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Don't be silly... we're never gonna drown with these floaters.


Better floater than a gloater.




Ngl this comment is pretty creepy.




My husband still says this.. im like.. dude.. 20 years ago they were great. Now theyre just tube socks


I can confirm.


I can relate, I literally did a comment about that like 3 minutes ago.


Not entirely


I feel this in my soul... and also my lower back.


Everytime I tell men I might wanna get a breast reduction... 🙄😆


I never quite get this because half the people I know with large breasts say it doesn't hurt their backs but the other half say it does. They're all rather large and within the same size of one another


there are tons of factors. wearing the right size bra, how developed their back muscles are and how old they are, to name a few. honestly, my back pain usually isn't too bad. but lately with quarantine (sitting at a desk with no bra on all day), my lower back's been hurting pretty bad. also my sport bras dig into my shoulders (they don't really fit me right, they're old) and if I've been doing a lot cardio, my upper back hurts a lot.


Cardio for back pain?


I’ve been having back problems before starting to do back exercises. Now my back feels fine. And I’m not even a woman. Maybe many women with big boobs don’t exercise enough.


That's almost exactly what one of my previous partners said to me when I told him I was sick of hauling these things around and desperately wanted a reduction. Way to make it all about you, you selfish bastard. I dumped him largely because of that.


Not to be a douche(seriously) ,but a stronger back can help with issue of back pain. If your glutes, hamstrings and upper back are tugging in opposite directions of your lower back it will cause issues. I say this as a man, but as a man who couldn't walk for a year. Plus muscle burns fat and may help some get to that reduction size faster or create an avenue to not have to go under the knife at all which while safer now still is a little unnerving.


As a man, I’ve always been curious about what point you begin to feel back pain. Sorry if that’s coming out weird. I don’t know how quite to word it


I’m sure every one is different, it’s like asking at what point do you begin to get arthritis. Some people will, some won’t. It probably depends on a million things like body size, boob size, strength, bra quality and fit, other health issues, weight, and random variance. My back pain started about 6-7 years after I got big boobs, and they were extremely big. The much bigger pain problem for me was after 20 years I got pinched nerves in my shoulders, and no amount of massages or strength training helped it.


Oh jeez. I’m really sorry about that. I realize there’s so many factors, so it would be rather difficult to pinpoint where it starts.


I hope it gets better for you. I can’t imagine how painful it must be to go through that


I got 4.5 lbs (about half) removed 1 year ago so it’s a lot better now. But the pinched nerves can apparently only heal with 3 months of no pressure on it, which I haven’t figured out how to do yet.




That is the correct response to this. Don’t make it about your attraction to them, but about how you want her to be comfy!




Mine too! I’m also one year post op and we are both so glad I did it!




Nobody asked


I totally get it. I'm bi/f. I'm usually objectively the least attractive of many of my friends. Some are confident, some are not, but trying to convince those who arent that they are super attractive and that they have a lot of nice features to work with is difficult. Like obviously you dont want to put so much effort in always being 100% attractive all the time. But you can do that once in a while, or find the halfway point of comfort and effort and a style that you like that compliments what you have to make *you feel* sexy or attractive. And of course it's not just a female thing. It's the easiest to see when you encourage people to dance. I can tell people till I'm blue in the face that It will give them a better connection and comfort in their body, but in the end, the choice to do it and believe in it is theirs.


So good to know these men still exists.. 😂


You're a good guy man. Bless


When I used to work in computer software and hardware repair I had back pain (sitting at a computer all day). A fellow employee who happened to have very large breasts taught me some back pain relief stretches and exercises and how to improve my posture. She said they did wonders for her. It wasn't until later that my other co workers said she was also flirting lol.


Me cause I currently cant find a bra


God forbid we have our own opinions about or bodies!! preach it mama!


I just posted a question about this. My boobs make me have constant pain and knots in my sides, and I don't know what to do.


Yoga, massages (i massage my shoulders about once a week), wearing the right size bra, exercising your back muscles and foam rolling might help.


Thanks for the tips!


hope they help! 😊




"Nooo, your breasts are perfect as they are!" - Weak, shows that you only care about the person's boobs "Your breasts are heavy? Let me hold them for you." - Chad, actually shows that you care for the wellbeing of the person



Sexy tube socks(I am sure your husband thinks)


Strengthen your spinal erectors and lower traps.


Had a lady friend that had a condition that kept her boobs growing. I think the got to be E’s (not super sure) the poor thing had to hold her boobs up when taking off her bra or risk throwing her back out. I feel so bad.


band size matters. 28EE and 44EE are completely different sizes


Yeah. I can really remember, it was years ago. I know that each one was bigger then my head and she was only maybe 5’2”. Just saying feels bad your body can be like you want tits well fuck your going to get all the tits!!!!


As a man, I feel attacked....because it's true. 😂😂 Edit: Seems that people are misunderstanding me or my comment is poorly worded (most likely the case). I mean that it's true that men can be insensitive about pain that results from having big breasts.


if you're a man why are you here


Because of my gf. I wanted to better understand what she was going through. This sub and a few others have helped.


Good on you for being here because you are trying to learn. Not trying to be a dick but your comment was a off the mark. It would have been better for you to ask what you could say or ask why that's not cool. Then we can explain why we are sick of always being told to be happy about something that causes a lot of pain and anxiety.


Ah. I see I'll have to edit my comment. I meant that it's true that men can be insensitive about breast pain because we're too short sighted.


This is the proper way to get through to people! Thank you for being clear and firm.


There’s no rule that says no men, relax.


Men aren’t allowed here?


BaCk PaIn Is JuSt A mEmE lAzY cOw


The amount of DM's I got after posting here is staggering... usually if it's something along the lines of don't get a reduction! I know it's guys lol. Literally every male person I met through this subreddit was like I love double DD'S