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I am tired just watching this


Part of being at Disney, when it's steaming hot and about 2:00 PM, is watching parents yelling at their kids "THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE THE HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH!"




"...ha penis?"


Suck it, Trebek


Let the kiddies see what I drew.


The "a penis in your asshole" routine from Super Troopers 2 was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. To those that haven't seen it well, I don't want to spoil it, just look up Super Troopers 2 A Penis In Your Asshole. There's absolutely no nudity involved.




Peggy Hill for the win!


A woman I worked with years ago would say “happiness” but with her accent it sounded like “half penis”


You know those actors have seen some shit.


I hate the way she talks like this is all guaranteed. "Go to pirates of the Caribbean at 10 am and you'll only wait 15 minutes." Like, that is true some days. But did she go on a saturday during July? A Tuesday in March? When you're at the park plays a massive part in your wait times. I went to Disney once in February and it was sorta cold but we flew through those lines.


Most social media videos speak sentences as facts without any real data or sources to back it up.


Which in turn, to avoid any confusion, makes the info they spread NOT facts. Sometimes its good to distance yourself from social media fellas


There's a local guy that keeps popping up on my socials. 'THIS IS WHAT I ATE IN A DAY AT COSTCO' and it's literally just him going to costco. THIS IS WHAT I ATE IN A DAY AT CHEDDARS and it's just a reel of his meal. I hate the informational wrongs but I genuinely hate that tik tok intonation more than anything.


No kidding. That really bothered me as well. You would be lucky as hell to hit those short of wait times back to back like that. You definitely can’t plan on it happening. And while this is exhausting, this is what you do at Disney, or any amusement park for that matter, you stay all damn day even though you’re crying inside


We have a really awesome amusement park here in Utah. I discovered the absolute best day of the year was the Sunday before school starts. It's Sunday, so the Mormon folks don't go, plus most families stay at home to prep for school the next day. One of the roller coasters that often has a 45 minute wait, for example, we got to ride on 3 straight rides without even having to get up. The operator just asked ":You all want to go again?" until people actually started waiting in line. I'm not even sure I want to go to Disneyland anymore anyway. I have everything I need here, for the most part. You even get to bring your own cooler in to this place, makes all of the difference when it's 100 degrees out. But you're right, the season/day/week matters.


I wonder truly how many minutes were wasted setting up camera angles. Like the shot of them leaving the hotel room had to be set up prior to them leaving, they had to backtrack to get the camera/phone back… just wild




Hold on, don't leave yet, mommy has to setup her camera shots so we can get maximum likes and subscribes so we can pay for part of this vacation.


I was tired just seeing the stroller in the beginning. Actually no when they woke up at 4:45 woof


Woke up at 4:45am to fucking WORK OUT before all this?! Stupidest shit ever. I can understand working out before the trip, so your stamina is better. I can understand getting up early to get ahead of the crowds, but this can't be a popular school-vacation time that they're attending. And telling people exactly what to order to eat 🙄


Not a bad way to spend $7,000 /s


For real, you can go travel another country with that kind of money. I had a friend who's a Disney Adult and the amount of money she's blown on trips there is just WILD.


Is that bad? Life is hard enough, why not do the things that make you happy?


Those things cost more money than I currently have. …..Unless you’re buying?


Then you can’t go, I guess. But then you probably won’t be travelling to other countries either which is what this thread was about.


This thread is about hypothetically spending $7,000, not *just* traveling abroad.


FR, when did Disney become this? It’s all these obsessed crazy adults dragging their kids through all this. We took our kids once..so many of these parents riding rides wearing babies, near 100 degree heat. I don’t get it.


They likely live nearby or work there. When you live in that heat, would you rather a) baby wear walking down obt to popeyes or b) baby wear while in an air conditioned finding nemo ride eating ice cream. Orlando sucks. Just because people bring a baby doesn’t mean they are obsessed. They could be with an entire family and want to get out of the hotel and enjoy themselves too. I’m sick of people shitting on new moms who try to have a life.


This is the calculus we did just recently. Heading to a remote Greek island next week for snorkeling and archeology digs. I can’t fathom spending this money to be around more mouth breathers.


TIL you can go to actual archeology digs as a tourist. That sounds awesome!


Life hack: be rich. 👍


It’s a lot more than that now. A coworker just spent $12k for 2 adults and 2 children, 5 days.


Who’s watching the kids while they’re both at the gym?


They're working at It's a Small World ride.




When I was little my aunt told me all the lost children get put on that ride forever as one of the little dolls


That was my thought, and is always my thought when these people clip in their workouts.


They had an hour and a half between wake up and kids wake up. They easily could each have time for a quick workout. Not a full workout just getting yourself going. I’d choose the extra hour of sleep every time but for people that do that kind of thing it’s not that bad.


I mean… they’re probably sleeping.


These are the type of people that woke up at 5, then got back from the gym by 615 before the kids woke up. I'm laughing considering this for us. "Hey honey, let's set the alarms so we can get a good gym cardio session in before we go to the park and walk 11 miles in 13 hours - sound good?" Lol


Jesus fucking Christ. I know 99.9% of the world doesn't live in or around Orlando so they can't visit the parks a lot, but I grew up 35mins east of Magic Kingdom and have probably been there a hundred times. At some point, the adventure and magic of the place is ruined by all that planning. It's not an adventure until something goes wrong. Up until then, it's just a plan.


Nobody panics when things go "according to plan." Even if the plan is horrifying! If, tomorrow, I post on TikTok, like, a bus load of Asian tourists file in before you at the Peter Pan queue, nobody panics, because it's all "part of the plan". But when I say that the queue to meet Mickey is too long?, well then everyone loses their minds!


Tickets are like $130 per day, gotta plan to make the most out of it


This couple is going to have the most expeditious, economical divorce ever.


Thank God. I thought she was gonna feed them carrot sticks and hummus..


Probably beats them with cable at home for the rest of the year.


Her kids look miserable in the final shot. Not a fan of these fake content-creator families.


She’s got a well thought out plan and it looks like there’s plenty of time in between appointments to explore. Not necessary to go to Disney with an itinerary, but it’s incredibly helpful if you have “must dos”. A full day at Magic Kingdom is exhausting. But this makes sure you get the most out of the day.


Yeah magic kingdom at wdw is best done as a two day itinerary


Absolutely. My brother recently went and told us they were just going to "wing it". Having gone a few times myself, I literally said "You need to do your research and make a plan. If you don't do Disney, Disney will do you." He decided to wing it, and was miserable. Plans on never going back.


He should've taken her back entrance to tomorrow land, then they wouldn't have to do any of this bullshit


They forgot to show the kids having fun during their 13 hour day of watching their parents make shitty content :S. I know that was my favourite part of going to Disneyland at 4 years old.




I get the feeling that the kids have zero factor into this plan and she would still be dragging his ass around Magic Kingdom at warp speed without them


No offensive, but you look insufferable. I would rather get a root canal instead of a day at the park with Miss Type A.


First rule of theme parks, stay away from matching T-shirt families


>First rule of theme parks, stay away fixed it for my opinion


I've met type A people. This lady is type S++


These people, in an attempt to market their children over social media, rob them of their childhood. There's been articles written about how these weird tik tok families have extremely strict schedules, spend most of their days filming and editing, etc. Kids are mostly interacted with on camera. I see these videos from "family creators" as a documented form of child abuse


I wonder how things'll turn out for them once they grow up. They need to do longitudinal studies on this shit.


Glad I found this comment. First thing I thought was “how horrible.” Imagine your whole life not just being documented but BROADCAST. & that is NORMAL for you. All social interactions are then tailored to how you can exploit them for attention &—eventually—profit. This cannot be good for your mental health, & this all thanks to what looks like a narcissist mom?


Yeah it’s fucked up and if you ask the parents they’ll say my kids love being in the video. They obviously love being on the video cause that’s how they’ll probably get presents. A kid wouldn’t know better. These incompetent parents should learn how to earn money without using their children.


I’m just cringing at having to do multiple takes for each shot and the kids being confused why they have to keep doing these weird things all day


Here comes American Murder: The Family Next Door Part 2


That vacation was for her not the kids


"We wok e up at 4:15 AM" Sun shooting behind the curtains. I can't stand this internet anymore.


All I see are lamps and lights in the hotel room. Not on their side though, I can’t stand the unrealistic social media videos like this where everything is perfect. E: unless those things that don’t really look like curtains are curtains. I assumed those were weird wall pieces with man-made light accents coming from behind them.


There are no curtains at all lol. It's indirect LED lighting.


Those are lights, not windows. When that dude is working out you can see outside and it's dark


Those weren’t curtains


this would be my worst nightmare and definitely not a vacation…


I can’t imagine what a nightmare growing up with an influencer for a mom must be :/ did they set up a tripod to catch that shot of them all leaving the hotel room or something


at 9:15 I would punch her in the face.


The last shot of all the kids looking miserable lol


mentally healthy proactive perfect people are obnoxious


That poor guy is regretting pumping her full of babies


Holy fucking shit


Feel like this is more about the parents than the kids by the way the kids aren’t even looking up in the last clip.


Fuck those people. No one want's to know about your stupid life. I'm gonna go touch some grass now.


I would rather have my testicles smashed with a hammer.


Haha as someone who loves planning and loves Disney… the chances of replicating this is virtually zero… Oh, they are also leaving out the fact that, because you are on vacation and from out of state, someone in your party is always having to use the restroom, then everyone starts getting the “sunshine-escalated-hangry” while simultaneously being too sore, tired, and sick to eat… Lastly, and this part I’m being serious about, the best part of Disney world isn’t the rides, it’s the atmosphere. Rushing from ride A to ride B completely removes the atmosphere from the equation. Almost every person I’ve talked to who did not have a good time in the parks, had their day crammed full where they felt rushed and over crowded with all the people. When you step back and allow yourself time to enjoy things, you’ll start yo see the true Disney magic in the parks. The random cast member drawing characters on the sidewalk with water and a broom, for instance… or seeing pop up performances from the different performers. All of these add entertainment but also give you time to sit back and relax and let your adrenaline rush die down a little while you recover…


I did a full trip with my wife and 3 early-mid teen sons in 2012 - we had an extra day - the boys chose Epcot. Epcot has only like 8 rides. You're right - it IS all about the atmosphere. They love that park. And there's truth to the OP. For the insane cost, you don't want to stand in long lines or miss attractions. Planning really does help, especially with the bizarre fastpass system they now have. We also had a backpack with Brita refillable filtered water bottles, snacks. Sandwiches. Saved on some of the meals. We were in good shape though. 20000+ steps/day easily doing it that way.


I'm a video game producer, so my job revolves around schedules. The funny thing is, I fucking hate scheduling in my personal life. Doing that shit at work makes me sick of it when I'm off the clock. When I'm on vacation, I fucking relax. I book a room with a comfy bed and hopefully a nice view, and I don't leave it until I feel like it. When I'm out, I explore a new place at my leisure. If I have to rush to do anything, then it won't feel like a vacation. Instead, it'll feel like work that I spent thousands of dollars to do.


Type AAA personality Disneyland trip sounds not fun


Good lord i’d shoot myself in the head at 4:20am if I had to spend the day with this woman and her gaggle of kids at fuckin Disney world.


When you’re really serious about having fun, it’s actually a lot of work and no fun at all.


Why go to stupid Disney land? Morons I’ll be there in August, shoot me




Mid-way through those kids don’t look so happy


In the final shot the boys look like they're trying to hide their faces and are far from engaged in getting the shot.


Genie plus, lightning blah blah...all are just ways to squeeze more money from visitors. Disney world has become a cash grab after the pandemic and no longer an enjoyable experience for families.


lol I used to work with this girl. So weird seeing her stuff posted on Reddit.


I show the video in slow motion… Just to see if the kids are having fun, they don't....




All I can picture in my head is the husband doing the Ben Affleck exhausted smoking meme outside Space Mountain.




Are people really this happy?


I would cheat on her


Kids in matching outfits, yeah, fine all good, but, the whole family? 😅 If my wife ever told me that me, her and my son were gonna wear the same thing somewhere, id rather stay at home. Id be too embarrassed.


Who is filming this


When I see “perfect” families like this I get uncomfortable. I do prefer my life with a 13 year old who thinks his dad is an idiot.


“Workout for energy”


Why does everything have to be planned? What if I don’t feel like going to a specific ride at a specific time?


I was waiting for the part where the kids are screaming how they really want that sandwich they just saw another kid eating only to get it and complain how they don't want it...


We made a plan for each day to focus on a specific part of the park (from the UK, 2 weeks honeymoon, first and only visit 2022). We stayed at pop and arrived early for rope drop. Each day we had 3 'goals' which could be flexible and easily achieved Our first day in MK was to focus on Frontier and Adventure land and to see the fireworks. First LL was for Jungle Cruise. In the end, including a rest back at the resort midday (used the bus) and just being in awe of being there, we went on big thunder mountain, splash mountain, Pirates of the Caribbean x 2, jungle cruise, haunted mansion, philharmagic, it's a small world, fireworks and space mountain which we booked a last minute LL during the fireworks so we could head straight there afterwards. That one day we rode almost all the rides we wanted to in the pack without too much difficulty. Did a Tomorrowland day on our next MK day which was very successful too. Our most unexpected successful day was May 4 which we had accidentally park reserved Hollywood Studios when it was to be our first resort day to mostly stay by the pool and such. We were only going to head into the park if we could get a paid LL for Rise of the Resistance which we did for around 4pm. We headed there via the Skyliner at 3pm and on the way to Galaxys edge (this was our first time in HS btw) we walked on Star tours, twice, because no one was riding it, then the parade came through. Rise was broken down so we could return anything that day it was working so we saw a 45 mins wait for Smugglers run and took it. Got onto Rise soon afterwards and rode Star tours 1-2 more times before heading back from essentially star wars land on star wars day


Def got paid


too long of a day.. i mean damn


YouTube families are cringe .


Karens and the sea of people taking selfies or videos are the main reason I'll never go to Disney world.


You know I’m usually a pretty cynical asshole, but man the amount of salt in this thread is sad. Like I get it, they’re hokey Disney people whatever whatever. I get that. Do yall really have to get all pissy pants at every video that doesn’t pander to your interests? Fucking let people enjoy the things they like. Yall need a Zoloft.


I went to Disney as a kid. If this is what Disney has become dont go. 


This vacation stinks. Especially for the mom who doesn’t get to rest at all 😂


You know the husband closet eats cheeseburgers alone in the parking lot.


…I’m so glad none of my kids like Disney.


My god what a ball ache


Wait wait wait. Did she really wake up, make herself look good, set up the camera, then acted like she just woke up? God these people are psychos.


Disney people are weird


These people make me sick.


God I hate them.


This just makes me want to throw up


Getting raped by corporate America is a kink.




I’m just so glad my family isn’t like this.


When fun is a competitive sport


All that for 11 rides. What a hack.


It’s called vacation. You don’t need to exercise when you wake up.


I can’t tell if this is a joke. Please help me understand.


This is Disney now…..it’s not fun…..it’s a trial.


This seems fucking horrible. Isn’t there a fire station you can visit 24 hours a day, then go get a margarita.


My family has done this shit a couple of times a year for the last twenty years. However, we show up to the park at noon, walk around a bit, eat, get a little drunk, eat some more. Ride a ride. Lines don’t bother you when you’re drunk, drink a little more, go to dinner, back to the hotel by 9-10. Then I drink some more, eat a few cookies from Gideon’s bakery, and fall the fuck to sleep.


Twenty thousand dollars later and you have a family fun day.


Fuckin hell she must breathe through her arsehole 🤣🤣🤣( I know its editing ) Just take a wheelchair an pass as disabled and line skip the shit out of it lol Wrong yesssss but totes worth it 😆


Exhausting.. how many videos does the man have to take of this women


Hideous people


It's so wild people like this exist


She has the most annoying face. Ever.


That guys had sex exactly 3 times #nopulloutgame


I wouldn’t spend the ridiculous $$ to do this, but if I did I understand planning ahead to get my money’s worth.


Bugger that 😕


Ooooor… let the kids choose what they want to do? Have a good, fun day with no rules! Isn’t having fun the whole point of vacation for kids? Let them be kids and choose at random, whatever grabs their attention. Why not!


That looks miserable.


That’s my favorite kind of vacation. A detailed itinerary, and getting up really early in the mornings.


I hate traveling with people like this, can't enjoy the experience as we're constantly being rushed to somewhere just to rush somewhere else. The kids at the enjoy look so distraughted, none of them are smiling except for the parents.


As someone who’s recently been this itinerary is completely unnecessary with some pretty big gaps. I was able to do all of this give or take a few things like Peter Pan without paying for the lightning lane in like half the time, granted I’ve been before and generally know of the trends for stuff like wait times.


Capitalist serfs Also, pay premium. I ain’t queueing


I thought going to Disney was supposed to be fun!


Is the Starbucks a requirement or???


Project management gone wrong.


Bet they pop a LOT of pills. Zombies.


I have done this before, I went to Disney World with my friend who is an enthusiast who has everything planned out to the T We did get to do more stuff than the average park goer does, but it is exhausting getting up at 7 AM Florida time when you’re used to the West Coast (essentially 4 AM)


Boy, all that fun and no need to take a shit. No way for me 😔


It’s a certainty that this midwestern couple has a “Live laugh! love!” sign in their home.


Hmmm…so the total opposite of “Let’s get there and see what happens”!


"Here's how you avoid lines at Disneyland. Step one, buy a Lightning lane pass so you can skip the line."


Are the kids staying in a room by themselves?


Damn everyone in the comments is miserable asf lmao


And who the fuck is looking after the kids between 4:45 and 6:30 when mummy and daddy are in the gym?


Every time I got invited to go to Disney I declined. I don't get how sitting in the hot sun with screaming kids lines and hordes of people is fun. And now as an adult money




Yeah… this is not the way to have fun at Disney parks. Just go and have fun. Don’t stress yourself out by trying to do everything and stay on a schedule.


This is basically what we do except we stay on site, yes, it is exhausting and you will walk 8 miles in 90F and 90% humidity.


The way to enjoy a relaxing vacation is by following a rigorous schedule.


This sounds exhausting, expensive and with that many kids, not fun


My step mom


Guarantee they were drinking the whole time! Lol


I'd rather magically blow my head off


The best time I ever had at DL in OC was around 97 I went on a family trip as a 17 yo and brought my buddy and we had a 3-day pass and spent days 2 and 3 NOT riding any rides but just looking at stuff and people watching.


They forgot how to live their lives.


I am fucking exhausted by them


This is actually pretty helpful for parents who splurged on this \~once in a lifetime trip\~ who are trying to hit up everything they can. People don't realize how long some of the lines are and end up spending 10,000 to spend a night at a Disney hotel after a full day of standing in line at the park itself. I went 15 years ago. I could never justify paying to go there now!


God damn...... I'm exhausted just listening to her.


Those kids look tired as fuck after all that xD


Disney people are just as annoying as cyclist


I’d rather die in the vacuum of space.


Only $6435!




So the key to this plan is to make sure you have the lightening pass, so spending even more money. Got it 👍


I was done after the morning workout


Didn’t know they opened that early


Okay, but at what cost? $$$




Capitalism shedding a tear seeing this.


This is actually a pretty normal Disney day. But for the 4:45 wake up to go to the gym, this is the best way to do Disney, well thought out and planned so you’re not stressed and waiting in ridiculous lines all day b


Being a parent looks exhausting!!! 😣


Wish I had money to spend like that. Not that I would spend it at Disney but still.


Insufferable creatures.




If only she knew how much DARKNESS goes in those parks, the shows, the movies, etc. What a loser.


How does she know this? Like how many times has she gone to figure this out?!


The food at Magic kingdom is absolutely awful.




Consumer robots