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I hate it so much. But if I stare back, suddenly I’m the “aggressive black woman”.


They're going to make your actions and inaction fit their narratives regardless. Stare back.


Yes!!! This the truth.


Stare back and don't back down they'll stop.


Smile, wave, ask them if you can help them. Same thing you do with staring children: smile, wave, say hello. Children and racists have a lot in common, i.e., being idiots. Honestly if I had to be in close proximity to this near daily I'd confront it cause they're being sooooo creepy.


lol for me i stare back idc about being send as aggressive anymore. literally in costco the other day i saw an asian man with corn rows and i mean mugged him🤷🏾‍♀️


There’s a lot of people with grinch finger hair here and I love to mean mug them ijbol


As Redman said, 🗣️ I’ll be dat If they wanna participate in reckless eyeballing, right back at ya 👁️👃🏾👁️ - an Asian man wearing his mask incorrectly 🙄 at Whataburger just yesterday got this treatment. He ended up switching seats 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️ don’t start none, won’t be none


Grinch fingers is new to me 😭😂😂


Same. My method is that (it helps that I have abnormally large "Disney Eyes" (from what I've been told. I just channel all of the timid rabbit in an enclosure that I can muster and make them seem like they aggressors. I'll make my self seem like they're a man that is looking at me like a piece of meat. And then, my favorite part is to audibly lock your car doors and stare at them in fear. If anyone says a thing....."huh?" Then blank stare and say literally nothing. Answer no questions and just blank stare


They stare because you are radiant.


This is what my wife says all the time and I just roll my eyes lol. It is extremely uncomfortable and if there is no facial expression with it, it’s worse. Depending on the stare I will stare right back until they become uncomfortable.


I can’t stand being stared at.


I had a guy that was staring at me with the blankest face, I thought he wanted to killlllll me. Didn’t even try to hide the fact that he was staring. He later handed me a note basically asking me out. So you never know, even when they’re not smiling they may not be thinking negatively about you — could just be their face lol


I like to say “hello, do I know you?” Eta: gotta do it with a big friendly smile and a little saccharine in your voice 😉


Ah yes, the nice nasty. I love to give ‘‘em that.


‘Nice nasty’ is the only way to be with them sometimes fr


Yeen lyin’! 😊


This is the way to do it.


Especially the old men😭


Yep - happened to me at hobby lobby last night. Like he slowed down pushing his cart just to walk by staring at me with his mouth open. Ugh


when white people stare a bit too hard at me i think they want to turn me into a slave


Get Out lol






Hahahaaa. I notice they never move out of the way on the street like they always expect you to be the one to move. I really think they still think we’re slaves sometimes


I started doing this, and OMG, they don’t move!! I’ve had to bump into so many of them be they refuse to move. They always expect me to make space for them! So glad you notice this too!


Yea and I don’t even care anymore. They want to bump into me that’s their only problem. I once dated a guy who would literally have to walk on the road because they refuse to make space on the street. I just smh. I refused to move and they eventually got the hint. Not inconveniencing myself anymore. I think “minorities” often have a tendency to make ourselves small to fit in. You have as much right to walk on the street as they do.


I always stop dead in my tracks and make them walk around me.


It's crazy how apologetic they are when they hit the hard shoulder like they didn't realize you were there the WHOLE time. If you're so sorry, why didn't you just MOVE?


Exactly lol!




This literally made me scream. 😭






🤣🤣🤣🤣 your done with this one 😂😂


Stare back or confront it


I'm officially going to make a sign/pop up that says "staring is rude". This needs to happen. I'm sooooo over being stared at just for existing 🙄


Would make a nice shirt


My dad will ask people if they know him or have an issue if they stare. My boyfriend will also say something whereas I’ll just stare back intensely.


“You good?”


Ugh I get this a lot from middle aged white women here in nyc. And I know its because I wear my hair all natural but I can’t tell if their stares are from shock or admiration but idgaf. It’s so rude and annoying and they obviously have never been raised right….but we’re the barbarians 🙄


The cardinal rule in NYC is to NOT stare, unless you want that smoke ...


I stare back and keep it moving


Currently at nail salon and just experienced this. I stare back and smile until they look away.


Does this happen to you whenever you go to the salon? I always have the same experience when I get my nails done. Every fucking time.


More often than not it makes me uncomfortable to be stared at. It’s usually older white women and they’ll see that I’ve caught them. 99% of the time they tell me I have nice skin… shit creeps me out. Ma’am are you saying you want to wear me?” ![gif](giphy|FcCLjCQ3xY7ICVtfbB)


Super creepy!!!


One was staring at me and then finally came up just to compliment my jacket 😭


phew 😰


Yeah sometimes I accidentally look too long at someone because I like their outfit and it’s like my head just can’t turn away. I just need to take it all in




White gaze and racism issues aside, the whole “don’t stare” social rule is not nearly as much of a thing in white culture. You have to be straight up leering for fellow white people to find it rude. From working in diverse workplaces, I’ve found social contract, respect, culture of honor, …manners, is just not as codified or prevalent in white culture. It was really an awakening to learn from my coworkers.


You put into words what i experienced over the years. I could never quite figure out if people were being rude or aggressive but its sometimes just poor manners


Yeah it’s an overall lack of consideration for others. Like how in black culture you acknowledge everyone who walks by even if you’re talking to someone else. White culture is about respect of money and status, and being exclusive. There are subcultures within white culture with more manners, the entire south is a culture of honor (but I’d say it has toxic status exclusion as part of this code). Probably… working class white subcultures have more of this human element. But I’ve found in a lot of cultures of color (from my outsider perspective) there’s a high level of nonverbal communication and that just lends itself to consideration of others and being in tune.


This is so true. White coworkers/acquaintances always say "Wow you're so friendly, you know everyone here!" Na, I just acknowledge other people's existence when I walk by. And when I walk into a small room full of people I greet the people there. Not ignore them or stare and say nothing.


This explains so much. It’s not even just them, but I’ve had other non-black boyfriends that did things that just baffled my mind. Like I would never go to someone’s house and do that.I thought I was just bugging until I realized the black/African and Asian guys I dated were so polite imo. I guess they never had to worry about offending people so they’re not conscious of it. They get away with a lot


I think this is correct. Plus, those of us who zone out and daydream get accused of staring when we are not even aware of what is right in front of us.


Because we are so beautiful to behold


I think it's because they weren't taught that it is rude to stare at people. I think a lot of Black people have been taught this. In fact, in some circles, staring at somebody means you want to fight. Therefore, staring at someone in some Black circles equals hostility. That's why we avoid staring at people.


The ones with blues eyes creep me out. They don't blink either they just stare 👁👄👁


I have always wondered why blue eyes are the epitome of beauty, they scare me a lot. I see someone with blue eyes and i feel very unsettled. But i do come from sub saharan africa and we have thos expression that "matlho a katse" ~someone with cat eyes~¶and thats associated with scary light eyes so maybe I am biased


same! i find blue eyes absolutely terrifying.


Me too! Especially those icy blue eyes * shudders *


You can almost see through them


Lookin like white walkers 💀


There's a theory that ww with blue eyes widen their eyes on purpose because it's the only "look at me" trait they actually have, even still, blue eyes is a sign of incest in your bloodline x (I've heard)


Blue eyes aren't a sign of incest lol what the heck


blue eyes are a mutation (they’re not actually natural to human beings), so i think that’s where the incest thing came from. since it increases the chances of mutation. i wouldn’t be surprised if it was actually true tbh


So interesting you posted this because a few of my white women coworkers do this to me too! I haven't worked in a space with a majority white women coworkers in a while, so I don't know how to take it. I also am dealing with extra weight and some insecurities due to being less than a year away from having a second baby. I do notice that they do it to each other too, so I don't think it's necessarily just specific to them staring at black people too. But, it's weird and I don't like it.


Yeah it's really freaking aggravating. No matter where I go there will be white people staring. In one of my classes at college there is this girl who sits in front of me on a diagonal and anytime the teacher is lecturing from the back of the classroom , she has to turn around and then she will literally keeps staring at me. I'll be writing notes and feel her staring at me. My white male coworker does this too. Like when he's talking to me his eye contact makes me uneasy and he never blinks. Call me crazy but I just sense not good things when he looks at me. It's like a stare. I'll find myself avoiding his eye contact because it starts to feel rude. I remember I was at a restaurant and I felt someone staring and it was s white woman....so I looked at her and looked away. Looked back and she was still staring so I gave her a WTF look and she was like "OH! No I wasn't meaning to look at you." Like yes you were. They are so damn aggravating.


I stare back until they stop. The only people who I don’t do this to are old black ladies because I don’t mind if they stare at me :)


We're like mermaids; they can't decide if we should be worshipped, hunted, ignored, or eaten. I'll stand 10 toes on this.


Eaten??????? 😂 Lmao.


Yes. You know they used to lynch and eat us. 🤷🏿‍♀️


Wtff. ![gif](giphy|Ka2pKccgoEb3hB70Eb)


Yep. Every evil thing that could happen during American Chattel Slavery , happened. Book: [The Delectable Negro](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Delectable_Negro)




I lock eyes and smile back every time. Fucks them up if they are really trying to “test me”. Sometimes I’ll even introduce myself because THE FUCK YOURE STARING FUH? But I also live in Colorado and this is a daily occurrence 🥴 Edited for spelling


By "test me" do you mean when they're looking for an easy target?


No I mean when they are trying to throw me off my game, make me feel uneasy in a meeting, try to get me to demure in public, feel as though I should be less bright or less present in general


So as a power play. I see, thank you for replying


Two of them were staring at my friends and I before a golf competition yesterday.It’s uncomfortable.


The sport that attracts the worst white people, I’m sorry you experienced that.


Lol not to disagree but I think white American football fans are the absolute worst


Dear Jesus have any stories to share? I’d have to agree! People with obnoxious sports plates always park horribly and cut people off. Football and hockey,


Thanks,It was only them two luckily.The other white people there were very friendly and one even gave me pretzels.


I’ve started saying “take a picture it will last longer”


Usually stare back at them deep in the eye until they’re so uncomfortable they have to look away. I’ve also gotten bold in my older age, so If I’m having a spicy day, I will stare back at them and ask them if they need something.


Me too! But I never say anything. My smirk gets downright psychotic and I slowly pull back my lips into a smile that creeps them out. They usually beat a hasty retreat quickly after that. If they are going to try to intimidate me by staring, I'm gonna make them wish they didn't try to test me in the first place.




White women tend to stare at me *a lot.* And a lot of the time they actually admit it to me themselves that they do it because they think I’m “so beautiful.” Okay fine, that’s sweet but there’s gotta be a better way to go about it that’s comfortable for all of us. I don’t want to be stared at, complimentary or not. It just aggravates me.


At least they are nice?


I stare back. Shamelessly. And I don't fake my disgusted expression either. Some people have no awareness that their staring may make people uncomfortable so I just stare too.


I don't understand why people do it. I feel like it's a dominant culture thing, whatever country you're in. I just stare right back. I used to live in Japan and it is absolutely rude in Japanese culture to stare at folks but I regularly would get old men staring at me like I had personally hurt them. I just used to firmly stare back until they broke their gaze. Sometimes it would be damn near 10 minutes if I was on a train.


Stare back, fuck her. If she’s bout it bout it she’ll say something, otherwise y’all just be staring at each other. Stare at her like her ass drank for no reason sis.


I've started staring back. Its really annoying


My coworkers do this CONSTANTLY 😒


Say, "Hi". They will either speak back and try to start a convo or stop staring at you. Either way, you will no longer feel uncomfortable. I do this all the time. It works like a charm.


This happens a lot when my husband and I go to the amusement parks by us. He's white and we catch people starring so intently. We like to let the other know so we can both stare at them until they feel uncomfortable. Play stupid games, right?




Jealousy + shock, guilt, or admiration + fear, or just admiration is what I’ve clocked so far. I don’t see them as a threat so I just keep it moving or talk to them like normal if we have to be in proximity, drives them nuts LMAO. Edit: by them I mean obviously threatened yt ppl


I have always wanted to ask “ Excuse me. Why are you staring at me?” But I let it go. You really can’t fix some people’s deep psychological problems. People like her know what they are doing. And she wants to leave you with that negative imprint and ruin your day.


Let them be in awe of your beauty, Its their issue not yours!


I get glares and stares so so so often. Just don’t like us being around. I’ve had people throw food at my car, yell at me from their car windows (many times), or look at my boyfriend like i’m destroying his life because he’s white. We just stay on their minds rent free.


Just had this happen to me and another BW Friday. She was saying the same thing. I was annoyed as well but far less inclined to just take it. I was exhausted. It was a long week. My bag of Fuchs was empty. I loudly sneered, “well apparently they’ve never seen black people before. The only black people they likely see in white circles are tokens. And we’re sans a group of white women. We’re Wild Blacks.” Looking over my shoulder no one was staring anymore.


it's because you're ✨ awesome ✨ it's that black girl magic 🥳🎉


I wave at them, lol. I've been doing this since college when we would travel for track meets. They get hella embarrassed, and then I start to laugh. 😭 It's my favorite pastime. 😈🤣


I always stare back and that usually gets them to look away.


Seems like jealousy


Or when they’re talking in a group, and they stop talking as soon as you walk by and look at each other. They do it to make you feel uncomfortable. They don’t want you to be around. Such weirdos.


This happened to my lol bro last week and he stared back and asked the dude "What are you staring at?" And the dude IMMEDIATELY looked away


I literally will just stare right back at you. You make me uncomfortable, then I’m gonna make you uncomfortable.


Outrage. Because if they had their way we'd be sitting at the back of the bus still. They literally hate you for existing in their space. Yt ppl always wanna say "its cause your beautiful!!" Like why stare at me like I'm an animal?


It doesn't happen where I am. They know not to even try that, but it did happen with the locals, non-white, when I lived abroad. I started staring back. Guess what? It stopped real fast. Just record them too because you know the Beckys here will swear that we were threatening them.


This is so fucking real


I have no idea, every time I go to the nail salon the white woman next to me is STARING me down and watching me instead of looking at her own nails. And it's always white women, never had this problem with black women. It actually makes me mad lol. I've gotten to a point now if I feel the situation is appropriate for it, I will ask them if I can help them or if there's a problem or ill just glare at them smh.


Had people do this to me but I was being bullied. They eventually think you're being "creepy" for being in the same space as them orr they ridicule you


You’re attractive, don’t take it personal


stare at her back but tilt your head down slightly and stare at her thru ur brows


or bite your lip and wink at em


oh and don't blink


lmaoo i get this too! they look directly at you no shame


they’re just racist or they’re admiring you.


It's so exhausting cause when you complain about it, they convince you that you are the problem. "Oh they stare because they aren't used to black people" "It's because you are exotic for them" As if it should be something we should take as a compliment. Can we live without feeling like an alien on Earth? 😭


I’m getting sick of their bu**** t


i just assume they’re on drugs and ignore them


I make my rudest facial expression if I catch people staring at me, I don’t care if I seem aggressive. Good. Next time you can keep your eyes to yourself.


If I'm already holding my phone, I lift it up as if I'm going to take a picture of them. If I'm not, I make a big show of getting my phone out of my pocket and switching to my camera app.


Stare back!


I smile and say hi.


Wish I could say it was only white people doing this to me lol


Especially old people ugh


For years, I have been stared at hard, mostly by little white children. Sometimes I try to be a little understanding, but then I think, "Have they REALLY never seen a black woman before?" It gets mad annoying and old.


Okay so im super gay and try not to stare but women are beautiful and im autistic so im bad at facial expressions so like....how do i...not look wierd about it....cuz reading this thread is making me rethink


I’m curious OP, what state do you live in?


I always speak to them when they stare. "Can I help you?" "What are you looking at?" "Did you need something?" and it tends to shut them up real quick lol


I stare back. If that doesn’t work I pull out my phone & pretend I’m taking a picture/recording. Always works & they get embarrassed & look away.


I always say Hi or flip them off depending on my mood lol


They want you to know they're judging you. They feel entitled. They want you to feel uncomfortable. I can't stand that so if someone wants to keep staring I'll make it plain clear i can see them and my judgy face is much better than theirs. I'd stop and state back until she looks away or we get on the bus. Whichever comes first.


I wish it was ok to stare in the black community. I’m black and I like staring people look interesting !


Grew up in Rhode Island with a lot of white folks. Ended up at Howard University. I was fascinated by folks and could people watch for hours. I realized that I saw black folks of all kindss. Sometimes I must have stared too long. I learned.




I don't know why I just never notice stuff like this


Me too😂 I have zero awareness about people around me.


I wonder why tiny noses and flowing hair are the beauty standard.


I never noticed. Good.


When I was a kid going out in public with my white mom, in a mostly white place, in the 90’s was hell. I have a complex because of the staring.


I stare back and when they don’t get the hint, I rest my head on my hand or give them a dead stare until they look away 😂