be more gentle in life now. An example of our boy, he ran head first into the slider at the age of 18 months, as he barreled across the yard, that was two years ago. Now he stops before the slider and if it’s not opened wide enough for his comfort he won’t go through. We just adjust to his needs. Another example happened four months ago, Milo is now three and a half. He stopped eating his food, I thought he was being picky but then I remembered that he had knocked over his feeding stand and it startled him. I decided to just hold his bowl and he went right back to eating his food. Twice a day it takes about five to seven minutes of my day but he’s worth it. Milo is a big boy 130 pounds of lean muscle, the Top of his back comes to my waist, I’m 4’11” but he’s a gentle sensitive giant and deserves a gentle home.


Milo sleeps in our room on the floor or his bed. He also patrols the house at night and I find him on one of the sofas some mornings and some mornings he’s in our room. We leave our bedroom door open and let him sleep where he wants to.


Dogs are den creatures. She's just going to her den and being a smaller dog her den is smaller. That's all. It's not a bad thing to have them sleep in their crates!


I know. I tried to crate train my first dog, but failed miserably. Since then I have just gotten used to the nightly cuddles and the morning kisses. I will be sad if my pup misses out on that.


So turn it into a desensitizing game. Teach her to catch.


My girl loves to cuddle but when she’s tired and has had enough of me making noise, moving around, generally disturbing her lol she wants to go to her crate to sleep in peace. Could it be the same for your girl?


Her crate is definitely one of the places she goes to sleep during the day when she wants to be alone, it just seems coincidental that it came at the same time as her getting scared.