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As the old saying goes, if you’re pregnant enough to have symptoms, you’re pregnant enough to get a positive test. 


That’s good to know for future reference


It would be very unlikely at this point.


You didn't mention when you expected your period, but if you're past when you expected your period and you're still testing negative, you are most likely not pregnant. I had the same thought when I was first trying to get pregnant, but my doctor (gently) explained that false negatives, especially multiple false negatives, are extremely rare. If you're concerned, do as someone else here suggested and request a blood test, but otherwise I'd chalk it up to being One Of Those Things.


Okay, thank you for making me feel less crazy lol


Was your period early? When did you last have sex? Are your cycles regular? It’s definitely possible to have a negative pregnancy test and still be pregnant but also if you’re having many symptoms and it’s the scheduled time of your period, it’s unlikely you’d be testing negative


My period was right on time and my cycles are very regular. The last time was about two weeks ago. I did the research and got some dates, so I know I did what I was supposed to, but I decided to get actual feedback because of how strange the situation is.


That is very strange! Well if you had symptoms for two weeks, it definitely couldn’t be attributed to a pregnancy because the egg itself wouldn’t have implanted for 8-14 days post sex. Doesn’t mean you aren’t or can’t be, but probably not what caused the symptoms.


That’s a good point


You can always request bloodwork to test for HCG.


You can do that?


Yeah you can ask your primary care provider if you’re in the US or you can also probably just request it at a bloodwork lab like Quest Diagnostics.


Okay, thank you for the info. I thought there were just the stick tests.


test again? Sometimes cycles are just weird. I’m usually really regular but had once when my period was late for a week. I was convinced I was pregnant then I got a very heavy period. Chemical pregnancy? Even that is unlikely. The funny thing is, I hadn’t had penetrative intercourse with anyone. I had a boyfriend but we didn’t do anything with clothes off, ever. So it’s very unlikely. more likely just a weird cycle.


I had weird symptoms for a couple of weeks and then two negative pregnancy tests, and then light bleeding- and then a week later got a positive test. I'd check again in a few days.


If you’re taking an absolute crap ton of biotin, it’s possible to get a false negative. But you have to be taking like, a lot.


I hate to be that one person lol but here I go…. I took a urine test about a week after I was supposed to get my period, it came back negative. I took a blood test a few days after that because I swore up and down that I was pregnant and came back negative. I got extremely wasted on my birthday to celebrate and thought HEY AT LEAST IM NOT PREGNANT! Two days after my birthday I felt extremely horrible and thought this hangover is really lingering an extra day——————- took ANOTHER urine test. ———— pregnant with my son. lol!!! He’s now a year old, perfectly fine and healthy. Insane to look back now and think how all these tests didn’t catch it. I was 2 months along. It happens. Give it a few more weeks, test, and repeat.


Your period isn’t missed unless you know for sure you’ve ovulated. Tracking periods isn’t enough. Some of those symptoms could be ovulation symptoms. For a few cycles after I had my boy, I would spot a bit for a few days around cycle day 13-15. I usually ovulate on cycle day 19. And like clockwork, my period comes within 12-13 days after I ovulate. The month it didn’t come after 13 days after ovulation, I was pregnant and the pregnancy test was positive within seconds. If you last had sex more than 2.5 weeks ago, you’re most likely not pregnant.


I'm sure it's possible. For me, something I realized was that my PMS symptoms changed after I gave birth. I used to get moody (well, that still happens) very thirsty, have one restless night followed by fatigue, constipation, and crave sugar. After having my son some of these went away and in their place, the same exact symptoms I experienced in early pregnancy--nausea, headaches, a few others. Last month I was CONVINCED I was pregnant and took a test every day that was always negative. My periods seem less intense now too.


I’ve never had a baby. Between this month and last month the only thing that has changed is I got married. I know cycles can be affected by stress, but these symptoms started after we got back from our honeymoon and that was two weeks before my next period was due.


Ooh, sorry I assumed you had since you were posting in beyond the bump. Actually now that I think about it, I did test negative with my son (took a test on a hunch) until my first positive at about 4-5 weeks' gestation (took a test on another hunch.) So definitely possible.


I've heard that pregnancy with multiples can cause false negatives. I got about 4 false negatives recently, but I was testing too soon before my missed period


Definitely, especially if you’re testing that early. Wait a few days and test again