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Shoulders and glutes look awesome!!!




Just out of curiosity, is this too dense for bikini?


We will have to find out😂😂 deffo don’t think so. I don’t believe I look as big irl or if I were next to say dense pros i would still probs look small😂 but next to my fellow amateurs i think im going to potentially look quite dense in comparison which may be unfavourable but hoping that wil just be the case in the regional. My insta is scarlettvfit to see how I look when training etc unposed :)


Be interested to see faster check-in pics without the dark lighting/ filters 


You can see my Instagram for yesterdays posing and sll posing in that spot which nah come out brighter in video. However again, I do not use filters in my check ins/posing.


There is no filter on any of my check in pics. I don’t even take fasted ones as I live in a flat which is extremely dark and don’t have a ring light.


Why are the check-ins so dark?


It’s in the gym.




Thankyou :)


At 3/4 weeks out, you look to be right about on point within that time frame for that balance of conditioning you’re looking for. Just a touch more in the lower body and you’ll have that conditioning in the bag (totally nail-able in that time frame). Great work, beautiful physique! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Thankyou I’m coming in softer for the regional- around a kilo less than this. Then assesing look from there - Remember this is post workout, post steps, post food and lots of water, inflamed and holding water retention with no peak etc 🙏🏼 Then truely bringing it in and assessing for pro qual where the best look will be with that even more touch of condition if needed from this regional :) keeping my head screwed onto the fuller softer look as I’ve always been “over conditioned” and marked down for being peeled 😅


Right. And keep in mind if you are over conditioned that can be softened up with peaking to slightly blur the lines in your legs, but you should not be for the regional show. My comment was directed for your pro qualifier attempt, just my own assessment as an NPC Judge in the US. If you’re getting scored down for too many lines showing in your legs, (and by the time you have the next show you’ll probably be at that level(thinking you said 9/10 weeks-ish) you can reverse into the show to maintain the look and continue filling out which will slightly soften the look of lines on its own but if it’s still too much, peak accordingly to soften and it shouldn’t be a worry. You’re looking great! Nice job!


Thankyou appreciate this and yes I have lots of time until the pro qual so want to bring my absolute best there and not end up with a tired depleted looking physique :) trust me- when I’m lean, my body just does not spill or blurry lines. I just get harder an dried and it soaks every little thing up so that’s why I’ve gotta get that balance right vs being too lean then filling which makes me way too hard and vascular Thankyou agajn :) strategy is key and I know what I’m doing will lead to the best me for the pro qual :)


Beautiful physique but I cannot stop staring at your back! Girllllll, have you thought about figure? I think you’ll kill it in bikini but if you did figure and you were actually able to let loose with upper body training, your lat spread and taper would be insaneeee!


Aha thankyou , I still train upper just no triceps and nothing where I’ll feel my traps a lot Figure maybe in 10 years or so😂😂😂 way too small for that and not willing to push PEDS Thankyou x


So good




Looking sick good luck at the show


Is there a reason you’re scrunching your shoulder blades together like that in your back pose? You want them open


They aren’t actually a scrunched as they look, my back is very dense and wide.


I see. Thank you. Because you do have a really wide back and wide shoulders and it looks like you may not be fully showcasing how wide you really are (total envy btw). So it looks like you could open it up since we see your rhomboids and traps scrunched together. You look wider in your front pose, which I believe is a more accurate representation of how wide you are. Have you tried opening? Or is this what “open” feels like for you? Because rhomboids and traps shouldn’t be contracted in a back pose. You look so good btw!


Thankyou x yes I know all this🩷 trust me when my hairs down you will see the difference 🥰


You look incredible!!


Thankyou 🩷


When is your show date? Looking ready!


3/4 weeks to regional & 10/11 weeks pro qual amateur Olympia Romania!


Upper body is definitely fully conditioned.


Even your back has abs and that pec striations though 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🙊


Butt is amazing.


You look incredible! I’ll find you on IG…I want to see your results!


You look amazing 😈🔥 have you ever thought about wellness?! also followed your insta babe, cannot wait to see the final package 🙌🏻


My legs are tiny aha! Deffo not wellness, maybe figure in like 10 years 😂😂


I get it!! & ofc 🫶🏻 girls gotta support each other in this sport :)


Thankyou :)