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You should definitely also talk to your psych about getting on meds for BP if you haven’t already. Idc what anyone says, most people suffering from BP, myself included, need more than what diet, exercise, and mindfulness can give them.


I second this. Also adjusting your medication to fit your current needs (maybe antidepressants on a bigger dose?) is important. My psychiatrist has actually adviced me to change the doses slightly if I feel like i’m slipping into depression for example.


I know where you are coming from, the stress and especially the delusions can definitely bring us down. It’s like a quagmire slowly sucking the energy away from you. I can definitely relate to you. I heard meditation can help. Talk to your psychiatrist and see if they can adjust your meds (assuming you are taking them).


I'm a private tutor myself, and I work freelance. I lost many jobs before due to my episodes. After I started freelance tutoring, I realized that if I messed this up, there's no other source of income or any unemployment benefits for me to survive on. So I started to train myself in acting. I made a promise to myself that no matter what type of episode I was on, I would go to that lesson and act my ass off until I am perceived relatively normal by the student. After the lesson, I allowed myself to go to my car and cry the shit out of me on my way back home. I don't say it's easy or that it's a skill one can master quickly. I'm saying it is possible and sometimes very necessary if you really like your job. And it's obvious that you like yours.


I’m looking to break into freelance online tutoring. I was looking at preply.com but they take 100% commission for the first tutoring session. They also only let you advertise one field of study. I can tutor most all fields of psychology, statistics, math and neuroscience. I have a master’s degree in clinical psychology and I was heavily research focused. I taught abnormal psychology and statistics at the undergraduate levels. I was working on concurrent PhDs in psychology and neuroscience when bipolar depression and anxiety sunk my dreams. I could also teach people how to perform detailed scientific literature reviews and help them construct well-thought out research papers. Can you point me in a better direction than preply?


I have a business page on Instagram. I create content about the services I provide, and I use Instagram ads to reach potential students in the town I live in. I also have a company page on LinkedIn, and I use it to reach the professionals in my area. I don't use a third-party service like preply. I literally work freelance.


I struggle with the same issue. I've held my job for 17 years. And it has been a constant swing up and down. Fortunately, I have a job I can love. So, I ground myself in that. I try to be better today than yesterday. I understand that isn't a very high mark. But, it's better than nothing. It sounds like you have a good physical routine. That has been a life saver for me. Stick with it. You're already aware that your mind is playing tricks, just keep your head down and move forward.


Fake it till you make it!!!


For me, trying not to stretch myself too far down one emotion helps. It’s not that you don’t fully feel into the happiness you experience, just know that there is a “normal” that I have to return to so I know that I shouldn’t go too far one way or another. Unfortunately my norm seems to be somewhat depressive. And maybe more low key than I’d like to be. But so far it’s working and if the salt and pepper of life arrives to liven up my day, I’m all for it


I am currently dealing with the same thing... I have a great job that I really loved but lately I've been feeling so depressed and low and the thought of going to work makes me feel so anxious.


How you coping? I find cause I get the school holidays off, it throws me out of synch. The time off its great, however currently on week 5 of the 6 weeks school holidays, man it's hard to stay motivated.


Honestly today I coped by sleeping for 12 hours... not the healthiest strategy. But I also have a good support system so I spoke to them about my feelings and they helped me feel better. The biggest thing that keeps me going to work is the fact that I earn money. Nothing tops getting paid.