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This will probably reveal a lot about me, but aside from a charger and portable battery, I always keep plastic cutlery in my car. You don’t know how many times I get myself a little treat to enjoy on the way home and the people at the shop are like no we don’t have a plastic fork, why would you need one, it’s a to-go order right? I’m an adult and if I want to enjoy my mini Bundt cake on my drive home I absolutely will!


I have foldable Chopsticks in my handbag


Foldable chopsticks? Brilliant ide!


Yes! I especially love posting on my local Buy Nothing groups to pick up extra takeout cutlery sets sitting in someone’s drawer somewhere


To add to this - I always have a stash of extra napkins in my glove compartment.


10 things that are always in my car: 1. sunscreen 2. hand sani 3. a few dollars in quarters 4. tissues and/or wet wipes 5. an extra pair of sunglasses 6. a few tampons 7. multi-tool 8. [an emergency kit](https://www.uline.com/Product/Detail/H-11381/First-Aid/Survival-Backpack?pricode=WC5873&gadtype=pla&id=H-11381&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwp4m0BhBAEiwAsdc4aAOiRLu3tWZ5zvCwGfpNinViHuwvTGDTDtEPQWhPg7qxjPwI8qN_wxoCuYoQAvD_BwE) 9. reusable shopping bags 10. donations that I've STILL yet to drop off 😂


#10 is real as fuck


lol, I even have a toner cartridge hanging out, waiting for the next time I’m by a Staples to recycle. I mean well.


FYI to all, don't drop off donations into those drop off donation bins but donate directly to women's shelters, homeless shelters, or goodwill to sell. All those donation drop off bins just sell the bags of clothes to the highest bidder and ship off to poorer countries, mainly in Africa, that don't even want the clothing scraps but are legally forced to take them, creating a ton of clothing landfills and waste in those nations. The clothes create toxic pollution in waterways and on land. They call them "dead white man's clothes" and you can read about more [here](https://amp.abc.net.au/article/100358702)


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most sunscreens need to stay below a certain temp to stay effective, so just don't leave it in the car through the hot summer


*Totally!* It's a small bottle and, as a fair skinned person, I go through it *super* fast, then replenish the bottle.


Not to mention are only effective for up to a year. After a year, SPF reduced by half it not more


No *way* sunscreen is lasting a year with my pasty skin's SPF needs. 😂


Ah NVM 😆


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Friend speaks my mind. I’ve never felt so seen


Five bags dropped off today… they’ve been in the garage for six months.


Yayyy! Me making this comment made me drop off my own donations yesterday, too. ROFL


I also keep a flashlight and a rumpl blanket in my car! Just in case I break down somewhere whack :')


10 is so painfully true 😭 the trunk has 3+ bags that i say “oh we can drop them off tomorrow” we never do.


Fast food napkins, Colgate wisp toothbrush things, a bottle of water. You can accomplish a lot with those three things.


Omg I love those wisps, thanks for reminding me I have to go place an order


Toilet paper. I can blow my nose with Charmin but i REALLY don’t want to wipe my ass with a chipotle napkin


>chipotle napkin …oh that prompted a visceral clenching reaction when I read it lol


Highly recommend keeping a Jumper Pack/Jump Starter in your car instead of just cables! This allows you to jump your car yourself. Makes me feel safer as a woman knowing I wouldn’t have to be reliant on someone else for help if my battery dies. You can get them for $100.


This. When my dad died, my brother and I nearly fought over which one of us got his wildly expensive jump starter/power pack lmao. He ultimately won because it’s too heavy for me to deal with and I bought a regular one. Those things have saved my butt a time or two!


I have one! It's a flashlight, battery jumper, and phone charger in one! That thing is literally a life saver and I have used it multiple times on a shit battery we had that conked out in the slightest cold weather. Never had to approach a stranger for help, I was always prepared and it took less than 5 minutes to jump-start my car everytime. It's the best money ever spent, and it can be used multiple times before needing to be charged again. We've used it in power outages as well to charge both of our phones fully charged and as a flashlight. My dad got the same one and used it to jump start his Dodge Ram. Honestly anyone reading this, it's the best $100 you'll ever spend! There are so many different kinds!


Well is my future husband going to happen by and help me use that thing? If not I'm still stuck calling roadside assistance.


A small jumper kit is extremely easy. I have one that is a large flashlight. You connect the cables to the flashlight bottom, switch on the switch, follow the instructions written that come with it to connect black to black, red to red, then get in your car, turn on your car, boom car is on, get out of your car, unclip the cables! It's perfectly safe, super small, the flashlight still has a charge in it, bring it all inside your car, close the hood and drive off. Done! It's very easy to learn, and has saved me multiple times in cold weather when my battery was at the end of its life and not working properly. It's very small and 100% worth learning how to use and buying a small jumper kit to keep charged in the car and not just cables. It comes with all the instructions, plus you can plug it in and charge it in the car as you drive.


Hmmm...... I can sit in the car where its warmer and call the tow service. Definitely sounds better.


I mean I guess so 🤷🏼‍♀️ your battery is dead so no heat, your cell could be out of service range and the tow truck/service truck could be a couple hours away. I didn't mean anything personal by it, but when you are talking about a hypothetical husband or tow truck driver to do that job for you instead of you learning valuable skills....its really good to just know how to take care of yourself in an emergency situation right? Its especially good to have a few handy things like a jumper pack, blanket, first aid and small emergency kits in your car for those "what if" moments because we aren't always in control of what our vehicles do, or in control of what happens to us on the road. Just trying to be helpful with the question OP was asking!


This is so true I didn't realize on my first trip to wine country in my area that there was a dead cell space and dead radio space along the way! Saw a car at the side of the road on fire I guess because it had been abandoned and caught fire in the Sun


co-sign. my dad bought me one after i was in a dicey situation with a dead battery and that thing has come in clutch multiple times.


Tissues. Box of tissues and travel tissues for my purse, if needed. Paper towels and a squeegee in the trunk. Jumper cables. UBS-C, old iPhone, and micro USB charger cables with a compatible car charger.


Ooh, nice on the squeege!


In addition to other things mentioned here, towels! I keep 2 old towels in the back of my car and they come in handy often. I can wipe things down on rainy days, cushion fragile items, protect the seat from the dog, and keep dirt confined when I bring home some new plants.


I live in Colorado, where the weather can change at a moment's notice so my must-haves are probably different for people who don't live in climates like that. Chapstick, a sweatshirt, hat, blanket, paper towels, napkins, windex, an extra container of windshield wiper fluid, plastic bags, car cleaner, an umbrella, and sun blocker for the windshield.


This is exactly what I compiled when living in CO (and still keep in my car now in MT). Plus a roadside safety + first aid kit (w/cables), some dog stuff, and a window breaker in the center console ETA: I keep [this mini pepper spray](https://a.co/d/0fz7MfOw) on my keys


>Plus a roadside safety + first aid kit (w/cables), some dog stuff, and a window breaker in the center console All good additions.


Ten things I always keep in the car: 1 -- A packet of baby wipes. I don't have a baby. But those wipes can clean ANYTHING. 2 -- A picnic blanket. You never know when a picnic might break out or how awful a table at a park is. 3 -- Duct tape and trash bags. Again, you never know when they'll come in handy. 4 -- My DIY roadside emergency kit: utility gloves, lug wrench, booster cables, flares, fire extinguisher, head lamp, tire air pressure gauge, can of Fix-a-Flat. 5 -- Tote bags for the grocery store. 6 -- My DIY first aid kit: Advil and Tylenol, hand sanitizer, band-aids in lots of sizes, ace bandages, medical tape, sling, scissors, a brace for sprains, pepto chewables, tweezers, blister treatment, bug treatments. 7 -- Escape tool for breaking windows or slicing seat belts 8 -- Charger for my phone and Apple Watch 9 -- Sunblock stick and spray 10 -- Shelf-stable snacks for the teen carpool. Those kids go through dried fruit, pretzels, seaweed, pringles, etc. like nobody's business The two DIY kits, picnic blanket, duct tape and trash bags live in a crate in my trunk, as do the tote bags. The baby wipes live in my console in the front seat. The chargers are always plugged in to the console. The escape tool and the sunblock live in the driver's side door pocket. And the snack bin lives in the back seat where the kids are.


"You never know when a picnic might break out" 😆 I've never had a spontaneous picnic, but that's probably because I don't carry a picnic blanket with me!


I put a big DIY first aid kit in my car anytime I'm going to a party, sleepover, or on a road trip. It has come in handy many times!


I love having a little nail care kit in my car. I use it a lot. Just one of those little foldable ones with a file, clippers and a few other tools in it.


Hi avi twin 😂




Jumper cables preferably in an emergency kit. I asked for a good quality one for Christmas lol AAA membership If you live somewhere that gets cold a blanket and extra socks Trunk organizer Alexa for cars (i prefer to not to use carplay or my phone) Umbrella Extra pepper spray (women are often followed to their cars and i lost my pepper spray once, so i always keep an extra) Extra outfits/shoes (for when I get invited somewhere last minute or need to change) I have everything else I may need in my purse. These are just my car necessities ◡̈


not enough people have said scissors!!! i swear on this u need scissors in ur car!!


Yes!!! I'm a big believer in keeping scissors in every floor of my house and in my car


They really are a life saver, literally used my car scissors today!


Lip balm


RESQME car tool https://a.co/d/08sCcTCh Super loud whistle https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01CI3UDQM?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share Car battery jumper Car tire inflater Usually we keep a JUDY kit in the car https://judy.co/products/the-mover-max (check out r/twoxpreppers ◡̈)


Hand sanitizer. And if you're using it, clean your steering wheel with it too. Shit's nasty.


Extra pair of glasses, napkins/tissue box, hair scrunchie and hair clip. My husband got me this tool that can break glass and cut the seat belt in an emergency. I keep it in the center console. In the trunk, I have a Portable tire inflater, extra shopping bags, and an umbrella.


Baby wipes, napkins, charger, small insulated cooler bag, blanket, umbrella, nail clippers (you can MacGyver the hell out of life with those!), and a jumper box.


Sunscreen in case I didn't put any on in the house or I need to reapply.


A small tool kit (ratchet & a few sockets, the most common screwdrivers, pliers, wire cutters). It's great for dismantling furniture for transport, and any other small fixes you might require while out & about


Depends on the season. Make sure your vehicle is in good condition, uTD on safety and doing yearly maintenance/ oil changes keeping up on its care. Weekly clear out. Things you don’t want stolen. Clear it out. If you’re keeping food in your car Get case for it (no odor bags) if you live bear country just don’t leave food. Or live near a zoo, drive through zoo park. Don’t leave food, in the car. I had a neighbor go through those drive thur zoos and parked and left a cooler unlocked and well their car was destroyed for apples & fresh produce side market. Get something bear proof I have a trunk with goods if we travel for a long distance. My basics a first aid kit, battery packs phone, cords, water, blanket/ pillow, lunch tote with a food ziplock (no odor) so snacks, candy, bone broth packets, protein powder, medication Prescribed & OTC, Liquid IV packets, personal hygiene, gym bag with extra clothes and shoes. I tend to overthink and pack. I have been weaning down. Vehicle: first aid, usb lighter, knife, seatbelt cutter, battery charger, liquid flat, road flares, basic understanding how to change a tire and how to troubleshoot basic car issues. Make sure to periodically check the tire in your vehicle (inflated to your vehicle standard). Keep your tires inflated correctly (check them weekly). Don’t know how ask, go to your dealership, YourMechanic.com they helped me a lot, tirerack.com useful


Paper atlas, reusable Tupperware, first aid kit, glass water bottle (not in the winter tho…)


I’m a dentifrice addict. Tooth flossers, gum picks, wisp toothbrushes, boxed manual toothbrushes and toothpaste, mouthwash.


For context, I live in the Midwest US, so we get hot and cold weather extremes, and I have dogs. I keep: A couple bottles of water and a small plastic bowl (for myself/dogs) A military surplus wool blanket An old bedsheet the same color as my car's interior (I promise not for Pulp Fiction reasons!) A long-handled ice scraper A roll of paper towels A couple granola bars and/or jerky Jumper cables A dog leash A pair of pliers, a screwdriver with switchable bits, and a tire gauge A full-size first aid kit Assorted reuseable shopping bags A bath towel A whole bunch of fast food napkins A paperback book I've read before and don't mind re-reading And usually but not always a change of clothes and/or a jacket/coat


Chapstick, Dramamine, a portable battery that I can jump my car from (and I make sure it’s charged).


I keep [this version](https://www.amazon.com/Slime-50122-Flat-Tire-Repair/dp/B0732BRRHZ/ref=sr_1_3?crid=3681GPB3503L8&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.LcMAGf8P-MWNO7Dxlvszcu5MrSBySkk2e9DfRp_4bG68ghxpBaiz5Ctob8DQlCltzxlcKtaC3jpEVNQ2sMZVZoKVJT-C883fIb6K-CTFYEFEbMLgvp3KgEsTgXQ9nIHD_BySildhT6eqi3RSf0H10H8qhoj2UxSA1zEVj472GiOQCedb_w08OJwjg9Ar29thKTkH0UIHB38RRFmC5l0qy8-OwoL8AmtHKCDTsXyzr-g.jRucGBIRLQBgju1HSQfapeCncKXor-XbyX4xSezHm00&dib_tag=se&keywords=air+compressor+kit+flat+tire&qid=1719883234&sprefix=air+compressor+kit+flat+tir%2Caps%2C145&sr=8-3) of an air compressor in the trunk for flat tire reasons. It plugs into the cigarette lighter and doesn't require a jack. Have saved quite a few friends with this.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'Slime 50122 Flat Tire Puncture Emergency Kit'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Convenient for vehicles without spare tires (backed by 8 comments) * Easy to use and effective inflation (backed by 6 comments) * Compact and portable design (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Difficult to screw onto tire valve (backed by 5 comments) * Hose attachment causes air leakage (backed by 2 comments) * Ineffective in sealing punctures (backed by 2 comments) Do you want to continue this conversation? [Learn more about 'Slime 50122 Flat Tire Puncture Emergency Kit'](https://vetted.ai/chat?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot&q='Slime 50122 Flat Tire Puncture Emergency Kit' reviews) [Find 'Slime 50122 Flat Tire Puncture Emergency Kit' alternatives](https://vetted.ai/chat?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot&q=Find best 'Slime 50122 Flat Tire Puncture Emergency Kit' alternatives) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/chat?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Not much. The interiors of cars get really, really hot in the sun. Easily over 140°F on an even mildly hot day in the summer and where I live in the midwest, below freezing a lot in the winter. Hand sanitizer, N95s, sunscreen, pain relievers and lippies cannot be stored safely at extreme temps so I have those things in a bag that goes in & out with me. Tampons, pads, some bandaids, wool socks and my reusable grocery bags are about it.


A tip on sunscreen, if it gets hot where you are try to keep it in your bag so it’s less likely to be effected by being in the heat excessively.


Yep, I live in an area thats 100⁰+ in the summer so I carry all my lotions and lipbalms with me, can't leave them in the car.


one of those flashlights that can smash open the car windows in case of emergency


I have a little emergency kit with jumper cables, fix a flat, and some reflective cones for emergencies. I also keep a rain jacket in there because I live in a place where it rains every day, a complete change of clothing, and peanut butter crackers.


My proof of insurance, car registration, and my car manual are in my glove box. In the storage area between the front seats is some change, a pen, and some tissues. In my driver's side door there are dog potty bags and a two CDs (Bauhaus and Fleetwood Mac) that have been there for years. In the dashboard is my national parks pass. In my trunk there are jumper cables, an ice scraper, a re-usable grocery bag, and an umbrella. Lol. That's it.


Napkins, tissues, sanitizer wipes, winter kit in case I get stuck or stranded (live in Canada), spare tire, face masks, hat, extra window washer fluid, 2 snow removal tool with ice scraper tips, and CDs cause my car is older.


Basic car stuff: jumper cables, tire pressure guage, tire inflator, funnels. I like to keep basic hand tools like a screwdriver and small wrench set. For older cars I would carry any fluids that might need to be topped off, as well as shop towels(if only for checking the oil). non-car related stuff: pen and paper, hair ties, water bottles, instant handwarmers, cash, a blanket, a simple first aid kit, a good flashlight(I like magnetic ones that can be stuck to the car), plastic shopping bags, an umbrella, and if you have room a folding chair is nice to have. Harbor freight sells one with a side tray and it folds down flat instead of into a tube shape, but one of those tiny backpacking chairs could be a good option.


Phone charger, gloves, windshield breaker, extra $100 in a secret spot, lip balm & mascara, and sweatshirt. I also always keep a DeWalt impact, battery + charger and 24mm socket in a dewalt bag under my rear seat. I will not be trying to change a tire without my tools again!! I also keep a portable battery pack/jumper (like this: [link](https://a.co/d/03Znxhqv) in my truck. I’ve actually had to use it before and it works!!


Duct tape, pepper spray, scissors, gum, first aid kit, phone charger, lip stuff, old clothes to wear if I need to change a tyre, wet wipes, protein powder, sweeteners, salt.


Lip balm, extra reusable grocery bags, hand sanitizer, dry shampoo, lint duster thing - I give my dashboard and car a few swipes at red lights and roll the windows down to get the dust out, extra napkins, masks, and garbage bags. Also a car battery charger cable set.


Jumper cables, napkins, koozies, aux cord, charger cord, a hairbrush. In the winter, an extra hat, a blanket or towel, and a snow brush/scraper.


Jumper cables, water proof picnic blanket, Turkish towels, long sleeve button up top, hat (spontaneous beach or park lunches are now always possible!). Tissues, emergency toilet (little Japanese folded bags that I've never needed to use except as a vomit bag, really good peace of mind though). Always put my reusable shopping bags back in the car so they're always available.


AAA membership card, gum, flosser picks, iPhone chargers (multiple), comb, tide to go stick, paper towels, tissues, hand sanitizer, eyeglass wipes, first aid kit, trunk organizer, lip balm, cleaning supplies for car, sneakers, and there’s always Diet Coke in the back of my Rav too 😂


I always wear sunscreen on roadtrips


A tire gauge, charger for phone, a blanket, a stuffed animal and a pillow. I have napped in my car so often.


I drive w children sometimes. Sunscreen, bug spray, Horizon chocolate milk, toilet paper, wisp toothbrush, phone charger, Premiere Protein, a gallon of water, window cleaning stuff, ice scraper, 2 blankets, windshield sun cover, first aid kit. I put together, scissors & scotch tape


Tissues, jump cables, water (if on road trip), air tag, first aid kit, tire gauge, and an air pump that can be plugged into the car for tires.


Jump starter/power pack with a compressor, a gallon of water, blanket, a flashlight, windshield de-icer washer fluid, ice scraper/snow brush (I just leave it in there year-round tbh), floss lol, and change of clothes. I always keep backup sunglasses in my console, too, because i legitimately can barely keep my eyes open when it’s very sunny.


The most important for me is a high quality sun reflector screen to prevent my car from baking in the sun through the windshield. The small cylinder of tissues that fit in a cup holder is a must. They sell them at my grocery store. A cord for car play of course, plus I have a cord for my passenger to charge and also one in the back for my child's iPad. I have a grippy backed fabric seat cover so my thighs don't burn and sweat on my black pleather seats.


I’m an animal rescuer (domestic and wildlife) so I always have blankets/towels, rubber gloves, work gloves, baby wipes, and a spare car carrier. For myself, it’s moisturizer, sanitizer, tissues, travel manicure kit, lip balm, deodorant (I’m in FL), umbrella, grocery bags, an extra pair of cheap flip flops, mints, travel first aid kit, hairbrush, dry shampoo, eyeglass cleaning wipes, and glass wipes in case something gets on my windshield.


Baby wipes, hand sanitizer, napkins, hairbrush, hair pins, hair ties, hair clips (I have so much hair😭), chapstick/lipstick, and lotion are my bare minimums


Aluminum foil, paper towels, oil, coolant, paper funnels, kleenex, bandaids, sun shield for the windshield, cell phone charger, ice scraper, a few empty plastic bags, a small notepad and pen, my gps device, hand sanitizer, and sunglasses.


First aid kit, jumper cables, cute patterned tissues, a pillow for my lower back, hand sanitizer!!, a CUTE air freshener, a stuffed llama with a hat on, a tire pressure gauge, small tube of roll on perfume, hand lotion, umbrella, like 10 different shopping totes, a code reader!!, phone charger, a lint roller, a cute blanket with penguins on it, and a whistle! Anything else self defense related, I carry in purse at all times.


Phone charger cable Tissues and wet wipes Hand sanitizer Hand lotion Sunscreen Dog blanket; beach blankets that can double as towels in a pinch Extra shoes/sandals Pilates grippy socks, why do they all live in my car?? And random regular socks? Who put those there! Window glass breaker and seatbelt cutter thingie Earthquake emergency kit with manual radio, flashlight, snacks, water, thermal blanket, first aid kit Roll of toilet paper Bungee cords I’ve never used to secure anything but they’re there JUST IN CASE Clean underwear Bottles of water Random assortment of crumb coated sticky bobby pins and hair ties


my car is very empty, apart from a charging cable and some change, nothing else is in there


Water, a big knife, a good flashlight, snacks, dash cam, paper towels, baby wipes, extra dog bags and hand sanitizer. Oh and sour candies for when you get anxious but don’t have anxiety meds


Add some strong belts that could be used as tourniquets in an emergency. My family’s already used the tourniquet. It can prevent someone from bleeding out . Add a first aid basics book. A blanket. A few gallons of potable water. Jumper cables. A tire inflator air compressor. A big first aid kit for road trips. And lots of healthy snacks for the travelers.


- USB-C charger - backup sunglasses and eyeglasses, - hand sanitizer, completely evaporated - jumper cables - Chipotle napkins from 2015 (clean) - old dry cleaning ticket to spit gum in - crowbar I am subconsciously always trying not to proliferate my existence in case I need to abandon it in a hurry. This probably says a lot about me.


Chapstick and hand lotion, sunglasses, tissues Tote bags for the grocery store, giant IKEA bag (you never know) Umbrella Poop bags, dog leash, dog towel (for the dog obviously)


5 litres of water; a first-aid kit; toilet paper; an umbrella; a picnic blanket and basket; a pocket knife; emergency rations; matches/lighter; an electric converter that will charge my computer if needed; and a good book I live in Australia, and take trips through the outback on a regular basis...




- hidden cash - disinfectant wipes - Aveeno wipes - lotion - nail file - mini hairbrush - pen - tazer - plastic grocery bag for garbage - Tampon, pair of undies, and a fabric mask in a ziploc in the glove compartment


i have a small emergency kit in mine with a battery powered car starter so i don't have to rely on someone else to jump my car, fire extinguisher, first aid kit, flashlight, and multitool. in my door i always keep a window break/seatbelt cutter tool and pepper spray. i also have a bottle of hand sanitizer in the door as well so i can clean my hands after pumping gas.


My glovebox always has tissues, napkins, plastic cutlery, and reusable straws. I also have chapstick, a coin purse, gum and mints, a little emergency kit with tampons, pads, hair ties, makeup remover wipes, and antibacterial wipes. Then in my trunk I have an umbrella, a big first aid kit, cable ties, shopping bags, a gallon of water, sunscreen, and kid stuff (diapers, wipes, extra outfits, some toys, etc). Oh I also keep birdseed back there lol because I like to take my kids to the lake to feed ducks


The only stuff I keep in my car other than registration, etc. is my dog’s safety seat cover and his special blanket.


Tissues, car vacuum, cleaning essentials, tourniquet and first aid, seatbelt cutter, chargers, mints, pens, trash can (kind that goes in cars), water. I think that’s it lol.


Despite having lived on west coast for 2 decades my midwestern roots have ingrained me to always carry the following: - First Aid Kit & Heat Blanket *(thin aluminum one that helps if someone goes into shock, etc)* - Bottled Water & Snacks - Glass Bullet & Seatbelt cutting tool (hangs on all our keychains) - Tire pressure tool + Full size spare - Kitty Litter *(this is the 1 thing I no longer carry since the chances of running into a snowy ditch are pretty much impossible lol)* As for general glovebox / center console I always have: - Extra sunglasses incase I forget/lose mine *(driving w/out them is a nightmare)* - Granola Bars *(being hangry isn’t fun for anyone)* - Sanitizer, Hand Cream, Chapstick, Tampons - Travel hair brush, Compact Mirror, Hair Elastics - Small mouthwash and/or Listerine strips *(Love garlic but also like my colleagues lol)* - Portable battery pack *(kept in my purse to avoid heat damage)* & apple cable. - There’s usually a hat, towel, stick sunscreen, & flip flops floating around in the back *(beach trips are often spur of the moment)*


A hat, jumper cables, a blanket, loose change, condiments in the glove box - ketchup, mustard, salt, pepper. A map of the area I live in, leather gloves, Handi-wipes, Altoid mints, Windex, paper towel roll, leather wipes, an umbrella, some Goldfish crackers, Evian spray for the hot days when I have the top down and my handicap parking thing.


Sitting in my car typing this: Nail file, cuticle nippers, hair ties/scrunchies/bobby pins and a smaller hairbrush, several Baggus, a stash of index cards for list making & nice pen, small "shed-rain vortex" umbrella, Altoids.