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When someone is that famous with such a dominant parasocial relationship with fans, people will come up with all sorts of fantasies, despite evidence to the contrary


If she was really queer, she wouldn't have stopped at "You need to calm down".




Not controversial at all to say that she's not gay lmao. Don't try to understand swiftie logic it's not worth the headache


I laughed at the title: "REALLY really controversial opinion..." My first thought was, "is it really *that* controversial to say that Taylor Swift isn't gay?" I've never realized how delusional some of her fans are. Edit: And the fact that someone sent the OP a video of a three hour PowerPoint presentation to prove that Taylor Swift is gay is freaking hilarious lol.


I think OP is just a bot trying to sowe division in progressive ranks. They have an account that's less than week old and have posted this in a ton of subs. I would not believe anything they reported as to who sent them anything, especially if it reinforced a narrative that you were sceptical of.


Swifties dont associate with gaylors dw


No true Scotsman...


If she says she’s queer and then she is if she havent said it she’s probably not 🤷🏻‍♂️


She’s said the opposite, actually. She said that the LGBT community was “one that I’m not a part of.”


If she said it’s one she’s “not apart” of then does that mean she is part of it?


No, because "not apart of" isn't a sentence, it makes no sense. Gaylors will claim she's a lyrical genius and then suggest she can't put together a basic sentence.


Lol, don't bring dumb twitter takes here and if possible - be normal about celebrities 💀


We shouldn't be speculating about anyone's sexuality. When/if the person chooses to speak on it, that's it. Also, it's none of our business. We are entitled to exactly zero. I loathe parasocial relationships with public figures. The "Gaylors" and the transvestigators need to touch so much grass.


Taylor Swift is so straight it makes me uncomfortable, I have no idea where people see queerness in her


it's like people asking if white bread is spicy


I’m gonna use this somewhere 😂


Maybe I’m nuts because it’s not my fandom, but I got the feeling this was from stupid kidding about gay vibes/secret references (like how I say Carly Rae Jepsen’s Boy Problems is a gay anthem) and it’s mere existence in the world meant someone had to take it seriously. So now it has a life of it’s own and sincere adherents.


Not controversial at all - it is actually horrible that people try to push her into a label that she has not publicly identified with. They're creating deeply personal speculations based on "evidence" related to scenarios which they know nothing about. Now I'm not a huge fan of her personal character, especially as of lately, but everyone deserves privacy and respect, and I think the things certain gaylors do is absolutely disgusting


the acc's made this post on like 10 different subreddits, really tiring to see


I looked at the slideshow and jfc... the insane lengths people will go to to make her look gay is crazy Changing pronouns in live performances? Clearly she changed them because she's queer! Ex tweeted something weird? Clearly he was a beard! Not wearing a rainbow dress and the person who made the dress made a Tiktok where he sipped tea because of the rumors that he specifically made the dress for Taylor because of the mesh not fitting the color of the person who ended up wearing it? Clearly she was gonna come out but couldn't because of her first 6 albums being stolen! Absolute insanity


She has asked multiple times for people to stop speculating on her sexuality. The majority of her fans respect it, but there’s a whole subset who refuse to believe she might be straight.


I really hate the culture of speculation regarding sexual orientation to begin with. It's one thing to headcanon fictional characters as queer or bi, but it starts to go way too far when it involves actual real life people. By all means, if one day came where Taylor Swift announced that she was part of the LGBTQ+ community, I'd welcome her with open arms! For now though, it's none of our business to speculate about it and people who do seem very invasive and parasocial. Even if she does happen to be part of the community, it's still none of our business. She would probably feel a lot of pressure due to fans constantly pestering her about it and that only drives people away from ever wanting to come out when they feel like it. I know that if I were ever in her position, people speculating about my sexual identity would make me very uncomfortable.


Given her status as a **billionaire** and one of the most famous singers of our time, she has a **significant** platform and resources at her disposal. As it stands, while she does show support for LGBTQ+ rights and has made some impactful gestures, many feel it's the bare minimum. If she were even a little bit queer, I think she would probably be more proactive and innovative in her efforts to help the community in more meaningful ways.


Why should she be obliged to support LGBTQ+ in the first place? I don’t see the link between being rich and famous and the need to have to support things that are not part of her identity? Would it be cool if she did it with a lot of passion? Yeah! But if she doesn’t no problem too.


She wants to be an activist, at least she did a few years ago. That label requires action.


I think you’re projecting. There are no labels in life only individuals who may or may not align with each other one one topic and totally disagree one another. In a healthy relationship these differences are either acknowledged and respected or not and the relationship ends. Demanding something from another based on your idea of how it should be, isn’t a stable situation. Because sooner or later the one giving in to these demands feels walked over and return to there own believes. Being rich and famous doesn’t change that. If she would give in to all the demands she receives, she probably would’t be able to create new music and perform.


No she doesn’t. She just doesn’t want to hide her political beliefs like she did before 2018. Even if she wanted to be an “activist” that’s pretty vague and it doesn’t obligate her to speak out on every issue. Her fans went apeshit over her not “doing enough” for BLM so I think she’s just decided to stay out of specific issues and simply encourage people to vote (which is very much needed since the voting rates of young people are pathetic).  Downvote all you want folks but some tweets from Taylor Swift are not going to save us. 


I like to imagine she’s bi bc she’s one of my celebrity crushes, a girl can dream.  In all honesty though she’s never officially stated her sexuality, other than publicly dating men, so I don’t think anyone can really say one way or another if she’s for sure straight or bi. I do think lesbian is a stretch because that’s a lot of beards but who knows. I try not to assume anyone’s sexuality unless they confirm it. Would be kinda funny if she was though. I think certain groups of people would lose their minds and I’m here for the drama. 


I don’t understand the point in trying to read queerness from an ostensibly straight celebrity when there’s so many amazing out and proud queer artists. Like Halsey is right there


Put this can of worms back where it came from or so help me


Oh hi! We’re just rehearsing for the company musical! It’s called “Put This Can of Worms Back Where It Came From or So Help Me.”


I'm not exactly a Taylor Swift fan - I'm more of an alt rock kind of guy, though I listen to her stuff sometimes, admire her songwriting ability and stuff, but I believe there is a very real possibility that Taylor Swift is bi. Bisexuality is a spectrum, and I suspect that she's mostly-straight, she's either experimented with other women or fantasised about it, but is mostly interested in men. She's possibly a hetero-romantic bisexual, or someone with enough internalised homophobia that she can't really see herself in an actual same sex relationship. Why? 1. She posted an image of a bracelet, with 'pride' written on it, in the bi flag colours. That's a pretty bisexual thing to do. 2. The 'You need to calm down' video was.... pretty queer, and she dyed her hair in the colours of the bisexual flag for the video. 3. The lyrics to 'I know places' just seem really, really queer to me. I may be misinterpreting the song wildly though. None of this is proof, because ultimately nobody knows but Taylor Swift herself, but I'd certainly say they consititute legitimate grounds for suspicion. The YNTCD video certainly had a certain overinvested-ally/closet-case-with-imposter-syndrome energy to it that I recognise from before I came out as bi. So that's why I sort of believe it. That said, I think a lot of the Gaylor theorists have gotten a bit carried away with this whole thing.


Most famous musicians have the affluence that allows them to explore sexuality if they choose to do so.   But re- your #2, this one is a pet peeve I see so much and I’m not sure why this one specifically frustrates me but I gotta speak my truth!  She doesn’t have the bi flag colors in her hair!  Her roots are *green*. Like the entire top of her head is a sea foam green fading into blue with light pinkish purple tips 


I noticed that too. I sort of assumed that it was either a trick of the light (like the blue/gold dress thing) or just because dyeing hair is tricky and the blue went sort of green and we all sort of agreed to pretend not to notice. Maybe that was the real Taylor Swift conspiracy all along. Alternatively, maybe the bi flag has been green all along, and we've just been fooling ourselves the whole time?


I have often wondered if she is bi for the reasons you listed and then some.


have you meant a swiftie? they’re insane


I don’t know. Vibes, I guess?


I saw a picture once that said Taylor Swift is Napoleon Dynamite's drag queen persona, and that sealed to deal for me TBH


People don’t think she’s part of the community, but some Swifties do. To quote Men in Black: “A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it.” Taylor is not and should not be considered a “gay music icon” or even an ally. Just like every arena country artist, she’s pandering to everyone. Playing both sides so she doesn’t offend, while making sure to keep collecting everyone’s money.


If she was, she would probably make more interesting music


This is the least original take. Most people would agree with you. However, if you don’t get the theories then it’s not for you. Simple as that.


The gaylor rabbit hole is real though.


Really, really wishful thinking is basically my thoughts. I think she has a dedicated queer following so a lot of people are hopeful that she’ll come out one day and be “one of us”. A part of that subsect probably wants to imagine they can date her, but I think the larger part of that group just wants the feeling of someone they relate to being “representation”. Once you reach a certain fame level I find people stop treating you like a human and start treating you more like a character or a concept. Characters you can have “headcannons” on that even make them outside of their depiction in canon because, well, they’re not real. Public figures I feel some people see as far away enough from “the real world”, given to a degree public figures manufacturer their images to be profitable, that people break a reality-fiction divide on them. The fact “real person shipping” and “real person fanfic” is a thing doesn’t help, even though I do think the fanfic authors do know they’re writing a fantasy, but it blurs the lines nonetheless. So I think a large portion, if not all ardent, die hard, “Taylor IS queer!” Swifties kind of see Taylor as a character that they can push some “author/creator” into making her be representation, not a human with a sexuality that’s none of their business.


She makes the straightest music I've ever heard. Wtf. I actually laughed. 


Wishful thinking.


I mean she is def straight. But she is an ally right?


Because she wore a bi pride flag on her head during the video, and forgive me if I botch the title, for "You Need to Calm Down". Edit: Here is the video and you can see the wig from 1:20 on. A ton of people thought this was a coming out thing.[here is the video](https://youtu.be/Dkk9gvTmCXY?si=Q3Sv5U_FO7NX1GUx)


I'm a bisexual Swiftie and I'm fucking sick of it. Not only is the speculation gross and uncalled for, but the Gaylor conspiracies are also full of bi erasure. They don't just insist that she's into women, a lot of them insist that she's a lesbian. No sane person can listen to her music about how much she loves men and come to the conclusion that she is a lesbian. Also it's inappropriate to be speculating on anyone's sexuality unless you're trying to figure out if you can or should ask them out lol. I also hate it because I feel like I can't have a queer perspective on any of her songs without seeming like I think she is queer. I just wanna project all my sapphic feelings onto my favorite music without it being added to a conspiracy board to explain why the artist is gay 😭


Why am I having to see this question again in another queer sub. Literally never see her brought up in any of these subs until yesterday now it's twice in as many days. And it's got the same negative direction. This just feels like more social manipulation try to turn different parts of progressive communities against each other. And swift mobilizing young and women voters is terrifying for the right wing.


She’s an ally, not a member. And that’s okay!


**ally?** Girl, tell me, what has she actually done to help the LGBTQ+ community besides putting out one song to profit from it? She's a billionaire with thousands of queer fans, and she literally doesn't give a f\*\*\*.


Not a true ally, just a performative one. She’s garbage.


Huh, what?


A friend of a friend hooked up with her and is a woman for what it's worth (I'm just a rando on Reddit though so choose to believe me or not idc lol)




To be fair, I think that could be looked at with a perspective that she/her team doesn't want to induce queerbaiting and egg on her conspiracy fueled fans. Not refuting something can definitely be looked at as confirmation by people like that.


That\`s a good point!!


To be fair, her fans are absolutely deranged about that theory so I really don't fault her for shooting it down immediately. And I'm saying this as someone who isn't fond of her in the slightest. Also, are there people who actually think she doesn't encourage the rumours about her exes? Her whole brand is her love life, why the hell wouldn't she? It's an easy way to create interest in her new albums, and you don't become a billionaire by caring about the people you step on.


There's nothing wrong with being straight or gay, but if a journalist reported that I was, I would demand its retraction simply because it isn't true.


She also still has a fan base from her country days that are Tennessee Christian’s and even though it isn’t right, it would be bad for her in regards to potentially losing those fans over rumors. I feel like that is also why she walks the line so carefully politically. It’s kinda giving that “if someone is friends with everyone, they are friends with no one” vibe. Obviously generalizing here, I know not all Tennessee Christian’s would be upset.


It’s one of those things that some people joked about when she was friends with a model in 2014. Some people took it seriously and in the years since, it spiraled into a conspiracy that won’t die. Some young people came into LGBT spaces that presented it as fact and they didn’t question it. It’s like anti-vax or one of those Alex Jones conspiracies. I guess if you really want to believe in something you won’t stop believing in it no matter how much logic you’re presented with. 


Nah those people are crazy and need to check their behavior. Stan culture is a mental illness.


It takes like two seconds to glance at her dating history to see she is painfully straight


Even more controversial Why do gays have such a small taste in music: female pop and dance music? It seems so stereotypical Diva this and diva that and RuPaul and Cher that


White gays\* primarily. But facts! Ex: No shade to Renee Rapp cuz she's great, but she's got an R&B sound and is hyped up constantly meanwhile Syd has been in the music scene for years now and I almost never see her mentioned anywhere in the community.


it's a cope