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> It was surprisingly harder than I had anticipated. That's very far from a "relaxed pacing" though. Great time.


Yeah that's a smidge faster than my group ride pace, on a road bike 2.5x lighter than my commuter. Though that's also 20 miles and I'm far from dedicated. Running that pace for that distance I'd arrive to work gross and at best, very winded.


Holy cow, dude. You were hauling ass for someone who hasn't ridden that far in 10 years. I would have a hard time keeping that pace without my e-bike. XD


Oh, thank God, I thought everyone who bikes to work was cruising at the same speed, so I was honestly getting discouraged!


I travel the same distance in the same amount of time, and like I said, I have an ebike, haha. I was riding an acoustic bike a few times, but got tired of being absolutely soaked in sweat (DC in the summer). You'll be carved out of rock in no time if you keep that up...


Right! I take the same time for my 5 mile commute, sometimes 25 minutes if I’m hauling ass.


If you tag it as a commute Strava will calculate a CO2 saved data.


Oh what! I had no clue. I've never really used strava so still learning about the features. Thank you!


I legit didn't read the subreddit name and thought some mf'er was out here stacking sub 4 minute miles on foot. That said, you were trucking! Great job!


Haha I wish! I can run a mile in about 24 hours! Thank you!


im impressed, I ride to work, 8 miles/about 40 mins each way. you were moving!


Haha, dang, I thought I was just out of shape and that all yall were cruising at about 15 mph. That makes me feel better about relaxing it a bit. With how physical my job is, there is no way I could keep that pace on a normal day.


I don't race, and don't really train to get faster, but a 15 mph pace would be killer for me day to day. My town is very hilly, and an easy pace (as in, I am not pushing it beyond very mild discomfort) usually puts me around 9.5-10mph.


Solid pace, especially with that elevation! Nice job. Slowing down a bit will help make bike commuting feel more doable. Then over time you’ll naturally get a bit faster. It’s pretty much totally flat where I live and my pace was about 15-16 before I got an ebike. Your comfort pace would likely be ~2-3 mph slower


The more you do it, the easier it gets.


That's fast as hell, honestly. I've got some decent hills in my 22 mile round trip commute but despite doing it ~50 times I still barely average into the 14mph realm.


Keep it up dude! I commute 12.5 miles each way, it was tough at first but it gets easier as you get in better shape. Then as a bonus the improved fitness makes mountain biking more fun, as you’re just in better shape and have more energy on your rides.


If you want to feel better about yourself.... I'm 4 years and 14,000 miles in bike commuting. I'm in very good regular guy cycling shape. My one way ride is a bit longer than yours (8.5 miles) and my ride this morning I averaged 16 mph....with only about 250 feet of vertical gain. I wont typically cover 2k vertical feet over a 20 mile mountain bike ride (close, but not quite). Your commute is very, very hilly.


I think you misread that, they didn't have 2200 feet of elevation gain, that was the highest elevation they reached. They had 154 feet of elevation gain. They actually have a very flat commute.


The first couple months might hurt a little but the fun is going to be there everyday and after a while you are not gonna think about it at all. Just make sure your bike is in good conditions for a commute (proper fit, right tires, little tune up, etc..) and you might just love it Great stats btw


Hell yea 🫡 it’ll get easier and faster in time. Nice bike too!


Slow down :D This is too fast to be comfortable!


There’s no way that calorie count is correct right? Mine says less than half that for similar distance (although I take about 10 more minutes).


I have no clue. It's just the Samsung health, so it's probably estimated on the body weight I have input (280 lbs)


>Honestly having mixed emotions about doing it again anytime soon. Mixed emotions are better than "hell no! nay never again!" I'm a pretty consistent commuter now, and 30 minutes is a great time to get moving without feeling like its a chore. Its not a "real workout" for the spandex type, but its a "I only need 1 cup of coffee" today eye opener. Don't overcommit with your mixed emotions, but it DOES get easier the more (often and longer term) you do it.


Good job! Now keep it going :)


Nice ride! Definitely had a quick 30 min workout lol.


Great pace


Yeah! Nice bike too.




Nice bike! My advice is to take it easy and enjoy yourself. It’s really not going to take that much longer if you just relax and enjoy yourself. Find that gear that is easy to push but still moves you along. You will still be getting far more exercise than driving. My commute is 11.5 miles. If I push it, I can do it in under 50 minutes. If I’m tired and go really slow, it will take an hour. Getting lucky with stoplights can sometimes have a bigger effect than how hard I peddle.


I do 6 mi of mostly flat bike trail and feel good about myself when I hit an avg of 13mph. You were pushing it!


I’d be struggling to squeeze that much elevation into that short of a ride, very respectable speed for that amount of climbing and how steep they have to be in any case. My commute is almost 3 times as long with 2/3rds the elevation and I’m crossing a couple valleys and my work is on top of a hill lol


What app is that?


Nice! It gets easier the more you do it.. Or it doesn’t get easier and you just go faster. That’s hauling pretty good for a first time out. Backing off to 13 will feel tons easier.


Feels good to read another one went to work with bike. "Next time" will be easier :P


Decent average speed for first commute. Good job


Bro has turbo legs


Nice setup with the vintage bike! I'm rocking a very similar setup and it's super fun


Thank you! I love it so far! I'm considering doing some upgrades, though, like better rims and slightly bigger tires. Just don't know how to go about it yet but I'll be looking into it soon


What size are the wheels right now? 27" or 700c?