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The russians soldiers from campaign looks pretty cool, i hope we have default faction soldiers like mw2019 and mw2022


The MW19 ones were fairly decent. Not only could you customise them to be more factionally accurate (like Spetsnaz soldiers when you’re playing as the Spetsnaz faction) but the default MilSims also changed appearance based on maps with MTP in woodland vs desert camo in Urzikstan maps. Something like that would be cool.


They are very cool indeed but I don't think they are Russians because they wear mainly American Gear like I saw Bump Helmets. Maybe they are Like Delta Force under the Shadow CIA payroll


Hardline Op40 with the Crow facepaint looked so cool.


They need to bring back facepaints again they were so good


I was so excited when a Woods skin looked like it was a call back, but they ruined it by giving him frosted tips in all variants.


I don't mind wacky skins, I just wish they'd also work on grounded skins as well, to me personally there's 90% wacky skins in MWIII and the other 10% are somewhat realistic


I don't wanna see them at all. I get that some people enjoy them, but for me it completely undermines any sense of immersion and totally goes against the artstyle. I get that CoD isn't a uber-tactical milsim, but it is still a \*military\* shooter, and the aesthetics should reflect that. I'd say they should give us a toggle, but the whole point is to use the skins as advertisements.... idk, knowing that within a few months every lobby will be full of teletubbies kills any interest I might have.


You don't want to see Godzilla gun down John Cena?


Agreed. I love some of the sillier skins like Beck’s Judge Dredd skin or Maxis’ corpse bride look but I also adore the realistic skin’s like Portnova’s Airborne skin or Adler’s marine skin.


ye for sure its actually crazy to me why you would even buy skins if its a first person game anyway


Thing is a lot of the time they do work on grounded skins, it’s just that nobody uses them


an immersion aesthetic filter in the settings would be so fire they still get their skins and shit and the people that want a grounded aesthetic again also get it


War thunder has this and it works great for people who only want to see things like Historical decals/camos, instead of anime decals and random body pillows on tanks.


yeah man i don’t see who it hurts, both sides of the playerbase are happy then


Hurts the poor, poor shareholders. If people can turn off all the anime skins, then there may be a 0.8% drop in sales from people who want to flex on you as glitterbomb Beyonce.


lmao facts


However war thunder also has its own economy so even if no one sees them, they are still worth a certain amount


Yea but if you buy skins exclusivelly to flex, it's just sad. People who do that clearly didn't get enough attention as kids so they need everyone else's attention. The only valid reason to buy skins is for yourself to look cool in game, also why else would you care about what other people think so much.


Ok but that's a problem with how people enjoy things, not how companies handle it. It's not like the company has any control over why people buy things. Companies simply adjust their model based on that. It's business


The whole point of the cosmetics is to make everyone else look at them.


Do you feel like you need other’s validation in order to use your wacky skins? Kinda pathetic.


I didn't say anything about me. I don't buy them. But half the reason they're so profitable is because people know other people will see that they have it.


You're right. That option will never be implemented because the whole point is for everyone to see your amazing skin making them feel left out so they then have the motivation to buy a skin to fit in.


except it’s not and if that’s your reason for buying them you’re a weirdo fr lol


It may not be the reason the person is buying them. But its marketing. Its the whole reason Activision won't ever give the filter. Person A sees Persons B-E on his team wearing cool skins. Person A feels left out, Person A buys a skin to fit in. Even more so among friends. And it may not work on you. But it 100% works in general. So yes in your proposal both groups win. Activision would earn less. While I don't give a fuck about Activion, Activision does, and they aren't gonna hurt their bottom line to keep happy the players that aren't even buying any MTX.


yeah but don’t you agree that the people who will turn on a filter like the one mentioned, aren’t interested in skins at all?


Or people who don't want to feel left out will turn it on so they dont feel the impulse to buy skins. Sure most the people who would turn it on aren't interested in skins. Activision will still never give it. Because their hope is that you either give in, or eventually see a skin on someone that you actually like. They don't care about the players who aren't spending money, at least they don't care beyond the initial purchase.


yeah i understand that, i just think it’s something cool they could add for players like me who like to be immersed, if there was another game like cod that had an actual military grounded aesthetic but cods arcade shooter gameplay i’d already be playing it but unfortunately there isn’t one. by like season 3 of every cod theres anime characters and all kinds of wacky skins running around with wacky blueprints and tracers that turn you into dumb shit and have wacky finishers and it just doesn’t feel fun anymore, it looks so stupid and childish that i just stop playing lmao


There's always other games.


tell me one game that has the arcade shooting gameplay of cod with a grounded military aesthetic on console lol


There's always other other games.


Okay so what you’re saying is that cod is giving you almost exactly what you want in a way that no other game seems to be able to and you’re butt hurt because someone has a wacky skin…?


I can’t believe you’re downvoted for this. I bet around less than one percent of “person a’s” would even know there’s a filter option.


there’s this weird side of the playerbase who wants their cosmetics validated by making other people see them instead of just enjoying them for themselves, i proposed a solution to please both sides of the community and they just get mad and downvote it lol they wouldn’t even know who has the setting turned on and who doesn’t


Would be a great feature if you could just turn off other players custom skins and your game perspective just shows you the default generic operator skins for all the other players. They did this with Oni in MW2 if you were PC or Xbox. They didn’t see Oni but a generic operator.


yeah that’s what i mean with the immersion filter, you would see generic operator skins, whatever generic version of the gun they’re using, no tracers and no wacky supernatural finishers. so basically no skins, no blueprints no tracers or anything else that doesn’t match the grounded aesthetic


They will never do that because the point of skins is for people to look at them


overall that’s not a very good marketing strategy as it isolates people like me who like to be immersed. it literally makes me stop playing the game lol


Right because you matter over an actual paying customer… come on bro lol


i buy the game and could potentially buy the battle passes or tacticool skins/blueprints, am i not a paying customer? lol


Trust me they got people buying all these goofy skins they aren’t going to listen to, you’re a paying customer sure but only coughing up 70 bucks for game and maybe a battle pass? You got people buying all these skins which are like 20 bucks each


Go play other games then.


they go play other games if immersion is what they want.


immersion in an arcade shooter 😂😭


you mean how cod was up until like 2015? 😂😭 people actually have PREFERENCES ?? 😂😭


2015 was a decade ago brotha find a different game if you want immersion lmfao


naa ima keep asking for an option to turn that shit off and play cod the way i wanna play lmfao


i feel like that could be kinda hard to program and annoying at reducing lag


i would agree but it’s already kind of in the game, the playstation exclusive operators and weapon skins appear as generic milsim operators and weapons to other console players


that actually might explain why i see much more milsims in cold war than i would expect. thanks for that!


cope and seethe, mald even.


Yeah but then they wouldn’t sell as many skins. No one is going to buy skins if they have no one to “show off to” that’s literally the entire point in a first person game cause you aren’t doing it for you to look at it 😂 idk personally I don’t care about the skins one way or the other. They don’t bother me idk why people get so worked up over it.


if you think about it for like 5 seconds, people who want to turn them off will never be interested in buying those types of skins. they can easily just make money off selling those "mil-sim" bundles like they always have.


They should absolutely make more “mil-sim” skins I didn’t say they shouldn’t. All I said is the people that do buy skins buy them as a “flex” to other people to show off. If everyone was going to see the same skin no matter what it would probably lower the amount of people buying skins. I personally don’t care about wacky skins or the mil-sim skins. I think they should put equal effort into both types to appease as many people possible. However I have a paid attention for the last 10 years and I realize the wacky skins sell more so they get more effort put to them. I personally don’t care about any skins at all people should be able to look like whatever they want. I honestly wish we’d go to a more “Halo style” and have an operator and customize them ourselves. It would be epic if we could upload a picture to the game and have it kind of resemble us like you can do in some sport games. Then we could buy armor or colors or whatever else to customize it. I know that won’t happen but I’d like it


These skins turn me off from playing entirely. I’ve stopped buying the game because of it. I feel like it could be beneficial for them to have it


That's not how it works. A major aspect of marketing is convincing people who would normally not buy something to buy it.


Not going to happen. Skins brings Activision too much money and majority of the player base enjoys wacky/colorful skins.


Obligatory yearly post about realistic factions 😂




We will continue until they listen 🤣🤣🤣


Or until they don’t 🤣


Same. Idk why they started all the bundle crap. Feels like its ruined cod


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you're in the extreme minority. Yeah it would be nice, but wacky skins sell like crazy.


Why can’t they keep skins but also just some basic factions too, to make it feel like an actual battle again?


I’d rather have wacky skins then the typical ass realistic skins




Not really. A small amount of people in the cod community actually buy them. You only ever really see battlepass skins or defaults. The cod community is large however so this small portion of the community makes them hella money. Most don’t care abt skins at all


All I ever see are wacky skins. I hardly ever see any realistic skins unless it’s in warzone. But playing multiplayer or zombies it’s nothing but the wacky skins. Idk why you think it’s a small minority. Unless you are only talking about Warzone


I don’t play mw3 so I can’t speak on that game. Only hardcore cod meat riders be playing cod rn. So it makes sense why your only seeing wacky skins.


😂😂 you are so pathetic it’s no longer funny just sad. Have a nice life I’m done wasting time on you 😂😂




Reddit doesn’t represent the whole of the cod community.


Play in any lobby. Half of the lobby will be unrealistic skins. Its not a minority. They probably aren't all spending a shit ton, but they're buying the wacky skins


No, the overwhelming majority likes fun skins




Do you seriously think Activision would sell fun and wacky skins if they knew that everybody hated them? Reddit is the only place I see people complaining about their realism, and it’s always hilarious because if you go in game you will see tons and tons of people using these wacky skins that they claim nobody likes.




They will always make whatever decisions leads them to profit, if they thought that adding a toggle to disable fun skins would lead to more profit, they would do it. It’s so obvious to even an idiot that adding an option to disable seeing skins would make less people want to buy them




It is what it is, I don’t mind the goofy skin as much as others though. I don’t buy them myself, but I do enjoy killing Nicki Minaj and others who waste their money in game lol so it doesn’t bother me.


It sounds like you’re the one that’s coping though. There’s a reason most games go towards the more unrealistic/crazy skins. You think casual players really care about how authentic looking their character is? Nah they’d rather goof around playing as 21 Savage or Nicki Minaj cause it’s funny. Why would they pick a generic camo when there’s an animated one that covers the whole gun? Besides it ain’t like CoD is a realistic mil sim


Agreed…. This franchise has quickly morphed into Fortnite aesthetics-wise


cuz they saw it worked.. But tbh i kinda liked what AW had.. individual pieces to make ur own characters But they went about it in such a weird way with supply drops and pay to twin guns


Yeah. It also struck a decent balance (super late with basically dead multiplayer… :( ) from what I’ve seen with realistic/believable uniforms and exo suits and goofy ones.


I was about to type some shit about how "but the fanbase doesn't want..." but obviously it does, and does so much that it's way too profitable to be ignored, when their objective is making money. I'm not their target audience any more. Ouch lol.


They was doing skins well before Fortnite released.


Not even close to the same extent they are now tho. No one believes they never sold skins before, it's that the skins now are too much. If you liked the old games like COD4 and BO, it's impossible to get the same feel now. When Godzilla steals the soul of Nicki Minaj, things might have gone too far.


I wish. Hot take: Ghosts had the best balance in terms of realistic skins and goofier ones. The Rangers were customizable, but with realistic gear, NODs, etc. Then they had some goofy skins you could buy, but also a HAZMAT suit character and others that weren't totally goofy either.


THANK you.


I definitely agree with this one. If they are going to do wacky skins at least make them cool.


I always loved how the perks would physically change your Character... I miss that


Yeah when cod was actually good No women operators . Good times


It all started with F2P P2W games where all players had some sort of military skins(mil-sim) however you can buy character skins that feature XP boosts, etc... so the game does not look boring where all people in the lobby are all the same mil sim skins with different camoes. I am not sure why COD inherited this idea as the game already had different skins based on the primary weapon which added diversity of player skin encounters. To be honnest I am no big fan of overuse milsim akins and more into arcady skin, the only issue is I see with the nicki minaj skin is its very sexist. I am ok with femme fatale skins like valeria or steiletto(MW2) that makes the game arcade and look more like famous movies (Transporter 2, Die Hard 4, etc...).


As long as they're not pay 2 win skins like that fucking groot I couldn't care less. The wackier the skin the easier you are to see.


It's been literally a decade since COD has been this now. Can we please get over it. It's time to move on.


"It's time to move on" 🤓


“Where are my milsim skins” 🤓


MW2019 had plenty of realistic skins, same with bocw. They existed alongside the stupid skins.


Yet people still cried about it the whole time


Yep, saw plenty of dorks cry because their skins weren’t “crazy enough” Ultra lame


Found the fortnite player


I’ve played COD since COD 4


is your first cod mw19 or what? cod been making skins like this for a while and maybe if you were old enough to play other cod games you would know😂


I started on cod 4 bro. I’ve played every single golden age cod. But sure buddy


i always wanted them to make subfactions like in the old games while still making them customizable. i get why they won't do it, people already complain about the characters they want not being playable about 50% of the time in mp, if they stuck with operators it'd be an even smaller chance because of the two factions being split even more in every map. i honestly think the game would be a lot better if they ditched operators and made bundles give different voice packs and heads and had a mix of the BO1/ghosts/AW type of soldier system


They put a snow themed mil-sim Ghost and Soap pack in the store recently and it’s amazing. So much better than the anime shit.


But how are they going to sell you $30 bundles????


They could sell us camos kinda like in bo2 or weapon variants considering that’s like 90% of the reason people buy bundles


as much as i don’t mind the wild cosmetics im with you on this. it would be cool and add more immersion into the warfare. kind of hard to take it serious when im killed my Nicki Minaj.


There is a flinch system, different attachments reduce flinch. It's even present in mw2 and 3. Immersive operator skins won't happen because the silly goofy character inserts make too much money.


I always thought it was cool to have different factions with uniforms and theme music and all that


FACTIONS? Where is that guy? Fix the fernback




I miss when multiplayer teams were multiple different specific groups with their own personality and background rather than just random people together for no apparent reason other than to kill other random people




That’s my one and only hope for BO6, I hate the totally immersion breaking, goofy ass skins they have in MW right now.


Legit, IMO the worst thing to come out of modern COD games is the operators and SBMM.


But more realistic factions don't sell as many operator skins. Activision/Treyarch: "We heard you loud and clear Call of Duty fans, we are are going to introduce Thomas the Tank Engine and Fortnite Spiderman on our 1st seasonal pass."


We get people saying this every year as if there aren’t plenty of realistic skins in the games that release. I’m pretty sure Treyarch have already said that they’ll be focusing on realistic skins at launch but will add wackier skins down the line. It’s a video game where you can bunnyhop and slide cancel, having unrealistic skins is really not that serious.


It’s not even just a matter of wanting to be immersed it’s the fact realistic soldiers help for better player ID. You can clearly tell who’s on your team and who’s not without the devs having to put super easy to see name cards that take away a large part of skill


They can easily separate skins into teams, making it easier to identify who is on your team without making the game “boring” for all the new gen players. For me personally, skins don’t mean much as I’m more of a gameplay guy than one who focuses on visuals. I do really love how the older cod games had set skins for each weapon type and I really do miss having lobbies full of quickscopimg players donned in ghillie suits.


but there literally aren't lol. Vanguard had exactly 0. Cold war had a handful at best.


Well that would take away from their precious cosmetic skin sales


Man I'd even be okay with it these days if they only made good looking milsim packs. But they don't, they either don't make milsim packs or the packs look like shit.


I wouldn’t mind the wacky stuff it they gave us milsim that looked exactly like images of real soldiers instead of the airsoft player operator skins


just a bunch of generic solderis a-z how boring


You are pretty much forgetting that it was Treyarch that introduced a heavy amount of wacky skins with Cold War. Mw19 did have a couple, but most of them were pretty grounded, but Treyarch came in and said "add masks and clowns in every bundle".


There should be an option do you want to see cat soap or MILSIM soap, you can choose in MP, war-zone etc. so when you play you see only mil sim or a mix or you don’t care. Also we should be able to rate teammates good- go for objective etc. Bad just camps never gets objective, this way the bad teammates can play together not getting objectives


I 100% agree


I’d love to have more realistic characters in multiplayer, like the old games and no microtransactions, hell I’d even love for the old season pass and DLC system to come back, it was fun being excited for a new DLC drop with a zombies map and new multiplayer maps, but that’s just me


Blue team vs red team 🙃


Sure hope so or I will not buy it. I'm going to wait a few months before I buy it too to make sure they don't start bringing in Taylor Swift this time


ye I wish there would be a skin toggle


So far I'm really loving the player models and characters shown in BO6.


I miss how your perks used to change how you looked, even before that it was effected by your primary weapon if I recall




man I don't get the hate on non mil Sim skins. cod hasn't been serious since like bo1.


Play battlefield then or just use the basic ones I don’t understand it lol. The wacky and crazy collabs is what sells. Personally I like enjoying the video game with that too.


Go look at what cod used to be. Cod used to be realistic and cool. Now it’s wacky. If cod wants to advertise there games as serious and realistic shooters then they should actually deliver on that fact. Cod is about war not soulless celebrity crossovers


Looking at what CoD was over a DECADE ago doesn’t make sense. Things change especially over the course of 10 years. It’s clearly not like that anymore. The “soulless celebrity crossovers” are what brings them the most money after the game releases so they are going to continue to do that. I don’t like most of the skins so I just don’t buy them I don’t go around screaming and crying about it though that’s just silly.


One thing I think many forget is these wacky operators aren’t just cosmetic but they effect gameplay. Player Id, and being able to tell who’s your teammates is more of a struggle nowadays since you can only rely on the name tags. And I’m bo1 you could tell at a glance what main perk someone was using, allowing you do properly deal with the situation. Also the wacky skins make the campaign feel pointless and unconnected. Ultimately it’s just my opinion not me “screaming and crying” lmao


I didn’t say you were screaming and crying. Just speaking in general, I don’t see why it’s such a big deal that people keep complaining about the skins. It’s been 10 years it’s not going to change people should accept that or just move on. It is truly that simple, it’s a video game no one’s life depends on it so it doesn’t matter.


Eh whatever. I personally prefer the original way of doing things and I personally feel those games play 1000% better then these new cods. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. But let’s agree to disagree I guess


I’m not disagreeing with you,in fact I agree with you. I just don’t see the point in complaining about something they aren’t going to change. I’ve accepted this is what Call of Duty is now, every game people hope it’ll be like the old ones but that’s never going to happen


I mainly posted to see if anyone else agrees with me but also I feel if we keep complaining about all the problems of modern cod maybe they’ll listen or maybe a new studio will create a true “cod killer” using these complaints people are giving.


We have a better chance at a new studio making a better game than Activision listening, they make way too much money to stop. Activision only care about profit not their players. Like I said I agree with you but I also feel that this complaint every year is just absurd. I mean hell it’s literally the definition of insanity, keep doing the same thing expecting a different result.


It’s not like I’m online 24/7 saying this stuff, hell I barely use Reddit. I just want to express my opinion with the hope some developer will see it lol, I wouldn’t say having an opinion is insanity


I wouldn’t mind the wacky skins as long as they don’t sideline and neglect the normal looking skins.


Indeed. For example, I don't mind having a "Britney Spears" skin as long as I can customize her to be in military gear or a different pop outfit. I want options. I don't buy skins and I don't plan to, but the above is just an example or a variation I'd like to have. That in addition to some nice black Ops style Mil Sim characters would be great.


That's the issue though. Black ops cold war barely had any realistic skins to begin with. By the end of the "seasons" they had a literal fucking neon ghost lmao it just doesn't stop.


Thats why i wont buy another cod i dont need these shitty skins keeping space in my hard drive.


Me too mate but it's never going to happen, nor is the option to alter between showing players operators or set faction skins, it's free advertisement for for the shop when the lobby sees the Lisan Al'Gaib get a collateral with his sparkle effect, animated sniper rifle blueprint. Cheers, to BO6. I would hope it's not a steaming pile of dogshit, but I've no hope to give 👍


lol noooooo I need Niki Minaj, shredder, 21 savage and a random gundam robot


I thought only IW fanboys liked realism. Don’t make this game look as boring as base game MW19




Bro started at bo4 ☠️ Treyarch used to be serious


Started on BO1, shit’s changed since then my man


Yeah, for the worse lmao. There’s no positive reason for wacky skins to be in the game


Since cosmetic bundles were introduced in Modern Warfare 2019 post launch maps that used to be paid became free, and post launch weapons that used to be tied to loot boxes became tied to free battle pass tiers (and challenges after their respective seasons). So you're wrong things have changed for the better and there are positive reasons for wacky skins to be in the game.


I don’t care abt wacky gun skins(the stuff people actually buy bundles for) I care about wacky operator skins because it genuinely hurts gameplay. If you look at the image I provided you’ll see that in OG black ops each faction had there own unique camo and colour scheme and each perk had its own outfit that was clearly identifiable. You could easily see who was on your team and what main perk they where using. Allowing for better gunfights and a reward to those who had greater game sence


I really miss this. I miss having a random character too. It helped reinforce that you’re just a grunt that’s probably going to die


Hot take, I don't think the military skins fit in the current Black Ops games, BO1, sure, it had more focus on the Vietnam war, but Cold War and BO6 are more themed around spies and secrecy with the whole Cold War thing and the 90s entering the information age. Operators as characters make perfect sense in the set-up those games are going for, whereas milsim ones end up looking more out of place in the colorful movie-esque maps with weapons that look as if they leapt straight off the factory line into your hands.


Thing is in bo1 a lot of those factions aren’t solders, op 40 and black ops wear mostly civilian looking clothes with military load bearing equipment and body armour. Milsims certainly fit more then Nikki, Messi and generic anime skins


Black ops operators maybe, but even then they're designed to read as very "military" with the vests and armor and noisy designs. This was never a comparison of milsims vs crossovers though, it's only fair to compare the base characters here, considering we're "going back" to realistic factions.


Are people actually hung up on this? I never cared what my character looked like. I just play the game lol