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bloodborne, again, obviously.


At least 6-9 more times.


Nah, 20 times... Do something slightly different each time and focus on a different weapon and playstyle


what if i just run through wet nurse with the cleaver 2-3 times a night?


Sounds like a good idea, but does that count as beating it or dying and starting over?


i’m a hitless runner, i’m just being silly :)


Elden Ring is the newest and shiniest, has a lot of current hype too because of the recent DLC. Open world with quite a few quality of life changes that other FS games don't have. Dark Souls 3 I'd say is a good transition from BB to the other games. It's the one I personally first played after BB. Doesn't feel as dated as Dark Souls 1/2 and isn't as slow, and while it's bigger than BB, it's not open world like ER which may be overwhelming to some. If you're okay with the older games though, you can totally just play them all in chronological order. Sekiro is a very different beast from all the other games with its combat system and setting, but I do strongly recommend people play it at some point since it's such a slick package of a game.


This. Dark Souls 3 will be a seamless transition, and it has almost all the weapons and armor from Dark Souls 1 and 2 but with better gameplay and different and interesting bosses (not that DS1 and 2 have bad bosses but you know what I mean). Sekiro is amazing, one of the best games I ever played, but it is indeed a beast of its own, with very unique combat and setting. Havent played Elden Ring but I imagine it will be harder to come back to older titles after playing it.


I went BB to DS3 also then into DS1. I find when I went back to DS3 years later I appreciated DS3 so much more. Consider going BB to DS1R. It’s a dated game but a masterpiece so it holds up


Funny I did basically the same thing. BB to DS3, I then played the entire ds3 and DLC with a buddy on PC, we beat all of DS1R together, and now on DS2 together. Ds1 was a masterpiece. Not as hard as 3, but it's still very special and holds up well


Funny bacause I went from BB to DSR to ds2 to ds3 and out of the souls games the only one I have replayed is dsr because I liked it the most


Elden Ring became my favorite game and was my first soulslike. I went straight to DS1 after and was definitely a debby downer for about an hour or 2. By mid game I was contemplating whether I liked it more than Elden Ring lol Ds3 would be a smoother transition forsure, but I don’t think any Fromsoft game is a bad choice from here on out.


Def Elden ring, esp with the DLC. I think with the difficulty of the Bloodborne itll be good to jump into.


Dark souls remastered




Sekiro - best action game i've ever played in my life. Get ready for a tough learning curve but it is so rewarding once you figure the game out.


This is the only one I struggle with. I think I made it to lady butterfly and just... I just couldn't. I really want to give it another go


Yeah she is very tough. I put down the game twice for months before really learning it and beating it. Lady butterfly path is mostly optional for a long time. I’d recommend getting at least to raging bull before really trying her, maybe even going past bull and other side paths, perhaps to genichiro, before really trying lady butterfly. Use snap seeds and maybe a YouTube guide


One more thing that helped me a lot - think of it as a rhythm game where they get a turn to attack and you block/parry and then listen for the different sound parry to know it’s your turn to attack after you hear the correct parry noise


I've heard someone say that in the past. Listen for the rhythm and play it like that rather than a typical souls game. I think I'm up to raging bull in one path and lady butterfly in another. I couldn't quite tell which part of the game I was supposed to be progressing through. Because all the stuff that leads up to lady butterfly, that's a memory isn't it? It's been a couple of years, my memory might be a bit off


I played lady butterfly for a week straight my first sekiro play through. I’d work 5 12 hour shifts, come home, die to lady butterfly for 4 hours and do it again. My 2 days off I did it for 10 hours both days.  I skipped playing for 1 day, came back and 1 shot her.


That's fantastic I think I struggled with the progression of the game I think on the timeline for, I want to call it the present? I'm up to the raging bull, and in the memory I'm at lady butterfly But I couldn't work out how far you're supposed to progress down one track before doing something on the other. I'm gonna have to download it again and give it another go.


Eh not really similar to bloodborne though


The aggression during fights is still there tho so I’d say it’s not too much of a difference besides game mechanics. I played Sekiro after BB and I feel like the in your face battles from BB rlly helped me get used to the fast paced combat.


A second playthrough of bloodborne


You need to play it at least 2 more time as their is 3 endings


Elden ring is MASSIVE and the dlc is literally launching right now which is basically another game.


"Here we stand, feet planted in the earth, but might the cosmos be very near us, only just above our heads?" What a fucking masterpiece of a game honestly. Bloodborne is absolute art


If you have a PS5 I’d recommend Demon’s Souls. The game looks and runs amazingly well and the combat is very fun. It’s more akin to the Dark Souls series than Bloodborne but I hugely enjoyed my time with it.


You played the DLC, right?


Yes. That’s what made the game perfect for me


Best part of the game. Research Hall is my favorite level in any game.


Play them all


Depends on what you like about Bloodborne. If you like the world design/layout, as well as the story/lore, I think Dark Souls 1 is the closest match out of the rest of their games. If you like the combat, then I'd go to either Dark Souls 3, Sekiro, or Elden Ring, as the combat in those games feels the closest to Bloodborne. If you're just looking to play through all of them, and are just trying to figure out an order, I would highly suggest playing them in release order. DS1&2 feel painfully slow to play, so better to play them and then through the rest of them, so the pacing of the combat speeds up as you go


Armored Core 6. Trust me, it’ll scratch the Bloodborne itch.


Respectfully disagree. I really enjoyed AC6, but it scratched almost none of the same itches as the rest of From's (post-demons souls) games for me. Based purely on liking BB, it's waaaaaaaaay less safe a bet that he will like that versus liking ER or DS3. I think AC6 would be better kept as a palet cleanser for if he burns out on soulsborne games. And even then, in that scenario I'd 100% choose sekiro without hesitation.


AC6 heavily favors an aggressive dash heavy play style. Once you have the plasma blade it has moments where it feels very reminiscent of BB. Perhaps my eyes are yet to open. Perhaps I fear the old blood.


Bloodborne NG+


Returnal. Not a souls game, but very much a related feeling game. Challenging but fair. Very atmospheric, creepy and totally worth the grind.


What a fucking game.


I only asked that question once I had finished NG+ 76


How much harder did the game even get by then 😅


It caps at ng+7 so it would probably get easier after that


It's an addiction. After a couple dozen ng+ cycles I did one ng+ run for each weapon as well. Highly recommend doing a dual wield pistol only run. Use the Evelyn and then the transformed reiterpallasch. A lot of fun.


Ellen Ring. Dlc out tomorrow


elden ring, or replay bloodborne


Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne go hand in hand for me. You can feel the Bloodborne feeling through the enemies in DS3!


NG plus on Bloodborne, then after that Sekiro. I’ve only platinumed Bloodborne and Sekiro, because they’re the only games I’ve cared to. I think Sekiro might be my second favorite after Bloodborne. If not Sekiro then Dark Souls 1


Elden ring




DS3 is most similar to bloodborne imo, with Elden ring being a close second


Dark Souls 1 and 3 then Elden ring


Elden ring cuz of the dlc


Take this from someone who hated souls games, then beat Bloodborne 6 times in a row. Dark souls 3 will be the easiest transition into the series. Demons Souls or the remake are very slow. They just don't hit the mark and hold up like I thought they would, making them hard to go back to. Dark souls 1 is great but extremely slow, and more environmental souls then combat. You'll get screwed by cameras, poison, curse, and bad level design more then you will buy getting skill checked by bosses or enemies. Dark souls 2 is a great game in its own right, but it feels totally different compared to ANY souls title available. It can feel floaty, they added too many useless mechanics and throw away bosses, and everything does too much damage. Dark Souls 3 really peaked with its combat. It feels fast, smooth, and satisfying like Bloodborne, and it's also hella stylish compared to other souls titles. Dual wielding and 2 handing is viable in this game making for alot of fun builds. I'd like to comment on Elden Ring but honestly I really didn't enjoy it. If you want a really good soulslike that is close to Bloodborne, give Lies of P a shot. It is by far the best soulslike to not be made by fromsoft. It takes heavy inspiration from Bloodborne, and it has some of the most memorable bosses I've ever had the pleasure of slaying.


Dark souls 3 definitely does look the most interesting and appealing to me.


If you decide to play it, definitely get the DLC, it's worth every penny


Elden Ring took a lot of lessons from Bloodborne, namely bosses having follow-up attacks and attack variations.


Play Elden Ring and get the DLC


Play Elden Ring and get the DLC


Probably Sekiro or Dark Souls III. Sekiro if you want the aggressive intense combat from Bloodborne (but it doesn’t have builds really, and you are locked into a very focused, and deliberate, play style). That said, the combat is jacked up to an 11/10 on the intensity scale, and many people think it’s probably the greatest combat system ever developed by FS, myself included. This game is also their hardest game imo on a first playthrough, and my favorite FS game. Note that this game really does feel very much like its own thing compared to DS trilogy, Bloodborne, Demon Souls, and Elden Ring which are all quite similar in core concepts. Dark Souls III for build variety options and something that *feels* more like Bloodborne. It was the game developed after Bloodborne and a lot of Bloodbornes fast paced combat was baked into DSIII while also making it still feel like Dark Souls. There are references to the earlier games, however you definitely do not need to play the first 2 to enjoy DSIII since from isn’t particularly story heavy. All in all, you really can’t go wrong with going down the Fromsoft rabbit hole, but those two games are both good second games for someone that started with Bloodborne imo. Edit: Honorable mention to Lies of P. This is not a fromsoft game but it is the closest thing to a Fromsoft game from another developer and you might honestly believe it’s a FS game if someone told you. Lies of P is the closest thing we’ve ever gotten to Bloodborne 2. It has the rally mechanic, the same kind of art direction, and is just an absolutely incredible game. It was my 2023 game of the year and one of my favorite games I’ve played in years.


ds1 is and probably always be the best one to start with


Shadow of the erdtree slaps so hard


Bloodborne again to see the other endings


If you plan to play them all just do them in order if you have a ps5, Demons Souls Remake then Dark Souls Remastered. Once you have finished the series and Elden Ring checkout Sekiro and Nioh 1 & 2. *Edit* I should mention the 3 Dark Souls games have versions that come with all the dlcs included so make sure you get those. They are actually pretty cheap on Amazon.


"Just 1 play through?"


Dark Souls trilogy of course. Don’t jump into Elden Ring just yet, and save it for last. You will be able to appreciate it better.


The other playthroughs


Why, you should go for the platinum now. The dungeons seek communion, Good Hunter.


Elden ring dlc


Lies of P, while not a FromSoftware game, it’s literally a modern Bloodborne tribute and a very good one.


Dark Souls 3. Bloodborne was also my first From game, and I think DS3 was the perfect transition. It will play “slower”, not by too much, but it will help ease you into the other Dark Souls and Elden Ring. Sekiro is its own thing, but one could argue it has the best combat in any From game.


Replay for the other two endings, then replay for the DLC, then replay to try out different stat/weapon builds. Whilst your there, get your platinum trophy. Then replay for the return to Yharnam event each year. Then just replay for the shits and giggles. Then replay each time just to learn how to fuck Rom before she even gets to her stage 2 attacks. Seriously, fuck Rom.


Platinum Bloodborne and 100% the DLC if you haven't already


If you want something that has a similar speed in terms of combat then Sekiro for sure. If you want something else then I can only recommend DS3 since it’s the only souls game I have so far


Complete it again only using beast claw and runes :) And try one more time using broccoli head and tentacles. While claw is fun, noodle is difficult af.


Sekiro. Try Lies of P too


Dark souls 3 then elden ring


personally i recommend sekiro, as it has some similar aspects to bloodborne in its focus on parrying and high-paced combat, but it is VERY different to play with all the other mechanics and even just the style in which you play the game. elden ring is great, it can be easy to get lost in the open world and end up doing random things but that’s part of the fun of the game and tbh, all the things like spirit summons make the game a whole lot more accessible than others. dark souls 3 is also a good one to go for, it’s a much more natural gameplay experience than previous souls games so carries over some traits of bloodborne while maintaining the old school combat system. honourable mention to the demon’s souls remake if youre on ps5 tho, that thing holds up for damn sure.


Dark souls 3 without a question.


Lies of P


Get the bb plat and then maybe Elden ring


Start with DS1 and play them in chronological order - IMO, DS1 is much more fun if you play it with a Bloodborne-esque playstyle (i.e., dodging and rolling instead of tanking with a shield and armor), and you'll get a lot more enjoyment out of the sequels if you play DS1 first (there's a specific midgame area in DS3 that, if you've played DS1, will blow your mind) Edit: also, the game mechanics get more refined with each one, so playing them out of order would probably feel clunky and awkward




I like to do things in chronological order, so I am in the middle of my DS1 play through right now. Join me now and Praise the Sun! (-8




Dark Souls 3 or Elden Ring. With the new dlc coming out today, Elden Ring will have approx 200 hours of content.


my first playthrough took 270 hours. But I do enjoy aimlessly wandering




Replay Bloodborne, make a bunch of characters and try every build, try every weapon. A hoonter must hoont, try finger, but hole.


Darksouls 2 give it a go it gets plenty of hate thrown at it, but it's Software's second best game just behind Bloodborne.


Lies of P


Unironically Lies of P. It's on the same level of quality. When it comes to from soft games, I feel like they are all worth it and it depends on your taste. DS3 Sekiro elden ring, literally in any order.