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Man why is he cheeked up. 😩😩


So he's got somewhere comfy to sit


That's one helluva of ass


Came here to post this, baby got back


Nuva... butt?


If G1 Bionicle continued, and the world of Spherus Magna began to recover and thrive after the final defeat of Makuta, if the Rahkshi survived, but did not have anyone to serve, I could totally see one of them stepping into this type of role. A warlord of raiders and pillagers, that would be full of Skrall, Bonehunters, maybe a Piraka, a Barraki with a breathing mask, the outcasts of the Mata Nui vs Makuta saga.


Ooh I love this idea so much!


Like it would fit the fantasy aesthetic really well. Like say Mata Nui went missing after he went searching for the answers of The Great Beings and now Ackar, Kiina or even Tahu and Takanuva are searching for him but have to pass through this Rahkshi warlords territory. They're captured, brought to the Rahkshi warlord, but make a deal where the warlord wants something that he can get out of Mata Nui, maybe something that he wants that only the mask of life can gift, so guides them to where Mata Nui was last heading, but they must return to him with Mata Nui in exchange, or something like that. Then his Piraka are constantly stalking the party to make sure they uphold their end of the bargain.


For a piece of dat brick? I will follow them to Karzahni and back


Fake, irresistible gummies


Because of the nuva cheeks imma have to say r/imsorrytakua


That's not a Rakshi warlord, that's a dump truck driver


“Would you like a jelly baby?” Now I image that rakhsi is heavily British


Offer accepted! 🤗


Imagine the remaining Rahkshi outside of Tahus radius gained more intelligence and free will after Terry died and they'd join the Skrall


So I'ma come out and say it because your title resurfaced an old idea I had years ago LEGO could've made bank making gummy Masks and Kraanas that you could eat, but also use on BIONICLE sets Like 3 packs with their own flavor variety, one being Kanohi, one being Krana,.the other being Kraata.


The BIONICLE community should do an event where surrounding Rahkshi where we put all fan the made sons and daughters of Makuta in one big photo methinks


And cake for dessert


**insert Monster House clip** (you know the one)


Oh, you got an ass on you alright. See that's what he's talking about. Spread your ass open, dude. You can do the rump shaker, huh? The rahkshi shaker; gimme the rahkshi shaker, dude, shake your ass! Take your hands off it and shake that shit. Pull your shirt up, I know you can shake it, shake it! Yeah that's some rahkshi ass right there. Oh yeah, that'll work. You got the booty, dude! God damn. Look good, bro? Yes. Yeah nice, huh? Alright that'll work for him. Put that condom on.


Bears, worms, what does it matter? As long as they are gummy!
