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Your post was removed for using incorrect flair, being low effort, and containing a username. A post ranting about a racist private message is not a discussion topic. The appropriate flair would be Vent About Racism. Usernames and information that could potentially identify a person needs to be censored.


lol these guys are so desperate. I think the tides are turning for sure, just not the way he thinks


The problem is, we don’t carry that much rage and hate towards white folks as they do us. It’s so weird.


We need to start speaking up more. I think we will get better results. Our words have power that’s why it rattles these people so much.


Our words, presence and success leaves them struck and in their feelings.


“Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.” Being hateful is bad for you. Don’t go low. Keep living in love and trust that GOD (if you are also a Believer) has the Plan! HE is the only One to be feared!! Not man.




Cognitive dissonance. They think of themselves as “good” yet enjoy the fruits of our oppression. This contradiction is subverted by thinking of us as less than human. Because a “good person” like them would never treat another human with such cruelty and disregard.


Imagine that your white mother threw rocks at Ruby Bridges and your white grandmother picnicked at lynchings for fun. Most people understand that only a horrible person could have done these kinds of things, but they also don’t want to think of their mom and grandma as evil people.  Instead of admitting that grandma is probably in hell they insist that racism is somehow both justified and practically nonexistent and that Black people are wrong for complaining about it. Racism is an inherent unavoidable part of being white in their minds so complaining about racism is “anti-white”.  They need therapy, but instead of getting it they screech about people who aren’t white online. 


😭 i can't stand when people do this and then they put so many swears and slurs together, that it sounds like a little kid getting angry. If you're gonna try and hurt me, be literate about it.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣That part.


Exactly can't take anything on Reddit seriously


Your avatar is so cute !!


It sounded like a 10 year old who just lost at their Roblox game. 😂


He's obviously in the right & more sane than you are. You can tell by his rational & composed argument that he has the upper hand 🤣🤣🤣 hope u reported!! 🧿🍀


10000 percent I did


lmao, unhinged. these racists need a life.


Hard er is diabolical


It’s the lynching part for me. Smdh


White ppl petrify me. Literally HUH?!!!?!😭😭😭😭


They petrify you but honestly not as much as we petrify them. Clearly.


This is absolutely unhinged,I hate Reddit lmao but just report his dumbass.


Girl I already did. The funny part is that I’m not angry. I’m chill about this really. More like wow ok???


They love to hide behind throw away accounts. I completely disregard these weirdos.


So disregarded.




You know I literally thought the same thing. I wish I could locate whatever post I responded to that incited this.




Back at ya Sis!!! I I think this post is comical every time I read it I think of some big fat bald dude living in flyover country sitting there with some wranglers on his belly out and a Pabst beer in his hand and trying to think of what dumb shit he can write 🤣🤣


Honestly, I could see it being a girl or a man 🤷🏽‍♀️ all of them are just as obsessed


Oh he’s a little off his rocker there lol. ![gif](giphy|QtqFUZa9QMCUKN9EQM|downsized)


10000 percent!


WTF???? Nope. Report, block ‼️


Done!! I think we should all report this fool.


They like to project. All that shit they said to you is how they feel about themselves deep down. They are truly pathetic. Lemme go and report them too, for good measure 😃


This is sick. He really made you a super villian in his lil head lol.. you winning!


We are all waiting. That’s the problem. we’ve been taking this shit ever since we came into this country and we’re still here


You deserve better. Sorry.


Lol "ayrap"?? Man can't even spell what he hates. Dead funny.


🙄 But we are all voting right? Because crazy dudes like that are definitely motivated to go vote for Trump.


LMAO bruh the tide ain't turning back, you're just in denial about getting swept under. Ignore. Block. Let them enjoy their misery and version of reality.


The only thing to do is pray for them. They are suffering from hatred. It’s like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die. This is truly sad. This is very irrational and highly intense anger to have for anyone ESPECIALLY someone you don’t know. I have been there (not as a racist) but this angry at someone and let me tell you it weighs heavy on your soul and only hurts you. Pray for people who have declared us their enemies, watch your backs Ladies and most of all Spread love like JESUS does!! 💕


Yeshuah also said that there was a time coming to take up your swords. We can pray for them and love them from afar and like Paul said, “shake the dust of your feet and keep it pushing,” when you’re in a place where you are unwelcome and do not cast your pearls before swine. Proverbs also says “do not make friends with an angry man. With an angry man do not go.” So we can spread love from a distance.😁


Correct! And I do agree, what I mean is I just can’t feel hatred for people at this level. It’s fruitless. However, I do believe in self-defense. I’m not a turn the other cheek type and I can and will be prepared to defend myself, IF I absolutely have to.




❤️We are on the same page my Sister/ Brother in Christ!! Amen!! ❤️


Though thanks to Evangelicals I no longer associate with the title of “Christian,” we are indeed on the same page.🤜🏿🤛🏾


I see what you mean, because, some people say they are Christians but act like they’ve never read a Word He said! Matthew 15:8-9.


I’m really sorry someone sent you this. This is just revolting


Report this weirdo and be glad you aren’t them. Continue being a beautiful Black woman and let them have an aneurysm over there 👉🏾


A few years ago some mentioned that we will be coming to a time when reality and timelines start to split. People that have done work on themselves or are less resistant to an ever-changing global community will have an easier time with the transition than people that are full of hatred and rigid in their beliefs. That's all this is, people getting left behind are screaming the loudest.


*Complains about racism against white people in the same sentence that he called you the n word* Hmm, yeah ignore this low life. Clearly a troll


Complaining about anti-white racism and then continues to be racist. 


I love how they moan about "anti white" racism while also doing shit like this.


Go ahead and share the screenshot, name and address all on the r/BlackPeopleComedy name and shame weekly thread. Black folks on social media deal with this shit so much, it's time we start airing out publicly who and what bullshit is being said. I hope that asshole stubs their toes while having to walk on a floor covered in Legos. I'm sorry you're enduring this. Also anti-white racism is a thing - maybe in Asia 🤣 (that fool is delulu).


They like to talk tough shit on the internet but bet they would never be on this type of time irl pussy ass


You didn’t do anything. This person is angry and living in a hell of their own making. It takes a lot of pain to be that vitriolic to a stranger no less. But that’s what hate ultimately does. It erodes the inner landscape of the hater. These people have been and always will be at the consequence of their own savagery. Racism is mental illness.


See, this is why you need to have a hi-fiber diet. This type of anger is likely due to extreme constipation and GI inflammation. These types of racist are comical to me. 😂 It’s the quiet ones who actually hold power I worry about. Not these weirdos who have a hate-filled, racist-rage kink they are trying to get off. This person is in a group for women being tough or whatever to the ladies. Get a job you racist incel!! 🤣


I am once again asking the members of this sub to stop posting vile and triggering racist content from random redditors without content warnings and spoilers.




Report and block immediately. Doesn't matter what you said, this was going to be his response regardless. He has so much hatred in his heart because the existence of non-white people threatens his white ego. I'm going to go ahead and preemptively block him on my end as well.


Things like this doesn’t surprise me or even make my jaw drop. Everything that could be terrible towards us has already happened. None of this offends me in any way. Words don’t hurt unless you let it. Must be a tide pod kid.


I've gotten hate mail too. They can suck it.


“Anti white racism” and then a Klan spiel lmao. They can’t even play the victim right. It’s hilarious.