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Start making cat whisker paint brushes to sell to banksy and other popular artists. I'm sure you could convince Gwyneth paltrow or Oprah or one of those quacks to start a business.


Dont do it. This will turn to animal cruelty in a heartbeat.


Hilarious!! I love it


Eeeee he's so handsome. Him and his whiskers.


he’s the best old man ever!


What a Sweetheart 🖤


Bless him from the cat gods.


He's an Elder Void. He is a cat god!


https://preview.redd.it/ddbdjzzexgob1.jpeg?width=454&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d590634f79bda409a94a0fdf10cf7cd27f92ea5 Here is an idea. You can also Google ‘whisker bank’ for more ideas.


https://preview.redd.it/rv9s8922hiob1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d672d519d97d2848b13861d1c620bb864adc3f26 I used a little medicine vial but the vase is so much more adorable!


If my cat found that, he would eat them all.


I keep the ones I find in a tin because I’m sure they would eat them too. Why do they do that??


Wow! How old is your cat? When did you start collecting?


Yes!! My partner and I do ceramics, and he made a tiny vase for us to collect whiskers in.


What’s his Etsy?!?!?!?!?!


I need it!


I know! I need to get better at collecting whiskers. I think we must vacuum ours up because I only find one every two or three months between 3 cats.


Someone on here said their cat demands to eat their whiskers after they fall off. Never heard of that before, but maybe that’s why you don’t find them! We have grey-blue carpet and black whiskers can be really hard to see, but I’ve gotten used to spotting them occasionally.


This is why I like Reddit. I learn something new all the time. That is so bizarre. My new adoptee, baby Moki, is black, and we have really light carpet. Our other boys were lighter colors. Maybe I can find some black whiskers. That would be cool 😎


My cat ate the wisker I used to play with her


MY cat does this. I’ll rub it on him and he’ll eat it


That’s cute. I want one


Our void has had white whiskies for a couple years now. When we find them, we give them a "boing test" and put them in a jar. We thought we were the only ones. <3


I like to give them back, the cats don’t find it as funny as I do https://preview.redd.it/ffkyeir50job1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=751a9da72af3127297e5293d8c10e23cf7d99447


Same with mine. That’s pretty much the look they give me.


What’s a boing test?


Glad you asked. =) Hold the thin end between your thumb and finger so the fat root is sticking out. And then give it a couple of "boing boing's!" LOL


That's so funny and adorable


Don't have a void anymore but collect my long haired tabby's whiskers. I integrate them into felted cats I make so they have real whiskers...


That’s exactly what I started saving them for!! I saw felted cat portraits online with real whiskers and I thought, why waste them?


That was my first thought! I've never collected them, but upon seeing this post, I thought, "ooh, needle felt cat with real whiskers!" and now I wish I'd saved some from my guy who recently passed (also a long haired tabby, an orange). Guess I'll start now with my void!


You should totally check out the amazing wacuneco on youtube or instagram, she makes felted cat portraits and has used real whiskers before.


I'd love to be as great as she is at this art form! I also think it would be rewarding to actually do portraits of deceased pets...




I am pissed at myself for not saving my previous cats' whiskers!!! I only started felting cats in the last year or two so it's been kind of a recent phenomena to have an actual place to store them :)


I found a ceramic jar that is labeled "black cat whiskers" that I put all of the whiskers I find in. It is on the shelf with the ashes of the babies that have passed.


Oh, that jar sounds awesome!


What else am I going to use for wand cores?


This is the cutest reply.


I wish did this with my kitty to have some tangible memory of her


I found a nail shed a week after my cat died, while my mom was selling the house and a bunch of its contents… I broke down sobbing… like scream sobbing. Right there in front of the real estate agent… and I wasn’t even sorry. Like fuck you and your weird judgmental overdrawn eyebrows, *Bethany*, you are SELLING the last precious surviving fragments of my childhood best friend to some dipshit who’s gonna vacuum them up and throw them in the trash your brow pencil privileges ought to be in… That cat had bigger soul than anyone who’s interested in a 1980s duplex, so ima need you to say sum’n so we can take this to the back fucking yard I used to take her out exploring in, or else lower both caterpillars right stat babe. You can tell what stage of grief I was in, I’m sure. I think that’s why I started the whisker jar here. I lost my collection of whiskers and nail sheds when she and I moved out of a hoarder house prior to divorcing my ex husband, so… fresh starts and all that. I happened to find the exact same Avon powder jar I’d been using at a thrift shop, so it’s like it was meant to be


Yes! I had an ex tell me they were very strong magical items. I don't practice, but thought I'd collect in case I decided to. CUTE STORY: My cat passed away a few years back, and when we were moving, my partner found a whisker and hid it away. That move was especially difficult because I felt like I was leaving all my memories of her. One particularly hard day at the new place, my partner found me crying and said he had something special for me. He brought out the whisker and showed it to me. It is one of my most treasured objects, even more so than her fur or ashes.


I had a friend twentymumble years ago who worked with the tigers at the circus. I touched a tiger tail and found a whisker when I visited once, it was a treasured possession for a year or two until I passed it on to a cat obsessed kiddo of a friend because she thought cat whiskers were magic too. If you dared call her Charlotte you'd get a high pitched shriek and a top volume "I'M CATBOY!!!" I fucking loved that kid, and your partner's a good egg ♡


Did the same. She passed away a few weeks ago and glad I did.


I'm so sorry. I'm sure she loved and was loved. <3


I'm sorry ♡♡


My sister kept our childhood cat’s whiskers that he shed. She was incredibly grateful to have them once he passed.


Why yes… yes we do… https://preview.redd.it/cwpd0bydohob1.jpeg?width=2636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6587d97137c6360ea15c4d18a2b80811d2b4fa20


Beautiful!!! when I get more cats of my own I hope my jar looks like this.


We started collecting them about 14 years ago when I met my future wife, who was supposed to move in with me, just as roommates. She had 3 cats. Altogether we’ve had 11 cats, no more than 5 at one time. Currently, we have 5 cats again.




Til: cats shed whiskers! I just got my first cat last week and I have been learning so much. Today I got climbed like a tree


Sorry, maybe I’ve been under a rock my whole life. Are those black whiskers? I didn’t know cats could have black whiskers???


My void has black whiskers and my grey tabby has some white whiskers, some black whiskers and even some that are both colors half and half! https://preview.redd.it/m9pxquuoahob1.jpeg?width=2320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5792bddf59228bfdcb764744fad569219a02126


Half and half are like the rare edition collector items ❤️


They’re behind me aren’t they?


Lol both of my voids have black whiskers


My cat's whiskers are all black but they're so shiny that they mostly look white-ish in the pictures. That's so funny


My cat has black whiskers! 🖤


My void has black whiskers and my tuxedo has mostly white ones, but a black one here and there.


My void eats her whiskers. If she sees me pick one up she'll run over and yowl at me until I give it to her, Mine!!! If I try to hold onto it a tug of war battle ensues and she'll rip it out of my fingers then swallow it.


What the heck?? Lol! I suppose they want to eat anything high in protein (like keratin) to conserve nutrients.


I do. I have a tiny bottle that I collected my void's in. He passed last week, and I will keep that bottle as long as I live.


We did! She's passed now, but we're each getting them put in pur wedding bands. She got me through my childhood and my partner through the move to live with me. Helped us both through so many things and I truely believe shes the reason we handle life and get through any of our little arguments so well. She'd always inturrupt when we were upset with eacthother and make us step away and would comfort whoever was worse off. Made us learn we needed to take a break and breath and talk things out insead of nonsensically going back and forth in an argue ment.


I have been picking up my Voids whiskers as his brother pulls them out. The Void now has no whiskers. I'll.probably use them in some mixed media artwork.


His brother pulled all his whiskers out?!? How rude!!


No but i do end up up stepping on my void's claw pieces and end up collecting and throwing them out 😂


what a sweet face!!!! we keep the ones we find for sure. our black bean's whiskers are easier to find than her tabby sister. BUT since we've had her sister since she was a kitten, I was able to find one of her baby teeth >:) I keep their whiskers in an old prescription bottle! but I only have a few :(


I have a jar for cat whiskers, I make wee pollination brushes with three whiskers, a toothpick, and some thread whenever I want to make some haworthia seeds ♡


I collect from all my kitties! I thought I was weird 😅


Me too! I don’t even know why I do it! 😹😹


I just found 2 more! This post is whisker-blessed!


How do you find so many!? I swear my cat eats them


Same :( I haven’t found a single one after a year???


I’ve found 3 since I got my baby 5 years ago


I used some of mine to decorate my Henry. https://preview.redd.it/r1h2js8kbhob1.jpeg?width=5472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dc8b8bc73d6298216e3933a49d5e9ca540b8b4c


YES. I tape any whiskers I find to the freezer. We're currently at 11 freezer whiskers.


A friend made me a whisker holder. https://preview.redd.it/xbfcnls7mhob1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=f411f73777eab9a69c82ec76cf9afa7ef97b79b1


My mother does this with our cats and keeps them in an old mints tin. It is a cute memento to them, especially the ones who have passed. What's kind of funny is that my mom loves our gray cat's whiskers because they are bicolored. We haven't found too many of those but she always gets excited when she finds one.


These have magic properties, this collection is stronh


I guess I'm not that sentimental. I pick it up, boing it, then toss it. I've never needed a physical item as a reminder of the love they filled me with. But that little vase is cute.




Unfortunately I was also a baby when my cat was, otherwise I’d have kept them too!


We do in our household.


I am not alone! I've been collecting whiskers for over a decade now lol. At first it was a memorial thing for a kitty we had just lost and knew it was his. After awhile the idea just stuck around and now I have a bag full of em


Yes! My most emotional one is the final one I found. She passed in February 2022 and in April of the same year, there was a black whisker in the middle of my white bathroom floor where I had walked and cleaned for two months with no sign of this. I cried so hard. I took it as a sign from her 😪


Taxidermy. Your cat.


I’m also horrified by that idea.


I put all my gremlins whiskers in my phone case so I can keep a little piece of them whenever I go.


I keep all the whiskers from all the kitties I've had/have. The collection currently includes the first 4. It will soon contain whiskers from the 5th. All the whiskers. Whiskers for ddddaaayyyyyssssss!


We keep both our cats whiskers in tiny vials on our oddities shelf. Just a nice little keepsake.


We don't collect them, but we always place them upright on her head and call her a unicorn!


I poke them in the soil of a potted plant. Haven’t grown a new one yet.


I found my tribe here! I've always kept whiskers that I found laying around. I have a box that sits on my bookshelf. It's got quite the collection after years and years of having kitty family members. I go as far as to check their bedding before it gets washed. I'm always delighted when I find one somewhere unexpected. Once I showed a friend my collection, all excited to show it off. The look of horror was enough to go underground with my whisker collecting activities. I'm happy to know others collect their companion's whiskers too.


I use to when my old man started getting white whiskers. Then the nerd inside of me said that I need a DNA sample so I can clone him in the future haha


That's fabulous!


I do when I can freaking find them! My white cat sheds whiskers like crazy and it stands out. My void’s whiskers never stand out to me!


I save the kitty whiskers I find in a little glass jar! I love it. I love that I still have whiskers from my cat that passed away last year, it’s very special to me.


Omg that is quite the collection. I think I have around 10 or so last I checked! They’re hard to find!


I collect my cats' whiskers too! It feels sacrilegious to throw them out.


I collect whiskers but I've got mostly light colored ones with a few dark tipped or black ones. They stay in a shot glass on my makeup vanity for luck 🖤


That face omggg


I do this too! But my cat is just a tabby haha


My tabby x2 both have two colors on each whisker


When I find one of my cat's whiskers I keep it. I call them lucky whiskers 😻


I keep all of my kitties' whiskers! I've got a cool jar I keep em in; makes me feel like a witch. I always thought I'd turn em into a paintbrush or something.


Such a handsome baby! I have a small antique wooden jewelry box by my bedside that holds all of the whiskers I collect. It has burgundy velvet lining, so the whiskers really shine and pop out beautifully next to the deep color!


Yep, I have all the ones my girls have dropped that I've found. I have a little pot that is mostly full of Boo's whiskers (she crossed the bridge 2 years ago and it still sucks 😿) and Greebo's have been added to it too. (Boo and Greebo added for a serotonin gift for everyone! 😹❤️) Neither knew the other was on the other side, and it's my favourite picture of them! 😹 (Greebo is the house panther.) https://preview.redd.it/sjzmodnnohob1.jpeg?width=5333&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14fd6913beb1e756c2fd4ff075b3824982666206


We are gonna use ours to clone her


I don’t, but I like to put them on their heads like a little antenna.


I do this and also annoy him with it, particularly tickling his nose. A litte petty revenge since I always find them by getting poked by them in a chair or carpet since they are kinda stiff


Keep them. Cats live for a long time until they don’t.


I always have collected their whiskers and baby teeth!


All found whiskers go in ✨the whisker jar✨ House rules…


I have whiskers from all of my cattos — bit of a memorial, really


I was today years old when I learned cats shed their whiskers.


I stick them in his pet passport. Love them, always on the hunt for them


Yes... All the whiskers


Me, I have whiskers from all my cats.


I'm trying to collect them but I rarely even find any 😐 my floofy void doesn't really want to share I guess


I do this too! My friends think it’s weird but I think they’re neat


Yup, we used to collect whiskers of both of our cats and stick them in a piece of pencil eraser but we run out of space and now they go into a small jar.


Who wouldn’t collect that lovely voids whiskers? I’d like to collect the void itself too, yoink!


I collect claws and wiskers in a teeny tiny vase


How often do whiskers usually come out naturally?


I saw a post on TT a while ago about people who collect shed whiskers in glass vials. I happened to have some long glass vials and have started doing it. Weirdly my void doesn't seem to shed as many whiskers as my cowcat. Pix leaves whiskers all over the place but Enzo mostly keeps them on his face. Or under the bed in the back bedroom in his hidey hole where I can't reach them


You can make a brush for him! 🥰 Found a couple of my own void's white whiskers, but they turned yellowish over time. Never had a collection as impressive as this!


Yes!! My partner and I keep our cats whiskers in an Oui yogurt jar. His cat is a Tabico with white whiskers so it’s a mix of white and black.


Yes! Keep them in an empty glass spice jar!


Omg. This reminded me of that Tom & Jerry episode where Jerry's uncle kept snatching whiskers from Tom to replace his broken guitar 🎸 strings 🤣. Check it out.


Lots of people on Etsy make whisker jewelry!


I do this! My husband thinks I’m crazy.🤣


Where/how do you find them??


We have short carpet, so they usually sort of stick out and don’t slide all over the place. Once you keep an eye out, you’ll probably find a few!


Check their bedding/blankets before washing! That's always a gold mine in my house.


I literally never would’ve thought of this but I’m glad to have seen it. I actually found one last night from my void and didn’t throw it away. Time to find a spot to keep them!


I didn't know voids have BLACK WHISKERS! 🥰


Used to collect cat whiskers, would put them into an old glass pepper shaker. Just drop them in through the holes, make sure that it's tall enough so they're not sticking out.


I have a couple of prescription bottles full of cat claws and whiskers that I have kept if my kittens over the decades. I’ve kept the few baby teeth I’ve found too.


MY PEOPLE! I HAVE FOUND MY PEOPLE! I told someone at work I collect my girls whiskers and now I'm an outcast 😭


You definitely have! I collect whiskers and I use gnome in all my usernames. Previous Reddit account got lost ☹


Wow! That's so many black whiskers! My cats both have white long ones, so they're pretty easy to spot on the floor as they naturally fall out. I must have at least 30 or 40 at this point. But my friend has 3 black cats, and we took it on as a personal mission to try and find a black whisker, and it's a lot harder! She's only found one once, and she was so kind to share it with me. I hope one day we have as many as you have!


I do, and claws too. I feel like a weirdo. But I love finding a shed whisker or claw. Lol


Yup I collect all of my cats whiskers when I find them. I used to only have 1 black cat so they were like finding a unicorn lol. Now I have two black cats and one SIC so I find the black ones way more often now.


I have 5 cats, never found a whisker 🤯


We find them set the aside and then lose them


this seems fun i only find whiskers like once in a blue moon though


I have a whisker from my childhood cat still in my wallet. I've kept a couple of my current cats whiskers, but the single one in my wallet will always be special to me.


My mother collected them from her cat and made a statue of him and put the whiskers in the clay, sadly they fell out over the years


![gif](giphy|7TkHBrMzdU0ORr8T7j|downsized) “Lemme see about them gee-tar strings…”


Awww. Just the hair, that is literally everywhere. I love those fuzzy little beasts.


I do! My void boys are the hardest to spot cause they blend into the carpet the most (everyone else has grey or white ones)


I would be I never find any dropped ones.


I collect all whiskers.


Me! I do! I don’t even know why 😹


I save them for both of our cats. Their whiskers look really different (one cat is a void and the other is a tabby), so it’s easy to tell them apart when I find them.


I have a VERY large collection of my cats


Yes!! I have a little lightbulb vase and all my cats whiskers go in it.


She's only half-void, but I have a small container with some of Squeak's whiskers in it.


Noooo!! I do too! I have them in a little bottle with a cork on the mantlepiece. I thought it was just me!


I save all my cat's whiskers.


I collect all my babies whiskers. Lol. People think I'm weird.


I have a couple of whiskers of my late cat saved in a picture frame along with my favorite picture of them. It always makes me happy to see it. I haven't saved any from my current cat yet but this is a good reminder to do that next time they shed one.


He's a very cute kitty


I have a little dish specifically for whiskers and shed kitty claws! It’s my whisker dish 😂


I love that second photo.


Yes! I have 5 cats (2 voids with black whiskers so those are harder to find in my house) and have been collecting whiskers for a couple years in a witchy jar.


We do! Going to make a paint brush!


I have an insert tube from work that i collect my cats whiskers in!! It’s so cute watching them get longer and longer as they grow up :*)


I've seen people get felted portraits of their animals that usually include shed hair or whiskers, so it's not a bad idea to have some.


I have had my little cat for over a year and I haven't found any of her whiskers yet! Where are they!?


I do that too!


I started doing this a couple years ago, I have a picture book and I put them in there next to his picture.


I thought I was the only one😂


I no longer have a void, but I have two of his whiskers in a Halloween-themed jar sitting on my dresser. I do collect the whiskers of my tuxie and two holsteins whenever I find them though (I have a jar that has to have at least 60-70 whiskers right now if not more)


We have three little vases with whiskers in it. Love it!


He’s precious 🤗


I wish. How do you even find them?


how old is he?


He’s 20!! He turns 21 in February.


I do. They're in a small tupperware in a suitcase that's solely his.


I have over 20 years of collected whiskers from all my cats. Most of the whiskers, though are white. I did not adopt my first void until 2020.


These are very good to have.


I keep mine in a little box.


He is such a handsome, strapping fellow!


It never occurred to me to do this, but it's not a bad idea...a little weird but I am weird, so...I approve!


I collect all whiskers, not just voids. Also claws.


Yes I do too? Does anyone need a bag of black whiskers with bonus white whiskers?


Omg yes, I thought I was the only crazy cat whisker collector!!!😄🩷 They’re too cute to throw away!🐈‍⬛🥰


I collect both my orange boys' white whiskers, and my little void girl's black whiskers when I can find them.


There are special boxes for whisker collecting you can buy. So in one word: No.


I keep all the whiskers I find in a clear plastic Christmas ornament. It hangs on my mantle year-round.


When I find them I collect them. But not my voids. His are solid black. I haven't seen one yet. But I have 5 of my oldest cat, one of my 6yr old I found yesterday.


My mom has collected all of her cats whiskers. She says she wants to be buried with them.


Don't have a void but have taken to collecting our ferrets whiskers.


I have a whisker Christmas ornament. I put whiskers in a clear ornament and hang it on our tree.


If I find one within close proximity of a cat I usually point at the whisker and point at cat repeatedly