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You're overthinking it. You're basically never going to get a perfect result on a round mesh, and that's okay. Don't sweat this tiny, tiny amount of stretching, it won't be noticable at all.


hmm... Are you sure I may be misremembering wrong but when I worked on Metahumans I imported them into Blender and I think I remember them being all blue but could be mistaken. What I am seeing though is the Unreal Engine 4 Mannequin and it does have stretched UV's so I may forgive the stretching in this case. I have bad OCD so I was making sure and may have to turn off the stretching in this case lol. Yes, I have worked in Blender before and this post may be a "Rookie" question but Ive only done tables, guns, swords and some but they are all squared and such with a bevel edge being the only rounded aspects to the models. This bulb is the only rounded thing I've ever done.


No metahuman UVs definitely have a lot more stretching than your example, it's inevitable on a complex mesh like a human body. Maybe the density checker wasn't displaying correctly or you're misremembering


You ask question, Moogieh answers honestly and logically. Why do you second guess it? Either accpet it or listen to somebody else. He is right, and yes... your OCD is screwin you over. You cant get perfect UVs unless you unwrap.something like a basic cube. Its not a blender thing its a 3d thing, its basic logc.


Apologies. Because he was the only commenter at the time (and didn't know his reputation either) I wasn't sure, but now that everybody is saying that a perfect sphere can't get all blue UV's and needs a little stretching im convinced this is the answer. Thanks for the clarification


You can't have no squash or stretch in uvs. You can actually get away with quite alot , create a checker image to observe the stretch amount rather on the object. Also remember to check your texil density Id actually say your object is too unwrapped . You want have as little seems as possible


Yeah I was trying to figure out the stretch but apparently some objects do have to stretch thats why the UV's are different color variations of blue. Your right, I may have too many seams


The seams are good if there are going to be visible panels/seams on that object, like a paper lantern but yeah generally less seams = better


It IS all blue.


Yes but not dark blue which was what I was aiming for but I see what you mean


The only way you can get perfect blue is if you lay every single face out individually on the grid.


Not quite. You can have strips of faces without distortion, as long as each face always has one or two neighbours.


No 4 faces can be together from a surface that doesn't share the same direction in space. But yes you can technically have 1 big uv island painstakingly sliced among certain faces to flow in a way each face osnt distorted but to do that without causing some island to overlap or separate entirely would be agonising.


Try to unwrap a ball. You can't. Same problem.


I just figured that out. Thanks


UVs look near perfect. They don't have to be perfect, just functional.


Even if you straighten the islands and it all turns a little more lighter blue, it's still no big deal : ) Cyan is where you should start to worry.


I’ll keep this in mind. Thanks