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Learn how to paint. Literally, its a painted texture.


They also do something where they have the base texture for everything and then paint over the viewport itself for particular shots to add more lighting detail, which is key to the look.


It's not only about that, the models themselves have that specific artistic style and pretty sure you could get similar look just by using something like Toon shader and making it semi-realistic. Found a [hair example](https://youtu.be/FXuReln3XD0?si=JIl15ZxrLOTC3ZOX). Ofc it would be much faster and easier if you're good at painting.


I doubt it's faster to paint this for all the shots rather than make toon shader setups for the entire production, but not the same output.


You're right, I totally forgot about reusing the materials meanwhile when painting you have to do it over and over again over all assets.


Yeah, it's definitely not faster. But as you said, output isn't the same. You really can't achieve this with a toon shader. And if you can THAT would take forever.


Nice tutorial, thanks for linking that. I learned some things. I like how he takes time to explain how things work with simple examples, and then builds the actual shader which looks great.


Ha! I literally said this in my head when I saw the post.


I watched a video on Arcane. One of the artist said. "People wanted to know how we got that look." They said "We paint."


Learn to paint, use map projections and have a team to do post process compositing. There isn't really a shader that does this but lighningboy studio has some tutorials on this style.


the animators said they manually painted the textures themselves


and shadows. Then textured for different environments and lights.


It is a lot of texture painting. But painting itself is not complex (note that i didn't say hard, the principle is simple, you still need skill to do that), but this style of animation breaks a lot of rules for traditional 3D animation. You might want to look into outline shader tutorials and grease pencil ones, not because *you will use them*, but because of the tricks and principles that complement the animation. You might also want to watch some videos on spider-verse or tbskyen analysis on the legends of runeterra cinematics, they all talk about shortcuts and using 2D images instead of 3D objects.


Looks painted, you can probably find some models from telltale games to study, they made heavy use of painted looking textures - Borderlands as well, both have much more line inking though.


Are those models on the inter-web?


Nop, theyre only on an abandoned hard drive hidden behind a dumpster in some random alleyway


They are! There's a lot of them on models-resource


Actually just watched a small video series on achieving this style: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gG7ZoP3fd1w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gG7ZoP3fd1w)


Except the skills required to paint like this is something that comes with time. There are a lot of 2d painting theory and skills involved that just like any other kind of drawing requires time to learn. OP seem to want a node setup to achieve it, which isn't going to happen to the degree they expect.


True, still requires some skilled hand painting. Hopefully it still points them in the right direction though!


People might not like the suggestion however, if it comes down to you doing the art and applying the style afterward, you can just take a sample of the window you are painting over to camera map, and then run it through an AI filter or something. This is one of those cases where, nobody "owns" the concept of a painted style, it isn't auomating an entire process, and the 3d artist is still doing a lot of the legwork. It's just not years of classical painting practice just to start a project. In fact I think Blender has it built-in.


This type of style is usually called painterly shaders when i see it, its not THAT hard to recreate but takes a bit to make it look good, im sure theres tutorials online if you search up blender painterly style/shader (theres also a tutorial specifically on how to make arcane styled hair on youtube, really accurate) The screenshots, (atleast arcane, not sure about the other one) are also handpainted most of the time, so thats that, but i personally never had the patience for it tbh


"LightningBoyStudio" on YT has two videos doing a deep dive into the styling and points for emulation. They showcase it on an earlier version of Blender, but they explain principles as well as methods.


These are a few videos that could help you get started. - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gG7ZoP3fd1w&pp=ygUXQXJjYW5lIHN0eWxlIGluIGJsZW5kZXI%3D - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=s8N00rjil_4&pp=ygUXQXJjYW5lIHN0eWxlIGluIGJsZW5kZXI%3D - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eNuToi3RfZU - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=o-lHNy0DoiQ&pp=ygUXQXJjYW5lIHN0eWxlIGluIGJsZW5kZXI%3D - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FXuReln3XD0&pp=ygUXQXJjYW5lIHN0eWxlIGluIGJsZW5kZXI%3D - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=k9jHNW56HXs&pp=ygUXQXJjYW5lIHN0eWxlIGluIGJsZW5kZXI%3D - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2MdYtdODWcY&pp=ygUXQXJjYW5lIHN0eWxlIGluIGJsZW5kZXI%3D


thank you for the links.


Although it's not all that go into such a look, but here are some tutorials that can help you achieve at least part of that effect: [https://youtu.be/WyxPN2HRaFk?si=A64p57eyRI9jL6U-](https://youtu.be/WyxPN2HRaFk?si=A64p57eyRI9jL6U-) [https://youtu.be/3RB\_imQ3pVU?si=d27twNs7ct2sVglP](https://youtu.be/3RB_imQ3pVU?si=d27twNs7ct2sVglP) [https://youtu.be/10kJdVW8qOs?si=9Sz\_YwfnmUojrCA3](https://youtu.be/10kJdVW8qOs?si=9Sz_YwfnmUojrCA3) [https://youtu.be/s8N00rjil\_4?si=STHhvT1KHf3QnEqz](https://youtu.be/s8N00rjil_4?si=STHhvT1KHf3QnEqz) [https://youtu.be/gG7ZoP3fd1w?si=PMpulrYFm5uqc9x9](https://youtu.be/gG7ZoP3fd1w?si=PMpulrYFm5uqc9x9) Plus, if I recall correctly, the Corridor Digital guys mentioned that some scenes were done with 2D paintings, just moved and warped to achieve a fake 3D or 2.5 look, something akin to what this creator is doing: [https://www.instagram.com/h\_ablankcanvas/?g=5](https://www.instagram.com/h_ablankcanvas/?g=5) – they are using a software called Spine 2D, but with the right tools, similar results can be achieved in After Effects, too. It comes down to art direction, the creators have some pretty serious knowledge and skills when it comes to painting, illustration, character design and so on :) Good luck, can't wait to see how your experiments turn out!


Matte painting and mastering 2D along with 3D animation.


The only way other than painting is to get *really* good with shader textures. Basically, using a series of noise textures, voronoi textures, gradient textures, etc. It's basically painting with procedural generation. You can make decent-looking stuff with it fairly easily, but once you go high level, it becomes exponentially more complicated.


OP. appears to be a bot. But for anyone else that wants to know, the proper technique is Camera Projection. However, there's another method using EBsynth that will get you 7/10ths of the way there with 1/10th the effort. EBsynth! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeMqx4OaVWE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeMqx4OaVWE) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERp5tMqQkwU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERp5tMqQkwU)


It's a camera mapped painted texture. There is a really good tutorial to doing it in Blender [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gG7ZoP3fd1w&t=465s)


https://youtu.be/s8N00rjil_4?si=IoKon5N1TtOCbRBU Tutorial on how to get a painted look


One Hundred Million Dollars and like 3 years.


To quote the artists from arcane; Interviewer; how do you get the painted look? Artist; (Chuckling) We paint!




People are saying learn how to paint, which is true. But if you want a quick and dirty way without ever learning fundamentals of painting, there are many tutorials on it on youtube. Search things like "Painterly style blender""Hand painted normal maps". Although these won't look as good as examples you posted, but they are okay enough for indie short. Also a tip: before asking questions like this you'd save time by doing your own research.


"Arcane tutorial in blender" is a good start. But, yes, as some commented, many parts of the style are actually hand-painted pieces of art. That is why it resonated so hard on the category.


[This](https://youtu.be/s8N00rjil_4?si=sVtTX0r_FRQ0pIAG) could help you.


Well there is a documentary on the making of Arcane which shows how they hand paint and then photocopy these textures onto meticulously crafted 3D models


Lightning Boy Studio made a tutorial on it. But in general you will want to practice digital painting because they paint their textures in Arcane for the style https://youtu.be/FXuReln3XD0?si=0zCNIW396R-UDHeg


Not sure but I think a material with high roughness and a really small amount of emission with all factors and textures hand painted should do the job


Seen this a while ago … https://youtu.be/zDkaZN-0Tr4?si=XgWZowOcd2cZ07ch




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It’s painted.


How to achieve [this look?](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQGVGQKe-q_9yYC3IOlaEEVKhoq8GDo1MHlmhaFQLoxhsXZWQYXmJN9UTcy&s=10)


It's hand-painted / stylized art style


As everyone else mentioned, the answer is paint. There are methods you can use to speed up your workflow though. One thing is not painting from scratch, but starting off by applying a diffuse base colour and ambient occlusion to your model and baking that to the diffuse map first. That will give you a base to work on. Modify that with painting tools to stylise it. The same base can also be modified in phototshop etc to form a base for the roughness maps. Another thing to try is a mix of painting onto the model directly, and importing the texture map into a 2d app with better painting brushes like krita. You will have more sophisticated paint, smudge, blur etc, and will be able to work at a higher resolution on the same hardware compared to 3d painting.


It's all painting 


Check 80.lv, they have covered some Blender add ons for a painterly look


https://preview.redd.it/0ct25h1sdx7d1.png?width=605&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68c715c134443e13ad6cbaaba7cb80edc179bd32 Begin with something like this. I just painted the main outline and then I started chaotically painting the details, it'll work out in the end.


Arcane was hand painted(projected textures thingy i think), not sure about LD&R but there's " watercolor shader " tutorial on youtube which seems to be case here since it looks similar


Those models are hand painted by professional artists, beyond just shaders and nodes. And in many cases each scene had uniquely painted surfaces to match eh lighting and scenes they were in. The different kinds of reflections and light colours.


Exist in 2021


There are few tutorials on YouTube, I saw those two Arcane characters + Ekko was it ? Those three have many tutorials on YouTube I think, look it up


Hand painted texture and an insane amount of compositing


Contact the artist that made it


About a year ago I made an attempt on that style myself! What I did was to carefully study the style through many reference pictures, then sculpt and model accordingly. I then made a low poly retopo and bake, since I wanted to make it optimized for games. Having a good bake was essential to be able to use nice lighting baked into the albedo texture itself! Then I used that as a base and like many others have said, just painted! I have learnt a lot about hand painting since, and know this is not perfect, but I hope it helps :) This is unlit by the way! [https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Za95D0](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Za95D0) https://preview.redd.it/3ejkhqvgmz7d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=888ac61bb1a201ed8fa682b9c434bda8080dd61f I found this tutorial super helpful to get started with hand painting: [https://www.artstation.com/learning/courses/9yq/3d-game-ready-model/chapters/yooN/hand-painting-the-character](https://www.artstation.com/learning/courses/9yq/3d-game-ready-model/chapters/yooN/hand-painting-the-character)


There some good info about what they did to achieve this style it's not really in depth but you can get an idea with what they discuss during their little break down. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XQRQR2Ne54](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XQRQR2Ne54)


The studio is called Fortiche, and until These crazy series came along they were under the impression it would be impossible to do a full length stuff due to time demands. This takes A LOT of work by large teams.


The blender youtube channel put out a pretty good talk on this topic [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRoOYfwgIPI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRoOYfwgIPI)


Look up or try to learn Cédric Peyravernay's style and techniques. Best way to get here.


You can have painterly effects by altering the normal maps of ur objects


Texture painting.


There’s a doc of the Making of arcane on youtube i think


To achieve this on your own, you need to know art fundamentals in and out, you need to understand lighting and perspective perfectly. You need amazing color theory. Beyond that all the technical skills like compositing and 3d modelling... Arcane is a feat that took many people. That said, I encourage you to go for it. Even just pick a part of it and start working.


Could handpaint yer normal maps :) https://youtu.be/s8N00rjil_4?si=N-jH72ITIoaCVuKH


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