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Don't limit yourself. Compete at black belt.


This guy Nicky Rods


real asf bruh


>I've kind of dominated my white belt competitions and I don't want to come off like a sandbagger You're not a sandbagger. You are in point of fact a white-belt, you can't promote yourself, and its fine for you to compete at that level. >I feel like I'm being slightly disrespectful basically claiming I am a blue belt as a white belt You're not claiming you're a blue belt, you're just competing in the blue belt division. Unless they have specific rules against it, this is fine. tldr: either way is fine, you're not breaking any written or unwritten rules


Can’t promote myself? Buddy I’m the only black belt you know that did it in a year 😎


A year? It took you a whole year to figure out you can just get the belts on Amazon. Gym my buddy goes to is so brainwashed, he thinks you have to get the belt from an approved BJJ vendor after 10 years of subscription fees. I've never even taken a class and I have a black belt in BJJ, Judo, Karate, uh.. hold on. Let me check my order history. I have like 3 more. But I got all that for the price some scrubs on here are paying per month to get manhandled by geezers who aren't even breaking a sweat. It's just financially responsible to get the belts yourself. Anyway, I've got my first competition as a black belt next week. Wish me luck, everyone!


I don’t see how anything could go wrong! Chase your dreams my brother!


You’re not even technically a blue belt by most standards at a year and half. You’re just a good white belt that looks at things in comparison sense with how well you do against your teammates. You’re a white belt, compete white belt.


Yeah and with white belt ranging from "I started three months ago" to "I'm about to be promoted", the stripe difference will explain if OP totally dominates or potentially gets a couple other senior 4 stripes who can give them a hard time


Tell new gym you want to compete as a white belt, they can withhold the blue belt until you're done and it might help them decide. Compete at white. The gap between a late white belt and a late blue belt is very large, it's okay to keep that advantage for yourself as a white belt.


Even if the gap is large I would prefer to get tougher matches and challenge myself than dominate white belts.


He's been training a year and a half. It's possible he's gotten lucky at comps. For all we know he could get ragdolled in his next white belt comp.


I mean, a lot of people get promoted to blue in that range. I got promoted to blue at 2 years and have been doing fine in blue belt competitions (only competed once at white belt and won but was in small divisions). If I was given the choice, I would choose to compete up at blue for the tougher matches. And if they get mauled, well that's life.


I've gotten gold 3 times, almost 4 but i got Dq'ed on a lowkey kind of dumb call, BUT you're not wrong. Maybe I have gotten lucky, but at this point gold almost 4 times by luck... i'd rather get lucky in blue belt😭 but i've also always said to my friends "i'd rather be a good white belt than a shitty blue belt".


Lol, it's definitely not unfair. Just compete in whatever division you want to. It's not that serious.


Dude enjoy smashing other white belts


This- i just got my blue belt and the first thing I thought of was no more being at the top of the white belt food chain 😂. It’s not a glorious position but can’t say I didn’t thoroughly enjoy it


No. You’re a white belt. Compete at white belt.


He's winning every white belt comp, why not throw him in with the blues? It doesn't make him a blue belt but he can at least see how he goes. Probably better for his development to be in the harder comps.


In my opinion, the answer to wanting tougher competition is to compete at bigger events that draw better competitors. That being said, they didn’t say why they’re moving gyms—if they moved to a new area, the median skill level might be higher. Moreover, if competing up a belt doesn’t go well, they likely won’t be allowed to compete at their actual belt level again until they’re promoted (or risk their opponents bringing it up to the tournament organizer, or someone starting a social media witch-hunt—which we’ve seen plenty of on this subreddit over the years).


I mean they're blue belt comps if he's a multiple gold winning white belt he won't be losing for long at blue belt regardless of how badly it starts for him. Like it sounds like he'll probably get a blue within 6 months.


I appreciate the encouragment boss🙏 after switching to my new gym it has for sure opened my eyes but yeah i still think im going to compete at blue belt just because I really want to challegne myself. Hopefully I'll get my blue belt soon but in all honesty I'm really happy I moved gyms when I did cause these dudes are insane and I feel like now when I do get promoted I'll stand a good chance agasint expirenced blue belts in comp.


interesting you mention this... my new gym is full of straight KILLERS. like my old gym was mostly white belts becuase the gym was only a year old, so I was kind of at the top of the food chain there but this new gym has really opened my eyes to what really good blue belts anda purple belts are like. I would still say I'm pretty dominant against other white belts but the second i roll with their blue belts I question myself LOL


Would you advocate that Khabib compete at white belt or someone Kayla Harrison compete at white belt if they entered a BJJ tournament?


I’m not really sure what point you’re trying to make. The OP said they’ve been training for about 1.5 years. Khabib and Kayla are world class athletes with decades of grappling experience. Most tournaments would not permit them to compete at white belt in the first place.


Are they not technically white belts though? What I'm trying to get is that belt color shouldn't be the only indicator of someone's skill level in BJJ.


Black belt on judo defaults you to blue in BJJ By almost all nogi grappling rulesets, Khabib is not a whitebelt.


You can't compete at white belt if you've fought in MMA professionally and/or if you're a judo black belt.


Huh? A lot of people were calling the current LHW'd BJJ black belt a fake because he really doesn't use any grappling. He has absolutely shadow realmed black belts in the octagon though. I don't where you got that rule but there must be BJJ whitebelts competing in amateur MMA currently.


I'm telling you that even if you're the worst BJJ player ever, competing in MMA (especially professionally) prevents you from competing at white belt level in lot of events.


https://preview.redd.it/w46qaxnkmz9d1.jpeg?width=726&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2900a22f52bf0a79d8b52fd01493bed251d029bd How do you explain this? Why are they wearing a white belt? They could ragdoll most BJJ coaches besides elite competitors yet they are rocking white belts?


Are they competing in that photo?


Do you think that even blue belt would be appropriate for them? Didn't Khabib casually win a NAGA event like a decade ago m


I don't think you read the comment correctly


Listen to people who know a lot more about this than you. It’s a commonly known rule in competitive grappling


So you're saying a high school wrestler turned Muy Thai fighter that completes in amateur MMA is automatically a blue belt because they cage fight?


It doesn’t mean that they are a blue belt, but Judo black belts or people with professional MMA records compete in the blue belt division. Specific tournaments may even have rules that say people with certain wrestling backgrounds can’t compete at white belt.


What about Amateur MMA fighters who never trained BJJ but did high school wrestling and Muy Thai or boxing?


No, they just can't fight at white belt tournaments


You’re a white belt. Compete in white belt. Enjoy every belt while it lasts


Compromise compete NAGA no gi where your belt doesn't matter just your experience.


Got double gold in naga LOL and double gold in another ADCC style comp. Now I'm probably gonna do IBJJF but idk if i wanna do white belt or blue belt but in reality, for ibjjf maybe i should take advantage of the fact im still a white belt.


IBJJF as I understand it doesn't let you compete a belt up. But I don't really like IBJJF so I could be very mistaken.


Yeah nah i think youre right, i also dont like IBJJF i just think that if i did it and got gold it would say something yk. Im wayyyy more of an adcc guy tho.


Compete at black belt, pussy


whats funny is i actually am LMFAO😭 I signed up for a comp where im competing in advanced which is anything above purple, kinda just for fun but it'll be interesting to see how it goes yk


Compete at blue. It isn't disrespectful. You're challenging yourself, and you have nothing to lose. Good luck!


thank you man!


Do what you want. You might beat some blue belt…just be aware some of them are dudes who could be the kid who’s got 10 years of grappling experience or the judo black belt or the guy who just recently got promoted .


Yeah I actually personally know a guy who was a blue belt for 7 years and some higher belt in judo, so match ups like that would probably not go in my favor but i think itd be fun to test my self


thats IMO, what separates a lot of competitors...the mentality. challenging yourself is a good thing. in a comp ive beaten plenty of people who on paper i had no chance of being able to score on seemingly.


You have the perfect excuse to dominate without being a sandbagger, just take advantage.


I got my blue belt rather quickly , in about a year and 3 months. I wish i could still compete at white belt 😂 do it while you can. If anything, sign up for both.


Thats about where im at right now, I'm a year and 4 months i think? so maybe i'll get one more white belt comp in


Yeah do it, but its also worth signing up for blue


Yeah i might just do both to test the waters yk


Absolutely compete in whatever division you want. There's nothing disrespectful about it and it's got nothing to do with awarding yourself your own belt. If you're winning gold at every white belt comp then I agree with you you should challenge yourself by going up a division.


If your professor wanted you to be a blue belt, you would have been a blue belt. Keep sending it as a white belt and do absolute too.


well i moved gyms thats kinda why im not a blue belt now, he wanted me to compete one more time at white belt and he said he would give my blue belt after that comp but it got delayed and by the time i competed there I had already left that gym.


You're a white belt. Compete at white. If you wanted to compete at blue, you should have stayed at your old gym. Don't be that guy and further water down jiu jitsu. You'll get your blue belt when you're ready.


Yeah thats fair tbh. I couldn't stay at my old gym unfortunately so i didn't really have a choice but tbh im gonna probably do IBJJF soon and thats def higher level comp than naga or grappling industries so white belt there might actually be perfect for me


People that enter competition have a reasonable expectation that they're going to do somewhat well. I was a 4-stripe white belt when I first competed and I thought I would go 3-0 easily but I went 0-3 lol. It's not unfair to compete as white belt if you're a white belt, plain and simple.


What’s your comp stat? If it’s not all golds then stick to white belt comps.


its pretty much all golds. one bronze from when i first started jiujitsu


So when your new gym sees you dominating competitions, they won't have any problem promoting you to blue belt.


good point tbh, i probably shouldnt go into my new gym and then compete at blue belt and get my ass whooped 😭 im sure id look alot better to just dominate a white belt comp one more time


You're a white belt. It's not sandbagging. Compete at white belt.


I've thought about this too as a 3 year white belt. I'd just compete at white belt, you may run into other long time white belts who give you a run for your money.


Masters and Seniors sometimes sign up for the Adult division. That doesn't seem any different to me. If you want to spend $100 to see how well you do against blue belts then go for it. Honestly, I really wish I could compete at blue belt again.


You're not sandbagging for competing at white belt as a white belt. If you really are at a blue belt level, showing that you can dominate a white belt tournament is just more incentive for your new instructor to promote you.


A friend at my academy actually did this last year. He had been 4 stripes white for a loooong time, but since he was an 'on-off' trianer, he wasn't blue yet and literally almost every class he'd ask the coach 'when my blue belt' lol A state comp came up, he signed up for blue belt and actually did pretty good; he got to the finals against me and we had a fun match, which he lost, but he ended up in second place; imo it was pretty brave on his part


Can a blue belt compete as a white belt? asking for a friend


You’re a white belt. Compete at white belt.


Personally, I'd say do it. Either you win and you get a blue belt because you'll beat the competition or you'll lose, but then you can say you're just a white belt


yeah pretty much nothing to lose and everything to gain typa thing


You pay to compete. Compete where the fuck you want


I competed at blue belt as a 4 stripe white. I handled it okay, but still got my butt handed to me. It was fun.


I was a 4 stripe white belt the only time I competed at blue belt at a local Fuji or Grappling Industries (I honestly can't remember which it was at this point it's been 2 years since the tournament), nobody is going to care that much.


Why'd you leave your gym before you got your belt?


Long story but the coach had some personal life issues going on and legit went crazy so i left. Crazy in like a really bad aggresive way LOL. I would rather take the L and delay my promotion then get a blue belt from someone who is treating his students like shit, i just couldnt support a business like that.


I doubt a new coach would restart you from zero as far as time goes, but ask a few different coaches and see what they think of your situation and what they'll do for you.


yeah my new coach is awesome and he said im really good and likes the way i roll but i have yet to ask him where he thinks i am. idek if its a good question to ask, but i am curious where he would rank me, like maybe to him im only a 2 stripe white belt or maybe to him im a 2 stripe blue belt who knows LOL. hes a super cool dude tho.


Well just ride it out. You're not doing it for a belt, unless there's a comp you want to be blue for.


Give that man his 5th stripe NOW, please.


Depends on tourney. Ibjjf won’t let you. Grappling industries will let you but only nogi. Make sure to read rules first. I’ve competed up in divisions and hate white belt divisions lol they scare me.


See the main reason i dont wanna do white belt is becasue i have a pretty strong leg game and last comp i got DQ'ed for a knee reap, and i just dont wanna worry abt stupid shit like that anymore. I mean youre telling me i already beat this guy once, and then im beating him again the whole match and then i lose becasue my foot slipped😐come on LMAOOOO


Compete up if you want. I have competed up at least a belt level in almost every tournament I've been in.


You’re a white belt dude.


Absolutely compete at white belt


IMO unless you won worlds as a white belt, you compete at white belt


im probably doing IBJJF here soon so maybe that will be my time to do so LOL


You will get fucked in blue belt


more than likely yes. Not that this means that much but i have a really strong leg game and i just wanna test it out LOL but yeah i'd prob get my ass whooped but yk i feel like i'm pretty close to blue belt level so i wanna see if i can stand with them at all


If you were dominating worlds or national championships then maybe but if it’s just local comps I’d just compete in the white belt divisions. Try entering the absolute if you want a challenge


Yeah i kind of agree, i mean i never mentioned in that post that im also 127lbs and 5'10 LOL i do pretty well against bigger guys so like maybe absolute would be a good idea for me


Maybe you just need to enter a bigger comp that will attract other better white belts.


this is true tbh, the hard part is my size. I compete wherever i got people and its rare. I'm 127lbs at 5'10 LOL kinda hard to find good matches. I mean i can compete at 135 but still yk


Enter 135 or even 150. With those proportions you'll be a pain in the arse with de la X, spider etc


1.5yr is nothing. Your whining and think you’re better than you are. Go roll with the 3rd place worlds white belt champion and tell us your a blue belt


True LOL i mean i bet if any new blue belt rolled with the 3rd place worlds white belt champion theyd probably get their ass whooped i aint gonna lie. I'm not trying to be the best in the world, im just trying to see where im at. I'd say im a pretty good white belt tho and I'd be more than happy to compete against those top white belt guys. I'm just going off of what coaches tell me and all of them have told me my belt is the wrong color.


If your coaches are telling you the belt is the wrong color why don’t they promote you? To me that sounds like your coaches are not black belts? I have never come across a legitimate black belt that just hands out colors. There was like two years where I felt that I deserved a blue belt and went home every day after training defeated and wanting to give up. And then all the guys that started after Me got their blue belt before me. That hurt bad. Then a week later I got mine. It’s not a matter of if it’s a matter of when. Blue belt still suck compared to everything else! We got a long road buddy


why not just wait for the blue belt before you leave?


crazy story LOL I had to follow my morals. I would rather wait on my blue belt than go against what i think is right. It doesnt have much to do with bjj tbh, the coach was just a lunatic


Im a year in with no stripe lol getting second and 3rd in brackets in manaus crazy how your almost a bluebelt but hey if you can back the skills for it then nice


Good shit tho bro, honestly no stripe at a year in is adrimable cause when you do get your blue belt you'll KNOW youre a blue belt, you'll be a killer for sure


Im usually training once or twice a day if im injury free, god willing i can improve as everyones a killer in the places ive been training lol :(, getting beat at comp really opened my eyes to my weakpoints though.. was the best loss ever, i practiced mount escapes for the next few months


If it’s no gi, I don’t see any issue in competing at blue belt if you want to challenge yourself. Gi may be more problematic as rank is obviously recognizable. I personally wouldn’t feel comfortable competing in a higher division in that case. Basically, in my opinion: if it’s no gi, you can totally challenge yourself and enter the blue belt division; if it’s gi, it may be a better idea to just compete in your division.


You can always compete in harder brackets - up in weight, down in age, up in rank. Happens all the time. One of the best moments of my life was when my daughter jumped into an adult blue belt bracket wearing her yellow belt and won by mounted triangle. The look on the grown woman's face, oh my goodness. If you win, yay; if you lose, whatever. You pay a whole bunch of money to compete, so get your money's worth, whatever that means to you.


Some tournament promotions have rules against competing up in rank.


If I were your coach I'd tell you to just compete at blue.  But just to give you a little something to be paranoid about: be aware some gyms will get offended by you daring to presume you should compete at a higher belt before being given the belt. And you'll be secretly blacklisted from promotions for it, with their justification being that you aren't "humble" enough for a promotion. Those gyms should be rare though


this is exactly why i am worried abt doing it LMFAOOO😭


So if you were to compete at blue, would you wear your white belt? If you do then people will call you a sandbagger, if you wear a blue belt then you are self promoting which causes other issues. Its a shitty situation.


yeah exactly LOL but if i compete at blue belt and do good i'd never compete at white belt again.