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High level grappler and quit in high school in the same message lmao


I had to finish watching the video after I heard that.


hah! Same


Shocked he wasn’t wearing his JV jacket.


quit \*before\* high school! Dude must've wrestled from like age 4-13 "at a very high level"


He still wrestles with his pants.


on a separate note, is there a video like this where it features an actual high level wrestler? Would be fun to watch.


There’s a video of Bo Nickal talking about going to a gym with barely any experience and destroying everyone one after the other and then stale mating their best black belt.


To be fair, I think that's the expected result from anyone that has grappled their entire lives lol


That’s my experience. I too came in with 10 years experience. I had more mat time and significantly more competition experience than most at the gym. I could easily out wrestle them. But I didn’t know bjj stuff.


How long did it take you to feel comfortable with the BJJ stuff? I started wrestling after a few years of BJJ and it completely changed my game and had me bullying the other blue belts. Always wondered how long someone with a serious wrestling background takes to adapt.


years. it took forever to not stick my head out. or leave my arms out. or any number of things you dont htink about in wrestling. I forced myself to play BJJ instead of wrestling for the first several years. i pulled guard every round and worked on playing off my back. now that I know enough bjj, i can incorporate my wrestling knowledge into stuff I do.


Really? Crazy. I always see wrestling as the more difficult sport. I learned so many good things in wrestling I always assumed it would be an easy ride coming to BJJ. But I guess guard play and subs are alien and wrong to you if you've grappled for 10 years and never done them.


Well let me rephrase things. My grappling experience definitely gave me an advantage over most. I could out scramble and ride heavy on top. I would wrestle and disengage if I wasn’t familiar with what was happening. I wasn’t doing jiu jitsu. I was using my wrestling to win positions. browns and black belts would catch my arms out or head out and hit a submissions anyways. So I knew I needed to stop relying on my wrestling because these more experienced dudes can deal with it.


lol, I joined a gym a few weeks ago. The black/brown/purple belts punish me when I leave a hand/arm out. Was a 4 year varsity wrestler in high school, 20+ years ago. Wrestling muscle memory goes a long way when rolling. I really enjoy it though


I mean, he’s one of the best wrestlers in the world. “Barely any experience” is just disingenuous, lol.


He's lying unless he just stalled the entire time. I was a D1 AA and my first day I was getting triangles and leg locked left and right. 6months later I bridges the gap but it took understanding the new mechanics.


Bo Nickal is probably what you’re looking for


I don’t know if this qualifies as I’m terrible at wrestling and BJJ. That said, I enjoy this fella on occasion. The first snap down on it is nasty. https://youtube.com/shorts/Zm6Z6m3-0Vs?si=08hEcBEbHvMOMWIL


That arm drag when he was leaning into you was sick


Dude kinda pisses me off, there’s a video where he basically got IPPON’d but didn’t pay the dude because he didn’t complete the takedown by freestyle wrestling standards like it was an actual wrestling match


He gotta give up that money if he got took. I’m pretty new to his content, so should prolly lay back a bit then.


Yeah he also uses scissor sweeps on completely untrained people. Along with that and not coughing up the dough on a good takedown made me a stop watching his shit.


Yeah that big dude can't wrestle


Yeah he had not been wrestling 8 years. Maybe he meant jiu jitsu.


Gordon had two matches with Pat Downey, one BJJ one freestyle wrestling. It went exactly as you would expect. Both were completely one sided without the other person hitting a single offensive move.


Gordon looks hilarious in a singlet and shoes lol


DC brings the high school students he coaches to AKA to grapple with the Dagestan guys. https://youtu.be/R_YshrWrHC4?si=WTwlyKNgtKnFquZ9


Only 8k people in the world can beat him in a roll


This hahaha.


Quit before high school


I was gonna say: not both of these things can be true.


I don't even knock him for quitting before highschool. People have their reasons. However, it's hard to argue any contact sport is "high level" prior to the leaps we all make during puberty.


"High level" as in he was high when he came in?


So he does know BJJ?


10th planet obvs


I’m super high level in that case


I'm here for the jokes but it was great to hear "I need to get better."


I've been involved in a few of these scenarios, usually people from other martial arts who think they're super tough, and what almost always happens is they openly recognize they were wrong and they need to learn BJJ if they want to win grappling matches. A lot of times it's some poor schmuck who was at a TMA school that did a little grappling and they were the best one, their coach told them they were great, so they think they can roll up into a BJJ gym and wreck shop. I don't think I've had anyone ever stay arrogant or even get that mad TBH.


Yeah, it’s hard to maintain an aggressive demeanor when you know how bad you can get your ass kicked for real


Yea good on the guy. Didn’t get salty, just sucked it up and took his ass whooping lol.


Wait, 9 years of high level wrestling but quit before high school? So his high level wrestling started in kindergarten?


My 3 year old likes to wrestle with me before bed time. Maybe that counts?


That's some high level shit right there


When I was in Kindergarten my friends and I used to pretend we were in the WWE just like the guy in the video!


If you’re wrestling on and elevated bed that’s a high level for him.


Mine too... I fuck him up every time


Only if it’s a high level. 


I mean, it happens. Right or wrong, there are kindergarteners traveling to compete across the country.


Yeah but I could take them down, prolly even pin em


i reckon i could take most kids in my neighbourhood


I live in Indiana. Here in the midwest the best wrestlers generally start when they're about 4. We got my kid started then. He just didn't have the focus to really do it at that age. So we stopped, but there were plenty of kids his age doing it, and doing it shockingly well. These kids are legit wrestling monsters by the time they hit high school.


I see 5 year olds in BJJ class all the time, but calling what they do at that age high level seems off, even though those kids are sure to become monsters if they stick with it


Oh, for sure. the 4 year old wrestlers aren't monsters. The 13 year olds that started at 4 are. Tiny monsters sure, but definitely monsters.


I’ve seen some freak little monster 5 year olds at big tournaments before. It wild seeing a little dude hit a super duck to mat return.


1.5 years of JV wrestling in high school= “D1 wrestler” in this sub.


I also think people think D1 means really good wrestler, failing to understand that it's a division for the college - there are Olympic world champion wrestlers that were never D1 and there are some pretty mediocre people involved in the team at a D1 college that are therefore D1 wrestlers. There's really no reason for this sub to ever be referencing the division the wrestlers college is, yet somehow D1 comes up often


100% true. There's levels to D1. I wrestled at a non-Cornell Ivy League school which is a D1 school. I assure you that I'm one of the aforementioned pretty mediocre wrestlers.


Ya there’s levels to it just like bjj. I’ve rolled with plenty of D1 guys and they are not all built the same.


Part of that is because Olympics aren’t folk style and D1 is. And guys like Cejudo skip college to go to the OTC. There’s still a pretty strong correlation between talent level and what division you’re wrestling in, the Carl Haselrig’s of the world not with standing. Generally you’d expect a D1 kid to be better than a D2 or D3 kid. That being said I don’t think I’ve met anyone that thinks wrestling division one puts you on par with Olympians but if someone did say that then yeah that’s dumb.


It thought maybe it meant it took him 9 years to get through middle school / junior high.


Probably quit in high school because ppl on the team were clowning on him for claiming he was "high level". We had more than a few ppl who thought they were a god because they won some matches in kids divisions, then could barely go 500 on JV. Most of them can't handle the shock back to reality and quit. Apparently this guy learned no lessons


If you pause the video and read the messages the guy put on screen the guy actually says he quit in high-school. I don't know why he says before when reading it


I saw that


In HS, I kicked the coach's son off the varsity roster. Coach was an NCAA champ and his kid had been wrestling his whole life. He wasn't particularly athletic or in good shape though, but I was. I dominated him in wrestle offs for 3 years, but he still always told everyone he was better than me.


He is from Dagestan


It means he wrestled in Nepal.


He's the Benjamin Button of grappling.


khabib wrestled a bear cub before any school if you'd consider that high level


maybe it's dog years


You're talking about a toddler class (4yo and below) national competitor. Put some respect on his name, jerk.


I have to warn you, my record against the high level students in the toddler class is 347-0. You're about to walk into a world of hurt


A dude dojo stormed my gym back in like 98. Challenged Jacare, said he had invented his own style that negates BJJ. It's one of my fondest memories from training there.


So it didn't work? Had Jacare for a seminar last year. It was awesome and he used me as Uke for some of the standing stuff.


Jacare said he would roll with him if he beat, or had a competitive match with his assistant, the only brown belt. He also got out this huge video camera, like on a tripod, to film everything. His assistant, Eddie, easily destroyed this guy, and Jacare kept yelling "you can't just come in here and give up!" and stuff like that. After Eddie, Jacare made the guy roll with a purple belt, two blue belts and then a few white belts, including me. Obviously the guy had no real skill, but by the time he got to me he had rolled like 20 rounds so he was dead tired. I made him stand up and shot a good double on him and Jacare told the guy I was 15 as I was choking him. Then the guy went outside and started crying and Jacare followed him with the camera and was saying stuff like "if you train Brazil jiu jizoo you won't have to standing outside crying like a bitch." So no, it didn't work out well for that guy. Also I learned a valuable lesson about why you should never dojo storm.


LOL went out side with the camera to film the tears and dunk on him hahahaha so good. Imagine the dude crying and thinking Jacarare followed him out to console him with kind words and was met with "...train Brazil jiu jizoo you won't have to standing outside crying like a bitch"


'Jacare followed him with the camera and was saying stuff like "if you train Brazil jiu jizoo you won't have to standing outside crying like a bitch."' lmfao brutal


This is maybe the funniest jiu-jitsu story I’ve heard It’s that or how one of our brown belts made a guy shit his pants from KOB


and now he is 4x IBJJ world champion is the way the story should end lol


That was a nasty line by him


That guy turned out to be Gordon Ryan, Nicky Ryans brother




Challenged Jacare as in Jacare Souza the ufc fighter? Lmao


Jacare Calvacanti. The last black belt under Rolls Gracie and founder of Alliance BJJ.


Sooo…how badly did Jacare get his ass kicked? Edit: does this really need an /s Jesus Christ it’s Jacare fuckin Souza we’re talking about


I've never heard anyone talk shit about Jacare's skill level before. What did he do to you?


I assume the guy was joking




It was Jacare Calvacanti. I've met people who hate Alliance BJJ, so I thought maybe you had something against him.


Just assumed lol but I was like damn he would have been super young at the time 😂 nah couldn’t give a shit about gym drama tbh


I have a feeling he didn't end up signing up, or won't make it past a month or two if he did. Happy to be proven wrong though.


I agree. What an ass!


Moves like every big white belt with a sliver of athletics background.


And still think only 8k people in the world would beat him in a roll.


That's just crazy talk. It would be incredibly egotistical of me to assume that I'm better than 99% of the world, that leaves 80 million people that would be better than me. To assume I'm one of the top million even, at anything, is pretty ridiculous to me.


His definition of 'high-level' is being able to man handle his inexperienced buddies because he weighs 260.


That first armbar was slick, I'd have lost a shitty triangle there.


Oh hey Gannon!


I’ll tell him you said what’s up 👊


Your name is Gannon?! My name is Gannon! Any chance you were at Beta in DC at one point?


Training at BETA Academy was probably one of the best decisions I have ever made. Much love for the BETA Fam


Ha, when I met people there they’d always tell me about you. We may have overlapped a bit pre covid but I wasn’t going often enough for us to cross paths. Too cool to bump into you in the wild!


BETA is hands down one of the best rooms in the country. Hard rolls, best vibes.


I work at Gannon’s gym & uploaded the video, yeah he use to train at Beta


This is Beta fucking reunion. ![gif](giphy|ix6wrihsgNwdXKVBjy|downsized)


But who are you?


B-but, he’s 260 bro Bradley Martin told me bjj doesn’t work if you’re 260 Why have I been drinking so much milk if that’s not true?!


I really want that guy to fight MMA, but he’s a grifter so it’s never gonna happen.


What do you mean bro? He’d totally fight MMA but just knows nobody would take a fight against him cause he’s 260 


He must have visited this sub and saw all the posts about almighty wrestlers.


Gannon has been off the radar a bit, but a super cool dude, and excellent jiu jitsu player 🫡


Thank you :) <3


Did he ever come back?


I did not see any high level wrestling from that guy. The first roll he lost kinda told me everything about his skillset. P.S. but I respect him for admitting that he needs to get better and no shit talking.


The philosophy of any gym worth their salt should be: drop in and let’s find out - happy to test our school’s mettle


Personally the gym I teach at doesn't allow it anymore. We let guys who are honestly good at Judo or BJJ and looking for a new gym come in and go with our best guys but we don't let delusional people do it, because there is no good ending. Had one guy come in, say he wanted to challenge our best guy (he got a random Judo brown belt instead) and then he got thrown with a koshi guruma, broke his ribs and after that all the instructors agreed these people never stick around to train so we aren't getting members out of it and all we do is expose ourselves to potential liability.


The Japanese terms mentioned in the above comment were: |Japanese|English|Video Link| |---|---|---| |**Koshi Guruma**: | *Head Throw* | [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psG_Xx8NiIA)| ||*Hip Wheel* || Any missed names may have already been translated in my previous comments in the post. ______________________ ^(Judo Techniques Bot: v0.7.) ^(See my) [^(code)](https://github.com/AbundantSalmon/judo-techniques-bot)


That was such a gorgeous sweep at the end.


lololol love to see Gannnon keeping it real


Oh snap is that Gannon Lang?!?


Yeah, he owns the gym


Gannon is the man.


Make challenge matches great again!


“Tackle and Grapple” lol


Hey bro you heard that “I need to get better” IMO no matter who is pretends to be, thats the only thing that was left in that man and that’s the type of person you can take to the top… but manners bro…


“i wrestled for 9 years at a very high level and quit before high school” lol!! the fuck?! so you wrestled as a child and then quit before it got real lmao - that’s truly fuckin rich!


Guys like this have a humiliation fetish.


Last butterfly sweep was absolutely money.


"I have played chess at a high level for 9 years. I quit at the end of middle school"


Should have put the best white belt vs him


Did I just read “American Jiu-Jitsu” ?


Yes 😃👍




Thanks, just googled it. Ridiculous, but ok.




I mean, why american jiu-jitsu? Not even brazilians call it “brazilian” jiu-jitsu, but simply jiu-jitsu. Sounds, for me, ridiculous. “Wow, this is great and its mine now… I shall call it murica jitsu!”


After you said *"Not even brazilians call it “brazilian” jiu-jitsu"* I stopped reading.


Ok white belt! Até a minha língua esses caras querem mudar… Puta que pariu!!!


Sick one brazzo 🤙🏼🤙🏼 porroda man


Legion Lineage.




stopped before high school lol


You can’t be high level if your it even in high school. Dude tried the sloppiest gator roll ever. He was “high level” cause no one was as fat as him. Absolutely sucked even for a beginner


Very high level Quit before high school


Great work 😂


"I wrestled at a very high level than stopped before high school." Says it all right there haha. It's like saying, "I was *elite* in elementary school."


AC Slater is better than that guy. For realz.


In 2024 your gym should be able to pack up an annoying failed wrestler


You’re lucky he didn’t stand up.


idk he just seems kinda dumb but harmless based on his messaging. can be trained


Jokes on him only 8k people do jiu jitsu


It's weird grappling Jiu Jitsu guys, they let you overpower them just for them to trick you 😒😂😂😂.


Is there even a better sound then the sound of the Matt’s?


Don't let him roll with new people for 90 days. Just purps and up. I'd bet 50 that this guy tries to run through a bunch of new people to make up for his bruised ego.


We didn’t let him sign up afterwards


Then I hope the door swung both ways quick and spanked his big bottom. tisk tisk big man.


You shouldve let some of your white belts submit him too.


I appreciate the privacy of the challenger guy in the video and how you guys handled it! Fun video


i live for videos like this. thank you


Would be considered high level at your local McDojo.


I also get drunk and post on the internet, I just normally don’t back it up the next day, so kudos to the high level HS wrestler for that, I was entertained!


So 8000 and 1? lol what a foolish overestimation


That guy have never wrestled at a high level😂😂😂


“Tackle and grapple”


Only 8k people on the planet who can beat him in a roll and 3 of them go to that gym, one of which is 100 pounds smaller.


People don’t realize in reference to him possibly starting young the people who start a sport younger end up with a more natural feel and have better athleticism than someone who’s starting at age 30+. The guys who started wrestling or for instance judo since age 5 are far different because they developed a natural feel and body awareness that’s hard to get when you start a sport past yours 20s. Wrestling tends to be something you can only do for so long but builds good athleticism and all wrestlers (in season at least) are athletes that compete. That can’t be said with most other grappling sports especially not bjj . There’s some bjj competitors I believe Owen Livesey that comment on how the shape he needs to be in for bjj is so poor in comparison to the athleticism and training he needed for national level judo. Saw a graph showing the average age of bjj practitioners being something like 28 for white belts and I think that is why people are confused about why someone starting at age 5 could be good. We are starting to see some of the kids who started at age 5 dominate more and more in bjj too


The crazy thing is, someone that big and lean with any type of wrestling experience and athleticism has crazy potential, you just gotta show up. I have no idea why guys like this don’t just sign up and try to learn rather than challenge people that really do this shit lol.


Um, “lean”?


I mean I didn’t see him shirtless but the guy definitely isn’t fat


narrator's cringe, way more than the big guy


Bet you won’t come say it to my face like the guy in the video 😂😂


Or will we be releasing a second video?


I think you're on the other side of the pond, people over here tend to be a bit hmmm "less direct".


Imagine spending your class time watching this shit.


Was before class


The only thing high level about that man is his cholesterol. This kind of stuff makes BJJ look stupid.


“This guy who wanted to grapple came in and grappled, look we have dms and video evidence”, Lmao who gives a fuck? Don’t really get the point of this video. Dude didn’t even do anything crazy




The comment does not meet [Reddiquette standards](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette). Please read up on them a bit. Thanks!


**It happened super quickly** -- what did the first person do to make the wrestler tap? was he a white belt?


Why do gyms entertain these people? ignore them and send them home


god forbid men have hobbies


It’s funny.


Our gym is right next to a major military base and we get a ton of young guys fresh outta basic who think they’re hot shit coming in for a trial. After getting their asses whooped by a couple middle aged, beer bellied hobbyists, a lot of them sign up on the spot. The ones who are a little too aggro get fed to the mat enforcers. It’s never caused any major issues or injuries.


It's fun, and converting competitive newbs into customers and training partners is just good business