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...Because it's different to what came before? Seems like an obvious answer. Fans have been complaining about each consecutive game moving further away from the tactical gameplay of DAO, and now it's gone full ARPG.   I don't mind that, because I quite like ARPGs as long as it's not a one-button combat system like a Bethesda game, but I'm not gonna sit here and act like I don't see how a genre change would piss off a lot of long-time fans.


That’s fair and rather understandable argument/criticism, I’m talking about the more out of the blue “it’s trash”, “It’s not like origins, therefore can’t be good”, “ it’s woke” type comments..


Oh. Well that's the difference between hate and criticism. Criticism = "I don't like the combat system because it's different to past games and I'm annoyed they keep ignoring the fans when we ask for more tactical gameplay." Hate = "It's trash!" Just ignore the hate. If they can't put in the effort to form an actual opinion, there's no reason for you to put in the effort to engage with them.


Dragon Age has *always* fit those people's definition of woke. You gotta understand when it comes to *that* line of thinking... The only profession that may be as old as prostitution, is riling folks up and getting them nice and angry for your own ends. When it comes to the "bad woke coming for muh childhood!" Non-sense... It's not that this game or that is suddenly woke, it's that you have content creators who don't actually have anything to offer. All they have to maintain views, to keep the clicks coming in, is outrage bait. *Thats the only way* these people know how to pay the bills. Yknow, cause they never learned how to get an actual job.


The game director labels them self as a "Queerosexual Gendermancer" so I don't have much hope for it to not be overly woke,


Out of the blue? The guy you responded to literally said, "Fans have been complaining about each consecutive game moving further away from the tactical gameplay of DAO". Fans have been saying, "Please stay with the formula in Dragon Age: Origins," and Bioware have said every time, "Nah, we're gonna move even further away." Audience: Origins is great, can't wait for more! DA2: We're changing some fundamental aspects of the gameplay to move away from Origins. Audience: No. More Origins please. It was a great start. DA3: We're building on the changes made in the second game to move even further away from Origins. Audience: What the fuck is wrong with you? DA4: Fantasy Mass Effect. But get this.....bad. Audience: What. The Fuck. Is wrong. WITH YOU!? And Andromeda was already bad! DA4: Bet.


I would be shocked and disappointed if dragon age wasn't “woke” Like its been progressive and full of representation from the beginning. Its one of the things I love about the series.


In current social media terms "woke" is used to refer to a media product that shoves these things forcefully into itself, keeps the main focus on the agenda rather than the product thus the end product comes off as tone deaf to consumers.. That's why the term "woke" is not the same as what DA does..


DA hasn't been a tactical crpg ever since 2011... not sure why all those people really thought veilguard was going back to that. Baldurs Gate 3 may set a precedent for the future, but this game has been in the works for a good while and crpgs are rarely hits in the broad market (unfortunately, though understandable)


No-one expected it to be an actual CRPG like BG3. DA has never been a full CRPG, but it did have a tactical camera and the option to micromanage every action each party member made every turn.  All three current DA games have an autopause option to pause the game after every turn and cycle through your party assigning actions for that turn. While they have cut back on the tactical aspect in each consecutive game until it's basically vestigial in Inquisition, the bare bones were still there. Veilguard is the first game to completely drop the turn-based combat, despite fans asking for more tactical gameplay, not less, so I'm unsurprised people are upset.


Am I the only one that hated the combat in Baldurs Gate 3? I can't comprehend that people find it more enjoyable than any of the Dragon Age games. What if instead of a fun combat system we had had turn based RNG Dice rolls that have you save scumming to get the result you want. It's the worst combat I've seen in an RPG in 25 years.


If BG3 combat is the worst in an RPG you've seen in 25 years, you have played literally 0 other CRPG's. You just don't like turn based tactics and that's okay, plenty enough people do considering bg3 got GOTY. It's like complaint about X-Com dice rolls. That's the point of the game.


Have you ever played dnd?


No. So why would that obligate me to like turn based combat?


Why would you play a dnd game that is based of dnd turn based combat then complain thats its turn based combat


I don’t play these RPGs for the combat. People are allowed to not like it and they’re allowed to talk about not liking it. You’ll live.


Yes they are but you are playing a game that is based on a tRPG then complaining that it uses those systems its like playing rogue trader and getting mad that its uses the system from you know rogue trader. It makes you sound like an idiot instead of it being valid criticism.


Baldurs Gate has way more to offer than being just a DND game. Its magic was in its story and characters, which can be just as good and compelling in literally any other media or game, not its combat. A lot of people didn’t like the turn based. If it’s your opinion that we’re idiots then fine but like… who asked?


You littraly engaged in conversation


I haven't played DnD but I've enjoyed a lot of turned based RPGs and tactical strategy games so I thought I would like the combat system in BG3. It just felt clunky and way too random to me. How can you strategize around using abilities that have extremely limited numbers of uses per battle (or per rest which is even more annoying) AND have a high chance of missing and doing nothing? I don't care that it's bad because it's based on DnD I just care that it's bad.


So the long of short of it is that dnd is based on originaly on old war games where the dice were ment to represent the accuracy and randomness of the battlefield. And when it comes to strategy it breaks down into fining what works and waht doesn't with your party comp while also managing resources and taking everything into account. Just like any modern table top or RPG. The dice rolls are littraly just a chance to hit system vs enemy armor/resistances. Which is what plenty of rpg systems use. XCOM, rogue trader, fallout, the elder scrolls before skyrim, and dragon age. To name a few.


I don't think they struck the right balance on RNG in BG3. Maybe it gets better at higher levels but even that seems like a flaw in the system to me. It didn't feel difficult it just felt like a slot machine and it didn't feel like anything I did in terms of strategy effected the game more than the roll of the dice. I could play the same battle the same way twice and easily whipe out the enemy or get run over by them depending on RNG. I also can't stress enough how bad I think the spell slot system is. Heres this cool sounding new spell! Oh it missed? I guess you won't see it work for the next hour until you get to a point where you can get back to camp and rest.


Almost every area lets you long rest. So you won't see 6th spell work until you finish the battle (I assume it didn't take you an hour?) because you can immediately long rest after and recover the spell slot. Larian actually thought about people like you and they gave absurd amounts of food to long rest. On honour mode I ended up with resources to long rest 40 times before the final battle. As for RNG, fair enough that you dislike it. People like me who don't mind it or even like it for making the game "surprising" generally think of rolls as part of the tactics. You can affect the rolls in multiple ways. Sometimes you can even make them almost guaranteed success sans critical failure (unless you play CHAD halfling). Honestly, if you dislike the dice, just play all wizard party and only cast magic missile lmao.


Every gaming community splits on this sort of thing to greater or lesser degrees when sequels come out. Even when companies play it safe and keep the gameplay nearly identical like with something like Starcraft 2 a certain proportion of the community will rebel because it doesn't quite feel the same. In terms of Bioware I remember people that were enraged over the loss of some rpg features in Mass Effect 2.


People don't want a hack n slash, simple as


I don't think people really know what hack in slash is then cuz that trailer wasn't hack in slash. Devil May Cry is hack n slash that trailer wasnt


The same people who didn't like DA:I's combat? All 5% of you...?


I have never seen anyone praise DAI's combat lol


Because it looked like a fantasy version of Mass Effect: Andromeda. Combat was a boring mash fest. Mash attack. Mash dodge. Mash to get up. You can’t control your companions, but here’s the Mass Effect ability wheel. Dialogue sounded like a B-list Marvel movie. It’s linear mission based instead of open world with exploration and more stories. They stripped away everything that made their games great out of pure fear it wouldn’t be successful. BG3’s success showed that they were wrong, were cowards to do so, and will likely be punished as such. If I wanted to play a linear hack and slash game I’d go do that. It’s a bastardization of what made the franchise successful and a misuse of the IP that’s greatly disappointing to fans of the series. They’re making a completely different game and slapping on the DA name to try to sell more copies. Soulless by EA as always. After DA2 they realized they made a huge mistake and tried to rectify some of that by at least partially returning to some of the roots of the series in Inquisition. Now it’s like they forgot any lesson that had learned and are determined to do it even worse this time. It looks gorgeous and could be a good game! Probably will be considering how much time and effort went into it. But it’s unlikely to be a GREAT game and it’s so wide of the mark of what fans wanted or expected. Another in the long list of ignoring what your audience is saying to hopefully chase a slightly higher profit margin, which usually backfires.


DA2 combat had the tactics system to round out the action style combat at least. If they hadn't reused so many map areas and had more inspired set pieces it would have been received better. This looks like the action of DA2 but with the tactics system of inquisition: aka none.


To be fair, DAI was linear in the first quest. This is likely the intro quest to learn the controls.


I’m not exclusively referring to the gameplay reveal. BioWare came out and said it was “linear, mission-based” rather than open world like the other three games. So that means linear in a way entirely unlike what we’ve seen so far. Basically, they’re giving us Mass Effect gameplay (which was clear from the gameplay reveal anyway). Works great when it’s a space opera about galactic special forces with guns and shooting, and Shepard was supposed to be “the guy” so being unable to control (only command) your companions made sense too. Definitely does not fit the vibe with Dragon Age at all.


Afaik the game changed direction multiple times and finally just a few years ago it changed from a live service game to a single player choice driven one, that could be the reason for the art style being a lot different(tho subjectively they don’t look bad to me, miles better than the companion trailer ), as well as diluted choices for dialogues, whether this effected the actual writing of the game remains to be seen..


Yes they had a ton of issues during development. Originally DA4 was supposed to be a smaller scale “in between” game that was the story of a scout/spy in Tevinter with heists and espionage. That got canceled. Then they had the “Dreadwolf as a live service game” thing that got canceled. Seems like there was no clarity of vision and we the fans are suffering for it. I think objectively the game is gorgeous. You just shouldn’t have to choose between a gorgeous game with big cinematic set pieces and a solid BioWare RPG with the writing and character relationships that they’re known for. BG3 proved the genre is still not dead, so it’s difficult for fans to stomach the massive pivot in direction for the series after hoping they learned lessons from the reception they got for DA2 and the hints of course correction for DA:I. Especially considering DA:O was also a huge “BioWare RPGs are not dead!” statement game. Honestly no one I know was actually expecting a true turn based RPG, it was always going to be more action focused than something like Origins. However, something more similar to Inquisition (which still got a lot of flak in the fandom) would’ve been more palatable than this.


>  It’s linear mission based instead of open world This is the best thing I've heard about the game.  If DAI had been like this, no boring open world and a few more main story missions, it would have been so much better.


Yessssss this! Thank you for explaining it so perfectly.


Negativity drives engagement on the Internet. Pay no mind.


Yeah, tho it’s frustrating to see so much negativity around something u love..


Most underrated comment in the last decade. This and only this. The internet was more fun when you didn’t have people in your ear telling you exactly what they think or don’t think. Just keep scrolling and you’ll be fine.


Exactly. BioWare is an easy target. Everyone is looking at the engagement they got out of the Andromeda firestorm and trying to replicate. I was so relieve when I saw the DAV gameplay trailer.


2 main reasons, it's not Origins 2 and Bioware's reputation is still in shambles after the last decade of missteps. Anyway as a dragon age fan who considers Inquisition as thier favorite I'm very excited for this. I'm not mad about the shift away from CRPGs because we have gotten so many great ones in the last 10 years, what we lost with dragon age shifting away from CRPGs we gained with Pillars of Eternity, Larian, and Owlcat


I think a lot of the discussion and consternation with how Veilguard looks/plays is people hoping we would get old BioWare type of energy back, and it's like most of the team that built those old games is gone, it's a ton of new talent it's going to be different for a different era. I understand people wanting the series to get back to its tactical roots, but I think that ship has sailed. If you’re not into it, that’s cool, this ain’t going to be the game for you. I’m open minded to it. Gameplay looked great to me, and I think if the deeper mechanics are there, and the story is good, then great!


Yes people kept hoping for a CRPG those days are gone for BioWare


Yep those days were gone the moment Mass Effect 2 was released to universal acclaim


It just looks so painfully boring lmao. They picked a level 1 character for a gameplay demo, just to try to show off a ton of cinematics... that doesnt scream confidence in the game.


That’s really a head-scratcher dunno showing off gameplay with a lvl 1 character doesn’t seem like the best way to paint the game a good picture..


Yep, the gameplay demo is supposed to be a highlight of... The gameplay. Oversell me on this thing!  Instead it looks like my first ARPG with Bioware, which is not a great look...


I don't hate it. However, the Rogue seemed rather floaty. Didn't feel like the attacks had much impact. That being said it might feel different when playing it myself. Not to mention it might change before release. But the biggest thing I've seen people say is its 4 different combat styles in 4 games at this point.


If it gets delayed, there might be a chance for a change otherwise it’s pretty unlikely..


Because the combat is the most generic hack and slash I've ever seen.


I'm disappointed that the game, and series, is losing all CRPG roots. These are full on action/adventure games. I'm still optimistic about the game. I don't dislike action games, but I would prefer it to be a CRPG. Also, BioWare has burned through all of its good will with fans over the years. That's going to result in people disliking whatever you produce. And finally, the internet is toxic.


Agreed. Personally I would’ve preferred it to be a BG3 or DOS2 type CRPG with intricate dialogues and combat systems. Although it is going to be a full on ARPG, I’ll love it if the story is great..


Very underrated comment. I think A lot of us are very, very tired with Bioware doing a hash job. We know the protentional for it to fail and the development cycle was a mess, its treatment of its employees garbage.


Try not to get caught up in it. I watched the gameplay trailer and came out way more excited than I expected. Can not fucking wait and a bunch of chronically online whiney assholes aren't going to change that.


Yeah this..


I think its because the game has evolved so much that the people that got in at Origins cant relate anymore. I also felt that the transition to ARPG is now complete, and that also rubs the old guard the wrong way. For me, I think the gameplay is just fine but I also felt that way with DA2. However, the story with DA2 was ultimately good and the whole go from zero to hero was satisfying. I dont get that vibe here. I also think they chose the rogue because it was the flashiest and there was a point where they were fighting on a ledge and the enemies didnt fall off until they died, which was kinda sad to watch. I think the story has to be at least as good as DA2 if it plays like it shows, otherwise its the end for many.


My main problem was the dialogue was bad seemed to fall into the marvelification of dialogue happening in a lot of media


If you’re talking about the companion trailer, yes..


Party size went down to 3. This is overlooked by many but it is in fact a big red flag, specially when the 4 party size is almost a staple of this genre. Can’t control the other 2 party members. This is even worse that the previous point, part of the excitement of gathering new party members is to be able to play with them, even if in the long run you play the most with your MC you still get to try them and get the feel of how the other classes play without having to make a new run. 7 party members is totally fine but it is also the lowest number we have ever had. It was mentioned you can switch to other skills but the gameplay showed only 3 active skills at the same time, I don’t get how a mage will play like that. Many enemies look even more cartoonish than the characters themselves, specially the Pride Demon and dark spawns. Honestly even if the gameplay was totally fine I am afraid that first trailer has damaged the first impression for many people in the internet. The problem is that you are being exposed to the “it is not like DAO” or “this is woke” comments which unfortunately are the biggest noice out there. I will definitely play it because I am a sucker for this franchise and need to know how the story continues but I don’t expect to enjoy it as much as the previous games, I only hope I am wrong.


I saw both genuine criticisms and these noisy comments, these noises are what I’m talking about in this post. The game doesn’t seem a great DA game( as of now) but it’s certainly not “trash”.. And yeah all of the things you mentioned, very true..


I just didn’t like the combat it was not fluid it was bad, check Witcher 3 combat with light armor this is a rogue , all animations and combat reminded me of the Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance and this was bad


Yes you’re bang on point, the combat even if it stays this way, can look way better if the animations are a bit more fluid, even like the Jedi games ( they too have very fluid animations)..


>even like the Jedi games I'm your classic "not like DAO" style hater but if the combat was like Jedi: fallen order I would eat my words in a heartbeat.


it doesnt have to be a souls like combat just the animations can be improved if they are taken from the fallen order. Still some might say the animations are not that important but this is an Action RPG, its not a tactical RPG anymore its not like dragon age origins, even the animations in da 2 and da 3 were better than this. Lets hope for the best and that only the rogue animations are so bad so I would not touch it ;>


People don’t like it


I’ve never played a DragonAge so my only point of reference is images/clips I have seen. The new cartoony style does seem like a departure, but I don’t think it’s fundamentally a bad thing. BUT- it does make me MORE skeptical of the game than I had been before (and I was pretty skeptical already) AND I think the enemy designs looks straight up lame in the promo material they have released. Like, very ‘play this random mobile game’ looking enemies.


Yes definitely agree on the monsters part, they look like some random glowing neon monsters, will wait for more gameplay or info drop on that one..


People will find any reason to be negative and with the perception around BioWare at the moment isn’t great. I turned off the live chat cuz it was just so much hating.


I never even bothered looking at the chat, nothing but hate, negativity and culture war tourists spouting their far right drivel. A friend and I, on Discord, were both super excited and gushing about everything in the trailer!


Most of them are people who will probably never even touch the game and don’t care about DA. I for one am excited(not hyped), but I excited to return to Thedas


That’s what I’m talking about too, most of em don’t even care about DA, some of them surely do and are genuinely skeptical or critical, u can easily spot them tho..


A lot of the ones that do care about DA and are critical are offering valid reasons that they aren’t super thrilled, but it’s so easily drowned out by people just spamming “L” or “this makes me feel sick”


Bioware has been making garbage ever since Inquisition which was their last game that was remotely good. Studio warrants hate and indifference at this point because there's literally nothing about the Bioware that people loved, that still survives in the current studio.


Because it's awful. And not because of the action combat system, I love action, but the good ones. What I see is mid as its best, like a two world or kingdom of amalur game. Not a Dragon Age made by Bioware.


It didn’t look too awful, but certainly not close to BioWare level. Although I’ll give it benefit of the doubt until release, just in case there’s a bit more depth to the gameplay..


It didn't look too awful? Imho yes, it's pure garbage. Early ps3 vibes, three skill ready to use in total, boring attack and dodge in loop, with also the most awful dodge ever seen. the arrow attack where you have every time to recalibrate the sight (and also why he use it? In close range it's pretty useless). Combat system is the most boring ever seen, it completely lacks depth. Long corridors with monsters and events scripted around. Arena, corridors. Skimpy dialogues with multiple choices directly taken from fallout 4: smile, sad, angry. Art style is completly fucked up, It seems like a sad little game created with Fortnite map creation.


We both know very little about the combat system as of now, dunno how u mapped the depth of the system by looking at a lvl 1 character( clearly opening hours) 20 mins gameplay, as for the art style, it’s a subjective thing, it’s not on par with DA2 by any means but it does look way better than the reveal trailer ( which was basically marvel in fortnite), faces look better too( compared to DAI) but then again it’s a subjective thing. “Long corridor, scripted events” Again it is the OPENING HOURS of the game. So I’m just gonna wait till release and give it a fair chance before calling it “awful”..


After seeing the veilguard trailer Baldur’s Gate 3 feels a lot more like Dragon Age Origins. And that’s a problem, when dragon age doesn’t feel like dragon age anymore. It’s the same issue with andromeda vis a vis mass effect


The only DA game that felt like Origins, was well, Origins. Veilguard is a continuation of the decisions behind DA2 and DAI, which it frankly looks and feels like. Seems a bit silly to say "it's a problem when Dragon age doesn't feel like dragon age anymore" when Veilguard has more commonalities with the series as a whole than Origins does.


Yes that’s something I’ve felt too..


I am legitimately looking forward to Greedfall 2. It seems other franchises are going to be more Dragon Age than Dragon Age going into the future.


Anthem looked amazing at E3...til we found out what they showed was not game play. The game had not been finished. Me, I love Dragon Age and ME but with Anthem...Andromeda..I'll wait to buy


Skepticism is completely fine, I’m rather talking about negativity surrounding the game without even considering the fact that it might be good enough…


I know.. but showing game play means nothing at this point. What BioWare showed at E3.. wasn't game play for Anthem..it was the pitch for investors. The game had not even been started, so they torched their own credibility. It's BioWares job to regain its customers trust. For me, this will be the first game of theirs that haven't pre-ordered.


Well, yeah Anthem certainly didn’t help anything. So waiting for the reviews is a good thing, I’m doing the same too..


I'm one of the people who are unhappy with the combat, never posted here or on YT though. I love Mass Effect but ME and DA:O were very different beasts and I believe its the people who loved Origins and the traditional CRPGs who are voicing their dissatisfaction. Most likely it's a very vocal minority as the sales figures looked better with the later games. What I don't like is the loss of character agency as a result of the dialogue wheel and that DA continously lost it's combat and skill depth in favor of simplicity, fast paced action combat and flashy ridiculous motions/movement. I will still buy the game, but make my wife play it for me so I can see the main story segments, as I really don't enjoy this kind of gameplay personally. Reason being I simply don't have good enough reflexes and the combat becomes horribly frustrating. I loved DAO for it's slow, tactical and methodological approach to the combat, just like other top-down perspective CRPGs. I tend to crank up the difficulty to get a good challenge and these games don't allow me to enjoy it the way I prefer. That said nothing wrong with the game, simply not my cup of tea and I feel a slight disappointment as I played DA:O 6 times, while DA2 once and DAI I had to put my wife on it as it was just boring :) TLDR: Disappointment in the changes to combat design from DA2 onwards.


For me the artstyle looks too cartoonish. I originally thought this was some battle royale game before I saw the gameplay which looked pretty much similar to me. The other aspect is the combat itself. I feel like It's going to be repetitive after a while and i'm just going to be spamming auto attack 95% of the time. Add to the fact that if I didn't actually see Dragon Age characters I would have thought this was another IP and I was pretty disappointed.


It’s pretty glaringly obvious where people are coming from in terms of combat. From DAO with however many spells/abilities you please really. To DA2 which took it down a bit and leans into action a bit more, still a decent amount of abilities though. Then DAI which really felt narrowed down and a bit bleh, once you got specialisation however it ended up feeling okay but still repetitive at times. And now Veilguard with a whole 3 abilities.


On a most likely level 1 character, with the possibility of probably switching out abilities between combat.


3 at a time doesn’t mean 3 total.


No, it means 3 at a time, compared to more than 3 at a time in the previous games. The shrinking hot bars feel like the transition to a mobile game.


Because I’m a fan of DA:O. The franchise no longer resembles anything which I originally loved so I’m done with both it and BioWare. They no longer want my business I guess so I’ll take my money elsewhere.


3 abilities and no control over your team mates. Not what people were hoping for. They really needed to showcase a higher level party. I don't know what they were thinking. The gameplay they showed was basically dodge and attack repeatedly for 15 minutes. They had one ability they could use through the entire presentation and they kept opening the pause wheel and selecting it like they were making some kind of tactical decision. Dude, you have one skill and one skill only. You aint thinking through shit. They should have limited the level one stuff to 1 or 2 fights then jumped forward to a party that could actually do something interesting. You don't need to spoil anything doing that. Just have a high level party fighting some random mobs. I am not sold on the art style. You say it looks better than Inquisition but I dunno. It's drifting too far into Borderlands for me. All the skin lacks texture of any kind. They look too cartoony. So that's my issues with it. I think a lot of the complaints are coming from a similar place.


>no control over your team mates. There was a disclaimer in the video that teammate control was only disabled for that early portion of the game.


Then show a later segment? If the point of the trailer is to showcase the game then showcase it. Don't show us half the features disabled and then promise us it's better in the real game.


I think Mike Gamble had to put out screenshot on his twitter to practically confirm that it will be mass effect 3 level of companion control. This kinda shows that Mike is not the one who direct this show but has to chime in from time to time to save it. The one who directed the showcase (cinematic and gameplay) did not do a good job at all to advertise this game to potential customers...


compare to inquisition ‘s gameplay demo: https://youtu.be/fCGJACVoMPI?feature=shared https://youtu.be/cuR2zMuUBaY?feature=shared https://youtu.be/WdXvFEEBZeo?feature=shared Honestly a 10 year old game looks better


I'm not advocating for the way the show was handled. I'm just saying there was a disclaimer present. I do think the disclaimer placement was odd because it didn't show up until maybe halfway through the video and it wasn't very overt.


Yeah I agree that early level combat showcase is a weird decision. Wish they chose a later mission with at least combo prime and detonation :?


And different classes. 20 minutes of level 1 rogue truly was one of the decisions of all time


Lol yeah I was expecting some cutting segments of different characters but nope ...


"Okay, we've seen basic basic rogue moveset. Now they're gonna show us either starting warrior/mage or advanced rogue. Wait, why are they still showing us same stupid spinny heavy attack (I hate the amount of spins there was, quick dagger stab looked really nice though) for 15th minute?"


Lol It's also really weird that they kept highlighting the pause power wheel multiple time with "companion command" but there is only one ability available and it can be casted without pausing ... From the cinematic trailer to this, they have missed 2 easy chances to blow people away with what they have been cooking up for 10 years ... I'll probably still buy this at launch, though...


Here’s my thought on why the early game footage: Solas and Verrick are probably out of the game after act 1 with some new villain popping up and Verrick (and possibly solas dead). Part of the mystery of this game for so many years was resolving inquisition’s cliff hanger. I think that gets solved fairly early in the game but they wanted Solas in the trailer to ease the name change and connections to the last game. I’m sensing a bait and switch later


For me, it just looks kinda cartoony. Not really the style I was hoping for. I’m still really excited though.


At this point I just want Dragon Age: Origins 2. The original DA:O was fantastic. It took what Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 did to the genre, and turned it up to 11 with a modern engine. Every Dragon Age game since then has veered further away from tactical party-based RPG and further towards action RPG that happens to have companions along, basically like Dragon's Dogma. And that's fine for the folks that enjoy that, but I miss the series' roots. Am I the only person who feels this way? They must be catering to \_someone\_, so there's gotta be gamers who want more of DA:I than DA:O.


>do people forget how ARPGs work DA is a *tactical RPG*, **not** an ARPG. That is why people are up in arms over the combat continually getting more like ARPG combat.


DA:O was a tactical RPG. DA2 and DA:I are far more “action-y” than DA:O was, so this feels like a fairly natural evolution of that gameplay design choice.


DA2 and Inquisition were also tactical RPGs because they were still built on turn-based combat and had the option to auto-pause the game after every turn. At lower difficulties you can just hack and slash and let your party members autoattack, but if you wanted to or needed to, you absolutely had the option to turn on autopause and micromanage everything every party member did every turn. I don't mind the new combat in Veilguard because I enjoy dodge-based combat, but it is a change from what's come before, and a lot of the long-term fans who've been playing the series for 20 years now have been very vocal about their displeasure over the gradual phase-out of tactical play with each new game.


> DA2 and DA:I are far more “action-y” than DA:O was, so this feels like a fairly natural evolution of that gameplay design choice. Each step farther away from DA:O is a step in a direction I dislike.


That’s a fair take, but My point is when judging a game on its systems, it’s better to judge a game for what it is and not what is could’ve been..


You can say that as much as you would like, but the reality is that people will always look at this and think about what it could have been.


Which is a valid preference to have, but that doesn’t mean that “Dragon Age” is and has always been a tactical RPG or that somehow DAV is going to feel like a wild departure from the rest of the series. If anything, each game has played quite different from its preceding game.


>If anything, each game has played quite different from its preceding game. Each game has moved farther away from DA:O in gameplay.


Well, I haven’t sent much negativity. The game looks great! Though one issue is that with the success of a CRPG like Baldur’s Gate 3 - the same series BioWare launched to success with and directly influences the development of their own IP in Dragon Age: Origins, the wholesale abandonment of its CRPG roots might rub some long time fans the wrong way. Or some people are just salty purists with an undercurrent of racism and misogyny. Could be either, could be both. There was a reason the BioWare Social Network shutdown.


That’s a good point, I loved BG3 and absolutely still think about it everyday. However, imo ur judgement of one product( that isn’t even released) shouldn’t dictate how u perceive other ones, just like there were criticisms when BG3 was announced to be turn based and not RTwP, but it turned out incredible nonetheless…


I fully agree with you. I liked what I saw with the gameplay trailer and intent to pick it up when it releases as a long time fan of the series; it’s just interested to juxtapose BG3 with where DAV landed as they are both narratively driven RPGs with vastly different gameplay which I am fine with. DA has been always pining to be more action based and evolve from its CRPG roots. It’d honestly be a bit weird if it retreated back to where DAO was. I’m just glad to see a roleplaying and strong narrative elements from the get go.


Folks love to hate, factually. A sequel will never be as good as it's predecessor for many people; but regardless, we'll have to wait and see. If the game is good, the numbers will probably tell us (i particularly got pretty damn hyped)


Not at all. at least personally. ME3 was my favourite game of that franchise and BG2 over BG1 for example.


My concern is also that so many fantastic writers left en masse :') And the rifts got annoying fast in Inquisition so I'm not stoked if that's a mechanic that they're bringing back. But gameplay-wise they confirmed over Instagram that you can still pause and control companions. It just wasn't in the trailer, likely as you said because it was an early level rogue


Can u link the insta post where they confirmed it?..


Sure thing! https://www.instagram.com/p/C8FPUbBpKdp/?igsh=MWJ0YmJ1a2U0amZoeQ==


I wasn’t blown away by the art-style. It looked cheap and unimaginative… feels like they copy-pasted a bunch of Pixar monsters into a kid’s game. The combat looked uninspired and low-stakes. It looks like a hack-and-slash with no true identity. I mean, I mostly liked Andromeda, found DA:Inquisition somewhat forgettable, and never played the older DA games. I played the shit out of Mass Effect 1-3, as well as Kotor.. so I know what it feels like to play a game made with love. This looks like a game made by Blizzard. No shame whatsoever when I say I’ll wait to hear what the trad gamers say, since they’re usually more right than wrong about this kinda thing.


Thank you!! I've been thinking this the whole time, lol. That trailer made me so hype for the game I've watched it three times (and I have a small child, lol).


Mostly because Bioware hasnt made a good game in more than a decade? People are obviously cautious and distrustful


Edit: Sorry, my reply came of a bit more blunt than I intended. But it's not aimed at you at all. :) I think the game looks like generic crap, but I'm also not posting complaints about it either, because it's not exactly a surprise. It's not my type of game (generic AAA), nor did I expect it to be after DA3. That said, I didn't finish watching the end of the trailer because it was so bad. So maybe the last couple minutes showed something better. Maybe the questions I ask below were answered and I missed it by only watching once. But that's the exact problem, this is a gameplay reveal it should be exciting, not boring. Elden Ring isn't my kind of game either, but I'm interested in it because I like good games, even if I'll never play them myself. But since your asking, and I just had this conversation with a roommate... And it's slow at work... This "gameplay reveal" was fumbled, HARD. It looks like it was made by the same marketing teams that make video game trailers that have nothing but cutscenes in them. People that don't actually play video games and have no idea how to get players excited. It was doing the same as a generic cutscene trailer, relying on beautiful visuals instead of **actual** gameplay... In a gameplay reveal. I've been lied to through omission too many times to make any assumptions outside of what was shown. And they showed VERY little. It didn't seem like actual gameplay, no menus, no leveling up, no gear or item loot to look at. Etc. It was more of a highly scripted cutscene that the player had some minor input on. ie lowest common denominator AAA crap that relies on visuals. I'm not saying the game is that, per say. But that's what this trailer advertised. It was the opening tutorial (I assume?). So 75% not actual gameplay. Mostly cutscenes and running through hallways where you have no real effect, ie more cutscenes. And in the actual combat the player had like zero or one ability almost the entire time. Combat looked jenky. It obviously auto locked into targets/never miss, and in a jerky awkward way. Indicating to me that the player didn't even have to aim at all. And it also was visually obvious that it was *extremely* easy (hopefully a difficulty setting? Regardless it made combat look uninteresting). Yes, I know it's early game. That's no excuse. That's bad design. It doesn't take 30 minutes to learn how to use one button. This isn't a game being aimed at people who have never played a video game before. And even if it is, the trailer especially should not be aimed at that type of person. Early game doesn't have to be this boring and simplistic for so long. Maybe not me, but a lot of people like DA. But this not what you show off as a gameplay reveal to the world. All this combined makes it appear to be a very boring button mash-a-thon. The player kept dodging back for no reason. To try to make it look like combat was not mind numbingly boring? Instead it just looked like a journalist from PCGamer trying to play instead. The other characters (I hesitate to say party members since they were so irrelevant) didn't seem to actually do anything at all except taking a couple pot shots randomly. Are they relevant at all? Do you control them in any way? Do they even have hp, can they be attacked? No clue, but they seemed pointless outside of lore dumping. Tons of big demons that were not actually interactable and just flew by abducting NPCs. Constant cut scenes taking away control of the character. Again, this feels like a cutscene I walk through, not gameplay for showing off in a gameplay reveal. This is sort of what I mean when it feels like those crappy trailers made by marketing. Ohh, look at the big red demon fly by!! So exciting!! Ohh, he almost got me! Glad he missed! When anyone who actually has played a video game before knows it's scripted and purely visual, not a threat in any way. Yes it's pretty, yes it can be interesting when you are invested into the story/characters. But none of that was true, we don't know or care about any characters yet. Again, this was supposed to be a gameplay reveal. Perfectly linear hallways. No exploration. No items even. At least, nothing shown in this gameplay trailer. That might detract from the pretty visuals. We all know that's the only thing that really matters, pretty graphics... in a gameplay reveal. And going back to 'lied through omission...' Should I assume that there are items to explore for and find? Well I've had MMOs not show a chat window before. Guess what, there wasn't one. There was 100% no way to talk to the random guy standing next to you in game (Destiny 2). I don't assume anymore. This DA game is beautiful. Gorgeous even. But outside of that it felt like uninspired extremely generic AAA crap we've already seen many times and (for the people complaining) still don't care about. Like yet another over the shoulder generic action game with a DA skin. A game I didn't care about before it was copied 82 times. Or maybe it is more like an interactive video like Last of Us. Super linear, no choices to be made, almost irrelevant exploration, just mindlessly do the only thing you are allowed to do at this moment. DAO was the game that brought about the resurgence of CRPGs. It was the first 'BG3' in a way. It had amazing characters, interesting loot, fun classes/builds, tactical and fun combat that took some amount of effort beyond button mashing. If this game has any of that, it was not shown at all. Yes I know this is not DAO, but those things are not exclusive to a top down strategic CRPG. Finish fantasy rebirth is over the shoulder and has an those things. Why doesn't DA have any of it? My assumption is because it's aimed at lowest common denominator, doesn't want to scare any one away by making them think. Hence the disdain for the game. People online looking up videos and taking about games in forums are not usually the type to like that kind of game. A lot of people who didn't play the third game because it changed genres, were hoping for a return to DAO or DA2 style thanks to the explosion of BG3. Not understanding that this game has been in development LONG before BG3 released and blew up. They don't realize that a BG3 direction was never going to happen. So they had unrealistic hopes that were let down. But even beyond that. Despite every AAA dev and Kotaku writer crying about it on release, BG3 has in fact raised expectations. Even outside of the camera view and being more action focused. BG3 has shown just how much an RPG can do to tell a video game story instead of a story in a video game. Multiple endings, drastically different pathways to get there, player freedom to do what felt like almost anything was possible. Again those things are not exclusive to top down strategy CRPGs. They can and should be in a DA game, even if it is more action oriented now. But this trailer has NOTHING except lore dump and extremely linear hallway button mashing... Oh, and it's very, very pretty.


Context is everything dude, check the comments I'm a BG3 fan and would've loved a crpg with intricate choices and tactical gameplay but this game most recently was supposed to be another live service crap, which might be the reason for the shallow rpg mechanics( based on current knowledge of the game). This shouldn't be an excuse when judging the game ofcourse and the things u pointed out are very true and I absolutely agree with them but deep down I'm happy that the devs successfully pivoted from making the game another live service doa game, and do keep in mind this thing was in development way before the exposure of BG3 so if the series survives there might be a way in a post BG3 world that the devs decide to give the tactical crpg a try... Now about tlou being an interactive video, that's the only objectively wrong statement in your comment, not every game is or needs to be choice driven or rpg. Tlou intended to tell a narrative with a linear action/resource management gameplay and executed that masterfully.


After having been spoiled by BG3, no one wants simplistic watered-down combat with zero strategy or tactics


Yes and we've been playingg games like that for some time DOS2, Pathfinder Wotr, it's sad to see the devs previously known for these types of games aren't making it anymore...


I’ll admit I was VERY worried after the original reveal, but I wanted to reserve judgement until I saw the gameplay reveal and man, I don’t think I’ve ever been so relieved in my life. I for one thought the gameplay reveal was AWESOME! I actually think it’s kinda cool how it’s a bit more action packed


There's a loud minority that simply lashes out whenever anything that's not DA:O comes out. "But I want tactics!" "This isn't horror!" "I'm not buying this!" "DA stop being DA after Origins." Personally, I couldn't be happier that they're not going back to Origins combat. The only good thing of it was the variety of abilities, which DA2 had, and this so much better than Origins. I will say that I'm not too keen on only having 3 abilities as Rook (9 including companions) since I play mage, but I'm hopeful that they found a way to keep it entertaining and explosive. I would say ignore them. I'm planning on pre-ordering and enjoying another amazing sequel in the DA world. If they don't want to play it, so be it.


I think the simple answer is that BioWare isn't even a shell of it's former self at this point, it's a shell of the shell of it's former self. No one has any faith that they can make anything approaching a truly good game and Veilguard is only going to continue to milk what was a good franchise dry. I guess there's always a puncher's chance that it could be decent but the current staff is so much more focused on DEI and other outside factors that have nothing to do with actual game development that it's almost impossible to imagine this game being anymore than a disappointment at best and yet another disaster at worst.


It looks pretty great imo yeh.


The combat they showed looked boring. That's really all it comes down to. You can make up excuses about why anyone criticizing the trailers absolutely *must* be wrong because you've already attached your identity to the game, but that doesn't change the reality of where the complaints are coming from.


bro why are you reaching so hard about someone attaching their identity to the game on an opinion post. you can disagree with it just fine without claiming weird stuff about them especially when they're earnest in their confusion.


Attaching identity?.. dude slowdown If a game’s combat, which is shown to be level 1 ( which admittedly wasn’t the best choice) looks boring and that’s enough reason for u to call it “trash” before it’s even out or has a chance to be reviewed, then it’s not a criticism rather it’s hate..


Because the combat is nothing impressive or new compared to existing games


Horrible Andromeda style dialogue wheel with uninspired and ultimately meaningless voice lines that have little relation to the prompt chosen: Check Fast paced button mash combat: Check In what was once **Tactical rpg with multiple If:then statements covering your squadmates ability usage and tactics all dependent upon type of enemy, condition, health, who they were attacking, and who they were near** we now have this shite. Button mash alongside the illusion of your companion's actions in combat contributing at all: Check Redesigned art style for a considerably less dark tone and make it more kiddy and less violent by removing blood and adding bright lights Ala Diablo 3: Check Incredibly bland, overly cartoony, and very unappealing companions (even past companions look shit): Check A once incredibly smart and capable villain undone by a level 1 rogue who takes out wooden support beams: Check Painfully obvious and uninspired predicted Solas arc of "I had measures in place to mitigate loss of life but every single one of them was ruined by you in the course of trying to stop me." I mean... Need I go on? Where is my Dark Fantasy tactical rpg with mature and interesting, characters, voice acting, and story? This Cartoony/fortnite style, kiddy, T-rated, braindead action combat with **a sprinkling** of rpg flavor certainly isn't it.


These are genuine criticisms, and as a DA fan I’ve always wanted a grittier more grounded, tactically sound crpg with tons of choices that matter and not to mention the emoji style dialogue wheel.. I agree with every point their is( although again the artstyle doesn’t look bad to me, a subjective thing), I’m still trying to give it benefit of doubt until release, maybe they’ll still tell a story worth playing for, knowing they were originally gonna make this game a live service garbage, I can understand some of the “hero shooter vibes”, but let’s see if they did manage to make it work with a sincere story and/or if the combat manages to get more in depth with progression( people who had access to 1 hour gameplay showcase say it was much better, watch the preview articles)


Maybe they'll have a decent parry/dodge system in place that makes the gameplay loop somewhat engaging... Though I'd be lying if I said I played dragonage or really ANY rpg for the gameplay loop. For me, it's all about the dark fantasy atmosphere/companions, dialogue, story, themes, and vibes for me. As far as it being a good dragonage game? That ship has sailed for me. >I agree with every point their is( although again the artstyle doesn’t look bad to me, a subjective thing), I’m still trying to give it benefit of doubt until release Fair enough. I'm personally unable to muster up that sort of optimistic zeal anymore. I'm too old and have seen too many IPs stumble and fall rather than succeed. Twoface's line in The Dark Knight echoes in my mind more and more as I get older. I hope you like it Cheers


I think it’s fine for people to be concerned after trailer one. When EA says here is the game trailer and BioWare says here is the gameplay and they look like different games…that’s not in any way good to me. We’re also in a time where companies are releasing unfinished games to unprecedented levels and really hiding it in the pre-release stages. I’ve seen footage for Avowed months ago. I am having a hard time believing Dragon Age is releasing on the same timeframe when we just got footage in the last few weeks. Like, come on now. Hope to be wrong but do I trust EA? No, no I don’t. Haven’t for years I’m not saying I think it’s fine for people to go wild in their negativity though, there’s always a “bridge too far” and I’ll never support it.


DA:O had that same issue with tonally different trailers coming from EA compared to what the game really was so that doesn't really bother me. I'm excited but I also know I might be in the minority because of how different the game has seemingly become. But i agree that we can't trust EA, they've shown too many times that they're willing to run there properties into the ground.


I thought it looked absolutely freaking terrible from beginning to end. It was like they were trying to take dungeons and dragons and slam it into fortnite and somehow crossbreed it into world of Warcraft. I don't know what the fuck that was but there's no way I'm buying that. Dragon age is dead and unfortunately... So most likely, is bioware. I don't think they will survive another flop... Anybody have any idea what the stories about? How about gameplay mechanics? Always online? (Of course it is, EA right) Cash shop? (Of course, EA) That's stupid season bullshit? (Of course, EA) Yeah. I'm pretty sure this is the end of another franchise, and most likely studio. I hope to God I'm wrong. I loved and played through dragon age 1 and 2 multiple times, and I even suffered through Inquisition twice.. but I don't think I can do this. It just looks awful


Aren't they working on a new Mass Effect already? If that is well into development, I think they can survive this flop. But I think DA franchise absolutely needs this game. You can't have a franchise survive when the order of the ratings matches the release order. They can't be getting worse as we go along.


My concern would be if they miss the mark by this much with Dragon Age they are likely to also miss the mark with Mass Effect, they already once and failed to really understand why.


That's fair, especially if the team handling the game is the same. I was picturing two completely separate groups working on each game. Someone brought up a point that killed my biggest hope: the idea that they've learnt a lesson. I forgot that Inquisition's initial reception was good. As far as CEO metrics go, the game was probably a success. It wasn't until months later people starting complaining about bloat and lack of focus. Nowadays, DAI is one of the prime examples of the open world trend getting out of control. I guess we'll see. I think the last nail in the coffin for me was finding out the lead director had no rpg prior experience, and used to work on the Sims mobile game. Hopefully talent is talent, and we'll see a great game. There's so many "hopefully"'s involved, though :(


Woke is just anything that bothers them - queers, vegans, brown and black people, women. Aspects of reality no longer totally and completely reflect them, so it makes them uncomfortable, and instead of using it to check in with themselves they blame others. Low emotional intelligence.


Because it looks bad. Forget comparisons to Origins or any other game. It just doesn't look like good combat or gameplay. It's very generic, button mashy and floaty. Even the inclusion of vaulting over low walls, tip-toeing across wooden planks, and sliding down a steep incline is very bland and generic. These things were included only to give you the feeling of variety in exploration. Im fine with the combat being less tactical, faster and having more oomph...every game goes further in that direction since Origins. But this is an entirely different kind of combat. With no control over your companions, reducing the party size from 4 to 3 and the very generic minute to minute gameplay and horrible new enemy designs, this game just feels like they wanted to make a different game. If we take into consideration all of the comparisons to Origins and the even the other 2 games. They had 10 years...and this is what we get? Obviously, older fans who have been around since Origins and the old CRPG style are going to be mad and disappointed.


The woke thing tickles me. DA has always been "woke." Where the fuck you been? lol. I just assume at this point that most of the complainers haven't touched the series, or a BioWare game, and are using this as another instance of their bullshit culture war.


I think the game looks fantastic, gameplay looks like it could get a bit stale but I’m reserving judgement.


Because it’s not like DA:O. Some folks are intimidated by real time combat.


For some, your first point is completely valid. But intimidated? By the combat we were shown? I’m not sure about that one.


Nah he's being sincere. There are people who legit cannot beat DA games without pausing, ordering party to hold position, and then baiting enemies with their tank as the rest of their party; likely 3 OP origin mages; nuke them safely. These are the same rabid people that complained about DA2's combat even though that was the best combat of the series AND still included our beloved tactics menu. They came back again to complain about Inquisition because if they were baited too far from rift, they would reset. These same people act like elitist saying hack and slash is less skillfull when they're playing the entire game with pause. They're basically FTL players in Thedas. Anyone who plays FTL or any game with pause knows that the game is tougher without pause and yet they always pretend like they're above you because they abuse a mechanic that developers wanted to balance. OP mages and baiting. It's fun the first few runs, but it's so stale when you've gone through multiple runs. I have played these games every which way, and the ones I go back to are 2 and 3. They're inherently more fun. I revisit 1 when I want a gamestate that I was directly involved in, or just want to revisit. 2 is a quick story with very fun gameplay. Inquisition held up pretty well for 10 years and once it's routed, ie get to Skyhold asap, it's a lot of fun. I remember hating it moving from 2 into 3 because well, we all explored Hinterlands and player controls felt so clunky but 4 looks to have completely patched this worry up for me.


Many people have disabilities so being able to micromanage combat from behind pause is the only thing that allows them to play.


Intimidated lmao. Do you think all the people who like turn based or tab targeting combat are those who are too scared of real time combat?


I was just happy to see the proof in the pudding. The trailer was super disliked, and the likes went up on the gameplay video. That should send a message to the world of marketing. If you show people something that's actually good, and what they want, you're getting more positivity.


Yes, that reveal trailer was a complete misfire to put it very mildly..


Meanwhile, Mark Darrah was on his stream saying "I think this is the best trailer BioWare has ever done."


Perhaps I am the only person in the world who preferred the first and found the second disillusioning. lol


The showcase reminds me a lot of DA2's intro part in terms of combat. But they showed so little I didn't even see the point of the showcase.. Nor can we tell much of anything from it tbh.


YouTube is full of talking heads who know hate gets clicks. So they spread angry and disappointment, which people recite. And on subreddits like this, people who are butthurt will post and whine while people who are excited will go "that looked cool" and then not post anything. Because people don't post about enjoyingInquisitionr likes 5-to-1, only 15% of people who viewed the trailer liked or disliked. Most people watched, had an opinion, and when on with their life. Yeah, the gameplay looks different. But when *Inquistion* was released, Obama was a year into his second term. GTAV had just released as had *The Last of Us*. Games like *Witcher 3*, *Fallout 4*, *Bloodborn*, and *Arkham Knight* were a couple years away. The PS4 had only been out for a year (DA:I was even released on the PS3!) Why would they design a game to play like a game that was literally released for two console generations earlier?


Gripes about how different it is from other installments aside (not a fan of 3 skill limit), it looks a bit sloppy as far as actual hacking and slashing goes. It doesn't really sell the impact of blows as well as it ideally should from what we've seen. I'm not writing it off entirely yet, but I'm not blown away either.


It looks generic, not like dragon age at all, no tactical gameplay, and even worse you cant play as party members as well.


Because racism has become popular again


They slowly killed the identity of this franchise with this title putting in the final blow, plus add in that the last few Bioware titles were straight ass. Imo inquisition is the worst DA game and this is going down the same route if not worse, big disappointment. So many games going to shit, Halo, Mass Effect, now this. Prob gonna skip this game entirely


Honestly I haven't seen any of this hate ur talking about even on the comment section of the trailer, all I've seen is cautious optimism or people rightly shitting on the reveal trailer.


Cautious optimism is always welcome, and the reveal trailer is a dumpster fire so those are justified. Honestly if u didn't see it in the comments of the gameplay trailer that means more genuine criticisms got more likes and are the top comments now, this post was made like 2days ago so probably the comments section changed a lot..


I'm saying this as a hater of Origins (I did two playthroughs of it back in the day) but the new game feels very....sterile. like, if you were to take out the Dragon age name, and Varric, it has nothing else that screams "this is Dragon Age". It feels like a generic styalized fantasy game. I could be wrong, and maybe it'll actually be a good game, but nothing about it really grabbed me.


Because this game is so far away from what fans of the series since day 1 have wanted to see. This is clearly appeasing to a new generation of gamers and activists.


Anything that isn't a clone of Origins' awkward, outdated combat is going to trigger the nerds who just want DA:O to be released & rereleased infinitely like Skyrim. Also, Dragon Age has a very numerous "I've played this game for 800 hours, it's awful!" portion of the fanbase. If it's new info about DA, just assume triggered people in the comments. Don't worry, at least their bitching can only bother you as much as you let it.


I love criticizing things I haven't adequately experienced yet. IT'S VALID CRITICISM, I DON'T HAVE TO WATCH THAT MOVIE OR EAT THAT FOOD TO KNOW, WE CAN ALL TELL IT'S OBJECTIVELY BAD BY EYEBALLING IT & OUR OPINION IS TOTALLY VALID! it's so valid! Aren't you convinced at how valid the opinion is if I keep telling you it's valid!?


So is it the Tactics menu that people want more than anything? I know there's also having a hotbar for your ability shortcuts, but is that primarily what people miss about Origins?


Gameplay look boring AF and the worst of the worst it the sound design and the feeling of the weapon. Look like you fight with a plastic stick


For me it is mainly gameplay. I would be fine with action combat if it was a good hack n slash combat, but what they showed so far reminds me of DnD Dark Alliance/Marvel's Avengers/Gotham Knights. I can smell the legacy of GaaS from early development all over the combat they've shown. Also sad that there is no character swapping and tactical overview when paused, just a giant pause skill wheel that covers the entire screen.


I do miss the old days of having a bunch of spells on my bar, but I'll give the new game a shot.


Who is complaining that it isn't like DAO? I can't imagine anyone still having that expectation for a new DA game.


I'm not allowed to be upset that I get a good crpg per decade apparently. Thank God we get ANOTHER arpg though. I like DA2. I'm sure I'll find something to like on vg. But I'm also sure they could have kept dice and the dark fantasy tone and been commercially viable


Tbh who’s playing DA games for gameplay anyway? As long as I get my companions talking about magical fisting and licking lampposts in winter I don’t care about the combat.


People are much more likely to take negative comments, thoughts, etc. to an online space. It's a lot less common with positivity, unfortunately. Not saying some of the negatives might not be valid, just that they tend to be expressed more often.


I loved it. I even loved the dragon age 2 style back when they did that also. Each game has had much better game play than the last. This is likely being played on Xbox all 3 games played much different on console then on pc also. Example the attacking was auto on pc but on Xbox you and to tap a


I think the game looks great, but I’m also the person who feels Dragon Age hasn’t had a bad game. The team behind Veilguard isn’t the exact same team, but they’re still people left from the old team, and the new people seem to be fans. In other words, the game seems to be in good hands.


Agreed, it looks great. I am personally hyped for the game. But some.of the hate I've seen is just unintelligible , have seen multiple comments here and other sites claiming origins was a turn-based game.........


Honestly I like the direction they are going. I play Bioware games for the story and characters. The more cinematic gameplay makes it easier for me to get immersed in the world. As for the "woke" stuff as far as I can tell it is focused on the "player-sexual" NPCs, which I prefer to gender locked romances. That knife cuts both ways, and regardless of if you are looking for het romances or gay romances, we all have been burned by them being gender locked in the past.


Because there's a group of people out there who think that Origins was perfection and so, they basically auto-reject these follow-up games for straying from that formula. The hero shooter trailer they used to reveal the companions left a bad taste in my mouth too, but now that I've seen actual gameplay I think DAV looks great and I'm buying it day 1.


That companion trailer made me think it was gonna be another saints row reboot type mess..


Probably because they are going along with this agenda woke stuff and people are tired of it? Men and woman are tired. If you disagree then your part of the issue. And tell me why star wars has failed? And why helldivers 2 is such a loved game. Doom and gears of War have all received positive feedback. What do they have in common? Oh thats right lol...people can get angry all they want. Cater to 4% of the people, the other 96% well I wonder why they would be displeased. Hopefully the game itself is good though. DA inquisition was awesome


Dont really understand where the whole helldivers 2 thing comes in. You do realize you can play as a man or woman in HD2, as a matter fact if you never customized your character odds are you have played as a female character half of the time.


Mentioned it because it's not going for this whole woke agenda stuff. And is so far a success. You could almost always pick male or female since the 90s, that was never an issue.


I had hoped you mentioned it for Arrowhead's statement of "A game designed for everyone is a game for Noone" in the vein of veilguard looking like 4-5 genres in one and not doing a very good job at any of them... but of course you had to poison the well with your bullshit woke comments.


Yeah, that's part of the success. MY woke comments?? Lol, what?..if you have pronouns, you're mentally unstable : / Incase you haven't noticed all the movies, games etc going this route are failing. They can't make up anything new they have to take over an established franchise and ruin it. And when it does fail they play the blame game becoming exactly what they accuse the fans of.


How can you be mentally unstable if you use pronouns…? 100% of English speakers use pronouns. Please explain. Edit: in fact you use multiple within your comment!


The Zim zir they them an so on. You know what I mean ;) like a singular person identifying as they/them (multiple) it's all out of hand now. Seems like every month theres a new one. We are just tired of it sorry.


I’m tired of people living their lives and showing them just the most base of respect that does no harm to me or anyone else in any way too 🤷‍♂️ Also singular they/them is not a new thing. You’re gonna have to talk to 15th century people about that one.


?? You go to them and say that. These people are always so quick to violence while screaming victim. Do what you want but don't be shoving it in my face and telling kids they can choose their gender. That's not how biology works. Haha if this was the 15th century most if not all would be killed or exiled. Hell, there are countries now that would kill them openly in the streets. A big piss off is that they think they deserve a month to celebrate their illness! Men's mental health month gets no attention. War vets who have died for our freedoms get what? One day?! And these people get a month?! That is sick on its own. It's not healthy. 70% of trans commit suicide after they have transitioned. They don't need power or what ever they are chasing. They need help.


Legitimate source for your first claim? I’ve only ever seen the opposite. People can choose their gender. It’s a social construct. You’re conflating gender with sex, they’re two different things. My point isn’t about the culture of the 15th century, my point is the grammar. Because we were talking about grammar… They do deserve that month. As the vets deserve theirs as well as men. Two very underrepresented groups in mental health. But it’s not LGBTQA+ people’s fault that they’re the loudest. I don’t have the answers but I certainly don’t think we should condemn one group being so loud and open about mental health just because the others are quiet. Plus there’s still such a heavy stigma with both men and vets getting the help they need. Most don’t try because they don’t want to be seen as lesser. On the other hand, the importance of mental health is ranted and raved about in LGBTQA+ communities openly and proudly (no pun intended). It’s easy to see why there’s such a difference. As for suicide rates after transitioning, those people do not stop getting bullied and abused after transitioning and you know that. They follow the rules you specifically want them to and they still get berated, bullied and attacked. It doesn’t magically stop after transitioning. A person can only take so much.