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We have a kid who's around 15 yrs old. Gets smashed by everyone all the time. No complaints he shows up and goes again. Got his first stripe yesterday. Well deserved


In the not so distant future he’s gonna wreck folks.


Seriously. There's a 16 year old blue belt in my gym that literally wipes the mat with me. I drove home in silence when I rolled with him. You know how your told to close the space when attacking? There was no space for him to close. And somehow he was stronger than me. Of course he was faster too, lol. Kids and teens grow up to be monsters.


17 year old blue belt just won an adult no gi pro division. Now this is just a local "pro" division so it's not like it's stacked but he tapped out guys I've been training with or around for like 8 or 9 years including a black belt who's done very well competing. It's awe inspiring


We have one too. 16 and blue belt in BJJ and Judo. Scares the shit out of me


We have one of those. Started consistently showing up to wrestling and leg lock trainings. He's still a bit scrawny, but he started lifting weights and it is only a matter of time before he is a real threat.




Yep, we have a few at our gym. Started at around 15 or so and now one is 18 and the others are 17. They train a lot and I legit have to work to keep them from catching me in some kind of leg attack..lol. And they never seem to get tired lol.


I have now had this happen to me 4 times and it’s currently about to happen again except this time they’re twins


When I started we had a 14 year old, similar boat. He's still training, purple belt, 100+kg. That motherfucker has a hit list of everyone that fucked him up as a kid. I was always nice to him tho 😇😇😇


What a madlad.


Haha, I love it!


I started a few days after my 16th birthday and was pretty weak and frail for my age. I was the youngest in the room on any given day by 8-10 years. I don’t think I tapped a single person my first year and a half of training. The plus side is I steamrolled everyone in my age bracket every time I’d compete because I was used to training with ~200 lb adults who rarely took it easy on me


We got a kid from the teen class who joins in the adult session. He obviously gets killed but the other day I saw him legit tap a 3 month white belt MAN big burly dude with a sick guillotine. I barely know the kid I but erupted into clapping for him. Sure maybe was disrespectful for the big white belt, but was fucking impressive seeing a skinny little 16 year old make a big boy tap.


That's a feel good story for sure-- just be mindful bro of small teen safety-- if burly whitebelt dude feels embarassed from 'audience' he can get reckless trying to get even.


Good attitude. Half of our 15yr olds are more fucking dangerous than the adult blue belts. Scrawny little cunts 😆.


Same with ours 15 year old lil savage


Yep. There's a couple guys <16 in the older kids class that will show up for the adult open mats and classes sometimes. It's fun to smesh them now, but I patiently await the inevitable day when they can repay me tenfold.


Yeah, she’s me. Admittedly I got my first and only legitimate submission after 18months, but I haven’t managed one since. I’m just old and weak. So much so that a woman in class told my wife: “he’s so sweet to let us work and succeed”. I was just trying my best. I have seen far better people than i quit. At some point I won’t be the least able in the room. Though then I have to hope the least able person doesn’t quit. Because they usually do, and I’ve heard it’s beneficial to train with people who are not as good as you are.


I don’t think I subbed anyone till after blue lol. Even then subs didn’t become a goal till I hit purple.


relieves me to read stuff like this because i’m months in and i get fucken wrecked every roll


Attainable goals everytime I got on the mat is what helped me the most.


What are some examples of attainable goals every time you get on the mat?


let’s say you want to develop your closed guard attacks. The easiest goal would be, arm bar your opponent from closed. Realistic attainable goal would be to break it down into steps and consistently hit those steps. Establish grips, break their posture, pivot for an angle, throw your leg up into their armpit to further break their posture, engage your hips and elevate them, second leg comes over opponents head, heels curl to butt, knees above your opponents head and hips engage for finish. Now for me my attainable goals would be to consistently hit every step. If I missed or poorly executed any of the steps then I don’t progress further. I intentionally focus on achieving just those steps until I am consistently doing so. Regardless of what instruction you get, don’t get on the mat without a goal. It doesn’t matter how small it is. If it can be focused on it will help a lot.


Thank you for the detail! I admit I have a hard time applying these kinds of advice; I'm so new and ignorant that when I'm on the mat it just feels like a non-descript morass of limbs moving chaotically, completely outside of my realm of control


Keep showing up, your time to shine is coming!


One of the reasons I really picked up jiu-jitsu was because these 2 tiny blue belts would kick my ass every roll for about 6 months. I started to understand and study positions and understand the threats and when they were coming. A few escapes also help tremendously! Once you have that down, they start to catch you way less and your rolls can be more competitive.


My first ever “arm bar“ bent the arm the normal way i was a year in at that point. Late purple I started hitting subs for real


Sounds about right. I could do subs but it was harder to hit them in live rolls on my training partners. Most were heavier, taller or both so I prioritized defense. Probably about blue one to two stripe I was catching subs in the defensive cycle.


I also focused a lot on positions over submissions, so my tournament success was not success. Now I can just like grab a foot or an arm and I’ll make shit up and they tap. Still struggle with chokes a bit. My escape and defence and sweep game is on point tho


Wow as a person who became brown that is insane. I tapped a guy who was 6 months in on my first night and I SUCKK.


Different learning, different mind sets. Subs took a backseat really early beyond drills for me.


Yeah also every room is different. You may have been surrounded my legit monsters at the time. Who knows.


You are likely right. I’ve always had very challenging higher belts. All my instructors are legit.


I had come from a martial arts background (even though I am "small") and as cringe as it sounds, watched a TON of youtube/ufc before signing up. Yes thats silly, but to say I was a "true' day 1 is a bit of a lie. So gnarly to wonder how you went from not subbing anybody til blue that is crazy you had that motivation to continue anyways with possibly a year or 2 of 0 wins. I wont lie, subbing blues as a whitebelt REALLY fueled that motivation and dont think I am strong enough of a person to keep on being smashed without even the rare win. Youre so awesome for continuing with that much punishment!


it does sound silly, it's also a massive humble brag looool


Is it really a humble brag to say you subbed a blue belt as a white belt? Im pretty sure thats a pretty normal occurrence to steal wins off blues once you reach a few stripes haha. I never said I was better than or destroyed them, just I STOLE a win occasionally that boosted my drive since it showed me I was improving. I legit find it crazy this guy hadnt tapped 1 person until his blue belt and now as a brown would probably murder 80-90% of the people in this sub. Thats so fucking epic. My story was to serve only to boost him up, not to boost me up. I am not sitting here claiming how I am the next Gordan Ryan and how everybody should suck me off because I tapped shitters as a white belt. I legitimately am saying it would be tough to just show up for 2 years not having won 1 single roll.


When can I buy your instructional on tapping blue belts


God I am such a chad for tapping blue belts. I understand its literally never been done before and I really am that fucking awesome.


Lol why are you getting down voted


Goal based strategy with tiny incremental victories. Seeing my growth in real time was addictive.


Your gym must have a unique philosophy on training if they promoted you to blue with no submission game, its kind of a big part of the sport no? I can understand if it was a small gym and you were the only white belt on the mat/ and also if you did not compete. Sorry im just having a hard time wrapping my head around this lol.


Survival is the focus at white. Game and white belt do not exist. As a brown belt, I can clearly see that at this point. Too much mystification with belts early on. Can they do the techniques on command? I can see familiarity and some semblance of competence but other than that I wouldn’t hold it against a white belt not to sub others.


All I will say is my coaches would never hand a blue belt to someone that could not consistently mount an effective offence against other white belts. I can’t imagine someone getting a blue belt having never hit an arm bar or triangle in live rolling. Those are like first ~3 months goals for most people.


lol in a live roll? You promoting a lot of students yourself? It’s blue bro, not purple or black for that matter. Consistent and effective are not things I’ve ever seen any blue belt do if they weren’t already ready for purple.


But how could subbing people in rolls not be the goal? Would you get to mount or the back and just chill ?


End goal sure but that’s the least stimulating part for me personally. The subs are the easiest part when you do everything else right.


Can I ask how old you are? Or why you think you're weak??


I am 53. Sedentary since high school. I am the math club! “Weak” is because when I started, many of my classmates were deadlifting 350lb+. I put my back out at 120lb. Never lifted in my life. It’s getting better, but progress is slow as I slide towards the grave. It’s helping that I’m getting hurt less in the last 6 months, so just keep on showing up and trying.


Math dorks represent! I look legit out of place on the mat most of the time, but I will never leave. When people start talking about levers I like to rant about physics. They put up with me.. haha


Yeah, the one thing doing BJJ has highlighted is how staggeringly amazing (comparatively) the rest of my life is at this age. Can't have it all I guess.


Why start BJJ now? What was the motivation? Tired of math?


That's a good question. I've had a poor relationship with BJJ for a long while. My wife started training in 2011 and I eventually tried a 6-month beginner class at her gym when I was 45 back in 2015. I ended up hating it and got hurt a lot, missing many classes. Eventually quit after 5 months of that 6-month "beginner" program - but only 19 actual classes. I will always regret the way it ended. I am certain that it contributed to my wife quitting BJJ shortly after, having two stripes on her blue belt. My expectations were badly set and poorly managed. My pain and frustration caused a fair bit of strife in our marriage at that time, so quitting was the right choice. We are still married, and she eventually went back to the mats before I did. I never liked the idea of quitting without really getting started. I became fascinated by the idea of what BJJ could be for me, if only I could get to the point of being able to "do" it. What Stephan Kesting wrote resonated with me: >Brazilian jiu-jitsu starts making sense and sparring becomes fun when you have a couple of offensive and a couple of defensive options from each of the 6 major positions. I never got close to that point the first time around, and I still haven't now. In 2021 our finances changed materially to the point where our future became pretty much assured (math is fun!). Turning 51, and with life expectancy being what it is, I felt it was time to turn my attention to something that I knew would be challenging. So I decided to try BJJ again. It has been hard, frustrating, and painful. I can't say it has been "fun". Especially in the the first year when again, I got hurt a lot. Now, after two years, I can see improvement. It might not be enough to make a difference with a resisting opponent yet, but I'm definitely getting better at not getting hurt and that's going to enable me to show up more than ever.


Congratulations 🎊.... Wishing you all the best


Or maybe you wanted to experience "applied mathematics" aka BJJ


From my experience (48yo 165 lbs two stripe blue) I roll with the biggest guys in the gym or the highest belt guys my size more often than not. I get smashed 85% of the time, but my defense is so solid that it really takes a special lower belt to get me in a bad spot. This allows me to calmly work on my offense knowing there isn’t much threat. The pay off is lately when I roll with guys my size of all levels I feel like I am cheating because they feel light and weak compared to the usual monsters I choose. But man when you do catch one of those guys and legit tap them, no better feeling in the world, but the next round is usually pretty rough.


You will submit many people after a few years. We have blue belt older women training and they can submit me. Im 6 foot 2 and 216 lbs. I have a muay thai back ground and also train mma. But these people that train multiple years BJJ are just better in BJJ.


My wife is sort of this person. My wife is 105lbs soaking wet. That said, she’s been lifting weights with me for a few years now and it SHOWS. She’s strong as shit when she locks something in, and she is explosively fast. That said, there are maybe 2 people lighter than me (her husband at 6’0, 220lbs) at our gym and everyone else is 6’0-6’4 250-275lbs. They’re beasts. Her and I have been enrolled for 2 months now. I’m a paramedic so my work schedule (three 24hr shifts per week) make it so we can only go 2-3 times per week. We had maybe 10 classes under our belt but every single class she gives it her all. Last weekend we decided to join an in-house tournament to make a great memory together and to hammer out our weaknesses. There wasn’t enough people in her weight class for adults, so they put her with 100-110lb teen mixed belt division. (White and blue belts). We were both nervous as heck, but we both took home 2nd place medals for our division. I’m proud of myself but holy hell proud doesn’t cover what I felt for her. She did some amazing submissions against people a belt level higher than her after only 2 months training. She’s incredible and I fully think she’s better than me, and it motivates me to do my best.


That is so fucking awesome dude. I first read this as "my wife" has a husband 6'0 haha I was like wait what? But jokes aside wow thats so cool. My gf is super strong. I legit as a 175 pound who TRAINS dude basically struggle to pin her down but she just isnt into the combat stuff. Shes a S/A victim but she just isnt interested. Its so awesome to hear your girl isnt afraid of the challenge and goes nuts and congrats on the silvers. I wish my partner had the guts to just dive in like yours does but I guess I gotta respect I wasnt interested either for the first 25 years of my life. Keep at it! In 2 years time you will be destroying any newbie and giggling to yourself that you ever thought you were new.


Why is your gym full of giants?


Im currently in Louisiana. I moved here from Arizona a year ago and the people here are just bigger. Mostly overweight honestly but in BJJ they know how to use their weight to their advantage.


I’m 105 like your wife so everyone is huge compared to me, lol.


Southern cuisine will do that to ya


Where in Louisiana??? I’m from Lafayette and never found a golden ticket like this, that’s awesome lmao (I’m also a heavyweight)


Ha. I’m in Breaux bridge, and I train at Gladiator Academy. They have a school in Lafayette, Youngsville and Breaux Bridge. Really cool people and great instructors. I work out of Port Barre and Opelousas though.


Tell them I said hi 🥲 I got my blue belt from Tim and Eric in 2017. I trained with Jared a few times back in the day. They’re a great crowd Guess they got a lil bulkier after I left lol


I will! Jared and Jeff are my primary instructors and I got to meet Tim at the in-house tournament last weekend. They’re really great instructors all around. I love that they all have a different style of teaching but it wraps together into a cohesive style.


sick 🤘🏼. hope you guys continue to enjoy bjj together and get the most from it


Sorry to message you again, I just remembered this post and wanted to update really quick. Yesterday I was doing a gi class (we usually do nogi) and I rolled with a blue belt at the end of the class. He weighs a good 50lbs more than I do, and it was a good roll. I actually managed to get a kimura on him and got my first sub against an upper belt. Yay for the small victories!


I managed to get my tiny niece into jiujitsu. She just won her second Naga sword last weekend, and taunted me by asking how many I have (zero). She’s inspiring me to up my game!


I’m 5’1 and 103lbs. I started a little over three months ago. We have a male dominated gym. I’m lucky to roll with someone 50lbs above my weight. I constantly get smashed by the guys in my gym. It gets frustrating but I absolutely love it. I have autism and it’s absolutely become my hyper focus. When I’m not in class I’m watching bjj videos on tiktok or YouTube. I want to get better. I want to put the dudes in my gym on their asses. It’s probably never going to happen, but at least I’m having a blast doing it. I absolutely love hearing about small women who are just as involved as I am. I did a competition a couple weeks ago where I had to roll with the blue belt teen boys. I got second place! Those kids gave me so much motivation to do better. It was fun rolling with people my size. Rolling with huge dudes has only made me better.


This is my wife!!! #MadlyInLove


You’re very sweet b! I Love You! 💕


💕~I Love Yoouuuu!~💕


Get a mat room, you two! <3


Jokes on you, we spent 130$ to convert a spare room in our house to a mat room :p You know, to practice BJJ..😂😘


This is so awesome to read. I have autism as well and the hyper focus you talk about is so true. Its such a video game to me I forget its a combat sport. I dive head first into all the big boys and feel brave, but reading stuff like this makes me wonder how brave I really am at my size if people your size are fearlessly charging! <3


You’re absolutely brave! It’s hard to roll with guys double your size. Especially with autism causing you to overthink. I’m really proud of you! Keep up the good work. I absolutely believe in you 💕


I am a 125 lbs dude in a gym where the next lightest person had 25lbs on me, every roll was torture and I ended up vomiting from the effort I gave in alot of classes. Through 3 years of rolling I ended up just accepting that this was always going to be my experience and there was nothing to do about it rather than look for what advantages I had rather than look at the disadvantages. I want to be an inspiration to smaller people at the gym as well and I want to support those that believe they can't beat bigger opponents, I want everyone to get it into their heads that there's always something to fight for and there is always a way.


You have a post talking about how you were able to “outmaneuver and submit bigger guys” as well as messy submissions not being fulfilling to you. You can’t expect to beat some 250lb giant who trains as much as you and say “well this is just how it is”. After 3 years and a blue belt I dare say you could crush a guy with 40lbs on you


one of my buddies/coaches is about your size. I met him when he was a brown belt, he took me under his wing a bit. He whooped everyone's ass, and my gym was all bigger guys. I had no idea he had only been training for like 3 years at that point. He had the best pressure in the gym


Sounds like me. I'm a woman, 100 lb, vegan, and I've been at this for about a year. I have gotten people in submissions before, but a decent amount of the people kind of let me win sometimes. Kind of cool to know that I *might* be inspiring people by just consistently showing up.


I dont know if I ever GAVE a tap to the gal, but I definitely have felt "okay, if she was 50lb heavier, she 100% wouldve swept me" and did the mental math that I "lost" and allowed her to sweep me when I COULDVE muscled through it. One time she said she gets angry if she feels anybody gives her stuff and since then I really do challenge her but dont go 100%. Its just so bonkers to me to imagine showing up to class knowing I will NEVER tap any of the monstrous men no matter what I learn but STILL show up. I think I am a strong person, but WOW.... this girl. 2 fucking years of losing EVERY SINGLE roll and EVERY technique just losing out to strength but never giving up.


Yeah, I think it's more common for people to allow me to get in a dominant position than to allow me to straight up submit them. When I submit a brown belt with almost no resistance, I know they basically let me win. There's one guy who always tells me that he's cheating by being bigger than me. I wouldn't say he lets me win, but he definitely goes easy on me. He also tells me that I'm really good at BJJ. Being smaller has forced me to develop good technique and he's not the only person to tell me I'm good, so I think believe him.


I find it interesting multiple people on this thread have qualified themselves as vegans.... What does that have to do with Jiu-Jitsu? Are you acknowledging your dietary choice as a limiting factor to athletic performance?


the guy brought it up in the post so they’re just saying how it describes them lmao


Yes, I am always way more impressed by women like this that stick w/ BJJ than guys. It takes way more grit. One of the women in our gym is ~120 lbs, white belt, been training for about 2 years, mostly on the receiving end of larger people. We all went to a tournament this past weekend and she absolutely smoked everyone in her division. 3 matches, 3 arm bars (with dominant positions on the way), to gold. It was awesome to watch her with equivalently sized people, that pressure really creates diamonds.


I really want to one day witness her vsing somebody her size or somehow vs some of the younger teens. I have never watched her roll anybody even 30lb within her weight class.


Most of our females are super impressive. We have a brown belt that's maybe 130lbs and pure spider monkey. She'll wander in and give the business and\\or get smashed but is always smiling and helpful and I look over and see her never take a round off and rolling with people WELL outside her weight class it makes my own desire to whine down by several pegs.


That was actually me at the start except I was 41kg. After 1 year I did realize my size was a big disadvantage (sometimes it was an advantage) but it pushed me to start lifting weights. I fell in love with getting stronger and got incredibly strong. Eventually I was deadlifting close to double my weight and squatting well above my body weight. 2 years of lifting and 7 extra kgs later I went from being the weakest woman at the jiujitsu gym to the strongest one. 6 months ago I had a terrible accident (it was actually posted on here, where my opponent jumped in close guard and snapped my leg in half). This has made me more determined than ever to come back even stronger and better at jiujitsu than before. I hope this girl you speak of will use her disadvantages her as a motivator to become her strongest best self


Saw the video. I’m so sorry. How are you doing rn?


It’s been a really tough journey. I only started walking 2 months ago. There were some complications pre op that delayed things, but I’m on track with recovery now. A huge mental battle


Definitely is. How old are you? You look young. Besides BJJ, you have a whole life ahead. Keep going, don’t quit. I know it hurts but is the only way. I wish you you a speedy recovery🤛🏻


Haha not that young but thanks! I’m 28, which is young enough. Thank you!


Me and one other girl are the regular girls at our gym and we’ve been there almost the same amount of time together. She’s great and never quits. I applaud her. The guys we roll with are 160-240 and all taller at 5’6” and up… I’m the shortest at 5’3” and she’s the lightest at 125. I get that size is a thing and yeah I get out muscled … but I love training. I definitely have my off days and days I feel frustrated, but don’t plan to stop any time soon. I train 5-6 days a week - I’d say I get the most mat time of all of us. It’s so much fun for me and it feels good to learn and make myself better every day.


I feel like my 175 pounds is a "healthy" weight for most men. But apparently that makes me a tiny boy compared to the beasts at class. The AMOUNT of times I have legit been grabbed by my collar and Gi pants and THROWN in the air and thought a sarcastic "wow that was very high skill bro". The amount of times I like to tell myself if I was just bigger and stronger they'd have no chance, then I look at fighters like you guys and think "okay buddy you better shut your mouth". Maybe its a boy thing, but god I want to "win" so badly and I cannot imagine just showing up and losing for months and months. Its not a simp thing, its not a girl vs boy thing, I legit am extremely impressed how individuals such as you and that girl have the mental fortitude to just keep showing up. I truly do not think if I was 120 pounds I would be still going.


Yeah, we’ve got a lot of 5’11”/190+ guys here. One in particular who I spar with a lot is I think 6’3” 240lbs. There are moments and rolls where I’m in my head thinking … I think he got this because he muscled me. But I also have in my mind that one day his muscles won’t be better than the technique I learn or the small nuances I’ll be learning (for my own body) that will get me around this hiccup and bring me to an advantageous place. If that makes sense… When I get little wins, I’m thrilled. I think the satisfaction is greater, even.


Yeah see thats the part that scares the shit out of me. As long as the big boys at my gym keep learning, I will never "out technique" them. But knowing I am not "THAT" much smaller than them, and I dont have to become 3000% better than them, maybe just 20-50% better is what drives me. But its so cool you guys dont have these thoughts, you're able to just keep fighting and take any W's you get even if they're not subs.


You nailed it... My school is loaded at 195 to 250+...I started BJJ competing at light weight and forced myself via nutrition and lifting to go up to middle weight for two reasons: (1) injury protection. (2) better compete in my school. My style is hyper aggressive on my feet so really big and athletic people don't fit my game and injuries are abundant. Throughout high school and college wrestling I trained one weight class down and one weight class up. Never more because it doesn't make sense. You are doing everything to play a sport that you always compete at weight. Judo for me was exactly the same. I understand the self defense aspect of all these including BJJ but it's never been my "why." I'm not an open guy. I'm only interested in winning a world championship in my age and weight. Everything else that comes with it(mental health, fitness, confidence, self defense) is a cherry on my sundae.


Some of us women are there to not only learn and have fun, but to learn to legitimately be able to defend ourselves.


This is something I’ve been struggling with recently. How can I honestly feel like I’m learning to defend myself when I know that if the guys in my gym take off the training wheels, I probably won’t be able to do anything? I’ve really been worried that they think it’s a waste of their time to roll with me or that I don’t deserve the color belt I have.


Well never underestimate anyone but the average person may not have the skills your gym mates do… also mindset is important, the ability to conserve energy and remain calm are important. I’d rather have some tools in my tool belt rather than none


If you are blue belt or higher and a man who is not that much bigger than you (lets say no more than 30% heavier), untrained, and maybe intoxicated attacks you, there is a good chance you can either beat them 1v1 or get away. If they are 50%+ larger than you or have some training, hopefully your own training gives you the ability to survive long enough to pull your CCW or for someone to come help. There is even a chance they might give up if you make it difficult enough.


The guy you (hopefully never ever ever) will have to defend from doesn't know you train, he is not thinking like "ok she is on the ground, I need to pass the legs and be careful to avoid being caught in a triangle choke, not be rolled around and never give my back". Surprise is on your side, so it might be more like training with a guy on his very first day ever then with anyone you roll. Not all rolls need to be super hard, and rolling with people physically weaker is also fun and instructive. Congratulations on your color belt, hopefully one day I will be as good as you are now : )


As a 195# white belt, I get submitted every once in a while by a 120# female purple belt. Her flexibility flummoxes me. I’ll think “you can’t put your foot there. That’s not fair”. It helps to have a different toolset.


I see BJJ more as a sports. For self defence I prefer pepper spray and a cold steel spartan. Street fights don’t even come close to most martial arts. In 99% of cases you have to fight multiple opponents etc.


Yes, we have a 40+ yo mother of two roosterweight Japanese woman who is legit a bad motherfucker. The only taps she gets are when she dominates IBJJF masters brackets




congrats, those first achievements feel the best




We have an individual that has MS at our gym. Not big or strong, but he has the best attitude and keeps showing up to classes. We keep an eye on him along with smaller individuals to ensure newer people don't get too aggressive.


Love that you appreciate her. Im a female white belt, training on and off for 7 years now, mostly no gi. Depending on the gym it can be VERY intimidating to join a male dominated space, so I think it’s awesome that you recognize her grit and efforts. She sounds fantastic and should join the Women’s Warrior Camp in Austin, Texas this fall!


Those are the best people at the gym


Yeah we have a woman that trains in the morning class of 10 or so guys and she gets smashed daily. But when she competes in her weight class it's a complete masterclass on how to destroy an opponent; she makes it look so easy lol


Funny to mention but I am a dude who in the later years of high school grown out to be a feather weight fighter so I was a 6ft1 dude chilling at 65kg/145lbs at competition (70-75kg otherwise). Needless to say I had no muscle and no fat. We however did have a lot of girls and they loved to roll with me. This is because I believe that I was the missing link for the ladies between having to fight a fellow woman or to be absolutely tossed by a dude. So when I dipped my weight to division spec I was basically stronger than the girls but not overpowering. So I was basically the cometition practice dummy for the women. My guy friends however were all above 6ft and like between 175 and 220. Needless to say I was yeeted like an old rag when fighting them.


THIS MADE ME SMILE SO BIG!!! Go her!!! That shit is inspiring as hell!!


There’s a girl at the gym I’m at who’s much the same. She’s like 15, tiiiiiiiny, and very timid. Im 6”1 and about 210lbs. I’m a white belt but have had previous experience so when I see her roll, I see how much she’s progressed and it’s just amazing. When I roll with her, i can obviously move her around like nothing but she it’s really hard to break her guard. She submits me and although I take the humbling experience, she deserves it and I’m secretly rooting for her.


We have one who also has not quit yet. Gotta stay humble.


I am about her size and I train in my college's BJJ club. We are a small group and most of the time I don't have someone my size to practice with. Luckily one of the teachers is closer to my size. He has like 50 or 60 pounds on me and is a good few inches taller. But he always is super sweet and works with me, and is very a wear that I can just get smashed by everyone else.


I dont know how you guys can do it. It is actually incredible. When I first showed up to class as a 6'2, 175 pound guy I knew I wasnt "big" but I was CERTAIN there would be TONS of "little" people who were training to defend themselves.... boy was I in for a surprise. I think there is maybe 1 or 2 dudes smaller than me in the 70 person class. I cant imagine just NOTHING working because some dude is just exherting his body weight into any technique I use.


It can be really annoying I have had guys litterly just stand up while I have him in a triangle chock. But it's just something you learn to deal with and laugh about.


Our nogi instructor is a small wiry dude who just got his BB. When I first started he was a blue belt, but I took a few years off while he remained consistent. He's only even taken time off for injury as far as I know, and he's been consistent as an instructor ever since purple. His steady grind is an inspiration to me, because how I feel getting steamrolled by the young wrestlers must be how he's felt for many years with everyone until his technique and stamina developed to the point of being able to roll hard with all the larger black belts. Interestingly, his younger brother is a world-class competitor. But while his brother feels like a god compared to us normies, he never seemed to be as hardcore, just more of a big bjj nerd. By being more down to earth, it feels like his struggle is more relatable to those of us who aren't motivated by the desire to become champions. People like that remind me that there's few excuses for not training.


I am similar to her shoes though. I'm LOSING weight as I try to gain and am a twig with these 250lb meat heads but I still show up, I still try, I still beat myself up for getting beat up, but I still try again. It's a process and it's not about how many wins you have against others, but how many wins you have against yourself. 2.5 years in this damned sport.


I count the wins against others :) It can be a small win. Like here is that person 6.3, 200+ lbs, I passed his guard. Yay! Here is my regular sparring partner (purple belt) told me that I did great. Yay! Here is the purple belt girl I dominated. Yay! Etc, etc.


Hahaha for me today it's, "I kept my elbows in! Yay!" Or "I came up on top! Yay!" Little wins for a little person.


Don't worry, soon it will be "I caught that person in a flying armbar. Yay!", "I did an omoplata from butterfly guard. Yay!" )))


Thank you for your faith in me ♡


bro what purple belt girls are you dominating, there is a problem there


Those that let me dominate them)) and i am a girl


We have one of these at our gym, she’s awesome. 17 years old, weighs like 90 pounds, and more often than not is the only girl in the gym. Despite all this she is actually very talented and learns insanely quickly. I think she’s tapped some of the smaller white belt guys too.


Oh wow a girl ??? No way?!!!


We have a 98 year old Vietnam vet with no legs and 1 lung and he still keeps going.


I am legit not even sure if you're joking haha


If she got her blue belt losing every roll then there's hope for me yet! Heart is not something that can be taught, but it should be recognized.


I for some reason thought you were saying she doesnt deserve her blue belt haha. I immediately was full defensive. My coach isnt some world beater, and is just a local guy who opened a gym. But I fully support his support of her and he didnt just hand it to her. It took her nearly 2 years to get it and I respect that although hes never seen her win or basically ever control anybody ever he still recognizes that if our gym was full of people her size she would be a beast.


Yeah, what I was trying to say was that a) I lose all the time too, lol, and b) she got that belt because she didn't give up despite the difficulty. Clearly she has plenty of heart which is where real strength comes from. Can't teach it - also, can't smesh it.


Weve got a 115lb girl,very petite,soon to be purple belt,and she crashes lots of blue belt dudes,shes not to be fucked with..Just took gold lsdt weekend in comp..


I had this but with a 100% literally-no-eyeballs blind guy. Absolutely humbling.


Omg that could be my story, but there's more girls at my gym (99,9% bigger than me)


I am not gonna lie, that gym das not sound like a great place for her. I am a 190 pound guy and of course I can simply overpower most girls. But imho that‘s not the point of the spar. It would be better for her and for you guys if you focused on the technical side. Don‘t use your full weight to prevent a sweep, that kind of stuff. The way you‘re describing it, it doesn‘t give you anything but free „wins“ and her nothing but loss after loss without the chance of learning from mistake.


This is a super condescending and bizarre post.


How is it condescending? Most of us here got to experience tapping people out, and that driving our confidence to keep showing up. Most of us small or big arnt THAT smaller or bigger than most opponents. To show up and be smaller by a huge margin to EVERY SINGLE person at the gym and it having 0 effect on your motivation is extremely impressive and I applaud her, and everybody who can do that. I could not do that, and I am complimenting those that could.


Tell her.


Eh I feel like its either A. Backhanded compliment basically saying she cant do anything to any of us but A for effort or B. sounds like I'm simping for her. Maybe one day I will but she has mentioned to me before she absolutely hates anybody that treats her nice for it.


I've been told I'm an inspiration 10000000 times and never have i taken it as a backhanded compliment


If I always lost, I'd probably quit not gonna lie. It seems like a waste of time to get beat up for 2 years straight. Go to work, pay bills, and to unwind you willingly go get your ass kicked, lol


Yeah I got downvoted on one of the comments because I praised a dude who claimed he didnt win 1 roll until past his blue belt. I said my occasional stealing of wins showed myself I was getting better and helped motivate myself to keep coming and getting beat up. Apparently that was me bragging but thats all I was saying, if you told me I wont win 1 single roll in my first 2 years, I dont think I couldve signed up.


thats fair ofc, but no offense, thats why we aren't talking about you buddy. She'll get there eventually, might be a couple more years but she'll start making people lay, and im sure it'll feel so good after all the work she put in, and everyone is gonna think she's that much more of a badass


Have you ever told her? You never know, she might be contemplating if it’s all worth it, and your words of kindness might be meaningful to her.


Yup. There are people in the hospital right now that would give their left nut just to roll once more. Be grateful for what you have folks.


I'm 125-130lbs at 5.2ft, fortunate enough to get to train with lighter people, a lot of women at my original gym and current one, though most higher belts are way heavier than me, it's ok most of the times, people don't usually pressure their whole weight on me. There's this 16yo girl who is way smaller than me but she does judo since she was a kid and she can't get out of 200lb smashers but can throw pretty much anyone and has an amazing foot work and body awareness, a very well deserved and solid blue. Also, the instructor for the women's classes on my original gym is a world champion at rooster weight, she's just pure jiu-jitsu.


All women in my gym are pretty good. When I roll with the lighter ones I try to use technique only. One got me into a sneakie armbar. I weight 216 lbs and I am 6 foot 2. So I think we bigger boys roll different against women. I would feel embarassed to outmuscle one.


They separate sports by gender/weight class/age for a reason lol you must be a great training partner, especially for a white belt


Yeah in competition I agree, but training should be fun and educational for all. I think we have a very nice gym culture in general.


To be completely honest I think I’m 97 lbs soaking wet so i am simply the smallest adult in my entire gym. I am super lucky to have a women’s instructor that is black belt and who is close enough to my weight that teaches me and pushes me to try different things I may not think I can do. I also have two brown belt women close to my weight as well and they all teach me different way to use my limbs in a way that gives me the advantage with the lack of height and weight. Even without being surrounded by amazing women I think I would be progressing the same due to the environment that is set up in my gym with higher belts looking to roll with lower belts. Now I have only been doing jiu jitsu for just over a year and just got my second stripe last month but when someone tells me my hooks are sticky or that I’m like a little spider monkey it makes me feel good and that I am learning to use my lack of height to my advantage.


Yeah, you're weird. Worry about yourself.




I always want to believe this is me. Not sure if it actually is, because my self-perception is usually pretty negative...always has been. (Working on it, and BJJ has been a big part of that.) Buuuut I'm also afraid of false confidence that leads to destruction, haha. I am one of the only women who shows up regularly to the different classes. The 5am is mostly military and all men except for me like 99% of the time. I'm used to being around dudes - have been my whole life. Average weight in that class is about 180-200 pounds. I am 120's. (In other classes we have big Polynesian dudes who are well over 220-240.) In no way am I saying I ever kick asses or anything, but I take pride in surviving and escaping. Sometimes getting omoplatas after spending like 20 minutes in bottom side contemplating life. When I see women like this, I am soooooo ridiculously proud, because it's such a sign of true work ethic. I think I probably get more frustrated than the girl you're talking about and it sounds like she is more patient, but this is my aspiration right here. Give her a fist bump for me. More relevantly: There's a purple belt here - female, probably 110 soaking wet, also....and she is like...the strongest chick ever. Like...she goes from 110 standing to like...250 pounds when she puts chest pressure on you. It defies the laws of physics. But man...she is freaking tough. She's been through the damn ringer and it shows. I want to be just like her.


She got to bluebelt without tapping a single person? Not even once?


Most blue belt is given based on attendance, we simply cannot have a person training consistently for 1.5-2 years and still a white belt


>Depends on the gym. At my gym a blue belt is an accomplishment. There seems to be a big variation between belt progressions at gyms. I didn't legitamately tap anyone for my frist two and a half years. Took four years to get my blue belt. I trained 3-4 days per week Most visiting blue belts from other gyms get destroyed by our 2-3 stripe white belts. > >I think our gym deliberately sandbags to do better in comps. Getting one stripe per year is brutal on the ego once you start doing the math and realizing it's going to take 20 years to get your black belt. Fortunately it seems that the higher belts do progress faster in our gym. They are just really tough on the lower belts.


Yeah if she can demonstrate x amount of subs and sweeps from various positions I dont see why shes not blue. I don't think you realise man like you can legitimately grab this girls wrists and do anything you want against her. It doesn't matter how hard she hip bumps or arm drags or kip escapes. I'd be surprised if she could bench press the bar with no weights on it.


Most 110 lb women around blue belt level skill wise are not gonna be able to get legitimate subs on men


That's fucking awesome. Sending this to my wife for inspiration 😁


Mm.. if she is NEVER winning then she not being trained right..


She might have but I have never seen it.


Being vegan is the first problem


You definitely cam bulk up being vegan but boy you're making it hard on yourself doing so haha.


She still won’t fuck you


No hate, but someone definitely should not get promoted to Blue Belt if they can't do anything against a day 1 whitebelt. She should be able to at least get to work on other girls within 40 lbs of her.


There ARE no girls within that weight class. The 2 casual girls are big women. Probably around 160-180 pounds. There is not 1 single person in our gym below 160 pounds. Day 1 white belt guys showing up at 180 pounds may not be totally subbing her on repeat, but she definitely cannot force them into any position at a measly 110 pounds. Any sweep, any choke and they just grab her wrists and pin her to floor floor.


its a blue belt, not a black belt, and she's a lightweight woman fighting heavier men.


BJJ isn't karate. You shouldn't get a promotion solely for good attendance and attitude. Some people have blue belts for 15 years because they don't make any progress. I know decent athletes who didn't get blue until over 3 years in, it's not uncommon to be white that long, so why would you get it realistically in 2 years when you've never done anything to anyone? She's small, well, that's just fine. Why is she training? Does she think she's going to actually use bjj for self-defense? Doesn't sound like it. Does she just like doing it? Great, she can do it as a white belt until she earns a blue belt. I mean, the OP literally said she may never have gotten anyone 1 time. Also, I'm supposed to believe there hasn't been a trial class human within 40 lbs of her in the last 1.5 years? C'mon...


Personally I'd rather have that limit come at purple belt. At that point you are of a teaching rank and represent your club. Blue belt is more of a "one of the real club members" kind of thing, it's not a big deal. Are you a white belt?


You can work on your grip strength and muscle you know. It's not impossible.


She definitely could, but the idea she doesnt just gain 40 pounds and hit the gym hard and still just shows up to get smashed 4x a week for 2 years is insane in a good way. Doesnt feel like she HAS to win, but is content on improving and training regardless.


She could too but I'm talking about for you lol. Going by how you said you make excuses in your head yourself. Work on your own failures and than you don't have to worry about them when they improve.


Oh lol haha yeah well I mean as a 6'2 175 dude, OBVIOUSLY I could just go fucking nuts in the gym/diet and immediately have a giant 1 up on people but that isnt my passion. All that effort probably to only get my ass beat anyways by most of the guys hahaha.


Simpin' ain't easy


lmao @ reddit simps downvoting. Imagine making this huge long winded post about some girl you barely know and discussing what she should/ shouldnt do in the gym. If she seen this she'd probably move gym ASAP. Also, nearly every BJJ in existence has girls like this. Edit: Ah...OP just wants attention. Dude has multiple posts in this sub in last month that could be solved with a simple google, but decides to post a reddit thread instead lol. Plus a whole post about how " Onlyfans Girls is a legitimate job " this must be why people say BJJ is gay & soy


Give your description she sounds amazing. Does she has insta?


Probably but I dont know it haha.


No, all small people and especially women tend to quit within the first month or two


120 lbs, 5'3. 6 months in. White belt. I already dominate a few white belt men (about my height) in our gym. I know they give me 100 percent. Most of the bigger guys just let me work. I do not see myself as a hero. I am not there to just train. I am there to win :) I watch a lot of videos of the smaller guys who submit bigger opponents. I know it is hard but possible.


Lmaoo the “little sticks” as arms is me. I’m 5’2” and 105 lbs. I get my ass shooketh.


Gym owner/instructors wife slowly, systematically funneling me into a submission despite me being much stronger is pretty impressive to me. I love her style and I hope I can get there one day.


As a short guy, you should definitively let her know this One of the smallest guys in my old gym was a 5’4-5’5” 140-150lbs guy that was super thin but super wiry, he was a sheriff’s deputy can’t remember if purple or brown belt with crazy flexibility and great gas tank who would inverted triangle from anywhere and was used to rolling with bigger guys so zero problem playing bottom He was a fucking nightmare lol


30 year old woman in my club, average size, no previous athletic experience. She's about a year in, and currently gets clobbered by pretty much everyone but never gives up, just keeps showing up. I'm delighted she does, because someday she's going to be the one to humble all the young dudes coming in, thinking they can out-muscle everyone. They'll blink, she'll be on their back. She's also a great training partner for the lone woman MMA fighter in our gym, who herself is slow to take to grappling but is another dogged, dedicated, hard-working person. We need more of them.


There's an eighty-five pound teenager at my gym who drills like a mad man and my coach is always quick to acknowledge her hard work and persistence. We have a lot of women at our gym, but even still most of us outweigh her by forty pounds at least. At my old gym, women were markedly slower to progress because the coaches had an old school idea that women needed to hold their own against bigger guys because of self defense before they could get promoted and it always bothered me. You had to work twice as hard to get promoted like the men.


I’m a blue belt and I only weigh 104 pounds. Im 22 now but I get smashed all the time. I’ve learned how to use my lack of weight as an advantage. My coach likes to pair me with new guys who are cocky to tone them down lol. I’m always exited when I hear about other women who are light like me who do this sport because it’s not very common that they end up staying.


> But she tries so fucking hard and never says "I'm just too light", "its just unfair" I did this and I just put on 50 lbs instead lol, now jujitsu is a lot easier


You only have 1 female student at your gym?


1 regular female. We have 2 or 3 casuals who maybe train once a fortnight. There's plenty of girls in the kids/teens though but would be insulting if coach put her in the teens I think 🤣