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Removing because image and description are both misleading. Incidentally we don't allow this website on the subreddit, because it is clickbaity and loaded down with ads. ​ We've approved the other post about this news; to join the conversation, go here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/bjj/comments/1byu009/ffion\_davies\_announces\_onlyfans\_partnership/](https://www.reddit.com/r/bjj/comments/1byu009/ffion_davies_announces_onlyfans_partnership/)


Context is key here. She posted a video to her IG explaining what the OF is for. It's for instructionals, techniques, BJJ Focused dieting, Follow up videos from questions off instructionals. It's also free.


*sigh* but I already unzipped !


Rear naked choke gets a completely new meaning. Imo BJJ players could fill an actual niche in the BDSM porn world.


you know that “wrestling” porn already exists right? Except they start on the ground so it’s actually just BJJ. So I hear anyways


Yeah but I watched this stuff once and its really really boring. It's usually just two girls awkwardly rolling around without any skill and suddenly... sex. Or, even more pathetic, a dude purposefully losing to a girl half his weight to get "punished", and suddenly... sex. Their technique level may be white belt BJJ, but without the ferocity a white belt usually puts up, fighting for dear life. Energy level of a lazy brown with the skill level of an unmotivated white. Ugh.


“yeah this is why I preview all of it first and make sure to only select ones that look exciting, although I haven’t visited that specific subgenre in a bit” - someone who actually watched that stuff, probably


I just checked it out and it’s 2 people who…wrestle. It’s like watching the opening scene where a plumber shows up to fix a leak in the sink and then he actually fixes the leak in the sink.


And they never put the hooks but still get the choke, how unrealistic


I’ve heard of that too, never searched for it or nothing.


my friend who watches porn says kink.com used to have an entire section of the website devoted to explicit wrestling


Yeah I had an ex message me out of the blue saying how disappointed she was that I didn’t do bjj when we were together.


That sounds like a subtle hint that she is available.


Yeah Im married with kids now though unfortunately.  Or fortunately depending on which way you look at it.


I don't know which culture you are from, but you really shouldn't marry kids, dude.


Sweet Summer's child, that shit already exist, is called Ultimate Surrender. And there others like it too.


This is the strangest sub on Reddit Half of the funny onlyfans jokes are getting berated by…a certain demographic The other half are being properly upvoted, as they should be.






Whats the point then? Just make a YouTube channel


I expect they are paying her to do it


Especially as she had an onlyfans sponsor on her rashguard at the last event.


I wish OF was publicly traded so I could buy Puts on it. The effort to rebrand themselves into Patreon is so obviously a non-starter and they seem to be spending quite a bit on it You have a working business model, just do it ffs


Its hard to have a working business model when the evangelical right wants to make it impossible for you to move money or process payments, and the only way out is to prove you aren't exclusively a porn site. Edit because people are downvoting before doing research: "OnlyFans hasn’t developed a sudden puritanical streak – it’s bowing to pressure from payment processors. Companies in certain “high-risk industries” (porn, gambling, marijuana, etc) have always had problems getting banks and credit card companies to work with them but it’s about to get a lot harder for companies in the adult industry to start collecting payments thanks to new restrictions that Mastercard is implementing; other payment processors are expected to follow Mastercard’s example... "What isn’t discussed as much, however, is the censorship power that payment processors have. That power hasn’t gone unnoticed by rightwing and evangelical organizations such as National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) and Exodus Cry, who have lobbied payment processors to crack down on online sex sites. " from https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/aug/21/onlyfans-sexually-explicit-content-gilead


Porn has ALWAYS been considered a “high risk industry” for advertisers


Erm, no. Publicly traded companies just don't dabble in porn because they also rely on advertisers, and advertisers don't want to be associated with DVDA alien dildo porno


its okay to research before you downvote: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/aug/21/onlyfans-sexually-explicit-content-gilead


Who's "they" though?


Brandon and Lauren from OF's publicity department


Bruh in a deal between her and OF there are only two parties being talked about. Who do you think


Ok... But why male models 🤔


are you stupid


My dude, just because you can't see the deep state working right in front of your eyes doesn't mean you need to put down someone who is trying to lead you to the light. The new world order is obviously paying her to do it so they can declare martial law and bring forth the anti Christ


I will consult my crystal ball and get back to you mate.


Thank you sir, when you find out ask them if they'll pay me for an OnlyFans too. I've got bronze and silver at a couple of comps xoxo


That's nothing! I'm the 2022, blue belt, ultra heavy, Provincial Champion of Alberta (no gi) according to the one tournament I won! Clearly that's worth a 5 spot at least!


Charles Oliveira (UFC) has Onlyfans :)


Yeah, but he shows hole




Nah. OF has been sponsoring athletes to post non-porn content, free or not free, to try to rebrand away from a pornographic site to a generalized personal content. Seeing as she had an OF logo on her rashguard, I would imagine they offered her a bag to make content for them


I get it, I really do but whew that's an uphill battle. Attractive woman in a niche community that already struggles with not being sexual to the general public? Goodluck folks!




Not in this case. She’s not doing it for free, even if the content isn’t for a subscription. They’re sponsoring her to do this




The “point” is that she’s getting paid an assload of money to post free content on OF than YT. That’s the point. Not because, maybe, possibly, one day she could *potentially* charge a subscription. That’s not why




Your response was pretty clearly also specifically about her unless you’re referring to the entire population of youtube and onlyfans as a singular “she”


That's what jozef chen and Jason rau do on patreon


Way more money in OF compared to YT


A boat load of publicity. Same as when the Botez sisters created an Only Fans with "mating strategies" that was chess content.


Original purpose of OnlyFans was just this: for famous people to interact with their fans, and for experts to sell their knowledge directly to the fans. Porn industry just basically took it as their own - but ut is in no way meant to just be for selling nudes.


She has one, it's good


I have followed tons of "YogaBy" "Pilateswith" "ChessWith" They all want to show me their tits not show me how to exercise or play chess.


Miyao were actually the first ones to post content on there before it started becoming the go-to for adult content


That’s how it starts




For now


Kinda strange to use a promiscuous picture to announce an OnlyFans….that is actually just BJJ instructionals Will she at least be naked when breaking down different variations of the triangle choke? /s


She didn’t. That’s just the news article clickbaiting creeps like yourself


Lol, relax dude. Read the caption on this post.


Sorry mate but women's careers in professional sport - or indeed anywhere - shouldn't be reduced to a 'show us your boobs' punchline.


…read the caption on this post… Actually, I will do it for you. It says: -to “share techniques” Then the picture in the post is her in a bikini Also, it’s OnlyFans, known for porn (obviously) It is also obvious that she isn’t actually doing porn. You are either playing dumb, or you are actually bottom of the barrel


It was you who asked if she was 'at least going to do the instructionals naked', though.


Let me guess…you didn’t catch the sarcasm? Just like how you didn’t even read the caption of the fucking post you are commenting on?


Just own that you posted a loser comment and move on dawg


I guess you can learn BJJ even if you can’t read I assumed most people in the modern world were literate, but I have been proven wrong. Kinda wild to find two illiterate people in the same thread though


You're calling a bikini beach photo "promiscuous". Relax and go get laid dude.


…are you trolling? A bikini picture, right beside a fully clothed picture, under a headline that says she is starting an onlyfans… Do you not think the bikini picture has something to do with the onlyfans announcement? Do you not understand that it’s clickbait?


>Do you not think the bikini picture has something to do with the onlyfans announcement? Ask "BJJ Eastern Europe" who posted it? You're telling people to relax after calling a bikini photo promiscuous. I don't think you know what that word means.




Plot twist, she’ll be posting instructionals on there. EDIT: The video announcement was just posted on the sub a few minutes ago and it’s precisely the intent of her onlyfans.


What kind of instructionals?








Clickbait title, it's because onlyfans are trying to pivot to become more like patreon and less like pornhub and they've hired a bunch of professionals to make exclusive non-porn content for them.


Funny 'cause that was the original purpose of OF before it turned into a porn site 🤣


And before it became successful.


Not even trying to pivot, the original purpose of OnlyFans was exactly this. Porn was never the main intention.


I think they even tried to get away from the porn for a while but realized they would lose a metric fuckton of revenue doing so.


Yes they banned porn for less than 2 weeks, but that was at a point where porn had already conquered the site. They had to re-allow it very, very quickly


The title stated the fact that she's joining OnlyFans with nothing else on it. How is that clickbait?


Because people typically know OnlyFans for porn, and she's not doing porn.


... did they have to use that picture on the right for this?




Marketing knows their audience




Now I want to see the men get the same treatment. For, research purposes


She clearly explained it’s instructional videos. I find she is actually very good at teaching on her videos on YouTube. Simple and clear to understand. Only fans was originally made for this type of stuff and not pornography.




Hmmm, I wonder why most people think that? Surely it has nothing to do with 99% of their profits coming from pornographic accounts


Yeah but they’re “trying” to rebrand away from that. I say “trying” in quotes because the only way that’ll actually happen is if they ban pornography which they won’t do


End thread


I hope they paid her good money because it’s her brand that lifts their up, not the other way around. Exceptional competitor and instructor. One of my favorite ones to watch and emulate.


Nice now I can tell my wife my only fans subscriptions are bjj related


Modern problems require modern solutions 💪🏻


Don’t be a prick, it’s clearly just for instructionals. She’s had it for a while now on her rashguards as a sponsor and has said multiple times on camera it’s for jiujitsu technique stuff only.




Might as well beat it like it owes you money.


Seppuku is the traditional way


Rear Naked Poke


This is misleading as fuck, she’s not sharing NSFW content yet the title is paired with clickbait picture of her at a beach.




OF was originally NOT for porn….


I went to one of her seminars a few years back. Very good instructor and she seemed really nice and friendly when we chatted afterwards. Both had a giggle at a young lad throwing up a Shaka and saying Oos with every sentence. We don’t do that here bud. Gym owner was a complete knob to her during the seminar which ruined the class for everyone and made it a bit uncomfortable.


Lol idk why everyone thinks OF=porn 🤣🤣 you can post anything on there lol


For the same reason OF is paying people to make content that isn't porn.


Are they really paying her to post haha that’s crazy but yeah makes sense trying to change the overall content posted


that’s what a sponsorship is lol. why would she be doing it for free?


Lol I didn’t know it was a sponsorship it didn’t say that in the photo lol


that’s clickbait for you


I can't say if they are paying her, they might, but they are certainly paying people to produce content.




Because 99% of their profit throughout the last few years is from porn Seems pretty reasonable to me


Lol not really a lot of girl just posting pics on there…like actual porn porn isn’t as high as you think more like teases but nonetheless lol


When the fuck have you ever heard of anyone having an OF that didn’t do porn?


This post, and on instagram for the past few weeks, when several BJJ competitors announced that they had non-porn onlyfans sponsorships.


It just said she joined Of on the photo not that she was in a sponsorship and I hardly use instagram but I see lol thanks 😊


Yeah don't worry, the screenshot from the website is deliberately clickbaity and hiding the truth


Lol fr it is 🤣


0.01% of onlyfans account are SFW Go ahead and google their profit margins….you don’t get that kind of money from BJJ accounts lololol


Some BJJ girls who don't put up any nudes use it to make a living from simp money.


Lol I had no idea


OP is such an incel lmao


a jiu jitsu athlete is getting sponsored by a high profile company but because it’s onlyfans, y’all have to be immature and make assumptions instead of realising how big this is for the sport


OF has been on a pretty big kick recently of sponsoring random combat sports athletes to post teaching content


exactly. anyone who’s been paying attention shouldn’t find this surprising


Immature? How much money do you think OF makes on non-pornography content versus the porn shit? Hats off to Ffion if she really does make money off not selling picture of herself. But that site is porn first, other content second.


she’s making money because OF is paying her directly. that’s what a sponsorship is. it doesn’t matter that it’s also used to host adult content. she’s stated that she’s going to be posting technique/bjj related stuff only so speculating otherwise instead of taking her at face value is immature. you guys don’t do this with male athletes


What makes you think I give a shit what people do on OF? It doesn’t matter if you’re doing non-adult related things on the platform, you’re going to be associated with what the majority of their revenue comes from. It’s a fact of life. I could be the most straight laced independent tshirt company selling stuff that would make every wholesome Christian mom in the world proud. But if I start selling on Silk Road and the dark web, I’m probably going to get questioned about what I’m doing, whether I like it or not. That’s how the world works.




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How long before she crosses over to other instructionals? The countdown is on!


unless it's cheeks gettin clapped we don't want it


There are some much hotter than her that compete. She is on that Craig jones spectrum list and way up it


Hot 🔥


what's with sharing these shitty bjjee pics??


I only see BJEE on the occasional look through facebook and it seems like clickbait central.


You can practically see her anus during her rolls


Are you heading up her marketing department?


Either she changes Only Fans or Only Fans changes her. Will she be able to keep the straight and narrow when pressured to earn? I've heard that a lot of people started out trying to market their hobbies or passions, but end up doing more sexual content because it's the quickest way to gain an audience. I wonder if they can change that.


>Either she changes Only Fans or Only Fans changes her.  You think there is a chance OF will change demetrious johnson ?


Hard to say. It might. Or the venture could turn out unprofitable and he's forced to drop after a few months or a year or two. Or they could pull off a miracle. But I'm skeptical that Only Fans can pull it off. This isn't the first time they tried to leave Porn behind. [https://time.com/6092947/onlyfans-sexual-content-ban/](https://time.com/6092947/onlyfans-sexual-content-ban/) When people go to a site, I expect that they've already chosen the reason why they'd go there. People already see Only fans as a porn site. And for bjj and other martial arts, there are already tons of teaching videos in You Tube, IG etc. Only Fans will have difficulty carving out a niche for itself. It would be interesting if they succeed, but it looks like an uphill battle.


pretty sad to take the money from them even if she's just doing instructionals


Gabriel Sousa gonna be going crazy




It's for instructionals. They clearly headhunted her for it, I reckon she's getting a fat sack of cash for it. They're trying to build the non-porn side of it, which is where it was aimed in the first place


I'm sure that's why they've asked the attractive blonde woman 😂


They've got a bunch of people, e.g. Mighty Mouse and Craig Jones afaik, and one of the two does serious content


Fair enough.


What’s your reason for posting this? Like, what world be a reply that would yield ‘yeah, we contributed to this post with this interaction’? Just curious


It's sad when women engage in sex work.


Just women? Sad for whom? Why would you care? It’s ok for men though, right?


It's sad when anyone engages in prostitution. It's degrading to everyone involved.


Have a great day! Enjoy the moral high ground.


😂 it's hardly a controversial take on the issue


Yeah, she's only the best female grappler on the planet at the moment, must be her looks though


It's sad that she feels the need to engage in sex work. Which is what onlyfans is generally used for.


She's not engaging in sex work, it's for instructionals 


Ok 🤷 The post doesn't mention. It's just only fans with her in a bikini


Not every woman who wears a bikini is a sex worker, where is your head at bro 🤣


If there is a picture of an attractive women in a bikini and there is a headline that they're joining onlyfans, it's a fair assumption to make tbh


No, but the *first* reply you received very clearly stated what it was for and you chose to ignore that


Sure, but I didn't know that originally. If she's not doing sex work then good for her I guess