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Your name is insane


I can see why theres been no women lining up for him.


You can be an incel, or you can be a necrophiliac, but you can’t be both. Don’t get greedy.




That's really insane is that Skullfucker001 to 6000 were already taken


You made me do a double take to look and I spit out my drink.


hahahaha I totally forgot what my name was when making this post


I spit out my dinner. Take my upvote dammit.


Is this a serious post? I’m gonna assume it is. I honestly was worried about the awkwardness of it or even potentially getting a boner or something. Not a thing at all at least for me. My mind is in the grappling zone, I’m working on my game and they are just another training partner. Unless you make it weird, you quickly realize it isn’t weird.


To be fair to Mr. Fucker, I’ve been rolling with a woman in class a lot lately, it’s been totally normal, but it did occur to me that if I were a younger and inexperienced version of myself, I would be non-stop terrified of accidentally touching her awkwardly. Like “I accidentally touched her chest, now I have to join the Foreign Legion and never show my face here again” terrified.


"Mr. Fucker"? Using the formal title of his name of "Skullfucker" then answering the question seriously, made me laugh. Thank you. I needed that laugh!


There's no shot thus isn't a shitpost


skullfucker6001 is scared that any casual contact with a woman is boner inducing


What, your women don't have skulls?


the good ones never do


My gym kicked out a guy because he was having issues with rolling with the ladies. Fuckin weird


He just needs to keep his eyes on the prize. Maybe he ask the women not to touch his personal areas in advance of training with them. That is the best advice.




It was a joke.


Apologies I shall remove my comment as it clearly went over my head.


Wasn't a well received joke anyways. Someone should tell op about rubbing their arm to remove Bonners.


>  if I grappled with a woman I would get a boner pretty much instantaneously. I'm straight and have trained with a number of women and this has actually never happened to me even though my wife has declared me The World's Horniest Man. Don't worry about it. You can turn down any roll you want for any reason, just say you're tired and need a water break if you don't want it to be awkward.


I'm with ya but I also am not a virgin in my 20s, haven't been since I was a teenager. If you have a wife you likely aren't the best person to answer the question as virgins are another level of horny.


Exactly. I may front as an ultimate sigma skull fucker but I am actually a touch starved caucasoid :)


I swear to every God, if you start to view women as regular people who have regular thoughts and needs, you will have better success with them in all walks of life.


100%. The more he puts women on a pedestal and how scared he is to interact, the more he’s putting into a bad feedback loop.


Women are people and their name is Anakin.


It's probably for the best that you learn to interact with women in platonic ways... so yes.


Wait a minute. BJJ is platonic?


If by platonic you mean mostly homoerotic.


Only in north south.


It's just as Plato would have wanted it.


I train only as a means to forcibly suck another man’s penis. Deep half is my bread and butter.


Oil checks are purely platonic


generally there will only be a few women in the class. They tend to roll and partner with each other first. If there is an odd number then the odd one will partner with a guy. Just pick a guy to partner with.


There's this nifty trick you can do to help when you feel intimidated by someone: just picture them naked.


My man


^ this is exactly what OP should do


There's nothing arousing about grappling 🤣 do you have a sister? That's how you should be thinking of us. As for sex education, go ask Craig Jones 🤣😂


I used to pay people money to choke me, now I train for it while still paying.


John Danaher, is that you? 😂


>There's nothing arousing about grappling 🤣 Speak for yourself! 🥵🥵🥵


You've been subscribed to Gabi Garcia's Onlyfans... Haven't you 💀👀


TIL gabi garcia has an onlyfans ~*scampers off to go find it*~


Pull pud on the drive to class.   But seriously, you’re usually too busy trying not to die to even realize boners exist. 


Duct tape it.  2 or 3 loops should do the trick.


Nail your penis to your leg, just like Jesus


"Did you nail your balls to a desk again?!" "No" "Come here then!" \*sound of desk scraping on floor\* - Ancient Chinese proverb


It sounds like this is an opportunity for you to learn to deal with it. Try rolling with women as your last roll, when you're super tired and less likely to pop a boner. If you find that you're ok, try rolling with women when you're not as tired. I can't speak for you, but it's not that natural for my body to try to mate while simultaneously trying to not die. We're not spiders.


Bro the cashier at Tim Hortons was nice to me and I got a boner


Yeah I gotcha. You're experiencing at 20 what many guys experience in their early-mid teens. We have tools to deal with this, though. First, jerk off before practice. Second, be exhausted when you roll with women. Third, have a specific task you're working on that day (i.e. guard retention, mount escapes). Make it difficult to even get a boner because both your body and your mind are dealing with other things. If you're convinced that you're hopeless, then yeah, don't bother trying. But if you want a path forward, fucking believe in your ability to solve this. This is one of the best things submission grappling teaches us. How to deal with insurmountable problems with a cool head.


Oof that's not normal, u gotta fix that my bro. Meet more women friends, go to the gym get ur confidence up etc.  I prolly sound like an annoying self help book but I think this is the way 


This entire thread is a humiliation fetish kink for you, isn't it.


The trick is to begin to look at women like other actual people. She is there for a reason too! Focus on that. The answer is that it’s possible, and if you were asked to part with a woman declining would most likely be viewed very negatively.


That's actually a surprisingly deep answer, and I agree


Bro imma be real, it doesn’t matter what mindset or how much experience I have in this sport. If I get in a hot girls closed guard, I’m fighting to not get it up. It isn’t a mindset thing it’s a biology thing. Just because you get boners when a woman wraps her legs around you doesn’t mean you don’t view them as people


So, what you’re saying is that you’ve never held hands with a woman either? 😂


I have and nothing more lol


Then focus even more on the details of the instruction. Or pass the guard.


Bro I can be doing quantum physics while hard


😂 that’s wild!


It’s not a biology thing. It’s poor impulse control, and not viewing your partner as a person like OP was talking about. Man up and learn how control your mid/body like an adult.




Erections aren’t a voluntary thing? And being attracted to someone doesn’t mean you don’t think they’re a person.


Everything you say is true. But more importantly; just don't.


They aren’t voluntary for children, my dude 🤦🏻‍♂️ Being attracted isn’t the problem, it’s the inability to separate “attracted” from “want to fuck.” Those are two distinct emotional states, and should be doubly so in training.


How are they seperate? Can you want to fuck without being attracted?


Actually yes, you can, some people are that desparate 🤣


Me asf




Yep, but you get downvoted when you’re real on reddit. Can’t be having functioning genitals or you’re weird.


Roll with a girl who has a purple, brown, or black belt. Tell her you’re an undefeated street fighter, your hero is Steven Seagal, and you can beat any girl on the mat. You won’t even have a time to get a boner between taps. …but if you do, at least you found out you’re a sub.


Ten day old account with the name skullfucker6001? How do any of you buy this? Lol


you can always say no to rolling with someone. with that being said, this post is quite funny.


This is something that gets said a lot more than gets done. If coach pairs you with someone, not too many people will decline, especially if it’s not explicitly for safety


you make a good point, and I can only speak from experience at my gym. I don't have the best cardio and I always take a couple rounds off at the end of lessons so I can always use that. Pressure is definitely a thing though.


I'm glad that it made some people laugh lol. But yeah saying no to rolling (at least from an outside perspective) seems like something that is allowed in theory but may be seen as weird if I am consistently saying no to rolling with all women lol


Youre not supposed to rub your dick on them so im sure you’ll be fine


I can’t tell if you’re serious or not but I’ll answer as if you’re being serious. The username makes me a tad suspicious though. Lol I’ve played coed sports for years due to growing up in a rural community. The anxious and competitive part of your brain overrides the horny part almost immediately. Unless you’ve got someone in the academy that looks like Sydney Sweeney and then you’re on your own.


Look bro it’ll boost your confidence and it’ll force you to have contact. The awkwardness wears off when you realise you dont like baving your limbs twisted or you get to know your gym buddies. Stop making excuses and train, if you want to not be a loser then be the change you want!


You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. It may be awkward turning down someone who wants to train with you but you reserve the right to turn down a roll with anyone for any reason. That being said, I encourage you to try and branch out. You will be surprised how unsexual bjj can be. If you try, and you get uncomfortable, just excuse yourself to the restroom. Some of my best training partners are women. They are generally smaller and less strong so they have to be more technical.


Serious answer: No. A typical BJJ club has like 60 male members and 4 women anyway. When it's time for drilling and sparring you are choosing your partners on your own so it's very easy for you to avoid women. And it's not even that uncommon. Muslim men usually refuse to roll with women too and a lot of male competitors prefer rolling with other people in their weight class. So don't overthink and just start BJJ.


So strange that a guy who's name is "skullfucker" had issues with women!


Brick up, she may too.


Lmfao this post is painful. Just keep getting triangled over and over until there’s no more blood circulation anywhere but ur head. Let her roll into mount if you really want to challenge yourself


Wait til you get hard rolling with a dude. ![gif](giphy|3OSo3PPaXdw0U)


You don’t have to.


I mean my daughter is one of my training partners so yes. I literally don't care about the identity of my partners as long as they respect the tap.


It’s nice to see that fear of getting an erection has become a new normal post to go with is my gym a cult, is this staph and the Gordon hate post.


My ears were burning for a reason last night after all.


Wear a cup lol


Lmao you would not get a boner dude trust me. When you are trying your hardest to break each others arms, you won’t be in that mindset


Yeah, you usually do, they don't bite though, and grappling with a woman is less sexy than you're maybe imagining, don't worry.


Brother it's almost guaranteed you aren't gonna chub up while grappling. If you do this long enough you will inevitably end up training with some really attractive women, and it's exactly like grappling anyone else. Your mind doesn't even go that direction. Unless you're straight up cooked, in which case then you're the problem, not the women lol.


You can tap for any reason. Especially if you’re uncomfortable. Also I think your brain will realize this is NOT a sexual situation. They are going to use super technical jiu jitsu and hand you your ass and you’ll be in “oh shit” mode. But I don’t know you like that so Maybe not? you know what’s best for you. Some jiu jitsu with some people is better than no jiu jitsu with no people. Accommodations can be made even in this super machismo sport. Best of luck.


Bjj is inherently gay, thus rolling with a woman counts as a gay act. If you get a boner from a gay act that means you are gay, and if you are gay then you don't have to worry about getting a boner from rolling with a woman.


this mf spittin


Bro, sounds like you really NEED to grapple with a woman.


Actual tip: Introspect on why you dont want to roll with women and get over it, because this shouldnt be a concern at all. Shitty tip: Spaz and go full blast the first time you get paired with a woman so the women dont want to roll with you.


As a beginner and a young male it wouldn't be weird if you don't roll with women. Eventually it will get kind of weird but you can still refuse to roll with anyone you don't want to. But if you're really worried about getting a boner then jerk it before class. Multiple times if you have to. Just shower in between. Oss.


The answer is the same whenever anyone asks “do I have to roll with X”… you don’t have to roll with anyone. The reason behind it may make you an asshole, immature, or a bigot, though.


If you’re getting boners while training them you’re not taking it seriously or not training hard enough. At no point have i even come close to having that problem. 


posts like this make me reconsider having a reddit account


Not sure if this is serious but I will treat it like it is. 1. If you don’t want to grapple with women you could almost certainly get away with it by telling your coach you have a religious reason or something and by respectfully rejecting any women asking to partner up.  2. If you do try grappling with women, you will probably find out quickly that there is nothing sexual about it. You train with her just like you train with another man. 


Actually this would be the perfect way to get more comfortable with women


Roll with it. It's an extra post.


Do gay guys have this issue....... I say no way. There very few hot guys that do bjj. Most guys are weirdos who smoke weed all day.


Get a cup? I mean if you are a heavily hung skullfucker it might be painful for you, but at least you can test yourself without being exposed as the absolute cranium breaker you are. If later you decide living women do not arouse you so much you can't even touch them without getting a bone boner you can stop using it.


This why everyone has a jerk before bjj class, you don’t want to do in there with a loaded gun.


Sounds like you're gonna do kickboxing anyway right so there ya go


I think this is a bridge you should cross when you get to it. You likely won't feel the way you think you will and trust me when I tell you... If you end up rolling with a woman who's much better than you, sexual thoughts are going to be the last thing on you brain. Your priority is going to be not getting choked tf out and embarrassed. If you don't have any experience with women, don't assume that you know how you'll react if you train with one. All the homoerotic sex jokes aside, BJJ doesn't feel remotely sexual it just feels competitive and tactical. Change your thinking. They're just people, not some weird subspecies to be concerned with. Also. Do you not have a sister? A cousin? A friend who is a girl? How have you had no interactions with women? Stop being weird about it. Also the chicks you roll with might be hideous or not remotely attractive to you. Just shut up and train. Stop overthinking it.


Imagine rolling with a guy with long hair and then for a split second you forget it’s a guy……. Now that would be awkward


You don’t have to roll with anybody you don’t want to. Period.


I only roll with dudes so I get boners with them.


Its easy, just tell them no because you are gay and you are afraid of NOT getting a boner. Reversed psychology.😎


Is it less awkward if you get a hard on rolling with a guy? Probably not so stop being a fucking dork.


You don’t have to roll with anyone you don’t want to. Also, life tip, getting post nut clarity before class isn’t a bad thing… Just wash your hands and don’t make anyone pass Semen Demon guard.


People are giving you a hard time for your potential hard time OP, but I can see how it would be a concern. Especially in the current climate where people are very vigilant against inappropriate touch and sexual misconduct. As they should be btw. You can decline rolls with anyone. If anyone gives you a hard time about it you chose the wrong gym. I often get chosen by women to roll because I’m not a big dude and can say it really isn’t ever sexual. Sometimes a butt, boobs, or balls get grazed incidentally, but it’s different when you’re fighting to survive or regulate your rolling to be a good training partner to smaller women. There is, however, one woman in my gym who is insanely attractive with an incredible body. She’s never asked to roll with me because we mostly attend different classes but if she did I’d probably decline. It’s not her fault she’s gorgeous, but not my fault I’m a dude who finds her very attractive either. Some people won’t like it or maybe think you’re weird, but oh well.


You can easily avoid women... and most gyms will be mostly men anyway. And feel free to say no if a woman asks.


Future serial killer


Don’t have to if you don’t want to, no one gonna force you (they shouldn’t) But lowkey you have deeper problems then that if you can’t be in a space with a woman without getting a hard on. Got to learn self control mate. Also stop watching porn, your view of women will always be skewed if you watch that


Imma be real, same happens to me, and it’s never really went away. Luckily I’m small dick gang so people don’t notice. However sometimes I just fake a cramp or crunch my abdomen to hide it. Just try to resist it and if it’s too much just make up a tap or say you have a cramp or something


Theyve definitely noticed


Yeah I was just joking whenever it comes up I make up an excuse to stop the roll


Some ideas in no particular order Hopefully you're not a masochist, otherwise I think it's pretty hard to be aroused when you're getting thrown, twisted, and choked to death. Most or all women in the gym will be better than you for a long time so take it as a learning opp just like the guys. Focus on the game at hand, the techniques you learn, the desire to win and not lose (but safely, don't spazz out uncontrollably just because you don't know the right technique) Start with gi BJJ or Judo. Go get a massage by a woman and try to focus on the massage instead of arousal Being a horndog at 20 years old is partly just nature, you know how to relieve it Go to a weightlighting/cardio gym with a lot of women and learn to act normal around them Lie to everyone and say that your religion and/or girlfriend doesn't want you to roll with women




Idk Skullfucker strikes me as the type who is probably exuding some red flags. Ladies might preemptively avoid him.


Tough I guess? You shouldn't feel pressurised into rolling with someone you aren't comfortable with


What’s wrong with rolling with a woman? They need rounds too. I just roll light with them and work on stuff


I personally do but what if a woman has been raped by a man and she feels uncomfortable rolling with a man? Would we then expect her to roll? No, what if the role was reversed? Or what if they just don't trust themselves to be horny, I have once spoken to someone who said he doesn't roll with women because he can't trust himself not to get an erection, there are some people like that, and I'd rather they choose to not partner up with a woman than to do something inappropriate.


You’re right but I think you’re overthinking it


You don’t have to grapple with anyone at any time for any reason. That said, learning how to control your spaz is beneficial, and rolling super light with people smaller than you helps you do this.




You’ll fit right in


No, but I do and have practice and spar with women. You get over it


There are so few women in my gym. Out of 40 people, at most 3 are women. Just don’t pair up with the women. Nobody will notice or care. If you were to avoid pairing up with me (a woman) I wouldn’t take it personally.


It’s just something you don’t think about, if you make it weird it will be. Just don’t roll with women yet if you think you can’t avoid pitching a tent.


Don’t think about too much. Just do it


Just think about complex math while you’re rolling and you’ll be good homie.


You can also just get the boner and then they will avoid you. It's also not the end of the world. Like when you drip sweat into someone's mouth while in mount. There's a whole category of things that will happen during the roll that it's easier to ignore.


Join the marines Join a systema class  Join a seminary Go to a therapist Avoid hugging women Until you are 28


Okay. I'm glad you're thinking about the worst possible scenario. But, unless you're a masochist - you probably will not pop a boner. This is mostly because the female you are rolling with is trying to actively kill you, and will likely have much more experience doing so. Additionally, with the amount of cardio going on, i'd find it hard to pop a boner even if you were a horny teenager, but your mileage may vary. anyways you got your response to this (potentially) bait post so good job.


At my gym there are guys who don’t roll will women for religious reasons. No one makes a big deal about it.


It will most likely not happen. Your body needs the blood elsewhere


Probably yes. Just make sure to rub one (or two) out before you go to class.


Empty yourself before class... Nicky Rod style.


You can just not roll with them if you are worried you will accidentally sexually harass them. We have a couple of guys who don't roll with women for religious reasons, and the opposite also, with women who won't tell with guys.


Wear a cup my dude.


brickerized 😭😭😭😭


Just don't take their backs. All jokes aside, you can just decline to partner with women.


Wear a cup?


So I'm a woman and no one has ever gotten a boner rolling with me. I'm also super tall / muscular and look like a dude so idk


I am an incel. Training with a female athlete can be the only form of physical contact I have with women. But I do not get an erection. Actually I hide somewhere in the showers and cry for half an hour. But tbh it is pretty hard getting an erection wearing a suspensorium


When your a noob and you are sparring you will get exhausted very fast, all blood will go to your muscles so don't worry. Also you will easily realice that when you are trying to survive to chokes and joint locks your body and brain won't be in sexual mode


Other posts in mental illness and shrooms - you should train 10p dawg




Deff an incel


You can refuse to train with whomever you want. There's a big name coach, Firas Zahabi, who says he doesn't roll with women because he doesn't want to have any impure thoughts.  So you can tell your coach you prefer not to roll with women.


Love referencing Firas.. trained GSP the goat🐐


You don't have to roll with anyone you don't feel comfortable with. Just be polite.


Dude... Go to a strip club/get a prostitute and get it over with. First one's the hardest one


I continue to be amazed at the young American male's inability to simply "be normal"


smart phones and social media are cooking everyone's brains. the girls get eating disorders and the boys turn into incels.


Ok let's get you together kid. First off go buy a hooker. These woman were made to fuck weirdos like you who can't control a hard on. Please use a condom. Next step, jerk off before class. Third step go get a god damn girlfriend using one of those dating apps people your age use. Fuck her a few times and get married and then I can say this with 100% cetainty you will not give a shit about fucking chics as they will all remind your naggy annoying bossy bitchy know it all wife whose mother never and I mean never ever told her to shut the fuck up. The only good thing about being 50 and doing this gross sport is that I wouldnt get a boner rolling with a girl if you paid me. If you gave me a blue pill and a shot of PT 141 nothing would happen with a GI in a room full of people while the girl is literally trying to choke me unconscious and break my arm.. Its hard not being a creep at your age but it's possible, you just have to work at it.


wear a cup you need it to protect your balls anyway


As long as you're chill about and communicate to the coach, I don't see anything wrong with it. There are many muslim guys who don't roll with women and they're respectful about it. Similarly, there are women who don't roll with men for their own reasons, and that's ok too.


I do not grapple with women because I am sweaty, and pretty much all of them go: ewwww, you are all drenched. Got tired of dealing with that and just take some rest when I have no partner


As long as you are respectful about it, there is no problem with saying you don't roll with women. There are guys at my gym who I am very friendly with who have flat out said they don't roll with women for personal or religious reasons. We are all adults and it's fine


Are you involuntarily celibate? If so, you’re incel. And that’s okay.


Unless you are a woman sized man, you should not be training with women very often, no.


It depends on the size of the gym. At small gyms, women have to train with everybody or at least a greater range of dudes than they would otherwise.


Obviously if there are no other options, you do whatever. Kinda thought that went without saying. If there are training partners available, train with people your own size.