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Well, he made it very clear, even without actually saying it, that Ichigo is currently *useless* in potentially protecting Orihime. While he's still an experienced quincy. Kinda harsh, but it's a reality check Ichigo needed there. But yeah, still fun to watch 😁


Oh he actually says exactly this to Orihime right after Ichigo runs off but I still found it funny how excited she was only for him to pop up out of nowhere and crush it lol


Well, Ryuken crushed their sweet fantasies (Ichigo's of being a protector and a gentleman, especially where Orihime is concerned, and Orihime's of *being walked home by Ichigo*) with a hummer of dry reality. He generally isn't an overly nice person, no reason for him to suddenly start being nicer where those two are concerned 😂 Though him looking out for Ichigo earlier in the arc was nice on his part.


He probably sees Masaki every time he sees Ichigo's hair.


Yea my man really liked her




so he's snape From Harry Potter


He’s nice but he’s cold (literally me fr fr)


>he’s cold (literally me fr fr) Just put on a jacket then, duh!


Well dammit Jackie I can't change the weather


Lmao I misread and thought you called ryuken inexperienced and said damn this guy is probably Captain level what's bro smokin😭


Yeah, I'm pretty sure he's solid captain level. Like, even if we consider he was probably a bit stronger than Masaki and Masaki managed White which Isshin had major troubles with (ok, without the bankai, but still), and Isshin was a prominent captain. Quinces are rare in the verse (given most of them hid in Wandenreich anyway), but they seem to be more broken than the shinigami, especially Echt quincy. Like, Masaki and Ryuken were at the level they were while still high schoolers (possibly uni for Ryuken), for the shinigami it can take centuries to get to the same level.


>Like, even if we consider he was probably a bit stronger than Masaki and Masaki managed White which Isshin had major troubles with (ok, without the bankai, but still), and Isshin was a prominent captain. You forget that Isshin had to fight without causing too much damage, would have been much different if this wasn't an issue. >Quinces are rare in the verse (given most of them hid in Wandenreich anyway), but they seem to be more broken than the shinigami, especially Echt quincy. Like, Masaki and Ryuken were at the level they were while still high schoolers (possibly uni for Ryuken), for the shinigami it can take centuries to get to the same level. They had to survive somehow. And those that actually got together or managed small communities had the advantage of a supportive community. Soul Society has such a messed up hierarchy, I'd be surprised if their culture and policies hasn't resulted in several geniuses not being discovered


Captain level? I kinda dig his design and he was badass in a certain PSP game but did he ever fight? I can't remember for some reason.


He never fought. But Yes he is Captain Level. He one shot a group of Hollows going after his son at the start of the Arrancar Invasion BS. I think they were Arrancar as well? Not sure/Can't remember. Then he told his son "I know how you can get your powers back. But you have to promise me you won't help Seireitei anymore."


He would be dangerous with a Schrift lmao


He probably could clear half of the Sternritters *without* a Schrift, sure he'd be a menace with one. But his interest in joining could be described as not just zero, but negative 😂


"I know what your father is like Ichigo, neither of you can be trusted around light-haired bubbly young women."


except in this case it'd be Orihime who initiates everything if you know what I mean lol


To be fair, last time it was totally Masaki initiating it. She came around again and again until Isshin finally got the hint (since it was Masaki, maybe it wasn't a *hint*). Since neither Isshin nor Ichigo who takes after him seem to show any initiative in those matters. We seriously deserve a meme which goes "Defeating Aizen: relatively easy (with consequences)", "Defeating Yhwach: manageable", "Asking Inoue out: now *that's* a real challenge", given how much time each of those took him.


Yeah last time it was Masaki too.


Idk if it was Isshin not getting the hint vs not wanting to date a girl still in highschool lmao


She only came after she entered the uni, it was a few years later, before that they didn't even communicate, so that one is off in his case. But when she started coming around, it was her who came, and kept coming again and again, the way he told it. He didn't seek her out, she did 😁


Bro didn't have to become personal


I always liked to imagine this was just a hobby of Ryuuken's. Not for any nefarious purpose, just to troll Ichigo. Orihime watching Ichigo playing soccer, sparkling and glistening with sweat? Ryuuken shows up to effortlessly clown on him. Orihime needs walked home? Forget Ichigo's broke ass, Ryuuken has a *car*. Orihime forgot her textbook? Don't worry, Ryuuken has a spare. Why is he in their school? Who knows!


Now this needs to be made into a fanfic lmao. Ryuuken going out of his way to cockblock Ichigo is something I didn't know I needed 😭


As long as it doesn't go the NTR route this would be hilarious.


Oh it does, but not with orihime and ryuken, it's obviously with kon an rukia (a picture of her because kon is delusional) in front of renji (a picture of renji, because kon is, again, delusional) I wrote this out as a joke but this genuinely seems like kon activity...


Why is that yellow doll such a degenerate? Lmao


Ngl you had me in the first half


Ryuken said I didn't get laid at ur age so u ain't baby boy , save it for marriage 🙏


He over here saving thes kids from unplanned teenage pregnancies.


Five more freaking years until they properly started *dating*... Nah, those two are not in any danger of unplanned teenage pregnancies to the point when it gets ridiculous 😅😂


They were in danger of dying single together.


He's a real asset to the community 🙏


Man is doing God's work


Literally saving them from sin lmao


Dude told em to save room for Yhwach.


I think my favorite thing about Ryuken, Ichigo, and Uryu is that Ryuken forbid Uryu from talking to Soul Reapers but the sole reason he’s “allowed” to talk to Ichigo is because he’s a Quincy 10/10 comedy if u get past the superficial level


Wow bro Kubo is a mastermind shit is so deep😱😱


nah he was protecting Ichigo in case Orihime tried to jump his bones in a back alley lol


Tatsuki approves


lol man is salty still from Masaki era


From Quincy heaven masaki is pissed at ryuken for doing that!


Kinda wish there was a Quincy heaven😢. Imagine living while knowing that your mother got basically deleted from all planes of existence by a hollow.


Does this mean that she also disappeared? She and the other Quincy disappear when Yhwach disappears right?


She was killed by a hollow meaning she was erased even before Yhwach's disappearing. A hollow killing a Quincy means the Quincy is erased. And while Yhwach is dead, some Quincy actually survived from what I heard.


Ryuken——one of most responsible adults who has most of his shit together in Bleach ,but with catastrophic level of failure in communication with his own family.


Quincy Archer Hates You (Sr.)


Virgin Ichigo vs Chad Ryuken


Ryuken is still mad he got cucked.


He knew his son also liked her and knew uryu had no shot against Ichigo. He simply wanted to delay the inevitable


I know the answer is probably in CFYOW but why does Ryuken look so young? He looks a college student who just got really stressed out when doing his med school stuff so we got white hair.


He's a doctor. I just assumed he takes very good care of his health.


Bro some people in real life just age better than others lmao


I get that, but when you look like your son’s more successful older brother


Don't quincys age slowly like shinigamis ? Isshin aged because of human body but ryukken never had one (correct me if I'm wrong)


Quincies are humans so Ryuken has a body, 99% chance it's genes or he knows how to take care of his health as a doctor


Yhwach being a human is so insane


He's a special human


I didn’t even think about that tbh. You might have a point.


“in my car” lol that extra fuck you really hits


Ichigo turns sees Ryuken you son of a bitch


Dude is a G he can’t help it.


Cock blocking?, he Japanese he ain't gonna get down and dirty Ichigo way to timid and I've seen enough Japanese media they have an aneurism trying to say I love you.


Off topic, but what is up with Ryuken's chin lmao. This era of artstyle for Bleach was so weird man


tyukan said, "we got enough red heads around"


Surprised he didn’t spill coffee on him on the way by too


OH you Are his Son after all


Yea lol 😂


At least we know it’s cannon that he gets all dat ass eventually


Ryuken saves teenagers for unexpected pregnancy, what happens next will shock you


I’m an anime only (I know plz don’t crucify me) and I hope we see Ryuken bust out some moves in the future.


He can't help


I’m surprised iwao didn’t make a doujin out of this


His doujins about orihime are amazing




jus look at the top right


Which top right? I can't seem to understand this. Also why am I getting downvoted?


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I'm just new to reddit so that's why I asked it


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No worries, I didn't downvote you but yea that's why others did. You'll get the hang of it and don't be discouraged by downvotes people are actually chill here, they just didn't understand why you were asking here.


Thanks buddy. I set up my flair


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Yesterday I edited my flair three times but it keeps changing to none after sometime